Giuliani Revealing HUGE Money Laundering Operation Involving Bidens, Burisma Prosecutor Poisoned

Did they say that Biden ordered them to push for Shokin’s firing?

I do not care what left wing liars not under oath SAY.

I care what they do....

What did Quid Pro Joe do?

HE got the prosecutor fired by holding up foreign aid so that his KICKBACK SCHEME with Hunter would not get busted.....

So you’re just going to ignore exculpatory testimony?

will you ignore physical evidence of an attempted coup from the Durham investigation ??


you guys have been getting hysterical again.
Feel free to point to anything I made up.


The idea that Obama personally requested the investigation into Trump's campaign.

Provide that quote please.

i'm not setting anything. i'm just an observer in all this.

however, in that light, the dems are setting a dangerous standard in which we interpret what the next Dem president says as to what we WANT it to be, reject any effort of them saying what they mean, and go straight to IMPEACH.

cause that's next.

and obama did - it was RUSSIA for 2+ years.

Obama didn't order any investigation into Trump's campaign. If you think I'm wrong, please provide any evidence that was the case.

It's in the Strozk, Page texts. He wanted to know everything they were doing.


right here.

Poor little commie, saying maobama wanted to be kept apprised, isn't claiming he ordered a damn thing, it just says he was aware. Perhaps your ESL teacher could explain it to ya.


You’re making assumptions.

Page told Strozk "pouts wants to know everything we're doing". Am I?

The DOJ IG report points to intentional misrepresentation of material facts to the FISA court, that is perjury and criminal. Comey signed at least 2 of those applications saying all the representations were factual and accurate. They weren't, and he knew it. When he told Trump that the Steele Dossier was salacious and unverified, he had already signed the first warrant application that included the dossier, claiming it was verified.


They weren't, and he knew it.
This is inaccurate. The statement does not indicate the dossier was verified.
When he told Trump that the Steele Dossier was salacious and unverified
He told Trump that the portions of the dossier were salacious and unverified. Not the entire thing.

Read the damn application, it says it was verified.

Document: Justice Department Releases Carter Page FISA Application


I know. I have. This is a good article explaining the difference.

A Note on FISA "Verification" - Just Security

Too damn funny that you would post that crap after it has been completely debunked by the DOJ IG report. Horowitz proved that the Woods procedures were not followed, and intentional misrepresentations were included in the applications.


It’s fair to point out faults in the application. It’s not fair to claim Comey believed the dossier was verified.

He didn't believe it, yet he incorporated it in the application anyway. That's a crime.

The idea that Obama personally requested the investigation into Trump's campaign.

Provide that quote please.

Obama didn't order any investigation into Trump's campaign. If you think I'm wrong, please provide any evidence that was the case.

It's in the Strozk, Page texts. He wanted to know everything they were doing.


right here.

Poor little commie, saying maobama wanted to be kept apprised, isn't claiming he ordered a damn thing, it just says he was aware. Perhaps your ESL teacher could explain it to ya.


You’re making assumptions.

Page told Strozk "pouts wants to know everything we're doing". Am I?

You sure are. Does Strzok state he’s referring specifically to the Trump campaign investigation?
This is inaccurate. The statement does not indicate the dossier was verified.
He told Trump that the portions of the dossier were salacious and unverified. Not the entire thing.

Read the damn application, it says it was verified.

Document: Justice Department Releases Carter Page FISA Application


I know. I have. This is a good article explaining the difference.

A Note on FISA "Verification" - Just Security

Too damn funny that you would post that crap after it has been completely debunked by the DOJ IG report. Horowitz proved that the Woods procedures were not followed, and intentional misrepresentations were included in the applications.


It’s fair to point out faults in the application. It’s not fair to claim Comey believed the dossier was verified.

He didn't believe it, yet he incorporated it in the application anyway. That's a crime.

Where does he say he didn’t believe it?
Cocksucker Obama was behind the entire thing, and still remains HIDDEN IN THE CLOSET as Comey and the rest get outed as completely treasonous liars....
Provide that quote please.

It's in the Strozk, Page texts. He wanted to know everything they were doing.


right here.

Poor little commie, saying maobama wanted to be kept apprised, isn't claiming he ordered a damn thing, it just says he was aware. Perhaps your ESL teacher could explain it to ya.


You’re making assumptions.

Page told Strozk "pouts wants to know everything we're doing". Am I?

You sure are. Does Strzok state he’s referring specifically to the Trump campaign investigation?

The fact is maobama kept his fingers in everything, he claimed he kept his distance form ongoing investigations, he lied.

The question strangely absent from all the dialogue on Trump and Impeachment is the question of Alexandra Chalupa. The question is did Ukraine meddle in the 2016 election as well as Russia? Just the contact between the Ukrainian government and DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa, never mind the other evidence, suggests that, at the very least, it's worth investigating.

GOP senators want to question two officials about Ukrainian election interference
GOP senators dig deeper into Ukraine election meddling theory

Democrats are curiously uninterested, if not obstinately resistant to even breaching this topic for a group of people so dedicated to truth, justice and the American Way. Don't you just love how the Democrats are obsessed about "getting to the bottom" of election meddling except when the light shines onto their own front stoop? The IG report literally just confirmed that Hillary Clinton didn't just invite foreign meddling in the 2016 elections; she paid for it. Then her team pushed Russian lies to the FBI. And stand by for the Democrats to totally blow off the anti-Trump meddling by China in 2020 -- there is no doubt that's in the works right now.

As for the Biden thing, the Democrats talk as if the only possible description of Joe Biden is "Donald Trump's political rival." How about this description: Former vice president who controlled U.S.- Ukraine policy while billions of taxpayer dollars went to the Ukraine energy industry, which was paying his son at the time? Yeah, I think most Americans would agree that's worth investigating. Except the Democrats.

The country is turning against the Democrats and they know it. That's why they just want to get impeachment over with quickly. Well, not so fast. Make them pay for what they've done to this president and this country. Make it hurt by making it last. According to Nadler: "President Trump eagerly does business with corrupt governments every day." Doing business with corrupt governments is now grounds for impeachment? So why didn't you impeach Obama, who did business with Russia? What about Nancy Pelosi, who did business with Ukraine? Or Nadler himself, who did business with Somalia? Aren't these all corrupt governments?

The arrogance of the Democrats is only exceeded by their sanctimonious grandstanding as they wave the American flag before their media cameras just after spending 8 years walking all over it.

Nadler: "It's uncontested. There can be no serious debate about what President Trump did."
  • The matter has been hotly debated for three months now, with the Dems simply denying or dismissing all challenges rather than disproving them because they literally have nothing.
  • Even the Democrats' own witnesses couldn't agree about the president's phone call.
  • Republicans totally disagree with the Democrats' interpretation of it.
And what of the original charges?
  1. Bribery -- gone.
  2. Extortion -- gone.
  3. Obstruction of justice -- gone. These are all things that like the Mueller charges, we were all told they had air-tight proof of. Now all gone.
Make them pay for what they've done to this president and this country. Make it hurt by making it last. Once this gets to the Senate, let's get their dirty secrets out there.
  • Call Joe Biden,
  • Call Hunter Biden,
  • Call the whistleblower.
  • Call John Kerry and the Democratic senators who are up to their necks in the Ukraine cash-for-gas corruption scandal. Ed Markey, Jeanne Shaheen, Richard Blumenthal -- call them all. "Get to the bottom of it," as the Democrats constantly say.
Through this all, President Trump has managed to deliver not just many of his promises, but a record which on policy substance adds up to one of the most successful presidencies in history.
  1. Great job numbers,
  2. Giant trade deals,
  3. Help for working families.
Over the last three years, we have:
  • unemployment falling,
  • earnings rising,
  • criminal justice reform,
  • reviving the heartland,
  • energy independence,
  • manufacturing resilience.
  • illegal immigration coming down,
  • the wall going up,
  • China confronted,
  • the caliphate defeated,
  • NAFTA renegotiated,
  • our military rebuilt,
  • NATO paying more,
  • regulations costing less,
  • conservative judges appointed,
  • campus free speech defended,
  • drug prices down,
  • family leave up.
  • training places for 14 million.
  • child tax credits for 40 million,
  • tax cuts for 100 million
  • and a booming economy for everyone.
In the end, this is why they're impeaching him. They hate the president. They hate his supporters. They hate how they think, they hate what they do. They hate their faith, they even hate their food. But above all, they hate the fact that this president is delivering concrete and substantial policy results for working Americans who put him in the White House. And they are terrified that they can't beat him in a fair fight next year.

Steve Hilton: Democrats know Trump impeachment is a bust – But they should pay a price for what they've done
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Read the damn application, it says it was verified.

Document: Justice Department Releases Carter Page FISA Application


I know. I have. This is a good article explaining the difference.

A Note on FISA "Verification" - Just Security

Too damn funny that you would post that crap after it has been completely debunked by the DOJ IG report. Horowitz proved that the Woods procedures were not followed, and intentional misrepresentations were included in the applications.


It’s fair to point out faults in the application. It’s not fair to claim Comey believed the dossier was verified.

He didn't believe it, yet he incorporated it in the application anyway. That's a crime.

Where does he say he didn’t believe it?

If you want to keep talking in circles do it with someone else.

It’s not fair to claim Comey believed the dossier was verified.

right here.

Poor little commie, saying maobama wanted to be kept apprised, isn't claiming he ordered a damn thing, it just says he was aware. Perhaps your ESL teacher could explain it to ya.


You’re making assumptions.

Page told Strozk "pouts wants to know everything we're doing". Am I?

You sure are. Does Strzok state he’s referring specifically to the Trump campaign investigation?

The fact is maobama kept his fingers in everything, he claimed he kept his distance form ongoing investigations, he lied.


That’s not a fact at all.

He kept up to date with the Russian investigation, we have corroboration of that.

You are assuming he kept up to date with Trump’s investigation. Not to mention that the original topic was that Obama personally ordered the investigation, which the IG pretty well blew up.
I know. I have. This is a good article explaining the difference.

A Note on FISA "Verification" - Just Security

Too damn funny that you would post that crap after it has been completely debunked by the DOJ IG report. Horowitz proved that the Woods procedures were not followed, and intentional misrepresentations were included in the applications.


It’s fair to point out faults in the application. It’s not fair to claim Comey believed the dossier was verified.

He didn't believe it, yet he incorporated it in the application anyway. That's a crime.

Where does he say he didn’t believe it?

If you want to keep talking in circles do it with someone else.

It’s not fair to claim Comey believed the dossier was verified.


It’s really not. The dossier wasn’t verified but they found some parts of it credible enough to take seriously.

Things aren’t as black and white as you may want them to be.
Lets see what the link iceberg gave us says about the OP's source...

Overall, we rate One America News Far right biased based on story selection that consistently favors the Right and Mixed for factual reporting due to promotion of conspiracies, lack of sourcing and a few failed fact checks.
i don't follow OAN that much. gator is correct that at times i can drop a headline from GWP and yea, i need to ask myself about that given their history. it *is* hypocritical to call out one side and quote the other and that's on me to stop doing.

however -

ukraine money laundering at DuckDuckGo

not as if OAN is the only site to have ever made this claim. this is what trump said to look into.

In order to have an honest adult conversation about Trump and Ukraine, one must first rid themselves of the notion that this president cares at all about corruption.

If you claim that Trump was or is truly an anti-corruption type leader, you are someone who isn't Intelligent enough to engage with. Or, you are a lying hack who has no intention of having an honest discussion.

Sorry if that sounds hurtful to you. But this is not a point of controversy.
And you wonder why Trump is in office.

While you sit on your high horse determining that you are smarter and better than everyone else you might want to realize that politics is about convincing others. You and the democrats are convincing no one with that attitude.

how do you convince someone who truly wouldn't care if Trump shot someone on 5th Ave? I am absolutely not saying this about you or iceberg. Just asking.
And what of the original charges?
  1. Bribery -- gone.
  2. Extortion -- gone.
  3. Obstruction of justice -- gone. These are all things that like the Mueller charges, we were all told they had air-tight proof of. Now all gone.

Bribery and extortion is clearly described in general Abuse of Office Article of impeachment. Democrats simply descided not to apply regular statutory charges to Presidential high crimes and misadameanors.

The fact that they didn't lump in Obstruction of Justice with Obstruction of Congress does not mean he didn't do it.
Last edited:

Poor little commie, saying maobama wanted to be kept apprised, isn't claiming he ordered a damn thing, it just says he was aware. Perhaps your ESL teacher could explain it to ya.


You’re making assumptions.

Page told Strozk "pouts wants to know everything we're doing". Am I?

You sure are. Does Strzok state he’s referring specifically to the Trump campaign investigation?

The fact is maobama kept his fingers in everything, he claimed he kept his distance form ongoing investigations, he lied.


That’s not a fact at all.

He kept up to date with the Russian investigation, we have corroboration of that.

You are assuming he kept up to date with Trump’s investigation. Not to mention that the original topic was that Obama personally ordered the investigation, which the IG pretty well blew up.

Stop lying, I never said maobama personally ordered the investigation, his sycophants did with cooked books and no real evidence. As Barr put it, a suggestion of a suggestion, that's not evidence.

And don't try to tell me that the Trump campaign investigation wasn't intertwined with the Russia investigation, they were, what the hell do you think prompted the Mueller appointment?

And yo keep you awake ...but you're not the president...BIDEN....CALL HIM!!!!!

Shokin is the criminal. The Urkainian people demanded he be fired. The Ukranian legislature demanded he be fired. The IMF called for his firing. The EBRD called for his firing. The EU called for his firing.

Even Republicans called for his firing!

Stop drinking piss, morons.

All you have is idiot innuendo.

Now look here:

Today, U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), co-chairs of the bipartisan Senate Ukraine Caucus, and Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on European Affairs spearheaded a letter expressing concern to Ukrainian President Poroshenko regarding the recent resignation of Minister of Economy Aivaras Abromaviius, who has alleged that corruption remains a dire challenge within the Ukrainian political system.


The letter was also signed by Senators Ron Johnson (R-WI), Chris Murphy (D-CT), Mark Kirk (R-IL), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Sherrod Brown (D-OH).


We similarly urge you to press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General's office and judiciary. The unanimous adoption by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Basic Principles and Action Plan is a good step.

Portman, Durbin, Shaheen, and Senate Ukraine Caucus Reaffirm Commitment to Help Ukraine Take on Corruption | Senator Rob Portman

Biden: "And that is I’m desperately concerned about the backsliding on the part of Kiev in terms of corruption. They made—I mean, I’ll give you one concrete example. I was—not I, but it just happened to be that was the assignment I got. I got all the good ones. And so I got Ukraine. And I remember going over, convincing our team, our leaders to—convincing that we should be providing for loan guarantees. And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t."

Notice how Biden and the Republicans statements are so similar in tone?

You dipshits have been punked by your propagandists. You better hurry back for refills of your piss cups to find out what other bullshit you need to parrot.
Too damn funny that you would post that crap after it has been completely debunked by the DOJ IG report. Horowitz proved that the Woods procedures were not followed, and intentional misrepresentations were included in the applications.


It’s fair to point out faults in the application. It’s not fair to claim Comey believed the dossier was verified.

He didn't believe it, yet he incorporated it in the application anyway. That's a crime.

Where does he say he didn’t believe it?

If you want to keep talking in circles do it with someone else.

It’s not fair to claim Comey believed the dossier was verified.


It’s really not. The dossier wasn’t verified but they found some parts of it credible enough to take seriously.

Things aren’t as black and white as you may want them to be.

That not the standard, they found by the time of the third renewal that none of it was credible after they talked to the primary sub-source, it was just barroom talk and speculation. Procedures require everything be verified.

You’re making assumptions.

Page told Strozk "pouts wants to know everything we're doing". Am I?

You sure are. Does Strzok state he’s referring specifically to the Trump campaign investigation?

The fact is maobama kept his fingers in everything, he claimed he kept his distance form ongoing investigations, he lied.


That’s not a fact at all.

He kept up to date with the Russian investigation, we have corroboration of that.

You are assuming he kept up to date with Trump’s investigation. Not to mention that the original topic was that Obama personally ordered the investigation, which the IG pretty well blew up.

Stop lying, I never said maobama personally ordered the investigation, his sycophants did with cooked books and no real evidence. As Barr put it, a suggestion of a suggestion, that's not evidence.

And don't try to tell me that the Trump campaign investigation wasn't intertwined with the Russia investigation, they were, what the hell do you think prompted the Mueller appointment?


Did you not read the post you were replying to? Obama personally ordering the investigation was the topic to which you replied.
It’s fair to point out faults in the application. It’s not fair to claim Comey believed the dossier was verified.

He didn't believe it, yet he incorporated it in the application anyway. That's a crime.

Where does he say he didn’t believe it?

If you want to keep talking in circles do it with someone else.

It’s not fair to claim Comey believed the dossier was verified.


It’s really not. The dossier wasn’t verified but they found some parts of it credible enough to take seriously.

Things aren’t as black and white as you may want them to be.

That not the standard, they found by the time of the third renewal that none of it was credible after they talked to the primary sub-source, it was just barroom talk and speculation. Procedures require everything be verified.


Procedures do not require everything be verified.

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