Glitch, Please!


Information isnt Advocacy
Aug 5, 2010
We've all noticed how the GOP has discovered a new concern about the Affordable Care Act and the problems that the website has been having. A sign of it's "failure" has been the meme. Oddly, (snicker), the GOP sang a different tune a few years ago during the rollout of Medicare Part D...

Under Bush, Republicans Vigorously Defended Health Care Reform Despite Serious Glitches

“This is a huge undertaking and there are going to be glitches. My goal is the same as yours: Get rid of the glitches.

No matter what one does in life, when it is something new in learning the ropes of it, it is going to take a little adjustment.”

Hmmm, it's almost like they're talking about the Affordable Care Act isn't it? They aren't...
All that old history doesn't matter. It stopped mattering about Jan 21st 2009.

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