Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses....

At issue is Mr. Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which in 2012 allowed some undocumented immigrants who came to America as minors to defer deportation for two years. Last week, the administration announced guidelines for how these immigrants could defer deportation for a further two years.
DACA would not apply to anyone coming across the border today. Only undocumented immigrants who were brought to the US as minors before June 15, 2007, are eligible. But to Republican critics, DACA created the opportunity for misinformation and confusion.
"Word has gotten out around the world about President Obama's lax immigration enforcement policies and it has encouraged more individuals to come to the United States illegally," said Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R) of Virginia, a key broker in immigration reform efforts on Capitol Hill, in a statement last week.
The numbers are stark.
During the decade preceding fiscal year 2012, the federal government agency tasked with caring for unaccompanied minors who cross the border illegally dealt with an average of 7,000 to 8,000 cases a year, according to a Department of Health and Human Services fact sheet. In fiscal year 2011, the number was 6,560.
The following year, however, the number jumped to 13,625. This fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30, 2014, federal officials are estimating that the number could be 80,000, according to an internal memo cited by The New York Times.

Illegal immigration: how 'humanitarian crisis' on border could hurt Obama (+video) -

According to Kids in Need of Defense, a group that advocates for immigrant children and provides legal services during deportation proceedings, as many as 150,000 unaccompanied children could cross into the United States next. In fiscal year 2012 that number was 13,625, the group says. It rose to 24,668 in 2013. The government predicts as many as 60,000 children could enter the U.S. unaccompanied in 2014. Border Patrol cannot keep the children form more than 72 hours and so the numbers are overwhelming the agencies charged with catering for the children.

What's "dangerous and inhumane" is this Republican Brewer woman's non-compassionate attitude towards those who are in need, especially when they are children. She should really practice a little love and compassion as Jesus has told everyone they should do. To "Love One Another" is apparently too tall an order for this RepubliCANT woman and then they wonder why Hispanics and Latinos overwhelmingly flock to the Democratic Party. She's one of the very reasons!
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What in the world happened that crossing the mexican border illegally became a better option than coming through ellis island?

Oh well who cares? FUCK your tired, your poor,

that's right! we need them here during the industrial revolution we don't need them now there aren't enough jobs for the for the people that are here now and furthermore their allegiance to lie in the United States it lies with Mexico they don't wanna be American. they don't want anything to do with us they just want what we have.
Jesus Christ why can't you people get it? flooding the job market with people who are willing to work for half the price is not good for the country. in fact it's killing the country. but you people don't give a s*** right f*** the country right? Plus good neighborhoods all over this part of the country are being run down and turned into slums. I know I have a great idea! why don't we just transfer the entire population of Mexico and Central America to the southwest and just and get it over with. you know, I wonder, would they even want to come here if this place wasn't already built up....
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Currently..I have two hispanic roomies. One was born here. The other was born in Mexico but his parents went through the proper procedures to become citizens..and their children as well. One is a pig, but is a loner. Female. Slob. The other is can eat off the floor in his room. Also a loner. There are low lifes in every country. Poor people can also be clean, middle class can be pigs. So lets not put all of them in a box with a label.

With that said...Brewer knows there are many who need help HERE in the USA. Fuck the brats that come over here wanting free medical care, free schooling, free everything because they are children. I have no qualms in saying send them back from whence they came. Its time for the USA to take care of the citizens here...not everyone elses brats.
What's "dangerous and inhumane" is this Republican Brewer woman's non-compassionate attitude towards those who are in need, especially when they are children. She should really practice a little love and compassion as Jesus has told everyone they should do. To "Love One Another" is apparently too tall an order for this RepubliCANT woman and then they wonder why Hispanics and Latinos overwhelmingly flock to the Democratic Party. She's one of the very reasons!


I love it when people start invoking the name of Jesus in an argument. First of all, he says "render unto Ceasar's that which is Ceasar's and that which is God's to God." Essentially he means to obey the laws of men, but place the will of God as a higher priority.

One other thing I can't help but notice. Where was the love of these parents who sent their children thousands of miles from Central and South America alone to cross our border illegally? What is inhumane and ill compassionate is these children living in cooped up little rooms, and with subpar sanitary conditions.

If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.
Mark 9:42
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Obama caused this surge, and now the parents are willing to put their children's lives on the line to circumvent our immigration system. All on a promise by our president. How can you not be appalled by this? No 'dream' is worth endangering your own children for.
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the parents are trying to see that their kids live...simple as that....but i dont expect you to know what is happening ....since its not covered by the basement network of news
Currently..I have two hispanic roomies. One was born here. The other was born in Mexico but his parents went through the proper procedures to become citizens..and their children as well. One is a pig, but is a loner. Female. Slob. The other is can eat off the floor in his room. Also a loner. There are low lifes in every country. Poor people can also be clean, middle class can be pigs. So lets not put all of them in a box with a label.

With that said...Brewer knows there are many who need help HERE in the USA. Fuck the brats that come over here wanting free medical care, free schooling, free everything because they are children. I have no qualms in saying send them back from whence they came. Its time for the USA to take care of the citizens here...not everyone elses brats.

get on your war pony named compassion and
the parents are trying to see that their kids live...simple as that....but i dont expect you to know what is happening ....since its not covered by the basement network of news

In middle eastern countries, in India, in many other countries parents sell their children into slavery and marry off their daughters at 8 years old. They too are trying to see that their kids live.

Coyotes and smugglers tell these families that there is work for children in this country. The children will work and send money home. Those aren't exactly loving parents but parents willing to send their children into slavery. They don't know that we have laws against child labor. They hope that at some point these children will be able to send for their families and bring them here too.

These families are not parents trying to do best for their children. They are venous adults who are looking to use their children in any way possible.
A crisis is looming at the border between US and Mexico.

PHOENIX — The federal government on Friday began sending hundreds of unaccompanied children caught crossing the border illegally in Texas to a holding center in Nogales, Ariz., further straining relations with Gov. Jan Brewer, who was already angry over the recent release of hundreds of undocumented families at bus stations in Phoenix and Tucson.

Brewer said she learned Friday that 432 children were transported to a holding facility in Nogales and that more would be arriving throughout the weekend. Indeed, unmarked buses arrived at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Nogales facility throughout Saturday morning with what appeared to be young people inside.

The agency would not allow members of the media inside "due to privacy concerns," Victor Brabble, a Border Patrol spokesman.

"I am disturbed and outraged that President Obama's administration continues to implement this dangerous and inhumane policy," Brewer said in a written statement.

Brewer's spokesman, Andrew Wilder, told The Associated Press that conditions at the holding facility in Nogales are so dire that the state is releasing federal medical and other supplies to the facility.

Hundreds more migrant children arrive in Arizona

Oh noes ... Good thing [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION] is on this issue. Some people will say they're taking American jobs that some Americans are too lazy to do anyway.
the parents are trying to see that their kids live...simple as that....but i dont expect you to know what is happening ....since its not covered by the basement network of news

In middle eastern countries, in India, in many other countries parents sell their children into slavery and marry off their daughters at 8 years old. They too are trying to see that their kids live.

Coyotes and smugglers tell these families that there is work for children in this country. The children will work and send money home. Those aren't exactly loving parents but parents willing to send their children into slavery. They don't know that we have laws against child labor. They hope that at some point these children will be able to send for their families and bring them here too.

These families are not parents trying to do best for their children. They are venous adults who are looking to use their children in any way possible.

Wrong as usual. And, vicious, as usual.

These children are on the run from sex traffickers and political/drug violence in South America.

Never fear however - I'm sure "christians" won't let children go hungry.
we [sic] need [sic] them here during the industrial revolution [sic] we don't need them now [sic] there aren't enough jobs for the for the people that are here now [sic] and furthermore their allegiance to lie [sic] in the United States it lies with Mexico [sic] they don't wanna [sic] be American. they [sic] don't want anything to do with us [sic] they just want what we have. Jesus Christ [sic] why can't you people get it? flooding [sic] the job market with people who are willing to work for half the price is not good for the country. in [sic] fact it's killing the country. but [sic] you people don't give a s*** right f*** the country right [sic]? Plus [sic] good neighborhoods all over this part of the country are being run down and turned into slums. I know [sic] I have a great idea! why [sic] don't we just transfer the entire population of Mexico and Central America to the southwest and just and get it over with. you [sic] know, I wonder, would they even want to come here if this place wasn't [sic] already built up....

Huffing glue all day isn't going to get you anywhere, kid.

P.S. Learn the language or get the hell out of my country, punk.
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the parents are trying to see that their kids live...simple as that....but i dont expect you to know what is happening ....since its not covered by the basement network of news

In middle eastern countries, in India, in many other countries parents sell their children into slavery and marry off their daughters at 8 years old. They too are trying to see that their kids live.

Coyotes and smugglers tell these families that there is work for children in this country. The children will work and send money home. Those aren't exactly loving parents but parents willing to send their children into slavery. They don't know that we have laws against child labor. They hope that at some point these children will be able to send for their families and bring them here too.

These families are not parents trying to do best for their children. They are venous adults who are looking to use their children in any way possible.

Careful throwing those stones:

Gary woman admits selling baby for sex - FOX 32 News Chicago

Mother who sold her two daughters to a pedophile for $30,000 caught after two years on the run | Mail Online

Utah Mother Tried to Sell Daughter's Virginity for $10,000, Say Cops - ABC News
Currently..I have two hispanic roomies. One was born here. The other was born in Mexico but his parents went through the proper procedures to become citizens..and their children as well. One is a pig, but is a loner. Female. Slob. The other is can eat off the floor in his room. Also a loner. There are low lifes in every country. Poor people can also be clean, middle class can be pigs. So lets not put all of them in a box with a label.

With that said...Brewer knows there are many who need help HERE in the USA. Fuck the brats that come over here wanting free medical care, free schooling, free everything because they are children. I have no qualms in saying send them back from whence they came. Its time for the USA to take care of the citizens here...not everyone elses brats.

get on your war pony named compassion and

Get on your broom and
In fact, those that don't mind supporting shitload of kids from other countries...trot your asses down to IRS and say you are willing to pay more taxes for them. Take a dozen into your homes and support them. Oh. Wait.

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