Given the age of D Reps how long will their Majority last?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Between rent a rioters who do not report to them and the inability to bring any bacon home for their voters the stress levels will become unbearable quickly.

In order to bring the stress levels down they need allies in the courts, the bureaucracy and Senate. Are any of those likely to be seen? No.

Trump is reducing the size of the bureaucracy.

They will not have anything remotely resembling veto override majorities in either chamber.

Blue states are more likely to have recall mechanisms than Red states.

The finances of Blue states are a lot worse than those of Red States so they have to pass something that Trump will sign but not enrage their base. That sure looks like a nonesuch.

SCOTUS will throw out a lot of what they have gotten from activist judges.

So how quickly will retirement mount up?

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