Glenn Beck's idea of 'honor'...LYING to the rally crowd.


"I have been going to Mt. Vernon," Beck explained. Holding out his hands for emphasis, he declared with emotion, "I went to the National Archives, and I held the first inaugural address written in his own hand by George Washington."

National Archives spokeswoman Susan Cooper insists that Beck didn't lay a finger on any precious documents, much less George Washington’s inaugural address. That would be a major violation of policy," she adds.

"Those kinds of treasures are only handled by specially trained archival staff," Cooper said. "I'm certain it was a figure of speech," she says.

National Archives says Glenn Beck lied about George Washington

From the article:

While speaking during his "Restoring Honor" rally Saturday, Beck said that he'd held an original speech given by George Washington.

Beck remarked, "I held the first inaugural address written in his own hand by George Washington."

Beck never said he held the original speech given by Washington, Raw Story did. But they certainly imply that Beck held the original. According to the above, Beck held the first inaugural address written by Washington . . . doesn't say the original. If he had a copy he still would have been holding the 'first inaugural address written in his own hand by Washington'. Spokesperson confirms he never held the original. This story is bunk.

WOW, talk about obfuscation.

Beck SAID: "I held the first inaugural address written in his own hand by George Washington." Not 'I held a copy' or 'I held a duplicate'.

Is there ANYTHING your man crush Beck can do that you would not make excuses for? How about Beck's shilling for Goldline that rips off his viewers selling them gold coins at 90-208% above MELT value?

Among a people generally corrupt liberty cannot long exist.
Edmund Burke
"I have been going to Mt. Vernon," Beck explained. Holding out his hands for emphasis, he declared with emotion, "I went to the National Archives, and I held the first inaugural address written in his own hand by George Washington."

National Archives spokeswoman Susan Cooper insists that Beck didn't lay a finger on any precious documents, much less George Washington’s inaugural address. That would be a major violation of policy," she adds.

"Those kinds of treasures are only handled by specially trained archival staff," Cooper said. "I'm certain it was a figure of speech," she says.

National Archives says Glenn Beck lied about George Washington


...but interesting.
Quote: Originally Posted by Bfgrn View Post
WOW, talk about obfuscation.

Beck SAID: "I held the first inaugural address written in his own hand by George Washington." Not 'I held a copy' or 'I held a duplicate'.

Is there ANYTHING your man crush Beck can do that you would not make excuses for? How about Beck's shilling for Goldline that rips off his viewers selling them gold coins at 90-208% above MELT value?

I think the general consensus dude is; who gives a schiznit?
"I have been going to Mt. Vernon," Beck explained. Holding out his hands for emphasis, he declared with emotion, "I went to the National Archives, and I held the first inaugural address written in his own hand by George Washington."

National Archives spokeswoman Susan Cooper insists that Beck didn't lay a finger on any precious documents, much less George Washington’s inaugural address. That would be a major violation of policy," she adds.

"Those kinds of treasures are only handled by specially trained archival staff," Cooper said. "I'm certain it was a figure of speech," she says.

National Archives says Glenn Beck lied about George Washington


...but interesting.

It was vaguely interesting in the first thread, a tad dull in the second..... in this one it's like the left have fucking tourrette's syndrome.
Quote: Originally Posted by Bfgrn View Post
WOW, talk about obfuscation.

Beck SAID: "I held the first inaugural address written in his own hand by George Washington." Not 'I held a copy' or 'I held a duplicate'.

Is there ANYTHING your man crush Beck can do that you would not make excuses for? How about Beck's shilling for Goldline that rips off his viewers selling them gold coins at 90-208% above MELT value?

I think the general consensus dude is; who gives a schiznit?

Why should anyone care that Beck LIED at a rally called "Restoring HONOR" What does truth have to do with 'honor' in the right wing mind? It's just be an empty term they 'use', just like 'honor the troops', yea, by sending them off to their deaths fighting an immoral and unnecessary war.

Circumstances give in reality to every political principle its distinguishing color and discriminating effect. The circumstances are what render every civil and political scheme beneficial or noxious to mankind.
Edmund Burke

"I have been going to Mt. Vernon," Beck explained. Holding out his hands for emphasis, he declared with emotion, "I went to the National Archives, and I held the first inaugural address written in his own hand by George Washington."

National Archives spokeswoman Susan Cooper insists that Beck didn't lay a finger on any precious documents, much less George Washington’s inaugural address. That would be a major violation of policy," she adds.

"Those kinds of treasures are only handled by specially trained archival staff," Cooper said. "I'm certain it was a figure of speech," she says.

National Archives says Glenn Beck lied about George Washington

From the article:

While speaking during his "Restoring Honor" rally Saturday, Beck said that he'd held an original speech given by George Washington.

Beck remarked, "I held the first inaugural address written in his own hand by George Washington."

Beck never said he held the original speech given by Washington, Raw Story did. But they certainly imply that Beck held the original. According to the above, Beck held the first inaugural address written by Washington . . . doesn't say the original. If he had a copy he still would have been holding the 'first inaugural address written in his own hand by Washington'. Spokesperson confirms he never held the original. This story is bunk.

WOW, talk about obfuscation.

Beck SAID: "I held the first inaugural address written in his own hand by George Washington." Not 'I held a copy' or 'I held a duplicate'.

Is there ANYTHING your man crush Beck can do that you would not make excuses for? How about Beck's shilling for Goldline that rips off his viewers selling them gold coins at 90-208% above MELT value?

Among a people generally corrupt liberty cannot long exist.
Edmund Burke

And Beck didn't say 'I held the original first inaugural address written in his own hand by Washington'. Your assumption that he did is just that. . . . oh, and Raw Story stating he said 'original'.

Know why he didn't bother with 'copy' or 'original'? Because it wasn't the point. :eusa_shhh: You're making a mountain out of . . . .nothing.

btw, how the hell can I possibly have a man crush on Beck?

I don't watch commercials much . . . I usually change the channel, day dream, or leave the room.
Beck realizes he is a pathiological liar and thus everyone else must be as well, hence his 40 days without lying pledge.
Beck clearly has mental issues.

"I have been going to Mt. Vernon," Beck explained. Holding out his hands for emphasis, he declared with emotion, "I went to the National Archives, and I held the first inaugural address written in his own hand by George Washington."

National Archives spokeswoman Susan Cooper insists that Beck didn't lay a finger on any precious documents, much less George Washington’s inaugural address. That would be a major violation of policy," she adds.

"Those kinds of treasures are only handled by specially trained archival staff," Cooper said. "I'm certain it was a figure of speech," she says.

National Archives says Glenn Beck lied about George Washington

From the article:

While speaking during his "Restoring Honor" rally Saturday, Beck said that he'd held an original speech given by George Washington.

Beck remarked, "I held the first inaugural address written in his own hand by George Washington."
Beck never said he held the original speech given by Washington, Raw Story did. But they certainly imply that Beck held the original. According to the above, Beck held the first inaugural address written by Washington . . . doesn't say the original. If he had a copy he still would have been holding the 'first inaugural address written in his own hand by Washington'. Spokesperson confirms he never held the original. This story is bunk.
:clap2:You must be awesome at yoga!
Really if this is all the left can find to put down Glenn Beck this guy must be alright. He was in the same room and actually was inches away from the document but didn't touch it. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooooooo! Gimme me a break. All the real lies that occur in politics, on both sides mind you, and this is all you got on Glenn Beck. This is a futile effort to say the least. Go BUCKS!
Quote: Originally Posted by Bfgrn View Post
WOW, talk about obfuscation.

Beck SAID: "I held the first inaugural address written in his own hand by George Washington." Not 'I held a copy' or 'I held a duplicate'.

Is there ANYTHING your man crush Beck can do that you would not make excuses for? How about Beck's shilling for Goldline that rips off his viewers selling them gold coins at 90-208% above MELT value?

I think the general consensus dude is; who gives a schiznit?

Why should anyone care that Beck LIED at a rally called "Restoring HONOR" What does truth have to do with 'honor' in the right wing mind? It's just be an empty term they 'use', just like 'honor the troops', yea, by sending them off to their deaths fighting an immoral and unnecessary war.

Circumstances give in reality to every political principle its distinguishing color and discriminating effect. The circumstances are what render every civil and political scheme beneficial or noxious to mankind.
Edmund Burke

you know, you folks are your own worst enemies...

*sigh* so...

for one they are all just a bunch of 'clingers'...right? tea baggers? religious nuts who hate muslims and anyone not white bread and republican, so why do you even care?

the president however, gets on national TV and either a) lies straight through his teeth OR b) he and his staff, are so completely incompetent they cannot even read a CBO report or read a simple graph, I don't even know whats worse, there is no third choice, but that doesn't draw squat......have any angst on that issue?

so, I am left wondering about your priorities...beck had a function, you say he lied, okay then, just post and leave it, you're working overtime here my man. Beck will suffer the consequences of his actions...meanwhile back at the WH....:eusa_whistle:
Politicians all lie. their statements are sopecifically exempt from truth in advertising laws.

Some people actually think politicians don't lie?

Self professed men of god are not supposed to lie.
Politicians all lie. their statements are sopecifically exempt from truth in advertising laws.

Some people actually think politicians don't lie?

Self professed men of god are not supposed to lie.

i actually agree with you on something. but there are 3-4 politicians i actually besides those 3-4 i agree.
Politicians all lie. their statements are sopecifically exempt from truth in advertising laws.

Some people actually think politicians don't lie?

Self professed men of god are not supposed to lie.

non sequitur much? ;)

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