Glenn Beck under attack by forces of darkness


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2012
[ame=]Glenn Beck Is Under Attack From The Forces Of Darkness - YouTube[/ame]

Why does anyone still listen to this idiot?

Notice that he starts out talking about being surrounded by darkness and being under attack, then sort of casually links that to progressives, as if progressives ARE those forces of darkness.
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You want to know what's behind the subject of this thread:

Here it is right here in this one. The relentless drumbeat of conspiracy theories and frightening possible scenarios which thousands upon thousands of right wing websites and mouthpieces, like Beck, dredge up every day, all of it revolving around the person of Barack Obama.

Ask yourself? What are they doing and why? What are they hoping to achieve by incessantly characterizing American citizens with simply a different opinion as enemies, not only of everyone else, but now apparently enemies of God too? What's their end game? What's the objective?

Since few from the left visit or pay much attention to people like Beck, those of you who do should ask yourselves why they are feeding YOU such propaganda. They're not targeting me, or those like me, they're targeting YOU and people like you. Why?

Okay, so a liberal gave a member of Glenn Beck's staff a brain tumor.

Check. Got it.

He's the gift that keeps on giving.


Okay, so a liberal gave a member of Glenn Beck's staff a brain tumor.

Check. Got it.

He's the gift that keeps on giving.


I really thought Beck's Nutter fans would jump on this thread to defend him, but I guess not. Maybe even they are smart enough to see that such lunacy can't be defended.
you guys didn't actually listen did you?

And it wouldndt surprise me if he was under the attack by force of darkness.

In fact, if you aren't, it's probably because you are already on their side.
you guys didn't actually listen did you?

And it wouldndt surprise me if he was under the attack by force of darkness.

In fact, if you aren't, it's probably because you are already on their side.

Of course I listened to it. What did I miss?

Question: If Beck is under attack by forces of darkness, doesn't that presuppose he's aligned with, or speaking for, the forces of light? i.e. God?

Do you believe that?


"We have come under attack, um, physically and spiritually unlike anything I have ever seen!"

He has been under physical attack?
Is that a spray on tan?

He looks like an Oompa Loompa!
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Apparently, you listen to him.

Nope. I just ran across that while doing something else. I've tried to listen to Beck, just like I've tried to listen to Rush, but their self-important, bullshit ramblings just irritate the hell out of me.

But...I DID attend Beck's rally in Washington a couple of years ago, not because I'm a fan of his, but because I happened to be in town that day and wanted to see it.

Wanna see what I wrote about the experience? (hint: If you're a Beck fan, you probably won't like it. :D )
I was bored and flipped on my car radio while driving down the road and landed on a station with some guy talking about being attacked by spiritual darkness and a friend being cursed with a brain tumor.

I listened for a couple of minutes and turned it to another station.

Little did I know it was loon deluxe Glen Beck until I got on this thread.......... :lol:
You want to know what's behind the subject of this thread:

Here it is right here in this one. The relentless drumbeat of conspiracy theories and frightening possible scenarios which thousands upon thousands of right wing websites and mouthpieces, like Beck, dredge up every day, all of it revolving around the person of Barack Obama.

Ask yourself? What are they doing and why? What are they hoping to achieve by incessantly characterizing American citizens with simply a different opinion as enemies, not only of everyone else, but now apparently enemies of God too? What's their end game? What's the objective?

Since few from the left visit or pay much attention to people like Beck, those of you who do should ask yourselves why they are feeding YOU such propaganda. They're not targeting me, or those like me, they're targeting YOU and people like you. Why?

The relentless drumbeat of conspiracy theories and frightening possible scenarios which thousands upon thousands of right wing websites and mouthpieces, like Beck, dredge up every day, all of it revolving around the person of Barack Obama.

And all of it only undermining any possibility of meaningful debate.
The only forces of darkness affecting Beck are the lights going out on his once almost legitimate career.
I'm at my lake house and we get lousy internet here. No way I would waste my time listening to Beck and it would take forever to load anyway.

BUT ...

why doesn't he just call $$arah and get her pray those demons away?
You want to know what's behind the subject of this thread:

Here it is right here in this one. The relentless drumbeat of conspiracy theories and frightening possible scenarios which thousands upon thousands of right wing websites and mouthpieces, like Beck, dredge up every day, all of it revolving around the person of Barack Obama.

Ask yourself? What are they doing and why? What are they hoping to achieve by incessantly characterizing American citizens with simply a different opinion as enemies, not only of everyone else, but now apparently enemies of God too? What's their end game? What's the objective?

Since few from the left visit or pay much attention to people like Beck, those of you who do should ask yourselves why they are feeding YOU such propaganda. They're not targeting me, or those like me, they're targeting YOU and people like you. Why?

The relentless drumbeat of conspiracy theories and frightening possible scenarios which thousands upon thousands of right wing websites and mouthpieces, like Beck, dredge up every day, all of it revolving around the person of Barack Obama.

And all of it only undermining any possibility of meaningful debate.

There's an interesting documentary playing these days, on Current, I think - so that means the rw's can't watch it anyway. But, it talks about how important it is to keep us all scared of all the terrible things that could, but won't, happen to us.

If I come across it again, I'll post the name but yes, what gives nutters like Beck their power is this unrelenting feeding of fear.

Funny thing is, Barack Obama is, as I said elsewhere, spiffy clean.

If he were white, the rw's would say he's the second coming.

He really is THAT good.
you guys didn't actually listen did you?

And it wouldndt surprise me if he was under the attack by force of darkness.

In fact, if you aren't, it's probably because you are already on their side.

There we go! :lol:
you guys didn't actually listen did you?

And it wouldndt surprise me if he was under the attack by force of darkness.

In fact, if you aren't, it's probably because you are already on their side.
I wonder if Beck had on his "magic underwear" today in order to fight off the evil forces of darkness??........ :cuckoo: :lol:

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