Giuliani subject of search warrant

bidens DOJ bidens responsible,,
Yes, his DoJ is responsible. But a proper president does not attempt to influence the DoJ's decisions because of the potential for political influence in what should be an apolitical process.

So I'll ask again, what is Biden doing?
the dem standard under trump it was trumps fault,, so using those same standards this time its bidens fault, and no deflection on your part will change that
already did and why you ran from that discussion,,
Link the post showing there were "hundreds" of cameras. Prove it. Prove you "already did".
bidens DOJ bidens responsible,,
Yes, his DoJ is responsible. But a proper president does not attempt to influence the DoJ's decisions because of the potential for political influence in what should be an apolitical process.

So I'll ask again, what is Biden doing?
the dem standard under trump it was trumps fault,, so using those same standards this time its bidens fault, and no deflection on your part will change that
So what if you blame Biden? Rudy's still facing a shitstorm.
That's why Trump was so apt to say "America first". Always claiming to be working on behalf of the people, but relentlessly going after political rivals.
America First targets no US citizens

its pro America and benefits every citizen - even the cursed libs
already did and why you ran from that discussion,,
Link the post showing there were "hundreds" of cameras. Prove it. Prove you "already did".
the dem standard under trump it was trumps fault,, so using those same standards this time its bidens fault, and no deflection on your part will change that
Sometimes it was. Giuliani was in Ukraine at the behest of Trump by their own admission. Trump was talking to the Ukrainian president to push an investigation into his political rival.

We have evidence to support these allegations.

You have nothing.
the dem standard under trump it was trumps fault,, so using those same standards this time its bidens fault, and no deflection on your part will change that
Sometimes it was. Giuliani was in Ukraine at the behest of Trump by their own admission. Trump was talking to the Ukrainian president to push an investigation into his political rival.

We have evidence to support these allegations.

You have nothing.
biden wasnt a political rival when they started asking about bidens corruption,, what you have is based on a lie like the rest of what the dems do,,
That's why Trump was so apt to say "America first". Always claiming to be working on behalf of the people, but relentlessly going after political rivals.
America First targets no US citizens

its pro America and benefits every citizen - even the cursed libs
Problem is a lot of times America First was really Trump First.
That's why Trump was so apt to say "America first". Always claiming to be working on behalf of the people, but relentlessly going after political rivals.
America First targets no US citizens

its pro America and benefits every citizen - even the cursed libs
Problem is a lot of times America First was really Trump First.
another of your narratives based on a lie,,
biden wasnt a political rival when they started asking about bidens corruption,, what you have is based on a lie like the rest of what the dems do,,
When did they start asking? Be specific.
its all posted in the hunter biden thread,,

biden wasnt a political rival when they started asking about bidens corruption,, what you have is based on a lie like the rest of what the dems do,,
When did they start asking? Be specific.
its all posted in the hunter biden thread,,

Give me the post number.
biden wasnt a political rival when they started asking about bidens corruption,, what you have is based on a lie like the rest of what the dems do,,
When did they start asking? Be specific.
its all posted in the hunter biden thread,,

Give me the post number.
look it up yourself,, I aint your bitch,,

and you were all over that thread and if you didnt see it then thats on you,,
biden wasnt a political rival when they started asking about bidens corruption,, what you have is based on a lie like the rest of what the dems do,,
When did they start asking? Be specific.
its all posted in the hunter biden thread,,

Give me the post number.
Lets understand one very important and very salient point here.

The search warrants (for both Ghouli's Apartment AND Office) without probable cause. Also, these warrants were Barr's office since 2020.

Ghouli acted as an Un-Registered Agent of a Foreign Government (Violation of FARA - Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938). A Federal Felony.

Also, it was Rudy who called Ukrainian President Voloymyr Zelensky to get Zelensky to dig up dirt on President Biden during 2020 Presidential Election. The U.S. is currently supporting Ukraine against Russian Military Aggression.

It was Billie Boy Barr who sat on these warrants, more politicization of the DOJ to curry favor with the Traitor.

Also, Ukraine is sitting on Ghouli's phone calls not only President Zelensky BUT Russia as well. Ukraine IS cooperating with the DOJ, the United States an Ally to Ukraine and it was President Biden that got Russian Dictator Putin to blink and withdraw Russian Military Forces from the Ukrainian/Russian Border.

Ghouli is up shit's creek. The former U.S. Attorney for The Southern District of New York is facing the might of that very same office.
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Why do you think Donald’s DOJ didn’t do anything with a laptop in their possession for over a year dumbster? :lol:
"Trump's DOJ."
You're trying to be funny right ?
View attachment 485077

Nope - Trump's DOJ. They also cock-blocked any and all attempts to investigate Rudy. Several times actually!
Did you forget about Fat Billy firing Berman?

The specific reasons for Berman’s ouster aren’t yet clear. But the bigger picture is no real mystery. In Manhattan, Berman oversaw an independent investigative office that pursued investigations Trump didn’t like — into Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen, into Trump’s current lawyer Rudy Giuliani, into Trump’s inaugural committee, and more.​


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