Giuliani To Mueller, We Want The Same Deal As Hillary

Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview. :lmao:

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.
I just love that guy and how he is getting batted around the court system.

Ya, it's Hillarious isn't it. Trump is slapping Mueller around on twitter like a champ because he knows Mueller has nothing.

Keep slapping them, Trump. Slap them until they throw in the towel and go before they're the laughing stock of the country.
...Trump doesn't sleep much. I think sometimes he goes days without sleep...
Perhaps he would behave like an adult if he was able to sleep better.

[QUOTE'] ...This investigation is a time waster...
We will not know that until Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

...Trump wants to get things done....
Don't we all.

...and he doesn't have the patience that most of us have...
Patience is a prerequisite for governing in a representative Republic comprised of a diverse population and political perspectives.

...We voted him into office to get things done...

...and Mueller is just holding him back...
In what way?

How has the activity of the Mueller Investigation impeded the progress or agenda of your boy? Please be specific, and demonstrate substantive impact.

...hopefully until the Dems can take back Congress.
Robert Mueller is a Republican, appointed by Republicans, and originally favored by Republicans for his current role.

Until he demonstrated that he was not going to be a rubber-stamp for Republican intentions to provide "cover" for their run-amok Head Man, anyway.
Robert Mueller has been working in Washington in both Democrat and Republican what he claims to be doesn't matter. He is a prosecutor with nothing but Democrats and Hillary supporters on his I don't it doesn't what political party you claim he belongs to.
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Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview.

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.
Hillary didn’t do anything wrong.

Disgusting insane losers

Irrelevant. Funny, and fitting, but irrelevant. If Mueller gets the goods on The Creature, they'll (metaphorically) crucify him in Congress.

That's a very big if.
Still wondering what "The Goods" are when you don't have a crime in the first place, Dickhead.
Ha-ha-ha! The Orange Clown can't go 30 seconds without lying, he'll be dragged kicking and screaming to the interview.
You people don't care that Trump is creating a great economy, and he's doing everything in his power to get rid of corruption in you swamp creatures and Snowflakes call him a racist and a liar, forgetting the fact that Hillary and Obama are both WORLD CLASS LIARS AND RACISTS!!! This is something you cannot deny. And to top it off Obama's people created Antifa, are censoring the internet by making deals with Netfix, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube CEOs, stifling conservatives.
It's getting to the point where it is so bad that there will probably be a civil war in the next few years.

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...Mueller has nothing...
We will only know that when Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

And not one moment before.

Besides... that whole lotta nuthin sure has The Creature up at night, sweating bullets, and tweeting at 2:00 in the morning...

Be at peace... those findings are coming soon enough, as History measures time.

Tick... tick... tick... :21:
Mueller has got absolutely nothing on Trump
Ha-ha-ha! The Orange Clown can't go 30 seconds without lying, he'll be dragged kicking and screaming to the interview.
You people don't care that Trump is creating a great economy, and he's doing everything in his power to get rid of corruption in you swamp creatures and Snowflakes call him a racist and a liar, forgetting the fact that Hillary and Obama are both WORLD CLASS LIARS AND RACISTS!!! This is something you cannot deny. And to top it off Obama's people created Antifa, are censoring the internet by making deals with Netfix, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube CEOs, stifling conservatives.
It's getting to the point where it is so bad that there will probably be a civil war in the next few years.


as corrupt as she was and as willing as the party was willing to break any law to get there

she indeed thought that she had thoroughly rigged the election in her favor

...Mueller has nothing...
We will only know that when Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

And not one moment before.

Besides... that whole lotta nuthin sure has The Creature up at night, sweating bullets, and tweeting at 2:00 in the morning...

Be at peace... those findings are coming soon enough, as History measures time.

Tick... tick... tick... :21:
Not hardly. Trump doesn't sleep much. I think sometimes he goes days without sleep.
This investigation is a time waster.
Trump wants to get things done.....and he doesn't have the patience that most of us have.
We voted him into office to get things done, and Mueller is just holding him back, hopefully until the Dems can take back Congress.

He could sit with the special counsel and expedite the process...oh wait...he'll perjure the investigation continues
...Mueller has nothing...
We will only know that when Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

And not one moment before.

Besides... that whole lotta nuthin sure has The Creature up at night, sweating bullets, and tweeting at 2:00 in the morning...

Be at peace... those findings are coming soon enough, as History measures time.

Tick... tick... tick... :21:
Mueller has got absolutely nothing on Trump
He knows that.
Gosh, how stupid the Trumpers look.

The coming denouement of Trump will be wonderful

And if that happens the bitch will still be a civilian. Can you say President Pence? !LMAO!


Yes, that causes a moment of pause. Can Pence be impeached as a co-conspirator? He has supported everything Trump has said and done. He is Trump's little lapdog.

One could always hope.

On the other hand, Pence would simply be a placeholder, a do-nothing President. Wouldn't that be a pleasure.
You can't be a "co-conspirator" if no crime has been committed, dumbass. You shouldn't discuss your sexual fantasies on a public forum. It could lead to social ostracism.
Trump wrote a very revealing tweet on Sunday. It said, in part, ""The failing @nytimes wrote a Fake piece today implying that because White House Councel Don McGahn was giving hours of testimony to the Special Councel, he must be a John Dean type 'RAT.'"

John Dean a rat! John Dean helped bring criminals to justice. In 1973 he played a crucial role in helping both Congress and Watergate prosecutors understand the full scope of the criminal conspiracy involving Nixon and his top aides surrounding the break-in to the Democratic National headquarters and the cover-up that followed. His testimony would have led to Nixon's impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors, but Nixon resigned rather than face the impeachment process.

Dean's testimony contributed to the rule of law. Only a criminal would refer to Dean as a "rat." In other words, a criminal would say he ratted out a colleague, a fellow criminal.

Trump called John Dean a rat!
Who da fuck cares.........outside mindless TDS people.

Believe me when I say, I loved that response. It proves everything I have said about Trump's fans.
It is no more damaging than Democrats attacking McCarthy for going after communists.
Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview.

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.
Hillary didn’t do anything wrong.

Disgusting insane losers

Thanks for proving my point

We didn't lose........

yep, you did not lose the electoral college! That is with the help of the Russian government's, with them releasing STOLEN emails of the DNC on a ''timely'' basis....

And even with all of that, and the Comey wrong doings with his outside of protocol press releases, the citizens of the united States chose Hillary by nearly 3 million.....

AND THIS IS WHY there is so much division in this nation today....

he/the campaign cheated and accepted the help of a foreign government to win....

wouldn't you rather win on your own and know for certain you won on your own and by your team following the rules of the contest? instead of cheating? This cloud will forever be there.... imo.

Hillary camp and the DNC tried the Mickey mouse clubhouse strategy and lost

They paid for dirt.

Got dirt from Russia with love.

Leaked classified material to the press as it was and ongoing investigation. Steele was cut lose for blabbing to the media. Intel then did an end run around the rules and leaked it. Unredacted. We get the redacted version. Clap trap. Brennon and Orr did this again weaponizing Federal agencies.

These people committed Perjury. No charges. While they prosecute others for the same thing.

Different rules depending upon who is doing the crime. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Nothing new. Under Obama these agencies targeted Americans.

There are crimes, but the establishment is protecting the real criminals.
...Mueller has nothing...
We will only know that when Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

And not one moment before.

Besides... that whole lotta nuthin sure has The Creature up at night, sweating bullets, and tweeting at 2:00 in the morning...

Be at peace... those findings are coming soon enough, as History measures time.

Tick... tick... tick... :21:
Not hardly. Trump doesn't sleep much. I think sometimes he goes days without sleep.
This investigation is a time waster.
Trump wants to get things done.....and he doesn't have the patience that most of us have.
We voted him into office to get things done, and Mueller is just holding him back, hopefully until the Dems can take back Congress.

He could sit with the special counsel and expedite the process...oh wait...he'll perjure the investigation continues
Since the investigation was tainted with perjured testimony to the FISA judge from the beginning, recognizing it as being legit in any shape or form is a mistake. Trump isn't going to get a fair deal from the special council. It is his duty to be fair and impartial, but Mueller isn't capable of that where Trump is concerned. Adding to that is the simple fact that this investigation is over something that isn't even a crime in the first place. But I know that what I'm saying is too logical for an illogical person like yourself. So I guess you're going have to hope that Manafort is convicted of something that has nothing to do with Trump so you can lie to yourself about how YOU GOT TRUMP.
...Mueller has nothing...
We will only know that when Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

And not one moment before.

Besides... that whole lotta nuthin sure has The Creature up at night, sweating bullets, and tweeting at 2:00 in the morning...

Be at peace... those findings are coming soon enough, as History measures time.

Tick... tick... tick... :21:
Not hardly. Trump doesn't sleep much. I think sometimes he goes days without sleep.
This investigation is a time waster.
Trump wants to get things done.....and he doesn't have the patience that most of us have.
We voted him into office to get things done, and Mueller is just holding him back, hopefully until the Dems can take back Congress.

He could sit with the special counsel and expedite the process...oh wait...he'll perjure the investigation continues
Since the investigation was tainted with perjured testimony to the FISA judge from the beginning, recognizing it as being legit in any shape or form is a mistake. Trump isn't going to get a fair deal from the special council. It is his duty to be fair and impartial, but Mueller isn't capable of that where Trump is concerned. Adding to that is the simple fact that this investigation is over something that isn't even a crime in the first place. But I know that all of this is too logical for an illogical person like yourself. So I guess you're going have to hope that Manafort is convicted of something that has nothing to do with Trump so you can lie to yourself about how YOU GOT TRUMP.
Tainted information because of prosecutor miscodumis should not be admitted in court.

Why hasn't the FISA judge held them in contempt.

Good question to ask that judge in front on Congress. Classified hearing though.
instead she got an extra handful of illegal votes in California

Proof please.
CA has been allowing illegals to vote in their elections.....because there is no federal law that says they can't vote in local elections. So after hearing this one would assume that they have also allowed them to vote in federal elections and are just greasing the skids to make that legal as well. This is why they fight tooth and nail any tough election laws. It's only common-sense.

However, we can prove that CA has been stealing electoral college votes by flooding their state with illegals. Legal or not, they are still counted as the total population. Without illegals and chain-migration CA wouldn't have 55 electoral votes. They would probably have less than 50. This is election fraud, but the law has to be changed to make it illegal.
...Mueller has nothing...
We will only know that when Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

And not one moment before.

Besides... that whole lotta nuthin sure has The Creature up at night, sweating bullets, and tweeting at 2:00 in the morning...

Be at peace... those findings are coming soon enough, as History measures time.

Tick... tick... tick... :21:
Not hardly. Trump doesn't sleep much. I think sometimes he goes days without sleep.
This investigation is a time waster.
Trump wants to get things done.....and he doesn't have the patience that most of us have.
We voted him into office to get things done, and Mueller is just holding him back, hopefully until the Dems can take back Congress.

He could sit with the special counsel and expedite the process...oh wait...he'll perjure the investigation continues
Since the investigation was tainted with perjured testimony to the FISA judge from the beginning, recognizing it as being legit in any shape or form is a mistake. Trump isn't going to get a fair deal from the special council. It is his duty to be fair and impartial, but Mueller isn't capable of that where Trump is concerned. Adding to that is the simple fact that this investigation is over something that isn't even a crime in the first place. But I know that all of this is too logical for an illogical person like yourself. So I guess you're going have to hope that Manafort is convicted of something that has nothing to do with Trump so you can lie to yourself about how YOU GOT TRUMP.
Tainted information because of prosecutor miscodumis should not be admitted in court.

Why hasn't the FISA judge held them in contempt.

Good question to ask that judge in front on Congress. Classified hearing though.
Somehow, a Trump critic and open border supporter, first generation American from Cuban immigrant parents, and Obama appointee, got assigned to the FISA court. Weird how that happened. Texts show judge who recused himself in Flynn case was friendly with FBI agent involved in probe

Rudolph Contreras - Wikipedia
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Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview.

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.
Hillary didn’t do anything wrong.

Disgusting insane losers

She deleted 30,000 subpoenaed emails, what if you did that

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
instead she got an extra handful of illegal votes in California

Proof please.
CA has been allowing illegals to vote in their elections.....because there is no federal law that says they can't vote in local elections. So after hearing this one would assume that they have also allowed them to vote in federal elections and are just greasing the skids to make that legal as well. This is why they fight tooth and nail any tough election laws. It's only common-sense.

However, we can prove that CA has been stealing electoral college votes by flooding their state with illegals. Legal or not, they are still counted as the total population. Without illegals and chain-migration CA wouldn't have 55 electoral votes. They would probably have less than 50. This is election fraud, but the law has to be changed to make it illegal. would seem since "we can prove that CA has been stealing electoral college votes"....someone would have done it already. Since it hasn't been done....shut the fuck up.

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