Glenn Beck: Government has until Monday to come clean on Boston bombing.

The reason he gave was that the thought Americans should hear the truth directly from the government and not him. ...

How very noble.

Yeah, this doesn't reek of teaser at all, so I'm sure the one-day ratings boost was the furthest thing from his mind.

I think Beck is right; the news should come from the government and not him. Its not about being noble, but about being realistic. Beck has a substantial following but he knows that a lot of people will not trust what he says (the responses to this thread prove him right); therefore, he will only come forth with the truth if the government doesn't. Beck is not a stupid man, and there is no way in hell he is going to risk losing credibility with his followers just for a one-day spike in ratings. I don't know how much – if anything – a single day spike in ratings would do to his career, but I doubt that Beck really needs it. I think he would be just as rich without the extra attention for a single broadcast.

However, IF he is playing games and doesn't deliver, I expect to see his ratings plummet. I, for one, will have nothing more to do with the man and I am sure that many of his fans will agree with me. I think Beck is aware of this and will not risk his reputation on some cheap stunt.

But we will soon see, won't we?
The reason he gave was that the thought Americans should hear the truth directly from the government and not him. ...

How very noble.

Yeah, this doesn't reek of teaser at all, so I'm sure the one-day ratings boost was the furthest thing from his mind.

I think Beck is right; the news should come from the government and not him. Its not about being noble, but about being realistic. Beck has a substantial following but he knows that a lot of people will not trust what he says (the responses to this thread prove him right); therefore, he will only come forth with the truth if the government doesn't. Beck is not a stupid man, and there is no way in hell he is going to risk losing credibility with his followers just for a one-day spike in ratings. I don't know how much – if anything – a single day spike in ratings would do to his career, but I doubt that Beck really needs it. I think he would be just as rich without the extra attention for a single broadcast.

However, IF he is playing games and doesn't deliver, I expect to see his ratings plummet. I, for one, will have nothing more to do with the man and I am sure that many of his fans will agree with me. I think Beck is aware of this and will not risk his reputation on some cheap stunt.

But we will soon see, won't we?

That is hilarious! Thank you! Great facetiousness and satire all wrapped together. You're pretty good...
Beck must need some vacation money. Buy more gold and food insurance.
The reason he gave was that the thought Americans should hear the truth directly from the government and not him. ...

How very noble.

Yeah, this doesn't reek of teaser at all, so I'm sure the one-day ratings boost was the furthest thing from his mind.

I think Beck is right; the news should come from the government and not him. Its not about being noble, but about being realistic. Beck has a substantial following but he knows that a lot of people will not trust what he says (the responses to this thread prove him right); therefore, he will only come forth with the truth if the government doesn't. Beck is not a stupid man, and there is no way in hell he is going to risk losing credibility with his followers just for a one-day spike in ratings. I don't know how much – if anything – a single day spike in ratings would do to his career, but I doubt that Beck really needs it. I think he would be just as rich without the extra attention for a single broadcast.

However, IF he is playing games and doesn't deliver, I expect to see his ratings plummet. I, for one, will have nothing more to do with the man and I am sure that many of his fans will agree with me. I think Beck is aware of this and will not risk his reputation on some cheap stunt.

But we will soon see, won't we?

Fair points all.

I will say that he's already pretty well-known for his sometimes questionable use of hyperbole.

But like you said, we'll soon see what's what. :)
Will Beck admit he was wrong - or will he just try to spin his lunacy into a broader/deeper conspiracy theory?

I've never heard Beck admit he was wrong about anything. Jon Stewart exposes his lies.

Oh! what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive!

-- Sir Walter Scott
Will Beck admit he was wrong - or will he just try to spin his lunacy into another conspiracy theory?

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive" -- Sir Walter Scott

It seems to me that the identity of this former "person of interest" (whether he was mistakenly characterized as such by the media or not), and the consequent familial relationships to up to six other known Saudi terrorists, is more important than the truth or falsity of the deportation aspect of the story. When a guy with Bin-Ladenesque family connections just happens to be close enough to a terror attack to be mildly injured by the explosion ...and is then apprehended fleeing from the blast site, the obvious question becomes: why the hell wouldn't he be viewed as a person of interest to this very day?!
On Friday, Glenn Beck said he has information about the Boston bombing that the Government is trying to hide. Glenn warned the Government to come clean by Monday, or the Blaze would expose the truth. Check out the following video (it's less than 4 minutes).

Glenn Beck Claims to Give the Government Until Monday to Come Clean on Saudi National | Zero Hedge

Tanscript at all? I live in flintstone land of computers....

Don't worry, he'll draw it up on the chalkboard for ya


  • $beckchalk.jpg
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So on Tuesday when this cocksucking hack has produced nothing, can we agree never to talk about him again?
Before Beck speaks, I want everyone to know that when he was on Fox News I watched every show. I felt that I was getting information from him that I was not getting anywhere else. Some people call Beck a liar, but I never caught him in a single lie. Beck documented everything he said citing specific writings or showing audio/video tape evidence. I may not have agreed with his assessment of the evidence, but the evidence itself was not debatable.

Some people call Beck stupid, and I cannot accept that. I have heard Beck speak extemporaneously and I think he is a better speaker than most, even better than Obama (without the teleprompter). Besides, his success as a broadcaster and author speaks for itself. I admit, sometimes he gets theatrical, but that does not diminish his intelligence. He is, after all, both a newsman and an entertainer.

One thing that I have never questioned is Beck's patriotism. I believe he loves his country as much as any man.

I have defended Beck in the past, and I will do it one more time. I expect the message Beck delivers later today to be powerful and shocking. On the tape, Beck talks about not trusting our own government and saying that it appears there is nothing they wouldn't do. It sounds serious as hell to me.

Today may be the day that either makes or breaks Glenn Beck. If Beck is not being honest on this issued, I have been played and I am a motherfucking fool. I will never again trust anything he says. If Beck delivers, his critics will be the ones apologizing.

Just hours away, folks.

OK, I am done with this thread until Tuesday.
ICE sources later told TheBlaze that a separate Saudi national was in custody, and that he is “in no way affiliated” with the Boston attacks.

Now, the House Committee on Homeland Security wants some answers.

Here is a copy of the letter, signed by Chairman Michael T. McCaul, Chairman Jeff Duncan of the subcommittee on Oversight and Management Efficiency, Chairman Peter King of the subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, and Chairman Candice Miller of the subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security:

The letter reads:

We are writing to request a classified briefing on Department of Homeland Security information and actions related to the case of the original person of interest in the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon on Monday, April 22, 2013.
On Thursday, April 18th, you testified before the Committee on Homeland Security and responded to a question related to this individual’s immigration status by saying that you “were unaware of anyone being deported for national security concerns at all related to Boston.” However, media reports have continued to raise concerns about this individual and adjustments that may have been made to his immigration status, including possible visa revocation and terrorist watch-listing, in the days following the bombing.
We request the Department provide a detailed overview of the records associated with this individual to include his law enforcement and immigration records prior to April 15, 2013, as well as his current status. We request briefers from the Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Customs and Border Protection.
We appreciate your immediate attention to this issue and anticipate your prompt reply.
The committee says it has copies of the original deportation order, and has confirmed to TheBlaze and several other media outlets that the facts are as we reported last week.

Key Congressmen Request Classified Briefing on Saudi ?Person of Interest? in Boston Bombing |
[ame=]Aesop's Fable: The Boy Who Cried Wolf - YouTube[/ame]
I seriously cannot wait to hear what an anti-climactic circle jerk let down this is going to be. And yet no matter what Beck pisses in the face of his followers, they're so dumb that they'll keep following him.
They may, but the people who carry his show may not put up with it if enough people complain. I honestly think he is full of shit. I think he got a tidbit, got a hard on, and just could not wait to let it out and prematurely ejaculated and spilled it on Friday. We shall see today.

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