Giuliani: ‘Over my dead body’ will Mueller interview Trump

What’s the old gop mantra when they back law enforcement spying? “If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about .”

when the patriot act was passed, that is exactly what they said.
Its all over libs but your shouting....the investigation has failed to bring down Trump so all you have left it crying and shouting....Trump will be your president for 6 more years...get used to it...

'With a number of probes moving closer to the Oval Office, President Donald Trump and his attorney unleased a fresh series of attacks Sunday on the investigators, questioning their integrity while categorically ruling out the possibility of a presidential interview with the special counsel.

Trump and Rudy Giuliani used Twitter and television interviews to deliver a series of broadsides against special counsel Robert Mueller and federal prosecutors in New York. Giuliani said he was “disgusted” by the tactics used by Mueller in his probe into Russian election interference, including in securing guilty pleas from the president’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn on a charge of lying to federal investigators.

Trump, Giuliani said, would not submit to an interview by Mueller’s team.

“They’re a joke,” Giuliani told “Fox News Sunday.” ″Over my dead body, but, you know, I could be dead.”

The special counsel, who is investigating possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, has continued to request an interview with the president. Last month, the White House sent written answers in response to the special counsel’s questions about possible collusion. The White House has resisted answering questions on possible obstruction of justice.'

Giuliani: 'Over my dead body' will Mueller interview Trump

In other words: 'Over my dead career will I let you interview my client. Because if he agrees to an interview - for CERTAIN he will perjure himself. He simply fabricates far too much and does not know when to shut up - even for his own good.'
Mueller was caught red-handed destroying I think it's time to end this shit and investigate the Mueller Team.

lenny, lenny, lenny.... if you are talking bout the texts between strzok & page, then you haven't heard that they recovered them months ago AND the justice dept IG said it was a computer glitch, not any nefarious doings like you want.

'With a number of probes moving closer to the Oval Office, President Donald Trump and his attorney unleased a fresh series of attacks Sunday on the investigators, questioning their integrity while categorically ruling out the possibility of a presidential interview with the special counsel.

Trump and Rudy Giuliani used Twitter and television interviews to deliver a series of broadsides against special counsel Robert Mueller and federal prosecutors in New York. Giuliani said he was “disgusted” by the tactics used by Mueller in his probe into Russian election interference, including in securing guilty pleas from the president’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn on a charge of lying to federal investigators.

Trump, Giuliani said, would not submit to an interview by Mueller’s team.

“They’re a joke,” Giuliani told “Fox News Sunday.” ″Over my dead body, but, you know, I could be dead.”

The special counsel, who is investigating possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, has continued to request an interview with the president. Last month, the White House sent written answers in response to the special counsel’s questions about possible collusion. The White House has resisted answering questions on possible obstruction of justice.'

Giuliani: 'Over my dead body' will Mueller interview Trump

In other words: 'Over my dead career will I let you interview my client. Because if he agrees to an interview - for CERTAIN he will perjure himself. He simply fabricates far too much and does not know when to shut up - even for his own good.'
Mueller is a fraud... End of story

If Mueller's a fraud with his sterling reputation of military heroism and public service, what does that make Trump? :21:
Mueller is a partisan fool...

uh- he's a (R) appointed by a (R) that was appointed by trump.
'With a number of probes moving closer to the Oval Office, President Donald Trump and his attorney unleased a fresh series of attacks Sunday on the investigators, questioning their integrity while categorically ruling out the possibility of a presidential interview with the special counsel.

Trump and Rudy Giuliani used Twitter and television interviews to deliver a series of broadsides against special counsel Robert Mueller and federal prosecutors in New York. Giuliani said he was “disgusted” by the tactics used by Mueller in his probe into Russian election interference, including in securing guilty pleas from the president’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn on a charge of lying to federal investigators.

Trump, Giuliani said, would not submit to an interview by Mueller’s team.

“They’re a joke,” Giuliani told “Fox News Sunday.” ″Over my dead body, but, you know, I could be dead.”

The special counsel, who is investigating possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, has continued to request an interview with the president. Last month, the White House sent written answers in response to the special counsel’s questions about possible collusion. The White House has resisted answering questions on possible obstruction of justice.'

Giuliani: 'Over my dead body' will Mueller interview Trump

In other words: 'Over my dead career will I let you interview my client. Because if he agrees to an interview - for CERTAIN he will perjure himself. He simply fabricates far too much and does not know when to shut up - even for his own good.'

What is Trump afraid of?

Everything, his whole life!

He has to be scared to death since everything is being investigated connected to him including the KIDS! Even Melania might be in trouble concerning overcharges for the Inaugural Party! Don. Jr. might be in the most vulnerable position since everyone knows he lied about the Russian meeting at Trump Tower! :19: :21: :abgg2q.jpg: :5_1_12024:

Criminal families eventually fall! If dumber would have stayed out of the bright lights he would have never been exposed to be as shady as he truly seems to be. But his ego, as always got the best of him!

mueller put the screws to gotti & sammy the bull.
'With a number of probes moving closer to the Oval Office, President Donald Trump and his attorney unleased a fresh series of attacks Sunday on the investigators, questioning their integrity while categorically ruling out the possibility of a presidential interview with the special counsel.

Trump and Rudy Giuliani used Twitter and television interviews to deliver a series of broadsides against special counsel Robert Mueller and federal prosecutors in New York. Giuliani said he was “disgusted” by the tactics used by Mueller in his probe into Russian election interference, including in securing guilty pleas from the president’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn on a charge of lying to federal investigators.

Trump, Giuliani said, would not submit to an interview by Mueller’s team.

“They’re a joke,” Giuliani told “Fox News Sunday.” ″Over my dead body, but, you know, I could be dead.”

The special counsel, who is investigating possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, has continued to request an interview with the president. Last month, the White House sent written answers in response to the special counsel’s questions about possible collusion. The White House has resisted answering questions on possible obstruction of justice.'

Giuliani: 'Over my dead body' will Mueller interview Trump

In other words: 'Over my dead career will I let you interview my client. Because if he agrees to an interview - for CERTAIN he will perjure himself. He simply fabricates far too much and does not know when to shut up - even for his own good.'

What is Trump afraid of?

Everything, his whole life!

He has to be scared to death since everything is being investigated connected to him including the KIDS! Even Melania might be in trouble concerning overcharges for the Inaugural Party! Don. Jr. might be in the most vulnerable position since everyone knows he lied about the Russian meeting at Trump Tower! :19: :21: :abgg2q.jpg: :5_1_12024:

Criminal families eventually fall! If dumber would have stayed out of the bright lights he would have never been exposed to be as shady as he truly seems to be. But his ego, as always got the best of him!

mueller put the screws to gotti & sammy the bull.

Yup, now he has a far worse criminal family to investigate!
Weird how all the bluster about Drumpf not being afraid to sit down with Mueller has evaporated and turned into full blown panic over the prospect.

Only thing weird is your brain and those like it. Unlike you, Trump and Giuliani recognize the FBI has nothing, but can create a case simply through an interview. You know, "you said it occurred in June, but it was really January so you lied and will be prosecuted".

Progressives don't care about truth. What matters is how they feel, because they're spineless and dishonest.
Its all over libs but your shouting....the investigation has failed to bring down Trump so all you have left it crying and shouting....Trump will be your president for 6 more years...get used to it...

/----/ Big deal.
View attachment 235196

/----/ Here we go again ....... like a broken record.....
View attachment 235197

'tis you who is broken.
What is Trump afraid of?

Everything, his whole life!

He has to be scared to death since everything is being investigated connected to him including the KIDS! Even Melania might be in trouble concerning overcharges for the Inaugural Party! Don. Jr. might be in the most vulnerable position since everyone knows he lied about the Russian meeting at Trump Tower! :19: :21: :abgg2q.jpg: :5_1_12024:

Criminal families eventually fall! If dumber would have stayed out of the bright lights he would have never been exposed to be as shady as he truly seems to be. But his ego, as always got the best of him!

mueller put the screws to gotti & sammy the bull.

Yup, now he has a far worse criminal family to investigate!

& part of his team includes prosecutors from watergate & enron.....
the NSA team had a remarkable penetration of it own...through secret implants (the software equivalent to a Trojan Horse) the Americans were able to monitor Russian computers and see their every move in advance, as if watching them wheel new weapons into position before firing.

this advantage proved decisive later on!

this battle is the online equivalent of hand-to-hand combat and a game changer unlike any the NSA had ever waged
"it would turn out that the FBI's internal deliberations were so slow that by the time the FBI agent had permission to pass along one IP address, the Russians had move to another" - Washington Post

the FBI's failure to contact a single DNC official would later be deemed by the DNC to be an unfathomable lapse

"but by then it was already too late. critical opportunities to contain the damage had been squandered both by FBI agents who took too long to get to the DNC help desk and by DNC staff who thought it was a prank or hoax"
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Weird how all the bluster about Drumpf not being afraid to sit down with Mueller has evaporated and turned into full blown panic over the prospect.

Only thing weird is your brain and those like it. Unlike you, Trump and Giuliani recognize the FBI has nothing, but can create a case simply through an interview. You know, "you said it occurred in June, but it was really January so you lied and will be prosecuted".

Progressives don't care about truth. What matters is how they feel, because they're spineless and dishonest.
All that shit Drumpf talked and now he is afraid to sit down with someone that has nothing? Here is a great suggestion. Prove he has nothing by sitting down with Mueller. I bet Drumpf and you are frightened of that happening. :rolleyes:
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Trump did collude with Russia, but it was due to inexperience not criminal intent. we should absolve him!
Trump did collude with Russia, but it was due to inexperience not criminal intent. we should absolve him!

It would be different if Trump actually reformed and started acting like an adult, but that isn't the case! He went on a 10 page Tweet rant yesterday reviving his greatest hits about "a hoax, a witch hunt, & fake news!" His base is barely holding together with 62% on polls saying he's lying about the Russian collusion! He's a petulant child that thinks he can wait it out and it'll all be forgotten like all his other past transgressions! He's a fool and should just go ahead and fess up so the country can move on, but that isn't about to happen! :aargh: :321: :2cents:
'With a number of probes moving closer to the Oval Office, President Donald Trump and his attorney unleased a fresh series of attacks Sunday on the investigators, questioning their integrity while categorically ruling out the possibility of a presidential interview with the special counsel.

Trump and Rudy Giuliani used Twitter and television interviews to deliver a series of broadsides against special counsel Robert Mueller and federal prosecutors in New York. Giuliani said he was “disgusted” by the tactics used by Mueller in his probe into Russian election interference, including in securing guilty pleas from the president’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn on a charge of lying to federal investigators.

Trump, Giuliani said, would not submit to an interview by Mueller’s team.

“They’re a joke,” Giuliani told “Fox News Sunday.” ″Over my dead body, but, you know, I could be dead.”

The special counsel, who is investigating possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, has continued to request an interview with the president. Last month, the White House sent written answers in response to the special counsel’s questions about possible collusion. The White House has resisted answering questions on possible obstruction of justice.'

Giuliani: 'Over my dead body' will Mueller interview Trump

In other words: 'Over my dead career will I let you interview my client. Because if he agrees to an interview - for CERTAIN he will perjure himself. He simply fabricates far too much and does not know when to shut up - even for his own good.'
He was America’s Mayor— now he’s assclown #2– that’s his legacy.

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