Giuliani To Mueller, We Want The Same Deal As Hillary

...Robert Mueller has been working in Washington in both Democrat and Republican administrations...
That's right... and serving well and honorably regardless of party agendas. what he claims to be doesn't matter...
Only in your mind, and the minds of others grasping at straws and word-play in order to try (and fail) to continue to provide cover for The Creature.

...He is a prosecutor with nothing but Democrats and Hillary supporters on his team...
Quite possibly. What of it? He has already relieved his one team member who demonstrated bias; a team member who was subsequently fired. I don't it doesn't what political party you claim he belongs to.
Presumably, you meant ' doesn't matter what political party...' --- and I would tend to agree.

You are quite probably correct --- it does not matter what political party he claims to lean toward.

It does not matter, because a Special Counsel is triggered by a strong suspicion of wrongdoing, at which point he is turned loose to find that wrongdoing.

We will learn of the existence or nonexistence and the severity and quantification of any related wrongdoing once Mueller releases his findings.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will conclude his investigation and release his findings in his own good time, in accordance with DOJ best practices.

Until then, ya'll are just gonna have to wait... and sweat... and kvetch.

...Mueller has nothing...
We will only know that when Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

And not one moment before.

Besides... that whole lotta nuthin sure has The Creature up at night, sweating bullets, and tweeting at 2:00 in the morning...

Be at peace... those findings are coming soon enough, as History measures time.

Tick... tick... tick... :21:
Not hardly. Trump doesn't sleep much. I think sometimes he goes days without sleep.
This investigation is a time waster.
Trump wants to get things done.....and he doesn't have the patience that most of us have.
We voted him into office to get things done, and Mueller is just holding him back, hopefully until the Dems can take back Congress.

He could sit with the special counsel and expedite the process...oh wait...he'll perjure the investigation continues
Since the investigation was tainted with perjured testimony to the FISA judge from the beginning, recognizing it as being legit in any shape or form is a mistake. Trump isn't going to get a fair deal from the special council. It is his duty to be fair and impartial, but Mueller isn't capable of that where Trump is concerned. Adding to that is the simple fact that this investigation is over something that isn't even a crime in the first place. But I know that what I'm saying is too logical for an illogical person like yourself. So I guess you're going have to hope that Manafort is convicted of something that has nothing to do with Trump so you can lie to yourself about how YOU GOT TRUMP.

Conspiracy...possibly hiring folks to hack your political opponent...obstruction of justice....plenty of potential crimes. Hence this is why you investigate; to see if crimes were committed.

I know what I'm saying is too truthful for someone like yourself to understand.
...That's a very big if...
Feel free to console yourself with such unfounded speculation while ya'll sweat and twitch, waiting for Mueller to release his findings.

...Still wondering what "The Goods" are when you don't have a crime in the first place...
We do not know that and we will not know that until Special Counsel Robert Mueller concludes his investigation and releases his findings.

Hell, I thought it was only LibTards that initiated juvenile insults against those who disagree with them... my bad, pekkerwood... sorry.
The Trumpers continue to deny that they are so angry and that Trump is getting angrier as he gets weaker.
...Mueller has got absolutely nothing on Trump
Neither you nor I know that as established fact...

And we will continue not-to-know-that, until such time as Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

Meanwhile... TrumpBots... ya'll have fun... sweating and twitching and kvetching and such-like tantrums.
Gosh, how stupid the Trumpers look. The coming denouement of Trump will be wonderful
Why do you hate our elected leader of the American government soo much? .... :dunno:
Probably has something to do with the lewd, crude, oafish, boorish, bragging, lying, demagogic, autocratic behaviors of The Creature.

A cogent and entirely understandable case of Buyer's Remose, in light of the threat that it poses to the Republic, its People and Democracy.

America went to the used-car lot and picked up a Lemon that is proving too faulty and expensive to keep.
...That's a very big if...
Feel free to console yourself with such unfounded speculation while ya'll sweat and twitch, waiting for Mueller to release his findings.

...Still wondering what "The Goods" are when you don't have a crime in the first place...
We do not know that and we will not know that until Special Counsel Robert Mueller concludes his investigation and releases his findings.

Hell, I thought it was only LibTards that initiated juvenile insults against those who disagree with them... my bad, pekkerwood... sorry.
Robert Mueller is on a witch hunt. He started the investigation on false pretenses, claiming he was investigating obstruction in another investigation that was looking into collusion, which isn't even a crime.

This investigation is a joke. If collusion were a crime the media and the Democrats would be guilty of it. But to convince a bunch of useful idiots to believe it is a crime, the guilty parties claim it's illegal because Russia is involved (Russia being accused just to make it seem sinister). The entire premise is based off of a highly classified dossier that nobody without a clearance can access. Sound familiar? So we must believe our corrupt and overly political intelligence agencies and believe that there is evidence of collusion.......for some reason not a shred of evidence has been produced for nearly 2 years. But they have indicted a bunch of Russians for other crimes and Paul Manafort is on trial for totally unrelated crimes that happened over a decade ago.
What's amazing is normally intelligent people actually bought into all of the BS.
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...Mueller has nothing...
We will only know that when Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

And not one moment before.

Besides... that whole lotta nuthin sure has The Creature up at night, sweating bullets, and tweeting at 2:00 in the morning...

Be at peace... those findings are coming soon enough, as History measures time.

Tick... tick... tick... :21:
...and still no Russian connection
...Trump doesn't sleep much. I think sometimes he goes days without sleep...
Perhaps he would behave like an adult if he was able to sleep better.

[QUOTE'] ...This investigation is a time waster...
We will not know that until Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

...Trump wants to get things done....
Don't we all.

...and he doesn't have the patience that most of us have...
Patience is a prerequisite for governing in a representative Republic comprised of a diverse population and political perspectives.

...We voted him into office to get things done...

...and Mueller is just holding him back...
In what way?

How has the activity of the Mueller Investigation impeded the progress or agenda of your boy? Please be specific, and demonstrate substantive impact.

...hopefully until the Dems can take back Congress.
Robert Mueller is a Republican, appointed by Republicans, and originally favored by Republicans for his current role.

Until he demonstrated that he was not going to be a rubber-stamp for Republican intentions to provide "cover" for their run-amok Head Man, anyway.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

Mueller is a deep state shit stain... End of story
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Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview.

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.
Hillary didn’t do anything wrong.

Disgusting insane losers

Thanks for proving my point

We didn't lose........

yep, you did not lose the electoral college! That is with the help of the Russian government's, with them releasing STOLEN emails of the DNC on a ''timely'' basis....

And even with all of that, and the Comey wrong doings with his outside of protocol press releases, the citizens of the united States chose Hillary by nearly 3 million.....

AND THIS IS WHY there is so much division in this nation today....

he/the campaign cheated and accepted the help of a foreign government to win....

wouldn't you rather win on your own and know for certain you won on your own and by your team following the rules of the contest? instead of cheating? This cloud will forever be there.... imo.

Na, not really
Donald J. Trump Republican 62,980,160
Hillary R. Clinton Democratic 65,845,063
Gary Johnson Libertarian 4,488,931
Jill Stein Green 1,457,050

More people voted for the Republican/libertarian you fucking moron....
...Trump doesn't sleep much. I think sometimes he goes days without sleep...
Perhaps he would behave like an adult if he was able to sleep better.

[QUOTE'] ...This investigation is a time waster...
We will not know that until Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his findings.

...Trump wants to get things done....
Don't we all.

...and he doesn't have the patience that most of us have...
Patience is a prerequisite for governing in a representative Republic comprised of a diverse population and political perspectives.

...We voted him into office to get things done...

...and Mueller is just holding him back...
In what way?

How has the activity of the Mueller Investigation impeded the progress or agenda of your boy? Please be specific, and demonstrate substantive impact.

...hopefully until the Dems can take back Congress.
Robert Mueller is a Republican, appointed by Republicans, and originally favored by Republicans for his current role.

Until he demonstrated that he was not going to be a rubber-stamp for Republican intentions to provide "cover" for their run-amok Head Man, anyway.
Robert Mueller has been working in Washington in both Democrat and Republican what he claims to be doesn't matter. He is a prosecutor with nothing but Democrats and Hillary supporters on his I don't it doesn't what political party you claim he belongs to.
Yep, the only “party” mueller is a part of is... the deep state
instead she got an extra handful of illegal votes in California

Proof please.
CA has been allowing illegals to vote in their elections.....because there is no federal law that says they can't vote in local elections. So after hearing this one would assume that they have also allowed them to vote in federal elections and are just greasing the skids to make that legal as well. This is why they fight tooth and nail any tough election laws. It's only common-sense.

However, we can prove that CA has been stealing electoral college votes by flooding their state with illegals. Legal or not, they are still counted as the total population. Without illegals and chain-migration CA wouldn't have 55 electoral votes. They would probably have less than 50. This is election fraud, but the law has to be changed to make it illegal.

indeed true and once the census is changed to not include illegals

the electoral vote will stay the same or drop
jon_bezerk is aptly surnamed. When the new census and districting is done over the next four years, many of the GOP and some of the Dem "protected" seats will disappear.
Too damn funny. Just now on Fox.

Giuliani said Mueller asked him what kind of interview would you agree to? Giuliani says he said we wanted the same as Hillary. You write the report exonerating Trump BEFORE we have the interview. :lmao:

Giuliani said Mueller said he didn't want the investigation to look like Comey's of Hillarys.

Damn, I can't stop laughing. Mueller has nothing and as in the other thread I posted Mueller is looking for a way out.

He has nothing. And, no, I didn't make this up. Giuliani said it five minutes ago.
The whole thing was a con game from the beginning to try to help THE DNC win the midterms and take back the House and Senate.

Mueller, Comey and Clinton should do the honorable thing, hold hands and jump off of the Brooklyn Bridge together.
instead she got an extra handful of illegal votes in California

Proof please.
CA has been allowing illegals to vote in their elections.....because there is no federal law that says they can't vote in local elections. So after hearing this one would assume that they have also allowed them to vote in federal elections and are just greasing the skids to make that legal as well. This is why they fight tooth and nail any tough election laws. It's only common-sense.

However, we can prove that CA has been stealing electoral college votes by flooding their state with illegals. Legal or not, they are still counted as the total population. Without illegals and chain-migration CA wouldn't have 55 electoral votes. They would probably have less than 50. This is election fraud, but the law has to be changed to make it illegal. would seem since "we can prove that CA has been stealing electoral college votes"....someone would have done it already. Since it hasn't been done....shut the fuck up.

California should be stripped of Electoral College votes due to high number of illegals in the CA census

Here’s the thing about that: The U.S. Census Bureau counts illegal aliens as part of the 10-year census that is then used to apportion the number of House seats in Congress to each state. That is important because each state’s Electoral College votes are aligned with the number of congressional districts they have.

So in other words, some states (like California) have outsized apportionment (and, thus, outsized Electoral College votes) because they have large illegal immigrant populations.

Even if people here illegally cannot vote in federal elections, the mere fact that they are counted as part of the U.S. Census that is then used to apportion House seats and electoral votes gives states with high illegal immigrant populations more say in deciding who should be president than they should have.

That means if anything, California’s entire Electoral College tally should be discarded because it is artificially inflated.
Hillary didn’t do anything wrong.

Disgusting insane losers

Thanks for proving my point

We didn't lose........

yep, you did not lose the electoral college! That is with the help of the Russian government's, with them releasing STOLEN emails of the DNC on a ''timely'' basis....

And even with all of that, and the Comey wrong doings with his outside of protocol press releases, the citizens of the united States chose Hillary by nearly 3 million.....

AND THIS IS WHY there is so much division in this nation today....

he/the campaign cheated and accepted the help of a foreign government to win....

wouldn't you rather win on your own and know for certain you won on your own and by your team following the rules of the contest? instead of cheating? This cloud will forever be there.... imo.

Na, not really
Donald J. Trump Republican 62,980,160
Hillary R. Clinton Democratic 65,845,063
Gary Johnson Libertarian 4,488,931
Jill Stein Green 1,457,050

More people voted for the Republican/libertarian you fucking moron....

Gary Johnson and Jill Stein only ran to try to water down the vote and ensure a Clinton victory. That plan failed too.
Johnson and Stein running ran down Clinton's votes and guaranteed a Trump victory, ToT.
instead she got an extra handful of illegal votes in California

Proof please.
CA has been allowing illegals to vote in their elections.....because there is no federal law that says they can't vote in local elections. So after hearing this one would assume that they have also allowed them to vote in federal elections and are just greasing the skids to make that legal as well. This is why they fight tooth and nail any tough election laws. It's only common-sense.

However, we can prove that CA has been stealing electoral college votes by flooding their state with illegals. Legal or not, they are still counted as the total population. Without illegals and chain-migration CA wouldn't have 55 electoral votes. They would probably have less than 50. This is election fraud, but the law has to be changed to make it illegal. would seem since "we can prove that CA has been stealing electoral college votes"....someone would have done it already. Since it hasn't been done....shut the fuck up.

California should be stripped of Electoral College votes due to high number of illegals in the CA census

Here’s the thing about that: The U.S. Census Bureau counts illegal aliens as part of the 10-year census that is then used to apportion the number of House seats in Congress to each state. That is important because each state’s Electoral College votes are aligned with the number of congressional districts they have.

So in other words, some states (like California) have outsized apportionment (and, thus, outsized Electoral College votes) because they have large illegal immigrant populations.

Even if people here illegally cannot vote in federal elections, the mere fact that they are counted as part of the U.S. Census that is then used to apportion House seats and electoral votes gives states with high illegal immigrant populations more say in deciding who should be president than they should have.

That means if anything, California’s entire Electoral College tally should be discarded because it is artificially inflated.

The law is the law…the Secretaries of State signed off on the election totals. Your blob lost the popular vote.
So fuck off.

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