Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses....

we have the money it is our priorities that are much has been wasted in the two wars?

plus let me ask this

how many of you claim to be christians....jesus know the little fellow born in a barn....would that constitute a homeless child?

and in matthew doesnt jesus say ...what you do to the least of my breathen you do to me?

how many of you would just jump at the chance to rescue jesus? at any or all costs....but not wee brown children....

No we do not have the money.
4 Trillion for the two wars (2001-2008)
7 Trillion for social programs (2009-2014) 11 Trillion after 2016. Almost 1 Trillion is Stimulus that didn't work.

We need to help and feed our own black and brown children, not South Americas.
Let the people in South America and Mexico take care of their own. The world can help them by donations and humanitarian aid.
We can not take on all of the worlds problems. We have enough of our own.

Bones we don't even have the money for our schools now, let alone adding more children.

You all need to stop using your feelings and emotions and start using your heads with common sense and logic.

Why are you all wanting to add to the 129.5 Trillion. This in not fair to any of our children who are going to have to pay this off.
we have the money it is our priorities that are much has been wasted in the two wars?

plus let me ask this

how many of you claim to be christians....jesus know the little fellow born in a barn....would that constitute a homeless child?

and in matthew doesnt jesus say ...what you do to the least of my breathen you do to me?

how many of you would just jump at the chance to rescue jesus? at any or all costs....but not wee brown children....

That little fellow born in a barn was legally where he should be. Joseph and Mary were not criminals themselves. These children are breaking the law. They might not even know they are breaking the law. It isn't them, it's their parents, it's coyotes, smugglers who are breaking the law. We do not allow anyone, not even children, to benefit from illegal activity. Or at least we didn't before now.

These children should be sent back where they came from.
our children cannot pay off the nation debt now....

that is reality.....perhaps i prefer my taxes to go to helping kids not killing them.....we are in a bind as is..yes i realize that...but i do not think taking in these kids is beyond us..unfortunately it is just a few states being hit hard...and they need cant give humanitarian aide to countries ruled by governments that take the aid without using it for the people...

i do not know what the long term answer is....but for now we need to help these kids
Then go grab a dozen and support them, Bones. All this yapping but no action.
our children cannot pay off the nation debt now....

that is reality.....perhaps i prefer my taxes to go to helping kids not killing them.....we are in a bind as is..yes i realize that...but i do not think taking in these kids is beyond us..unfortunately it is just a few states being hit hard...and they need cant give humanitarian aide to countries ruled by governments that take the aid without using it for the people...

i do not know what the long term answer is....but for now we need to help these kids

These kids are being flowen to all parts of the country Bones.
Kids are dying everywhere in the world.
We can't take them all.

our children cannot pay off the nation debt now
So you want to keep adding more?
That means we go bankrupt bones.
Then we can't help anybody or anyone if that happens.

It's heartbreaking but we have to face reality.
Why should we be the worlds responsibility because other Countries can't run theirs very well?
Where will we get the money for building additional schools and 7,000 for each new student?
Where will the money come from, to treat their tuberculosis at 30,000.00 for each one?
It's even expensive to treat the ones who have measles's.
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cause they are wee brown children.....are they not?

Not the first thing I looked for (*ahem*), but upon further review there seem to be children of varying skin tones for whatever the hell that's supposed to signify. Maybe you need a little self-reflection...

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