Giuliani To Mueller, We Want The Same Deal As Hillary

...Trump doesn't sleep much. I think sometimes he goes days without sleep...
Perhaps he would behave like an adult if he was able to sleep better.

[QUOTE'] ...This investigation is a time waster...[/QUOTE]
We will not know that until Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

...Trump wants to get things done....
Don't we all.

...and he doesn't have the patience that most of us have...
Patience is a prerequisite for governing in a representative Republic comprised of a diverse population and political perspectives.

...We voted him into office to get things done...

...and Mueller is just holding him back...
In what way?

How has the activity of the Mueller Investigation impeded the progress or agenda of your boy? Please be specific, and demonstrate substantive impact.

...hopefully until the Dems can take back Congress.
Robert Mueller is a Republican, appointed by Republicans, and originally favored by Republicans for his current role.

Until he demonstrated that he was not going to be a rubber-stamp for Republican intentions to provide "cover" for their run-amok Head Man, anyway.[/QUOTE]
Ha-ha-ha! The Orange Clown can't go 30 seconds without lying, he'll be dragged kicking and screaming to the interview.
I don’t think murlller needs him.

It’s funny though how the freaks think it’s a “perjury trap”only if the ugly orange sociopath lies

We'll get back to you, as soon as we figure out what the hell a murlller is.
Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview.

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.
Hillary didn’t do anything wrong.

Disgusting insane losers
If you don’t think the investigation, until completed doesn’t cause angst/caution in others dealing with him, you are nuts.
...Trump doesn't sleep much. I think sometimes he goes days without sleep...
Perhaps he would behave like an adult if he was able to sleep better.

[QUOTE'] ...This investigation is a time waster...
We will not know that until Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

...Trump wants to get things done....
Don't we all.

...and he doesn't have the patience that most of us have...
Patience is a prerequisite for governing in a representative Republic comprised of a diverse population and political perspectives.

...We voted him into office to get things done...

...and Mueller is just holding him back...
In what way?

How has the activity of the Mueller Investigation impeded the progress or agenda of your boy? Please be specific, and demonstrate substantive impact.

...hopefully until the Dems can take back Congress.
Robert Mueller is a Republican, appointed by Republicans, and originally favored by Republicans for his current role.

Until he demonstrated that he was not going to be a rubber-stamp for Republican intentions to provide "cover" for their run-amok Head Man, anyway.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
If you don’t think the investigation, until completed doesn’t cause angst/caution in others dealing with him, you are nuts...
Now, all you need to do is to demonstrate that caution by those dealing with him have chronically and substantively affected his agenda.
Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview.

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.
Hillary didn’t do anything wrong.

Disgusting insane losers

Irrelevant. Funny, and fitting, but irrelevant. If Mueller gets the goods on The Creature, they'll (metaphorically) crucify him in Congress.
Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview.

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.
Hillary didn’t do anything wrong.

Disgusting insane losers

Irrelevant. Funny, and fitting, but irrelevant. If Mueller gets the goods on The Creature, they'll (metaphorically) crucify him in Congress.

She said Disgusting I showed her some. LOL
Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview. :lmao:

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.
Of course Giuliani Said it, he is being paid for being a Trump Stooge....

He also said, Truth isn't Truth, among a gazillion other gaffs, just 24 hours ago.... like no one knew the people meeting in Trump Tower were Russians.... :lol: HOLY CRAP! That was a doozy, considering the Donny Junior email said SPECIFICALLY that this meeting was help from the Russian government for their support for his father's election......

but you'll probably eat that up like it was buttered popcorn and begin regurgitating the lie, right on cue.
Outside of a handful of Republicans in Congress like Jordan, Nunes, Gaetz, Rand Paul, etc.....that support Trump....

The rest of Congress simply sits idle while cringing at the things Trump has done, and while knowing they would have had a gazillion billion investigations launched already and would have impeached Hillary Clinton already!

but even though they hate him, and what he has done to our Nation and the rule of law, regs, and normal standards of procedures,

they have abdicated their jobs as a "check" on the President, as followers of the Constitution and to uphold all laws derived from it, they sold their souls to Satan, for campaign MONEY and for getting their agenda/judges passed, and for his supporters, support....and have not fulfilled their duties as Congressmen and Senators for the United States of America, a complete blind eye to their oaths of office.... imo.
Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview.

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.
Hillary didn’t do anything wrong.

Disgusting insane losers

Thanks for proving my point
Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview.

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.
Hillary didn’t do anything wrong.

Disgusting insane losers

Thanks for proving my point

We didn't lose........
"Truth isn't Truth"

Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview.

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.
Hillary didn’t do anything wrong.

Disgusting insane losers

Thanks for proving my point

We didn't lose........

yep, you did not lose the electoral college! That is with the help of the Russian government's, with them releasing STOLEN emails of the DNC on a ''timely'' basis....

And even with all of that, and the Comey wrong doings with his outside of protocol press releases, the citizens of the united States chose Hillary by nearly 3 million.....

AND THIS IS WHY there is so much division in this nation today....

he/the campaign cheated and accepted the help of a foreign government to win....

wouldn't you rather win on your own and know for certain you won on your own and by your team following the rules of the contest? instead of cheating? This cloud will forever be there.... imo.
Of course there's nothing. That isn't going to stop the left from hating and trying to remove Trump. It's what and who they are. Actually doing something positive for the country is beyond them.
Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview.

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.
Hillary didn’t do anything wrong.

Disgusting insane losers

Thanks for proving my point

We didn't lose........

yep, you did not lose the electoral college! That is with the help of the Russian government's, with them releasing STOLEN emails of the DNC on a ''timely'' basis....

And even with all of that, and the Comey wrong doings with his outside of protocol press releases, the citizens of the united States chose Hillary by nearly 3 million.....

AND THIS IS WHY there is so much division in this nation today....

he/the campaign cheated and accepted the help of a foreign government to win....

wouldn't you rather win on your own and know for certain you won on your own and by your team following the rules of the contest? instead of cheating? This cloud will forever be there.... imo.

Tell Mueller to get off his little ass and prove it............until then you have nothing but an opinion.

Meanwhile........pawns on both sides are getting knocked off............FBI and intel getting fired , resigning , and perhaps charged with crimes.......hell the entire has to be trained because of these butt heads..............

PROVE IT..............
Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview. :lmao:

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.
I just love that guy and how he is getting batted around the court system.

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