Giuliani: "No domestic attacks under Bush"

Maybe it would make more sense if we had the full context of the statements. But then, what does that matter if you can make him look stupid without it?
Just saw that Giuliani said, on Larry King that the shoebomber Reid incident happened before 9/11. It happened 3 months after 9/11.
For someone who used to mention 9/11 in every sentence he uttered, he's doing a bad job of spinning it now.
Did he mention he was mayor during 9/11?

BTW, its obvious to everyone who isn't a partisan nut he meant after the big attacks of 9/11 and such, but gothchas never care about the obvious, they live in the literal world.

He's still wrong. He thought the shoe bomber was before 9/11 too. So either he has no idea what he's talking about, being dishonest, or both.
Just saw that Giuliani said, on Larry King that the shoebomber Reid incident happened before 9/11. It happened 3 months after 9/11.
For someone who used to mention 9/11 in every sentence he uttered, he's doing a bad job of spinning it now.
I saw that earlier today too. Mindboggling.
its obvious he misspoke

Course, when Rudy says something like this, it's "he misspoke." :lol:

Cons are falling over themselves trying to say that no attack happened under Bush's watch.

And they would be correct if you don't include:

9/11, the Shoe Bomber, the 2001 Anthrax Attacks, the 2002 attack at LAX, etc.

FYI: Rudy says Obama waited too long.

Protip: Obama released a statement three days after Christmas, Bush waited a whole 6 days. Plus, Bush just got up there to say "well the enemy is still out there,etc."
its obvious he misspoke

Course, when Rudy says something like this, it's "he misspoke." :lol:

Cons are falling over themselves trying to say that no attack happened under Bush's watch.

And they would be correct if you don't include:

9/11, the Shoe Bomber, the 2001 Anthrax Attacks, the 2002 attack at LAX, etc.

FYI: Rudy says Obama waited too long.

Protip: Obama released a statement three days after Christmas, Bush waited a whole 6 days. Plus, Bush just got up there to say "well the enemy is still out there,etc."

dumbass....guess who was mayor of NY on 9/11.....

the guy misspoke, but i wouldn't expect a hack like you understand that
dumbass....guess who was mayor of NY on 9/11.....

the guy misspoke, but i wouldn't expect a hack like you understand that

Of course I know Rudy was the mayor of NY on 9/11.

The guy can misspeak all he likes and say nothing happened AFTER 9/11 but he would STILL be wrong.
dumbass....guess who was mayor of NY on 9/11.....

the guy misspoke, but i wouldn't expect a hack like you understand that

Of course I know Rudy was the mayor of NY on 9/11.

The guy can misspeak all he likes and say nothing happened AFTER 9/11 but he would STILL be wrong.

hey captian obvious....who said he wasn't wrong :cuckoo:

do you need me to tell you what misspoke means? it means he was wrong....

i'll send you my bill
hey captian obvious....who said he wasn't wrong :cuckoo:

do you need me to tell you what misspoke means? it means he was wrong....

i'll send you my bill

If you're saying he misspoke you're saying he said the statement wrong but he may still be right. Rudy isn't right in any manner here.

Just sayin. :eusa_whistle:
hey captian obvious....who said he wasn't wrong :cuckoo:

do you need me to tell you what misspoke means? it means he was wrong....

i'll send you my bill

If you're saying he misspoke you're saying he said the statement wrong but he may still be right. Rudy isn't right in any manner here.

Just sayin. :eusa_whistle:

it means he was incorrect - incorrect means wrong

Just saw that Giuliani said, on Larry King that the shoebomber Reid incident happened before 9/11. It happened 3 months after 9/11.
For someone who used to mention 9/11 in every sentence he uttered, he's doing a bad job of spinning it now.
I saw that, too. Tomorrow he'll probably claim that 9/11 happened in 2000.

Methinks the guy is getting senile.

The best drag Rudy "Julie Anna" was on the bottom right. A little too masculine, but still pretty good.

Does anyone else see a "pattern" here?
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I saw that, too. Tomorrow he'll probably claim that 9/11 happened in 2000.

Methinks the guy is getting senile.

All the guy talks about is 9/11, can't expect him to know much else can you? :eusa_eh:
You probably don't remember what NYC was like before Rudy. Rudy's point is that the dems just don't get national security, they'd rather whine about terrorist rights. Napolitano is a moron who has zero national security experience, and it shows.
You probably don't remember what NYC was like before Rudy. Rudy's point is that the dems just don't get national security, they'd rather whine about terrorist rights. Napolitano is a moron who has zero national security experience, and it shows.

NYC was great before Rudy, it had character, he made it just like every where else.
You probably don't remember what NYC was like before Rudy. Rudy's point is that the dems just don't get national security, they'd rather whine about terrorist rights. Napolitano is a moron who has zero national security experience, and it shows.

I know all about Rudy. He was able to pull some strings to dodge the Vietnam War.

He was originally a Democrat, eventually became a Republican.

He told his wife he was leaving her in a press conference.

He spent his time before being Mayor prosecuting the Mob. He did a fine job of it, but as I believe even he stated, "the great thing about the mob is they keep giving you more chances."

However, Rudy came in at a time where the national trend for crime was going down. He did nothing amazing or special that makes me believe he's some great figure on National Security.

FYI: Rudy was one of the major figures who was downplaying the health effects that was going on after 9/11. Now, of course, thousands of people have died/are dying because of that.

To use wiki for a moment:

Giuliani initially downplayed the health effects arising from the September 11, 2001 attacks in the Financial District and lower Manhattan areas in the vicinity of the World Trade Center site.[117] He moved quickly to reopen Wall Street, and it was reopened on September 17. In the first month after the attacks, he said "The air quality is safe and acceptable."[118] However, in the weeks after the attacks, the United States Geological Survey identified hundreds of asbestos 'hot spots' of debris dust that remained on buildings. By the end of the month the USGS reported that the toxicity of the debris was akin to that of drain cleaner.[119] It would eventually be determined that a wide swath of lower Manhattan and Brooklyn had been heavily contaminated by highly caustic and toxic materials.[119][120] The city's health agencies, such as the Department of Environmental Protection, did not supervise or issue guidelines for the testing and cleanup of private buildings. Instead, the city left this responsibility to building owners.[119]

Giuliani took control away from agencies such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Army Corps of Engineers and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, leaving the "largely unknown" city Department of Design and Construction in charge of recovery and cleanup. Documents indicate that the Giuliani administration never enforced federal requirements requiring the wearing of respirators. Concurrently, the administration threatened companies with dismissal if cleanup work slowed.[121][122] In June 2007, Christie Todd Whitman, former Republican Governor of New Jersey and director of the Environmental Protection Agency, reportedly stated that the EPA had pushed for workers at the WTC site to wear respirators but that she had been blocked by Giuliani. She stated that she believed that the subsequent lung disease and deaths suffered by WTC responders were a result of these actions.[123] However, former deputy mayor Joe Lhota, then with the Giuliani campaign, replied, "All workers at Ground Zero were instructed repeatedly to wear their respirators."[124]

Giuliani asked the city's Congressional delegation to limit the city's liability for Ground Zero illnesses be limited to a total of $350 million. Two years after Giuliani finished his term, FEMA appropriated $1 billion to a special insurance fund, called the World Trade Center Captive Insurance Company, to protect the city against 9/11 lawsuits.[125]

In February 2007, the International Association of Fire Fighters issued a letter asserting that Giuliani rushed to conclude the recovery effort once gold and silver had been recovered from World Trade Center vaults and thereby prevented the remains of many victims from being recovered: "Mayor Giuliani's actions meant that fire fighters and citizens who perished would either remain buried at Ground Zero forever, with no closure for families, or be removed like garbage and deposited at the Fresh Kills Landfill", it said, adding: "Hundreds remained entombed in Ground Zero when Giuliani gave up on them."[126] Lawyers for the International Association of Fire Fighters seek to interview Giuliani under oath as part of a federal legal action alleging that New York City negligently dumped body parts and other human remains in the Fresh Kills Landfill.[127]

Now remind me again why I should trust the words of such scum like him?
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You probably don't remember what NYC was like before Rudy. Rudy's point is that the dems just don't get national security, they'd rather whine about terrorist rights. Napolitano is a moron who has zero national security experience, and it shows.

NYC was great before Rudy, it had character, he made it just like every where else.
It had graffiti everywhere, too.

Much of a doorknob Ghouliani is, you have to give him props for cleaning up that bloody eyesore.
Sad, but this will probably become part of the republican popular mythology. (i.e. Saddam had WMD's and shipped them off to Syria. Saddam had Al Quiada links) My republican acquitances still call me a moron for believing there were no WMD's.

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