Glenn Beck: Government has until Monday to come clean on Boston bombing.

maybe he needs some more airtime to sell to the last bits of fools walking more gold before he loses his shorts?
They may, but the people who carry his show may not put up with it if enough people complain. I honestly think he is full of shit. I think he got a tidbit, got a hard on, and just could not wait to let it out and prematurely ejaculated and spilled it on Friday. We shall see today.

I thought he was so bat shit insane that he was kicked out of any legit news source and became his own entity trying to rip off Alex Jones' act? I can't wait to hear him push this Saudi issue and get shut down. It makes sense for him to do that as his demographic is the really really dumb Fox watchers and there's been survey after survey that shows how retarded those people are.

All Glenn Beck has to say today

"A Saudi national was in the vicinity of the bombing and was questioned by authorities..."

and his supporters will hear

Since when did Glenn Beck become Alex Jones. I went to his website. He has the same operation as Alex. Lol. What is this world coming to?
On Friday, Glenn Beck said he has information about the Boston bombing that the Government is trying to hide. Glenn warned the Government to come clean by Monday, or the Blaze would expose the truth.
Keeping-in-mind that Beck's brain is perforated, from decades of alcohol-abuse....Glenn Beck can go fuck himself!!!

At least his blog postings don't look like they've come out of a children's popup book.
It's always funny when people like Oliver Stone and Jesse Ventura are called conspiracy theorists, yet Beck, for whatever reason, "is on to something." Amazing the partisan number they play on people.
Note the lieberals are disparaging what Beck has to say before he says it.

I guess they like to get a jump on things.

Glenn Beck lies every time he opens his face and makes noise.

Anyone that believes anything he says is devoid of credibility.

See what I mean?
Glenn Beck;
Begging To Get Back On TV!!!


[ame=]Katie Couric puts the boots to racist Glenn Beck on his refusal to define 'white culture' - YouTube[/ame]​
Since when did Glenn Beck become Alex Jones. I went to his website. He has the same operation as Alex. Lol. What is this world coming to?

No he doesn't. The Blaze is completely different from Alex Jones InfoWars format. I don't find anything similar other than that both sites promote investing in Gold. Many websites are advertising gold. That would not define them as the "same operation".
Glenn Beck is the new Alex Jones, eventually he'll be the new Art Bell.

Marketing to the crazies is a good business with the bonus that you have no need whatsoever for credibility or accountability in the normal world.

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