Glenn Beck: Government has until Monday to come clean on Boston bombing.

Beck will have to prove the Saudi was given a 212(3)(b) tag. And he will have to prove it was removed. And he will have to prove that cannot be done in a short period. And he will have to prove his entire timeline.

These are the claims he has made which he must prove, or he is full of shit.
i think he has documentation .
Beck will have to prove the Saudi was given a 212(3)(b) tag. And he will have to prove it was removed. And he will have to prove that cannot be done in a short period. And he will have to prove his entire timeline.

These are the claims he has made which he must prove, or he is full of shit.
i think he has documentation .

That's funny.
The same thing will happen if his demands aren't met........nothing.

You're right.

The nutters will keep right on sending him money and swearing that, because he famously says, 'don't believe me, look it up for yourself', he must be telling the truth.

But, then , they never look it up for themselves.

rw nutters, while you worship at his gold throne, you might want to consider that THIS is what he uses to get you to send him money.

(Thank you to Lahkota for posting this link and please be aware that its very graphic.)

This is what sick twitch Beck is making his money on.

Wouldn't you rather send that money to this young man or to others so horribly maimed by the bombs?

Boston Bombing Hero Who Identified Suspect Resorts To Online Fundraising To Pay His Medical Bills (UPDATED) | ThinkProgress

BUCKS FOR BAUMAN! by Brooke Gibbs - GoFundMe

Again - thank you to Lahkota for these links.
Beck will have to prove the Saudi was given a 212(3)(b) tag. And he will have to prove it was removed. And he will have to prove that cannot be done in a short period. And he will have to prove his entire timeline.

These are the claims he has made which he must prove, or he is full of shit.
i think he has documentation .
I already showed contradictions within his own "exclusive" timeline. But his "exclusive" timeline contradicts the entire Right-wing-nut claim that the injured Saudi was put on the deport list after Obama met the Saudi minister on Wed.

Boston bombing suspect ordered deported after Obama meets with Saudi minister - Google Search
For those who cannot follow, or just don't wish to follow, Glenn Beck's bloviations, he is saying there was a third Marathon bomber.

As if that wasn't bad enough, he is saying the third bomber was a FBI suspect in the bombing, but then the government quietly and hurriedly got him off the hook. For some reason.

Cue conspiracy theory music.
Beck will have to prove the Saudi was given a 212(3)(b) tag. And he will have to prove it was removed. And he will have to prove that cannot be done in a short period. And he will have to prove his entire timeline.

These are the claims he has made which he must prove, or he is full of shit.
i think he has documentation .
I already showed contradictions within his own "exclusive" timeline. But his "exclusive" timeline contradicts the entire Right-wing-nut claim that the injured Saudi was put on the deport list after Obama met the Saudi minister on Wed.

Boston bombing suspect ordered deported after Obama meets with Saudi minister - Google Search
more will be released as the days go he feeding out the info slowly for ratings ??? probably i like it ?? he lying ?? maybe not .
Beck will have Obama wiring the backpacks before this is over.
You know the sad thing about this is irregardless of what happens when this cocksucking loser thief fails today, we're going to have to wade through several retarded threads started by several retarded people about how Obama let the "Saudi Terror Suspect" get away.
Before Beck speaks, I want everyone to know that when he was on Fox News I watched every show. I felt that I was getting information from him that I was not getting anywhere else. Some people call Beck a liar, but I never caught him in a single lie. Beck documented everything he said citing specific writings or showing audio/video tape evidence. I may not have agreed with his assessment of the evidence, but the evidence itself was not debatable.

Some people call Beck stupid, and I cannot accept that. I have heard Beck speak extemporaneously and I think he is a better speaker than most, even better than Obama (without the teleprompter). Besides, his success as a broadcaster and author speaks for itself. I admit, sometimes he gets theatrical, but that does not diminish his intelligence. He is, after all, both a newsman and an entertainer.

One thing that I have never questioned is Beck's patriotism. I believe he loves his country as much as any man.

I have defended Beck in the past, and I will do it one more time. I expect the message Beck delivers later today to be powerful and shocking. On the tape, Beck talks about not trusting our own government and saying that it appears there is nothing they wouldn't do. It sounds serious as hell to me.

Today may be the day that either makes or breaks Glenn Beck. If Beck is not being honest on this issued, I have been played and I am a motherfucking fool. I will never again trust anything he says. If Beck delivers, his critics will be the ones apologizing.

Just hours away, folks.

OK, I am done with this thread until Tuesday.

Yes a guy who wears magical underwear and thinks his god live on the planet Kolob is very intelligent :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Becks cult
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You know the sad thing about this is irregardless of what happens when this cocksucking loser thief fails today, we're going to have to wade through several retarded threads started by several retarded people about how Obama let the "Saudi Terror Suspect" get away.

What is sad is when people who use the word (sic) irregardless.

Then they make up stories about what is going to happen.
Beck is kind of a flake, but he was right about Soros and he could be right about the saudi.

why the rush to deport him?

why the unscheduled meeting between obama and the saudi ambassador --- just before the deportation order was issued?

coincidence? I think not.
Everybody knows there is a Saudi connection.

I am not defending Glenn Beck.... I don't even know the man, but the Saudi connection is there.

There is absolutely no evidence that points to any "Saudi connection" at all.

No there is not far.. but .... when it comes to terrorists attacks by radical Islam... you can bet your life Saudi Arabia is in one way or another connected.

But like I said, I do not know Glenn Beck.

I don't blame people for not believing that Beck has some sort of inside source. Ok fine. But to say there is absolutely no evidence when none of us could possible know is believing in what we want to believe not on actual fact. Not saying who is right but to make definitive statements without facts seems as stupid as the left would paint Beck.
Beck is kind of a flake, but he was right about Soros and he could be right about the saudi.

why the rush to deport him?

why the unscheduled meeting between obama and the saudi ambassador --- just before the deportation order was issued?

coincidence? I think not.

Yes. We know.
Let's have a rational debate and forget about Beck.

1. Does anyone believe that the two did not have assistance? Yes/no and why.

2. Why did the Russian warn us and yet the FBI found nothing. Does that not seem strange? At least the FBI should have found out what the Russians were warning us about, but nothing, seems unlikely. Political correctness, incompetence or something else?

3. How could the mother come up with a story about the FBI and her son(S) so fast? What would be her motivation for doing so?

My opinion. 1. As of right now there is no definitive evidence presented to us of involvement of others. If there was they dropped the two like hot potatoes. Could be though that there was no escape plan because they didn't expect to be found out at all or so fast. It really was incredibly fast they were identified.

2. Obviously the FBI had to have found out something. I am thinking political correctness dropped the investigation because the guy was just involved with some radical speech. He and his brother were acting alone so their was no red flag for the FBI to see.

3. The mother, I have no idea how or why she came up with such a story.
Beck will have Obama wiring the backpacks before this is over.

That's not quite conspiratorial enough for Beck. For Beck, it must be a conspiracy that stretches out over several years (decades, preferably). So, in Beckworld, Obama originally conspired with someone while in college to carry out a plan like this.

Now, get out a whiteboard and start drawing some circles with interconnecting lines, and sooner or later you'll have a schematic diagram of a diabolical scheme.
Beck will have Obama wiring the backpacks before this is over.

That's not quite conspiratorial enough for Beck. For Beck, it must be a conspiracy that stretches out over several years (decades, preferably). So, in Beckworld, Obama originally conspired with someone while in college to carry out a plan like this.

Now, get out a whiteboard and start drawing some circles with interconnecting lines, and sooner or later you'll have a schematic diagram of a diabolical scheme.

Yes. I hear that in Dagestan they all take their marching orders from Saul Alinsky ;)
Beck will have Obama wiring the backpacks before this is over.

That's not quite conspiratorial enough for Beck. For Beck, it must be a conspiracy that stretches out over several years (decades, preferably). So, in Beckworld, Obama originally conspired with someone while in college to carry out a plan like this.

Now, get out a whiteboard and start drawing some circles with interconnecting lines, and sooner or later you'll have a schematic diagram of a diabolical scheme.

For crying out loud all he is saying is there is a Saudi connection, you people always have to blow things out of proportion.
The same thing will happen if his demands aren't met........nothing.

You're right.

The nutters will keep right on sending him money and swearing that, because he famously says, 'don't believe me, look it up for yourself', he must be telling the truth.

But, then , they never look it up for themselves.

rw nutters, while you worship at his gold throne, you might want to consider that THIS is what he uses to get you to send him money.

(Thank you to Lahkota for posting this link and please be aware that its very graphic.)

This is what sick twitch Beck is making his money on.

Wouldn't you rather send that money to this young man or to others so horribly maimed by the bombs?

Boston Bombing Hero Who Identified Suspect Resorts To Online Fundraising To Pay His Medical Bills (UPDATED) | ThinkProgress

BUCKS FOR BAUMAN! by Brooke Gibbs - GoFundMe

Again - thank you to Lahkota for these links.

The links that I reposted (above) from Lahkota's sig ... What is really REALLY sick is that the goddamn rw's and Repub's are politiczing those horrible maimed victims just as they used the bullet-shredded bodies of all those children.

Its a damn shame there's not such place as "hell".

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