Glenn Becks Warning to America

Let's see, a Drug War has raged since 1970 in the USA and Glenn Beck supported the suppression, extortion, incarceration, and exploitation of children the whole time with people setting in prison for life over pot sales I should be outraged since one of the supporters of the Drug War and it's draconian police state tactics is under indictment for money laundering-fuck off you losers.
Raise your hand if an ACTUAL law enforcement officer has ever LET YOU GO (ergo, not "enforced the law") with a "warning".

Right. Me. This has happened to me.

So there's one count in which you are wrong, Mac.

How many people convicted of fraudulently stealing millions has avoided jail?
If the law thinks you broke the law, they'll go after you.

Sorry, Glenn.
Not even close.

In the Democrat controlled big city shitholes Blacks are allowed to get away with all kinds of crimes with little or no punishment. In many cases not even having to put up a bond if arrested.

Just look at the massive Negro Insurrection of 2020 when the goddamn BLM spent six months burning, looting, murdering and destroying, including government property, and hardly any prosecutions. Hell, the asshole Democrats even were bailing out the Negroes in rare times they were arrested.

None of the Democrats were arrested for stealing the 2020 Presidential election or the attempted coup against Trump with the fake Russia bullshit.

Nobody was arrested when the Obama administration used the US government to attack a grass root political movement.

None of the millions of filthy ass Illegals that are flooding across the border are being punished to any degree for Illegal entry. In fact the sonofabitches are put on welfare.

Crooked Hillary committed several major crimes but was let off the hook for "no intent" because she was the Democrat Presidential nominee.

Mr. Potatohead was not arrested for the crime of having unsecured classified documents.

Mr. Potatohead's crackhead son was not arrested for falsifying a ATF document or any of the other corruption he did as his position of bag boy for the family.
Trump has the money to pay for a vigorous legal defense, which is something that would bankrupt most of us. I wouldn't feel sorry for him.

To be honest, speaking neutrally, I'm not sure these are the charges I would want a sitting president to go down on. It's sorta like getting Al Capone on tax evasion. I'd rather he be charged for his crimes committed in Georgia and on January 6th, 2021.

Well, if Trump's fate follows a similar course as that which occured to Capone, though I wouldn't wish it on any American President, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it, if it does occur. Trump is a threat to national security, and he must be stopped, by any legal means (as long as the evidence supports and ethically justifies the action), for the good of the country.
Glenn is correct.

Democrats are hoping for republicans to do something bad
Trump is not and never has been the average American. The average American would have been in jail years ago.

If you read what you quoted he never said he was average.

If you watch the video you'll know they never say he was average either. Glen beck said he isn't even a person anymore, he is a symbol.
Trump is a threat to national security, and he must be stopped

Because some ho accused him of having an affair?

Or did you mean because Trump had boxes full of illegal, top secret documents he NEVER had any authority to take all stashed loosely in open cardboard boxes in his garage and in a private office owned by the Chinese?

Oh, SNAP, that is the WRONG president.

deep fake.gif
Not even close.

In the Democrat controlled big city shitholes Blacks are allowed to get away with all kinds of crimes with little or no punishment. In many cases not even having to put up a bond if arrested.
This statement is a grossly inaccurate and harmful generalization. It is not true that Black people are allowed to get away with crimes in Democrat-controlled cities, or that they receive preferential treatment in the justice system. In fact, studies have shown that Black people are more likely to be arrested, convicted, and sentenced to longer prison terms than white people for the same offenses.

The claim that Black people are not required to put up a bond if arrested is also false. In the United States, bail requirements are set by judges and are based on a number of factors, including the seriousness of the crime, the defendant's criminal history, and the likelihood that they will flee. These decisions are not based on a person's race or political affiliation.

Making sweeping generalizations about a particular group of people based on their race or political affiliation is not only inaccurate but also harmful. It's important to have a more nuanced understanding of the justice system and to avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes.
Just look at the massive Negro Insurrection of 2020 when the goddamn BLM spent six months burning, looting, murdering and destroying, including government property, and hardly any prosecutions. Hell, the asshole Democrats even were bailing out the Negroes in rare times they were arrested.
This statement is both inaccurate and inflammatory. The claim that there was a "massive Negro Insurrection of 2020" contains a racist tinged term, "negro' while once acceptable, is now considered offensive to the black community, and, on it's face, is false and misleading. While there were protests and instances of violence and property damage in some cities following the killing of George Floyd, the vast majority of protests were peaceful and focused on addressing systemic racism and police brutality.

Furthermore, it is not true that "BLM spent six months burning, looting, murdering and destroying, including government property." While there were isolated incidents of violence and property damage during some protests, these incidents were not representative of the broader movement or its goals.

It is also untrue that there were hardly any prosecutions for crimes committed during the protests. In fact, thousands of people were arrested across the country in connection with the protests, and many have faced criminal charges.

Finally, the claim that Democrats were bailing out blacks who were arrested is both unfounded and racially charged. Bail requirements are determined by judges based on a number of factors, and the decision to bail someone out is typically made by friends or family members, not by politicians. Accusing Democrats of preferential treatment towards African Americans is baseless and divisive.
None of the Democrats were arrested for stealing the 2020 Presidential election or the attempted coup against Trump with the fake Russia bullshit.
This statement is incorrect and unfounded. There is no credible evidence to support the claim that Democrats stole the 2020 Presidential election or attempted a coup against former President Trump. The 2020 Presidential election was one of the most secure elections in American history, and multiple state and federal agencies have verified the results.

Furthermore, the claims of Russian interference in the 2016 election have been thoroughly investigated by multiple independent investigations, including by the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee, and found to be valid. The investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller also found evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Accusations of voter fraud or attempts to overthrow the government without credible evidence are baseless and undermine faith in democracy and the rule of law. It's important to rely on factual evidence and credible sources to make claims or accusations.
Nobody was arrested when the Obama administration used the US government to attack a grass root political movement.

None of the millions of filthy ass Illegals that are flooding across the border are being punished to any degree for Illegal entry. In fact the sonofabitches are put on welfare.

Crooked Hillary committed several major crimes but was let off the hook for "no intent" because she was the Democrat Presidential nominee.

Mr. Potatohead was not arrested for the crime of having unsecured classified documents.
Neither was Trump, of whom the evidence clearly shows, engaged in obstruction of the government's efforts to retrieve documents, not to mention that, apparently, it isn't current DOJ policy to indict Presidents, former Presidents and Vice Presidents, for the mere inadvertent holding of national defense information documents as long as they cooperate with the government in their return.

There may be legal jeopardy in Trump's case for his obstruction, admissions on television interviews where he stated that it was acceptable for a president to take national defense information documents (no, it is a violation of the Espionage Act) a fact non existent with Biden and Pence.
Mr. Potatohead's crackhead son was not arrested for falsifying a ATF document or any of the other corruption he did as his position of bag boy for the family.

You can forward your concern to the US Attorney Delaware, David Weiss, assigned as Special Counsel to investigate Hunter Biden by former president Trump, and left to finish the task by Joe Biden, an investigation which has been going on for over three years, and Weiss, who, notably, has failed to find any incriminating evidence worthy of prosecution. Perhaps it is due to one inconvenient, but glaring fact: There is no evidence of illegal activity. Maybe a FARA violation? Giving false info on a gun permit application? But nothing more serious than that, noting that Hunter is a private citizen.

Hate speech, ad homs, cheap shots, misleading and mischaracterizations of fact due to contextual omissions, not to mention racist tinged retorts, are abound in your comment, and, as such, is not a valid argument on any level and, as such, not conducive to civil discourse, discussion, and debate. And if some retort that USMB is not a place of civil discourse, why not try and make it one?
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Like Bibi tried in Israel.
Like Trump, Netanyahu wants to turn the courts "kangaroo".

The government’s plan has plunged the nearly 75-year-old nation into one of its worst domestic crises.

Netanyahu and his allies want to weaken the powers of the judiciary, saying unelected Supreme Court justices and other judges wield too much power.

Critics say the changes, which would give Netanyahu and his conservative allies the final say in choosing the country’s judges, will destroy a delicate system of checks and balances. They also say Netanyahu has a conflict of interest while he is on trial for multiple corruption charges.

Netanyahu is pandering to the Israelis' neo-nazi equivalent and their Master Race mentality. Trump isn't, and the neo-nazis here are the Democrats and their control of a Federal police force and the intelligence agencies, and appointing insane sexual fetishists to all kinds of Federal posts including courts, like Netanyahu wants to do.

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