Giuliani Revealing HUGE Money Laundering Operation Involving Bidens, Burisma Prosecutor Poisoned

You’re one using all caps dude. Looks triggered to me
Why not listen to what he has to say?
im happy to. I’ve never been about silencing people.
Ok then relax! Lol
Ive been relaxed... just because you like to pretend that I’m breathless and hysterical doesn’t mean I’m really breathless and hysterical.
Well let the man be a envoy for trump and investigate thank you
If he's an envoy for Trump, then he's under government authority and therefore government accountability.

You know who don't want that? Rudy.
i'm not setting anything. i'm just an observer in all this.

however, in that light, the dems are setting a dangerous standard in which we interpret what the next Dem president says as to what we WANT it to be, reject any effort of them saying what they mean, and go straight to IMPEACH.

cause that's next.

and obama did - it was RUSSIA for 2+ years.

Obama didn't order any investigation into Trump's campaign. If you think I'm wrong, please provide any evidence that was the case.

It's in the Strozk, Page texts. He wanted to know everything they were doing.


Hearsay. Strzok never talked to Obama and you don't know what he's actually referring to in that text. You may apply your bias to it and assume it was about the Trump campaign, but that's only an assumption.

Obama did not request updates into the Trump campaign investigation. He was kept up to date in the Russian investigation, as one might expect. This is laid out in the IG report. Here's the relevant exerpt from page 77.

When we asked Corney about meetings with the White House concerning Crossfire Hurricane, he said that although he did not brief the White House about the investigation, he did mention to President Obama and others at a meeting in the Situation Room that the FBI was trying to determine whether any U.S. person had worked with the Russians in their efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. election. 194 Corney said he thought it was important that the President know the nature of the FBI's efforts without providing any specifics. Corney said although he did not recall exactly what he said, he may have said there were four individuals with "some association or connection to the Trump campaign." Corney stated that after he provided this information, no one at the meeting responded or followed up with any questions. Corney did not recall specifically when this meeting took place, but believed it may have been in August 2016. We were unable to determine whether this meeting was part of the same meeting reflected in McCabe's notes discussed above.

I don't believe a fucking word from Comey. He now admitting mistakes were made and of course he was above it all, instead of being and incompetent leader. Everything discovered between the first warrant and it's renewal was exculpatory, if Comey didn't know that, he's the one that should go to jail for gross negligence.


Believe whoever you want, just don't make it up.

Feel free to point to anything I made up.

I really don’t have time or interest to teach you English.
we know, cause you don't do it well. Still waiting on that quote that shows your evidence. please post it for us stupid people who have the transcript that doesn't have that in it.

Do us a favor though...

Typical commie move, out of context quotes.


Are you going to deny that Trump asked for an investigation into Biden too?

He asked for cooperation with our AG, but that was much later in the call. The words that followed your out of context quote was "our country has been through a lot". The favor was for our country, not Trump. Also when he mentioned the Bidens, he said "a lot of people want to know", once again he wasn't asking just for himself, he was asking as the representative of our country. That's what the text of the call shows, just because you commies say you read his mind and he meant something different, is just opinion and not supported by the text.


"A lot of people" is used by Trump a lot.
Obama didn't order any investigation into Trump's campaign. If you think I'm wrong, please provide any evidence that was the case.

It's in the Strozk, Page texts. He wanted to know everything they were doing.


Hearsay. Strzok never talked to Obama and you don't know what he's actually referring to in that text. You may apply your bias to it and assume it was about the Trump campaign, but that's only an assumption.

Obama did not request updates into the Trump campaign investigation. He was kept up to date in the Russian investigation, as one might expect. This is laid out in the IG report. Here's the relevant exerpt from page 77.

When we asked Corney about meetings with the White House concerning Crossfire Hurricane, he said that although he did not brief the White House about the investigation, he did mention to President Obama and others at a meeting in the Situation Room that the FBI was trying to determine whether any U.S. person had worked with the Russians in their efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. election. 194 Corney said he thought it was important that the President know the nature of the FBI's efforts without providing any specifics. Corney said although he did not recall exactly what he said, he may have said there were four individuals with "some association or connection to the Trump campaign." Corney stated that after he provided this information, no one at the meeting responded or followed up with any questions. Corney did not recall specifically when this meeting took place, but believed it may have been in August 2016. We were unable to determine whether this meeting was part of the same meeting reflected in McCabe's notes discussed above.

I don't believe a fucking word from Comey. He now admitting mistakes were made and of course he was above it all, instead of being and incompetent leader. Everything discovered between the first warrant and it's renewal was exculpatory, if Comey didn't know that, he's the one that should go to jail for gross negligence.


Believe whoever you want, just don't make it up.

Feel free to point to anything I made up.


The idea that Obama personally requested the investigation into Trump's campaign.
Trump is hiding his tax returns.

I think we know where the real money laundering is going on.
are you aware at why the State Dept wanted that particular prosecutor removed?

I don't have to.

I have this video of Quid Pro Joe bragging about doing it.....

Your response doesn't make sense. I asked if you are aware of why the State Dept wanted that prosecutor fired. Your response of "I don't have to" makes no sense since it was a yes/no question. The entire crux of your argument relies on knowing why Shokin was fired.

So I'll ask again, do you know why the State Dept wanted that prosecutor fired?
The idea that Obama personally requested the investigation into Trump's campaign.

is completely consistent with everything else the cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief did.

He turned the IRS into a Democrat Party function going after just non-Democrats.

He lied in the 2008 campaign about not prosecuting "state legal" weed users, then when in office, upped such prosecutions 5 fold because the defendants were 99% white.

He used Homeland Security to attempt to help Hillary win.

He is a Kenyan born gay coke whore and hate hoax organizer who is married to a man.

He has had at least three people murdered to keep his closet door shut....
i'm not setting anything. i'm just an observer in all this.

however, in that light, the dems are setting a dangerous standard in which we interpret what the next Dem president says as to what we WANT it to be, reject any effort of them saying what they mean, and go straight to IMPEACH.

cause that's next.

and obama did - it was RUSSIA for 2+ years.

Obama didn't order any investigation into Trump's campaign. If you think I'm wrong, please provide any evidence that was the case.

It's in the Strozk, Page texts. He wanted to know everything they were doing.


Hearsay. Strzok never talked to Obama and you don't know what he's actually referring to in that text. You may apply your bias to it and assume it was about the Trump campaign, but that's only an assumption.

Obama did not request updates into the Trump campaign investigation. He was kept up to date in the Russian investigation, as one might expect. This is laid out in the IG report. Here's the relevant exerpt from page 77.

When we asked Corney about meetings with the White House concerning Crossfire Hurricane, he said that although he did not brief the White House about the investigation, he did mention to President Obama and others at a meeting in the Situation Room that the FBI was trying to determine whether any U.S. person had worked with the Russians in their efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. election. 194 Corney said he thought it was important that the President know the nature of the FBI's efforts without providing any specifics. Corney said although he did not recall exactly what he said, he may have said there were four individuals with "some association or connection to the Trump campaign." Corney stated that after he provided this information, no one at the meeting responded or followed up with any questions. Corney did not recall specifically when this meeting took place, but believed it may have been in August 2016. We were unable to determine whether this meeting was part of the same meeting reflected in McCabe's notes discussed above.

I don't believe a fucking word from Comey. He now admitting mistakes were made and of course he was above it all, instead of being and incompetent leader. Everything discovered between the first warrant and it's renewal was exculpatory, if Comey didn't know that, he's the one that should go to jail for gross negligence.


Yep, because as everyone knows, mistakes made = jail! :rolleyes:

The DOJ IG report points to intentional misrepresentation of material facts to the FISA court, that is perjury and criminal. Comey signed at least 2 of those applications saying all the representations were factual and accurate. They weren't, and he knew it. When he told Trump that the Steele Dossier was salacious and unverified, he had already signed the first warrant application that included the dossier, claiming it was verified.

I really don’t have time or interest to teach you English.
we know, cause you don't do it well. Still waiting on that quote that shows your evidence. please post it for us stupid people who have the transcript that doesn't have that in it.

Do us a favor though...

Typical commie move, out of context quotes.


Are you going to deny that Trump asked for an investigation into Biden too?
are you going to swear it was ONLY for the purpose of digging up political dirt on Biden? if so, how do you KNOW this for a fact? From my vantage point, you don't. YOU WANT IT TO BE TRUE, so you run with it as if it is. *however* what if he really is getting to the bottom of corruption from the Bidens? why will you not even entertain the notion he could have been doing something wrong in the Ukraine?

It has to be the case or there is no grounds for their impeachment.

And they cannot prove that intent.
Obama didn't order any investigation into Trump's campaign. If you think I'm wrong, please provide any evidence that was the case.

It's in the Strozk, Page texts. He wanted to know everything they were doing.


Hearsay. Strzok never talked to Obama and you don't know what he's actually referring to in that text. You may apply your bias to it and assume it was about the Trump campaign, but that's only an assumption.

Obama did not request updates into the Trump campaign investigation. He was kept up to date in the Russian investigation, as one might expect. This is laid out in the IG report. Here's the relevant exerpt from page 77.

When we asked Corney about meetings with the White House concerning Crossfire Hurricane, he said that although he did not brief the White House about the investigation, he did mention to President Obama and others at a meeting in the Situation Room that the FBI was trying to determine whether any U.S. person had worked with the Russians in their efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. election. 194 Corney said he thought it was important that the President know the nature of the FBI's efforts without providing any specifics. Corney said although he did not recall exactly what he said, he may have said there were four individuals with "some association or connection to the Trump campaign." Corney stated that after he provided this information, no one at the meeting responded or followed up with any questions. Corney did not recall specifically when this meeting took place, but believed it may have been in August 2016. We were unable to determine whether this meeting was part of the same meeting reflected in McCabe's notes discussed above.

I don't believe a fucking word from Comey. He now admitting mistakes were made and of course he was above it all, instead of being and incompetent leader. Everything discovered between the first warrant and it's renewal was exculpatory, if Comey didn't know that, he's the one that should go to jail for gross negligence.


Yep, because as everyone knows, mistakes made = jail! :rolleyes:

The DOJ IG report points to intentional misrepresentation of material facts to the FISA court, that is perjury and criminal. Comey signed at least 2 of those applications saying all the representations were factual and accurate. They weren't, and he knew it. When he told Trump that the Steele Dossier was salacious and unverified, he had already signed the first warrant application that included the dossier, claiming it was verified.


They weren't, and he knew it.
This is inaccurate. The statement does not indicate the dossier was verified.
When he told Trump that the Steele Dossier was salacious and unverified
He told Trump that the portions of the dossier were salacious and unverified. Not the entire thing.
Comey signed at least 2 of those applications saying all the representations were factual and accurate. They weren't, and he knew it.

Comey should be indicted, but he isn't the only one....

Comey = corrupt, dishonest, and completely partisan = a COCKSUCKER APPOINTEE
The idea that Obama personally requested the investigation into Trump's campaign.

is completely consistent with everything else the cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief did.

He turned the IRS into a Democrat Party function going after just non-Democrats.

He lied in the 2008 campaign about not prosecuting "state legal" weed users, then when in office, upped such prosecutions 5 fold because the defendants were 99% white.

He used Homeland Security to attempt to help Hillary win.

He is a Kenyan born gay coke whore and hate hoax organizer who is married to a man.

He has had at least three people murdered to keep his closet door shut....

Well, all that about Obama is complete bullshit, so I guess I'm not surprised you believe Biden was involved in a kickback scheme.
then Joe Biden is the one that decided the prosecutor needed to be fired, correct?

The "need" is obvious. Why else would Quid Pro Joe care about that prosecutor? There is NO OTHER EXPLANATION. Quid Pro Joe wanted that prosecutor fired because that prosecutor was noticing the KICKBACKS to Hunter.....
we know, cause you don't do it well. Still waiting on that quote that shows your evidence. please post it for us stupid people who have the transcript that doesn't have that in it.

Do us a favor though...

Typical commie move, out of context quotes.


Are you going to deny that Trump asked for an investigation into Biden too?
are you going to swear it was ONLY for the purpose of digging up political dirt on Biden? if so, how do you KNOW this for a fact? From my vantage point, you don't. YOU WANT IT TO BE TRUE, so you run with it as if it is. *however* what if he really is getting to the bottom of corruption from the Bidens? why will you not even entertain the notion he could have been doing something wrong in the Ukraine?

It has to be the case or there is no grounds for their impeachment.

And they cannot prove that intent.
Intent is always hard to prove.

Tell me, why do you think it was so important to Trump that the investigation into Biden be announced on TV?
then Joe Biden is the one that decided the prosecutor needed to be fired, correct?

The "need" is obvious. Why else would Quid Pro Joe care about that prosecutor? There is NO OTHER EXPLANATION. Quid Pro Joe wanted that prosecutor fired because that prosecutor was noticing the KICKBACKS to Hunter.....

It's a very important question. Have you heard anything from our former diplomats and state dept officials about why they thought the prosecutor should be fired?
Do us a favor though...

Typical commie move, out of context quotes.


Are you going to deny that Trump asked for an investigation into Biden too?
are you going to swear it was ONLY for the purpose of digging up political dirt on Biden? if so, how do you KNOW this for a fact? From my vantage point, you don't. YOU WANT IT TO BE TRUE, so you run with it as if it is. *however* what if he really is getting to the bottom of corruption from the Bidens? why will you not even entertain the notion he could have been doing something wrong in the Ukraine?

It has to be the case or there is no grounds for their impeachment.

And they cannot prove that intent.
Intent is always hard to prove.

Tell me, why do you think it was so important to Trump that the investigation into Biden be announced on TV?

I've Stated previously that I think it smells fishy.

And I do.

But so what.

you don't impeach a president on "this is what we think he was doing"

If we started proceedings on all politicians for what it seemed their actual intent was instead of what was provable we'd have a lot more prosecutions than we do.

We could start with Schiff and the dems and what we thought their actual intent has been here.

Can't prove it, but hey it looks suspiciously like a political maneuver....
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