Giuliani Revealing HUGE Money Laundering Operation Involving Bidens, Burisma Prosecutor Poisoned

all that about Obama is complete bullshit

This issue goes right to the heart of the whole impeachment BS = the credibility of Barack Obama

ISSUE = those "state legal" with weed

Campaign 2008 = Obama claims "those in compliance with state law will not be prosecuted"

Then, when in office....

Dickinson: Obama's War on Pot

"Back when he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama insisted that medical marijuana was an issue best left to state and local governments. “I’m not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue,” he vowed, promising an end to the Bush administration’s high-profile raids on providers of medical pot, which is legal in 16 states and the District of Columbia.

But over the past year, the Obama administration has quietly unleashed a multiagency crackdown on medical cannabis that goes far beyond anything undertaken by George W. Bush. The feds are busting growers who operate in full compliance with state laws, vowing to seize the property of anyone who dares to even rent to legal pot dispensaries, and threatening to imprison state employees responsible for regulating medical marijuana. With more than 100 raids on pot dispensaries during his first three years, Obama is now on pace to exceed Bush’s record for medical-marijuana busts. “There’s no question that Obama’s the worst president on medical marijuana,” says Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project. “He’s gone from first to worst.”

In short, Cocksucker Obama LIED and then WEAPONIZED the DOJ to go after the focus of his personal BIGOTRY and HATE =


So there is a documentable historical truth about Obama, that he LIES, that he uses "Homeland Security" to screw over people he has lied to who are those he hates.....

He did it with medical weed

He did it with the IRS

He did it with Homeland Security to try to help Hillary win
Have you heard anything from our former diplomats and state dept officials

We don't need to hear BS from them.

We have it straight from their BOSS..... Quid Pro Joe....

People on the Left are PARROTS. They think everyone else is a parrot too. So, if they give you something to parrot, you are expected to just parrot it....

It's in the Strozk, Page texts. He wanted to know everything they were doing.

he thinks obammy had a rogue FBI I guess.
you get to a point where the left minimizes everything they do or dismisses it and then they shine a magnifying glass on ANYTHING they can to cry foul on the right. to me, they simply refuse to live by the standards they attack others with and it gets so very annoying.

I'm not minimizing what the "left does" when I'm calling out the BS narratives pumped by the right. Y'all believe the left does a lot of things that just aint so because you believe the lies that their feeding you.
yet that falls into their own "echo chamber".

TRUMP WANTED DIRT ON BIDEN - far as i know that's a guess as to why trump was asking for it. yet here we are.
HUNTER BIDEN DID NOTHING WRONG - and how do we know this? we don't cause the left insists all is good and his $50k-$100k a month role with an industry he had zero experience in is valid.

like i said - you'll read whatever you need to in what trump says but you won't allows others to do the same. very "extremist" of you.

Hunter Biden is a private citizen and has no obligation to prove his innocence. Can you name any direct evidence that Hunter Biden did anything wrong? You know, something that might actually be a proper predicate for an investigation?
Was it right for him to use his last name to lend some credibility to Burisama's claim that it was cleaning up it's ethical act? Although for Barr or anyone in the Trump orbit to claim some ethical highground on corruption is beyond hypocrisy.

although the hypocrisy of the Trumpstettes on the board is what fuels the neverendingnatttering on the Ukraine threads
we know, cause you don't do it well. Still waiting on that quote that shows your evidence. please post it for us stupid people who have the transcript that doesn't have that in it.

Do us a favor though...

Typical commie move, out of context quotes.


Are you going to deny that Trump asked for an investigation into Biden too?

He asked for cooperation with our AG, but that was much later in the call. The words that followed your out of context quote was "our country has been through a lot". The favor was for our country, not Trump. Also when he mentioned the Bidens, he said "a lot of people want to know", once again he wasn't asking just for himself, he was asking as the representative of our country. That's what the text of the call shows, just because you commies say you read his mind and he meant something different, is just opinion and not supported by the text.

Did or does the AG have an active investigation into Biden?

Durham is looking into Ukraine, ya never know where that will take him. Could be to the Bidens, maybe not. We now have the CEO of Bursima admitting that baby biden was hired just for his political connections. We also know his name was brandished by Burisma lawyers to get meetings with the State dept. That would sound a bit fishy to anyone who is objective.

Yes, you really do believe Slades bullshit...hard to swallow HONEST news reporting...ROTFLMFAO!

The links you generally peddle are astroturf sites set up to promote the very people who are most likely responsible for their creation, if you go down the rabbit hole far enough to find out. Duh.

At least you didn't just copypasta the whole screed this time. Hell if I'd give em a free platform.
Bursima admitting that baby biden was hired just for his political connections.

We also know

Burisma doesn't do business in the US
Hunter never showed up for "work"
Hunter was paid $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 16 mil
Quid Pro Joe held up the foreign aid until the prosecutor was fired
Have you heard anything from our former diplomats and state dept officials

We don't need to hear BS from them.

We have it straight from their BOSS..... Quid Pro Joe....

People on the Left are PARROTS. They think everyone else is a parrot too. So, if they give you something to parrot, you are expected to just parrot it....


You go from "we don't need to hear from them" to "some of us think and ask questions".

I'm asking questions too which you are quite intent at avoiding.

You asked what other reason could there be for having the prosecutor fired. I'm asking if you have considered the reasons why others in the State Dept wanted that. So I'll try again, have you heard anything from our ambassadors at State Dept officials about this particular prosecutor?
we know, cause you don't do it well. Still waiting on that quote that shows your evidence. please post it for us stupid people who have the transcript that doesn't have that in it.

Do us a favor though...

Typical commie move, out of context quotes.


Are you going to deny that Trump asked for an investigation into Biden too?

He asked for cooperation with our AG, but that was much later in the call. The words that followed your out of context quote was "our country has been through a lot". The favor was for our country, not Trump. Also when he mentioned the Bidens, he said "a lot of people want to know", once again he wasn't asking just for himself, he was asking as the representative of our country. That's what the text of the call shows, just because you commies say you read his mind and he meant something different, is just opinion and not supported by the text.


"A lot of people" is used by Trump a lot.

It's used by you commies quite often as well.

I'm asking questions too which you are quite intent at avoiding.


You don't need a corporate press release from the secretary when you can see the video of what the CEO said.....

Your side lies. You refuse to accept the truth of that video, that Quid Pro Joe is BRAGGING


about getting that prosecutor fired.....

and then the US taxpayer's money went to Ukraine.... and a KICKBACK went to Hunter Biden
Do us a favor though...

Typical commie move, out of context quotes.


Are you going to deny that Trump asked for an investigation into Biden too?

He asked for cooperation with our AG, but that was much later in the call. The words that followed your out of context quote was "our country has been through a lot". The favor was for our country, not Trump. Also when he mentioned the Bidens, he said "a lot of people want to know", once again he wasn't asking just for himself, he was asking as the representative of our country. That's what the text of the call shows, just because you commies say you read his mind and he meant something different, is just opinion and not supported by the text.


"A lot of people" is used by Trump a lot.

It's used by you commies quite often as well.

It's in the Strozk, Page texts. He wanted to know everything they were doing.


Hearsay. Strzok never talked to Obama and you don't know what he's actually referring to in that text. You may apply your bias to it and assume it was about the Trump campaign, but that's only an assumption.

Obama did not request updates into the Trump campaign investigation. He was kept up to date in the Russian investigation, as one might expect. This is laid out in the IG report. Here's the relevant exerpt from page 77.

When we asked Corney about meetings with the White House concerning Crossfire Hurricane, he said that although he did not brief the White House about the investigation, he did mention to President Obama and others at a meeting in the Situation Room that the FBI was trying to determine whether any U.S. person had worked with the Russians in their efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. election. 194 Corney said he thought it was important that the President know the nature of the FBI's efforts without providing any specifics. Corney said although he did not recall exactly what he said, he may have said there were four individuals with "some association or connection to the Trump campaign." Corney stated that after he provided this information, no one at the meeting responded or followed up with any questions. Corney did not recall specifically when this meeting took place, but believed it may have been in August 2016. We were unable to determine whether this meeting was part of the same meeting reflected in McCabe's notes discussed above.

I don't believe a fucking word from Comey. He now admitting mistakes were made and of course he was above it all, instead of being and incompetent leader. Everything discovered between the first warrant and it's renewal was exculpatory, if Comey didn't know that, he's the one that should go to jail for gross negligence.


Believe whoever you want, just don't make it up.

Feel free to point to anything I made up.


The idea that Obama personally requested the investigation into Trump's campaign.

Provide that quote please.

I'm asking questions too which you are quite intent at avoiding.


You don't need a corporate press release from the secretary when you can see the video of what the CEO said.....

Your side lies. You refuse to accept the truth of that video, that Quid Pro Joe is BRAGGING


about getting that prosecutor fired.....

and then the US taxpayer's money went to Ukraine.... and a KICKBACK went to Hunter Biden

I accept that Biden was part of the effort to remove the prosecutor. The question is why.

What does Biden say in that discussion about why he wanted the prosecutor fired?
Hearsay. Strzok never talked to Obama and you don't know what he's actually referring to in that text. You may apply your bias to it and assume it was about the Trump campaign, but that's only an assumption.

Obama did not request updates into the Trump campaign investigation. He was kept up to date in the Russian investigation, as one might expect. This is laid out in the IG report. Here's the relevant exerpt from page 77.

I don't believe a fucking word from Comey. He now admitting mistakes were made and of course he was above it all, instead of being and incompetent leader. Everything discovered between the first warrant and it's renewal was exculpatory, if Comey didn't know that, he's the one that should go to jail for gross negligence.


Believe whoever you want, just don't make it up.

Feel free to point to anything I made up.


The idea that Obama personally requested the investigation into Trump's campaign.

Provide that quote please.

No one is okay with making up information for FISA warrants, so please don't bring up strawmen arguments. Besides, as we've learned, that was not the predicate for the investigation into the Trump campaign.

The House really doesn't need any reason to investigate how the functions of government. They're our representatives and are an important check on the power of the President not to mention an invaluable source of transparency.
so i can't do "strawmen" arguments but you can turn around and give them to me.

got it.

as for you being ok with biden firing people for corruption, great. i'm ok with trump saying "look into it" to see if biden himself is corrupt.

you just want this to go 1 way and get pretty butthurt when it doesn't.

You're setting a dangerous standard where any president gets to order investigations into his political opponents just "to see".

Seriously. Imagine a hypothetical where you had evidence that Obama ordered the investigation into the Trump campaign. What would have you said then?
i'm not setting anything. i'm just an observer in all this.

however, in that light, the dems are setting a dangerous standard in which we interpret what the next Dem president says as to what we WANT it to be, reject any effort of them saying what they mean, and go straight to IMPEACH.

cause that's next.

and obama did - it was RUSSIA for 2+ years.

Obama didn't order any investigation into Trump's campaign. If you think I'm wrong, please provide any evidence that was the case.

It's in the Strozk, Page texts. He wanted to know everything they were doing.


right here.
Always it is what they SAY and not what they DO....

Democrats - they think we're really stupid....
It's in the Strozk, Page texts. He wanted to know everything they were doing.


Hearsay. Strzok never talked to Obama and you don't know what he's actually referring to in that text. You may apply your bias to it and assume it was about the Trump campaign, but that's only an assumption.

Obama did not request updates into the Trump campaign investigation. He was kept up to date in the Russian investigation, as one might expect. This is laid out in the IG report. Here's the relevant exerpt from page 77.

When we asked Corney about meetings with the White House concerning Crossfire Hurricane, he said that although he did not brief the White House about the investigation, he did mention to President Obama and others at a meeting in the Situation Room that the FBI was trying to determine whether any U.S. person had worked with the Russians in their efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. election. 194 Corney said he thought it was important that the President know the nature of the FBI's efforts without providing any specifics. Corney said although he did not recall exactly what he said, he may have said there were four individuals with "some association or connection to the Trump campaign." Corney stated that after he provided this information, no one at the meeting responded or followed up with any questions. Corney did not recall specifically when this meeting took place, but believed it may have been in August 2016. We were unable to determine whether this meeting was part of the same meeting reflected in McCabe's notes discussed above.

I don't believe a fucking word from Comey. He now admitting mistakes were made and of course he was above it all, instead of being and incompetent leader. Everything discovered between the first warrant and it's renewal was exculpatory, if Comey didn't know that, he's the one that should go to jail for gross negligence.


Yep, because as everyone knows, mistakes made = jail! :rolleyes:

The DOJ IG report points to intentional misrepresentation of material facts to the FISA court, that is perjury and criminal. Comey signed at least 2 of those applications saying all the representations were factual and accurate. They weren't, and he knew it. When he told Trump that the Steele Dossier was salacious and unverified, he had already signed the first warrant application that included the dossier, claiming it was verified.


They weren't, and he knew it.
This is inaccurate. The statement does not indicate the dossier was verified.
When he told Trump that the Steele Dossier was salacious and unverified
He told Trump that the portions of the dossier were salacious and unverified. Not the entire thing.

Read the damn application, it says it was verified.

Document: Justice Department Releases Carter Page FISA Application

Hearsay. Strzok never talked to Obama and you don't know what he's actually referring to in that text. You may apply your bias to it and assume it was about the Trump campaign, but that's only an assumption.

Obama did not request updates into the Trump campaign investigation. He was kept up to date in the Russian investigation, as one might expect. This is laid out in the IG report. Here's the relevant exerpt from page 77.

I don't believe a fucking word from Comey. He now admitting mistakes were made and of course he was above it all, instead of being and incompetent leader. Everything discovered between the first warrant and it's renewal was exculpatory, if Comey didn't know that, he's the one that should go to jail for gross negligence.


Yep, because as everyone knows, mistakes made = jail! :rolleyes:

The DOJ IG report points to intentional misrepresentation of material facts to the FISA court, that is perjury and criminal. Comey signed at least 2 of those applications saying all the representations were factual and accurate. They weren't, and he knew it. When he told Trump that the Steele Dossier was salacious and unverified, he had already signed the first warrant application that included the dossier, claiming it was verified.


They weren't, and he knew it.
This is inaccurate. The statement does not indicate the dossier was verified.
When he told Trump that the Steele Dossier was salacious and unverified
He told Trump that the portions of the dossier were salacious and unverified. Not the entire thing.

Read the damn application, it says it was verified.

Document: Justice Department Releases Carter Page FISA Application


I know. I have. This is a good article explaining the difference.

A Note on FISA "Verification" - Just Security
Why not listen to what he has to say?
im happy to. I’ve never been about silencing people.
Ok then relax! Lol
Ive been relaxed... just because you like to pretend that I’m breathless and hysterical doesn’t mean I’m really breathless and hysterical.
Well let the man be a envoy for trump and investigate thank you
If he's an envoy for Trump, then he's under government authority and therefore government accountability.

You know who don't want that? Rudy.
Link to the law?

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