Give the Vik a chance


Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2019

I came here and told "The Vik" that I liked him and he needed my win battles to gain my support. He has done that.

Vivek Ramaswamy has my blessings.

Ramaswamy will help steer America back to what Americans like him was taught America was.

I'm still voting for Trump, but you're a good second option with a very bright future.
He can run his mouth faster and with as little thought as Trump. If he can hunt Dems, those “running dogs of the ruling class” as fast as he pretends, maybe Trump could appoint him as … dog-catcher?

:abgg2q.jpg: /s
TDS is so annoying

If Trump is your candidate, of course you feel that way!

Is Trump your candidate? Your hero? Despite what you write above, it always seemed that way in the past to me! And what do you think of the politics of this pint-sized Indian “Trump imitation”?
He can run his mouth faster and with as little thought as Trump. If he can hunt Dems, those “running dogs of the ruling class” as fast as he pretends, maybe Trump could appoint him as … dog-catcher?

:abgg2q.jpg: /s
Who do you want for president 2024?
If Trump is your candidate, of course you feel that way!

Is Trump your candidate? Your hero? Despite what you write above, it always seemed that way in the past to me! And what do you think of the politics of this pint-sized Indian “Trump imitation”?

Read the fckn thread dumbass. I said I'm not comfortable with anyone now

And lose the fckn Trump shit
If Trump is your candidate, of course you feel that way!

Is Trump your candidate? Your hero? Despite what you write above, it always seemed that way in the past to me! And what do you think of the politics of this pint-sized Indian “Trump imitation”?

your bag of crap has men in dresses/pumps/lipstick stealing underwear from Airport luggage and he is not the worst one? You got home O naked on Congress tables taking shaft Up the rear.

Yet you still bark? You’re a disgusting bag of human feces you puss filled maggot Feeding if the decent people of America.
Read the fckn thread dumbass. I said I'm not comfortable with anyone now

And lose the fckn Trump shit
You have to understand, all democrats care about is keeping Potato head in power, and not voting for Trump will do that.

That is literally all they care about in life.
Who do you want for president 2024?

I have never been a great fan of “personality politics,” and never a fan of Biden or Hillary personally. I am an Independent and not registered for either party. I recognize sometimes you have to vote for the lesser of two evils, but I didn’t vote for either Trump or Hillary in 2016. Now I am a confirmed “Never Trumper” who will do my best to keep Trump out of the White House, even if that means voting for Biden.

The Democrats have done some really stupid things in many areas of governing, but they are immeasurably more responsible and less crazy than the “Trump Party” and MAGA.

Of course I’d rather a younger, more appealing and overall “better” candidate, but it is what it is ..
I have never been a great fan of “personality politics,” and never a fan of Biden or Hillary personally. I am an Independent and not registered for either party. I recognize sometimes you have to vote for the lesser of two evils, but I didn’t vote for either Trump or Hillary in 2016. Now I am a confirmed “Never Trumper” who will do my best to keep Trump out of the White House, even if that means voting for Biden.

The Democrats have done some really stupid things in many areas of governing, but they are immeasurably more responsible and less crazy than the “Trump Party” and MAGA.

Of course I’d rather a younger, more appealing and overall “better” candidate, but it is what it is ..
You enjoy the status quo.

What is the status quo? Keeping the war going in the Ukraine indefinitely at the cost of billions in taxpayer dollars, bashing Israel for defending itself as the Left hunts down Jewish students in every university it Left wing America as they chase them into attics, taking on increasing debt as inflation squeezes the life's blood out of the middle class, and an open border where all the Blue states cry and declare a state of emergency for a few thousand immigrants sent to them, saying they should all go back to Texas where 10 million or so immigrants have arrived, as the same Blue states continue to support the open border policy.

I remember a time when the Left would protest war and said they stood up for minorities like Jews, but now they celebrate genocide by Hamas and chase them into attics. They once championed the rights of the poor, but now tell them the economy is great and should ignore the higher prices for bread and to put gas in their cars and vote for Potato head anyway. The Left once celebrated free speech, but now support speech being censored, and abhor Musk for taking over Twitter and opening back up free speech.

The Left is far worse today than the right has ever been. They have turned into fascist brown shirts like their cousins the National Socialists of Germany.

I won't attempt to cure you of your TDS, but just know that your TDS is driving the country further into fascism by itself. Who knows, maybe voting either way will yield the same result in that way. Honestly, it would not surprise me if that were the case

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