Glenn Beck Urges Listeners to Leave Churches That Preach Social Justice

Jesus pointed to God as the solution to the problems of man. While he preached about how to live life... to be loving, charitable and hospitable, he never sided with manmade solutions to the enduring problems of man. He definitely stayed out of politics.
You are kidding.

Or was Beck kidding?

Or maybe Beck is hitting the bottle again?
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And Palin is the second coming of Mary Magdeline.

bend over sinners the end of days approacheth.
Jesus pointed to God as the solution to the problems of man. While he preached about how to live life... to be loving, charitable and hospitable, he never sided with manmade solutions to the enduring problems of man. He definitely stayed out of politics.

Yeah well his one foray into politics ie the cleaning out of the temple got him crucified a few days later.
Jesus pointed to God as the solution to the problems of man. While he preached about how to live life... to be loving, charitable and hospitable, he never sided with manmade solutions to the enduring problems of man. He definitely stayed out of politics.

Yeah well his one foray into politics ie the cleaning out of the temple got him crucified a few days later.

Nothing political about that. He was offended that his Fathers Temple was being used in ways that it was not suppoed to be... that was all. That is confirmed by what he said when he cleaned it out.

The merchants there were not supposed to be there, and they also were abusing the people by their practices.
Beck is an Info-Tainer - rather one note and tiresome after the novelty wears off.

He's not a news source; it's important to remember that.
Jesus pointed to God as the solution to the problems of man. While he preached about how to live life... to be loving, charitable and hospitable, he never sided with manmade solutions to the enduring problems of man. He definitely stayed out of politics.

Yeah well his one foray into politics ie the cleaning out of the temple got him crucified a few days later.

Nothing political about that. He was offended that his Fathers Temple was being used in ways that it was not suppoed to be... that was all. That is confirmed by what he said when he cleaned it out.

The merchants there were not supposed to be there, and they also were abusing the people by their practices.

Religion and politics were one and the same then.
The merchants were doing this with the Church's permission.

Jesus political opinion of how the church should be run apparently differed from those of the church leaders.
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Glenn Beck Urges Listeners to Leave Churches That Preach Social Justice -- Politics Daily

Is this guy for real? What a blow-hard. Giving people your opinion on what church to go to? This guy has no boundaries.

While Jesus is primarily brings a personal, individual slant on Christianity (abba, father) to say that group/social justice is not a part of New Testament theology is ridiculous.

James's lessons about widows and orphans speak volumes about this. Beck must be a convoluted hermeneutic to not see that these are responses in and to communities, not just individuals. Perhaps they are not the state, but they absolutely are not limited to individual responsibilities. We are called a Body, a Temple, a Vineyard, deeply connected to the Triune Love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One may not love in isolation.

He seems to be fixated on personal salvation,and while I can agree that we are to be judged (and saved) individually, there is much more to the work of God in the world than individual salvation.

Of course Beck is not the first (or last) to accuse those of us interested in the church’s mission of social justice of “temporal messianism,” but that is just not the case. I suffer no illusions of bringing to the Earth a messianic perfection to replace Heaven, but let us not forget that Christ taught us to pray that God’s will might be done ON EARTH as it is in Heaven. We are fallen and will not be perfect before we are in His presence, yet he has given to us the ministry of reconciliation, to reconcile the entire earth to Him, as His ambassadors. Christ adopted Isaiah’s prophetic purpose in Luke 4, and Paul and James reflected it.

This is the great idea of “already, but not yet,” living in the knowledge of Christ’s ultimate victory over death and sin but not yet experiencing it. Christ has done the work, the eschaton work, the salvific work for the world, yet we remain in a fallen world, fallen ourselves and awaiting the ultimate redemption. In this moment, He calls us His own ambassadors to reconcile the world to God. We live in a great tension of knowing of the perfection that will come, having faith in its imminence, by God, yet bearing the impossibility of its present moment while being called to participate with God in bringing it to bear.

We are not merely called to a spiritual hoping or spiritual transcendence. To do so leads either to a Gnostic nihilism or to a great rejection of God’s very creation, His incarnation. Jesus came in the flesh, calls us to participate with bread and wine and water, to live right now, right here, as His kingdom. We are called to a spiritual hope AND a physical manifestation of what He has prepared for us to do now. These are not works for our salvation, but works for His glory.

I love GB's program as it is so informative. But if he continues with his religious views I will never watch him again. I didn't like it when Brit Hume did his public recommendation to Tiger Woods, to seek forgiveness through the Lord, either. Tiger has been brought up in the Buddhist philosophy and Brit knew that and should stay out of religion on his news segments on Bill O`Reilly's opinion program. I have lost respect for Brit and now for Beck because of their bully pulpit announcements. Keep religion out of it dudes!!! Who do you think you are? Have respect for your and for others beliefs but leave them out of the news, opinion and information shows.
Yeah well his one foray into politics ie the cleaning out of the temple got him crucified a few days later.

Nothing political about that. He was offended that his Fathers Temple was being used in ways that it was not suppoed to be... that was all. That is confirmed by what he said when he cleaned it out.

The merchants there were not supposed to be there, and they also were abusing the people by their practices.

Religion and politics were one and the same then.
The merchants were doing this with the Church's permission.

Jesus political opinion of how the church should be run apparently differed from those of the church leaders.

If the merchants were there with the religions permission, that doesn't make what Jesus did political. Jesus didn't have any political motive. He was solely concerned about the Temple being used for a purpose other than worship. That was his only concern and again, that is confirmed by what he said when he did it. He made no political statements... only about his Fathers Temple and its use.

While being question by Pontius, Jesus clearly stated that he was political by stating that his kingdom was "no part of this world."
Before I begin, I wish to describe my views

I am an atheists

And as an atheists, I totally concur that you should abandon your church. But let us not stop with church goers shall we?? You should abandon your synagogoue, you mosque, your temples. You should throw all your beliefs aside and have doubt in the existence of a supreme being that looks on you!! One that love and care for you.

You should take up Atheism.
For if social justice is an innate evil,
why practice any religion??
I dont get the fantasy world where Jesus was not political. Of course he was political. Of course he MEANT to be political.

Nonelitist, the quote of "secula seculorum" be in the world but not of it...doesn't mean don't be means there are evils in the world that you must not take up as your own habits, but you must minister to the people out in the world.

Throughout the New Testament there's a collective call to love your fellow man and take up with others for social justice. Whenever Jesus spoke against the stoning of a woman....took up for the lepers...when he spoke of feeding the poor...this is social justice.

It's a shame that you keep repeating something that just isn't true.
I guess you think that as an opinion commentator he shouldn't have opinions you dont like? Not that I agree with Beck on this but i'm just saying, its his right as an American to hold an opinion and share it freely.


I already noted that it was an opinion. I'm giving most readers here the benefit of the intelligence doubt that they will understand that I believe everyone should be able to give their opinions on things.

And while America is the land of freedom of speech, he's a self-labeled "entertainer". Entertainers shouldnt be giving out opinions on the validity of churches. Especially not mass broadcasting generic attacks on churches he doesn't even know about.

Aren't conservatives all about personal responsibility? Beck should some personal responsibility and edit his opinions about deeply personal and individual decisions that people ought to be making themselves. Just because you CAN do something...doesnt mean you SHOULD do something.

Heaven forbid someone go to a church where they try to help others. Yeah, Jesus never said anything about that. :cuckoo:

So I take you you are also against these entertainers speaking out against churches? Just trying to figure out your "Standard"

Celebs Speak Out About Prop 8 |

EDIT: A little 411 for you about me, I dont do the jesus thing and I hate religions. I only believe in a higher power and not in deciples, prophets, children, or saviors. NOr do I think of holy books as the word of god, as men wrote those books.

Plymco...the board must have eaten my post because I dont see it.

I dont care for ANY judgment of the validity of another person's religious beliefs or belief structure. Who are Glen Beck or Sean Penn to tell anyone what religious views are worthy? Answer: neither.

I'm not a liberal hack. I call em like I see em on both sides of the aisle. I'm a slightly left-leaning Centrist. Don't assume I'll fall in line with Hollywood just because I think Beck is a whackjob.

"I'll be Beck"

(cheese factor 10 ...I know)

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