Glenn Beck Says CBDC China-Style Replacement of Cash Will be Preceded by Manipulated Bank Collapse Crisis, and Super-Inflation


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Glenn Beck: The collapse of the dollar and CBDC has begun (view at Rumble)

Dire warnings against allowing the Federal Reserve to issue digital credits replacing money can be heard across the political spectrum, from figures ranging from Tulsi Gabbard to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Tucker Carlson to Glenn Beck to Ron Paul. Former US Congressman Justin Amash recently called Federal Reserve “money” “one of the most dangerous developments in history.”

Augustin Carlsten, Managing Director of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the central bank for the central banks, admits CBDC will give central banks complete power over what, when, and where you can spend your money

SD Gov. Kristi Noem on her veto of state legislation which prepares the way for CBDC (view at Rumble)

President of a Federal Reserve Bank Says CBDC Not Needed, Would Allow China-Like Monitoring of People

NEW YORK — The Federal Reserve has a neutral stance on whether it pursues its own digital currency, but at least one regional bank president remains deeply skeptical of the idea.

Neel Kashkari, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, said consumers already had access to instant digital payments through private-sector platforms without the privacy concerns that arise from a government-backed alternative

“I can see why China would do it,” Kashkari said. “If they want to monitor every one of your transactions, you could do that with a central bank digital currency. You can’t do that with Venmo. If you want to impose negative interest rates, you could do that with a central bank digital currency. You can’t do that with Venmo. And if you want to directly tax customer accounts, you could do that with a central bank digital currency. You can’t do that with Venmo. I get why China would be interested. Why would the American people be for that?” [FULL ARTICLE]

Newsweek, in“CBDCs Will Be the End of American Freedom” writes:

“If the Federal Reserve adopts a central bank digital dollar, the American government will be on a surefire path to authoritarianism…While some compare CBDCs with Bitcoin as CBDCs can be based on the blockchain, similarities between the two end there. In fact, CBDCs are a wolf in sheep’s clothing, co-opting Bitcoin’s appeal while undermining every one of its underlying principles…by centralizing Americans’ financial information and holdings in a digital database controlled by the U.S. government, CBDCs would create an authoritarian surveillance state…

It is imperative that Americans become aware of the dangerous implications of CBDCs and quell any efforts to develop an American CBDC currently at play in the government,.. “

Former President Bush official Catherine Austin Fitts: The elites “want your kids.” (view at Rumble) (FULL INTERVIEW)

China’s ‘Social Credit’ CBDC System (view at Rumble)
A couple of old sayings people should learn...

A couple of old sayings people should learn...

I'm well covered, but Beck is a hack and was 50 or 60 lbs ago.
Gosh, I've been using digital currency for decades! I rarely use cash any more. Cash is for hookers and blow.

Strangely, the world has not ended, and the FBI is not tracking me.

Are they? :oops:

My grocery store tracks me, though. With their frigging membership card. They monitor all my purchases and send me coupons which match my shopping habits. Those BASTARDS!
The CBDC currently in use is for settlements between banks so they don't have to send armored cars of cash back and forth. It's not for you and me. Sorry, kids.
Wachoo talkin bout Willis?

Glenn Beck: The collapse of the dollar and CBDC has begun (view at Rumble)

Dire warnings against allowing the Federal Reserve to issue digital credits replacing money can be heard across the political spectrum, from figures ranging from Tulsi Gabbard to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Tucker Carlson to Glenn Beck to Ron Paul. Former US Congressman Justin Amash recently called Federal Reserve “money” “one of the most dangerous developments in history.”

Augustin Carlsten, Managing Director of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the central bank for the central banks, admits CBDC will give central banks complete power over what, when, and where you can spend your money

SD Gov. Kristi Noem on her veto of state legislation which prepares the way for CBDC (view at Rumble)

President of a Federal Reserve Bank Says CBDC Not Needed, Would Allow China-Like Monitoring of People

NEW YORK — The Federal Reserve has a neutral stance on whether it pursues its own digital currency, but at least one regional bank president remains deeply skeptical of the idea.

Neel Kashkari, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, said consumers already had access to instant digital payments through private-sector platforms without the privacy concerns that arise from a government-backed alternative

“I can see why China would do it,” Kashkari said. “If they want to monitor every one of your transactions, you could do that with a central bank digital currency. You can’t do that with Venmo. If you want to impose negative interest rates, you could do that with a central bank digital currency. You can’t do that with Venmo. And if you want to directly tax customer accounts, you could do that with a central bank digital currency. You can’t do that with Venmo. I get why China would be interested. Why would the American people be for that?” [FULL ARTICLE]

Newsweek, in“CBDCs Will Be the End of American Freedom” writes:

“If the Federal Reserve adopts a central bank digital dollar, the American government will be on a surefire path to authoritarianism…While some compare CBDCs with Bitcoin as CBDCs can be based on the blockchain, similarities between the two end there. In fact, CBDCs are a wolf in sheep’s clothing, co-opting Bitcoin’s appeal while undermining every one of its underlying principles…by centralizing Americans’ financial information and holdings in a digital database controlled by the U.S. government, CBDCs would create an authoritarian surveillance state…

It is imperative that Americans become aware of the dangerous implications of CBDCs and quell any efforts to develop an American CBDC currently at play in the government,.. “

Former President Bush official Catherine Austin Fitts: The elites “want your kids.” (view at Rumble) (FULL INTERVIEW)

China’s ‘Social Credit’ CBDC System (view at Rumble)

Reduced to quoting Gene
Glenn has never been wrong before.....

Would you believe a Fedeal Reserve president?

President of a Federal Reserve Bank Says CBDC Not Needed, Would Allow China-Like Monitoring of People

American Banker, “Kashkari calls CBDC a threat to privacy, defends regional bank independence” (Bing reprint)

NEW YORK — The Federal Reserve has a neutral stance on whether it pursues its own digital currency, but at least one regional bank president remains deeply skeptical of the idea.

Neel Kashkari, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, said consumers already had access to instant digital payments through private-sector platforms without the privacy concerns that arise from a government-backed alternative

“I can see why China would do it,” Kashkari said. “If they want to monitor every one of your transactions, you could do that with a central bank digital currency. You can’t do that with Venmo. If you want to impose negative interest rates, you could do that with a central bank digital currency. You can’t do that with Venmo. And if you want to directly tax customer accounts, you could do that with a central bank digital currency. You can’t do that with Venmo. I get why China would be interested. Why would the American people be for that?” [FULL ARTICLE]
You can rest assured you're dealing with a partisan hack job when.......

Anyone who opposes anything they personally believe makes them an automatic......"hack job"
But in Beck's case, he really is a conspiracy hound nut-ball.
We are conditioned. In what world do people in a nation live better than most of the planet's population due to printing a currency for endless years. Internally we phuk with each other. And make enemies within.
Gosh, I've been using digital currency for decades! I rarely use cash any more. Cash is for hookers and blow.

Strangely, the world has not ended, and the FBI is not tracking me.

Are they? :oops:

My grocery store tracks me, though. With their frigging membership card. They monitor all my purchases and send me coupons which match my shopping habits. Those BASTARDS!
Not the same animal. You too would feel the change in the general money flow mechanics. I'm like you....I almost never use physical money anymore. However....there is a big and important distinction between that and an organized, federally controlled digital money unit. While it could be argued that we are already there I beg to differ.
Right now the government would need a warrant to spy on all of your personal activity. Then....they would have that ability without the warrant. VERY BAD IDEA.
Glenn ficking Beck

Our next Treasury Secretary (if Trump wins)
When it crashes it will start in the bond market. We have been heading towards it for a year now because the bond market has been in a inverted yield curve in order to hold it up. That means you get better returns on a 2 year bond than you do on a 10 year bond, which is the opposite of how it works in a healthy economy. You should get better returns the longer you invest your money, but they instead give better returns in the short term to get people to invest more to get a faster return so on paper it looks like the bond market is really strong.

Stocks and the debt market are driven by the bond market.

Our currency is being printed left and right and given away by the billions, the yield curve is inverted, other nations are ceasing trading in our currency, interest rates keep being hiked, central banks are buying gold like crazy, inflation is way up, and all these signs that keep pointing towards a major crash.

The fed has been testing digital currency with major banks for a year now. At some point we will switch to it. But that will require a market crash to force people over to the new currency because when everything goes to shit people will beg for a way out and the fed can march in and have their glorious answer, digital currency.

But digital currency means a complete and utter loss of privacy and freedom. You won't be able to buy a pack of gum without a direct trail to you.

If the current administration has their way if you donate to a Christian church, a Republican party, buy a bullet, or anything they don't like I promise you'll get flagged. Every single person will be exposed.

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