Giuliani To Mueller, We Want The Same Deal As Hillary

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview. :lmao:

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.
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...Mueller has nothing...
We will only know that when Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

And not one moment before.

Besides... that whole lotta nuthin sure has The Creature up at night, sweating bullets, and tweeting at 2:00 in the morning...

Be at peace... those findings are coming soon enough, as History measures time.

Tick... tick... tick... :21:
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Gosh, how stupid the Trumpers look.

The coming denouement of Trump will be wonderful
So Trump would like 30+ hours of interrogation UNDER OATH, like Hellary breezed through?

Yeah right!
...Mueller has nothing...
We will only know that when Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

And not one moment before.

Besides... that whole lotta nuthin sure has The Creature up at night, sweating bullets, and tweeting at 2:00 in the morning...

Be at peace... those findings are coming soon enough, as History measures time.

Tick... tick... tick... :21:
Not hardly. Trump doesn't sleep much. I think sometimes he goes days without sleep.
This investigation is a time waster.
Trump wants to get things done.....and he doesn't have the patience that most of us have.
We voted him into office to get things done, and Mueller is just holding him back, hopefully until the Dems can take back Congress.
Ha-ha-ha! The Orange Clown can't go 30 seconds without lying, he'll be dragged kicking and screaming to the interview.
Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview.

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.

Giuliani appears on Fox a lot. Why? Fox is watched by Trump's fans. Only they are gullible enough, dumb enough to believe the B.S. Giuliani puts out.

Collusion isn't illegal. True, but conspiracy and collaboration with a hostile foreign government is.

Trump did collude, but it isn't illegal.

Trump didn't collude.

Don McGahn will help Trump. Giuliani has no idea what McGahn told Mueller during those 30 hours. Trump is really pissed that his lawyers at the time talked him out of using executive privilege.

The White House can still use executive privilege, typical have it both ways Trump. Pretend to cooperate, then use the hammer. Giuliani is nuts. Can't be done. Once one waives executive privilege, it's done.

Truth isn't truth.

Before that it was "alternative facts, " and "Don’t believe the crap you see from these people — the fake news." Anyone see a pattern here? Of course the typical Trump fan will say, "Nope."

Then there is the typical Trump fan who will say, "Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing. Mueller is looking for a way out," when he is totally clueless, like everyone else, as to what Mueller has.

Mueller is letting the loudmouth, Giuliani, do all the talking, all the time digging himself a deeper hole.

Truth isn't truth!
Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview.

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.

Well if Giuliani said it........

LOL Trumpkins......
Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview.

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.

Giuliani appears on Fox a lot. Why? Fox is watched by Trump's fans. Only they are gullible enough, dumb enough to believe the B.S. Giuliani puts out.

Collusion isn't illegal. True, but conspiracy and collaboration with a hostile foreign government is.

Trump did collude, but it isn't illegal.

Trump didn't collude.

Don McGahn will help Trump. Giuliani has no idea what McGahn told Mueller during those 30 hours. Trump is really pissed that his lawyers at the time talked him out of using executive privilege.

The White House can still use executive privilege, typical have it both ways Trump. Pretend to cooperate, then use the hammer. Giuliani is nuts. Can't be done. Once one waives executive privilege, it's done.

Truth isn't truth.

Before that it was "alternative facts, " and "Don’t believe the crap you see from these people — the fake news." Anyone see a pattern here? Of course the typical Trump fan will say, "Nope."

Then there is the typical Trump fan who will say, "Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing. Mueller is looking for a way out," when he is totally clueless, like everyone else, as to what Mueller has.

Mueller is letting the loudmouth, Giuliani, do all the talking, all the time digging himself a deeper hole.

Truth isn't truth!
Lawyer speak for Perjury Trap ........derp.......

Giuliani spoke the truth......they exonerated her before they did her interviews and other key witnesses......

Then Comey..........gave the famous non indictment of indictments......LOL
Trump wrote a very revealing tweet on Sunday. It said, in part, ""The failing @nytimes wrote a Fake piece today implying that because White House Councel Don McGahn was giving hours of testimony to the Special Councel, he must be a John Dean type 'RAT.'"

John Dean a rat! John Dean helped bring criminals to justice. In 1973 he played a crucial role in helping both Congress and Watergate prosecutors understand the full scope of the criminal conspiracy involving Nixon and his top aides surrounding the break-in to the Democratic National headquarters and the cover-up that followed. His testimony would have led to Nixon's impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors, but Nixon resigned rather than face the impeachment process.

Dean's testimony contributed to the rule of law. Only a criminal would refer to Dean as a "rat." In other words, a criminal would say he ratted out a colleague, a fellow criminal.

Trump called John Dean a rat!
Trump wrote a very revealing tweet on Sunday. It said, in part, ""The failing @nytimes wrote a Fake piece today implying that because White House Councel Don McGahn was giving hours of testimony to the Special Councel, he must be a John Dean type 'RAT.'"

John Dean a rat! John Dean helped bring criminals to justice. In 1973 he played a crucial role in helping both Congress and Watergate prosecutors understand the full scope of the criminal conspiracy involving Nixon and his top aides surrounding the break-in to the Democratic National headquarters and the cover-up that followed. His testimony would have led to Nixon's impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors, but Nixon resigned rather than face the impeachment process.

Dean's testimony contributed to the rule of law. Only a criminal would refer to Dean as a "rat." In other words, a criminal would say he ratted out a colleague, a fellow criminal.

Trump called John Dean a rat!
Who da fuck cares.........outside mindless TDS people.
Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview.

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.

Giuliani appears on Fox a lot. Why? Fox is watched by Trump's fans. Only they are gullible enough, dumb enough to believe the B.S. Giuliani puts out.

Collusion isn't illegal. True, but conspiracy and collaboration with a hostile foreign government is.

Trump did collude, but it isn't illegal.

Trump didn't collude.

Don McGahn will help Trump. Giuliani has no idea what McGahn told Mueller during those 30 hours. Trump is really pissed that his lawyers at the time talked him out of using executive privilege.

The White House can still use executive privilege, typical have it both ways Trump. Pretend to cooperate, then use the hammer. Giuliani is nuts. Can't be done. Once one waives executive privilege, it's done.

Truth isn't truth.

Before that it was "alternative facts, " and "Don’t believe the crap you see from these people — the fake news." Anyone see a pattern here? Of course the typical Trump fan will say, "Nope."

Then there is the typical Trump fan who will say, "Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing. Mueller is looking for a way out," when he is totally clueless, like everyone else, as to what Mueller has.

Mueller is letting the loudmouth, Giuliani, do all the talking, all the time digging himself a deeper hole.

Truth isn't truth!
Lawyer speak for Perjury Trap ........derp.......

Giuliani spoke the truth......they exonerated her before they did her interviews and other key witnesses......

Then Comey..........gave the famous non indictment of indictments......LOL

Who cares? That was two years ago and it concerns an old woman who retired from politics 22 months ago. Now we are talking about the President of the United States and the possibility that he collaborated with a hostile foreign government and the possibility that he is being extorted by a communist dictator. Far more important, or so a logical person would think.

And you are worried about an FBI director who was replaced 16 months ago and an old woman. Sheesh!
Trump wrote a very revealing tweet on Sunday. It said, in part, ""The failing @nytimes wrote a Fake piece today implying that because White House Councel Don McGahn was giving hours of testimony to the Special Councel, he must be a John Dean type 'RAT.'"

John Dean a rat! John Dean helped bring criminals to justice. In 1973 he played a crucial role in helping both Congress and Watergate prosecutors understand the full scope of the criminal conspiracy involving Nixon and his top aides surrounding the break-in to the Democratic National headquarters and the cover-up that followed. His testimony would have led to Nixon's impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors, but Nixon resigned rather than face the impeachment process.

Dean's testimony contributed to the rule of law. Only a criminal would refer to Dean as a "rat." In other words, a criminal would say he ratted out a colleague, a fellow criminal.

Trump called John Dean a rat!
Who da fuck cares.........outside mindless TDS people.

Believe me when I say, I loved that response. It proves everything I have said about Trump's fans.
So Trump would like 30+ hours of interrogation UNDER OATH, like Hellary breezed through?

Yeah right!
30 hours of your fans fawning over you with a pre-written statement of your innocence and all not under oath must be excruciating to get through.

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