Global conspiracy to confiscate all Guns in the World.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
The UN has a small arms treaty that is aimed at confiscating all guns and assault rifles
in the world. This treaty has been passed in the U.N. this year.

Americas 2nd amendment law is its prime target.
The UN has a small arms treaty that is aimed at confiscating all guns and assault rifles
in the world. This treaty has been passed in the U.N. this year.

Americas 2nd amendment law is its prime target.

Link and quotes from the treaty backing up your claims or it never happened.
Well in support of that UN charter extension I guess, we can see with a little NATO research, Global NATO intends to be the sole military super-power when they are done.

"[NATO] Alliance is to become a global security forum in addition to being the world’s only permanent military alliance."

So the intent is clear, NATO will be UN-NATO and the next world war will forge that bond. (And Russia and China will cow tow in, by force, finance, or both)

Now once national sovereign implosion outlaws dual sided national war, the massive military weapons system can then go into it's final phase: crowd control by depopulation on a systematic scheduling.

It seems the world mass system, in nationalistic fervor, are actually helping construct it's own gallows and globalist "end all" system for the masses, to ensure a peachy future for the globalist elite's children. (John8:44);

While the world fought for "king" and "country", the globalists were harnessing all the profit and world government expansion to serve their own agenda in the end. The people will end up with no national sovereignty or "country" ownership (Dan11:42-43), and will have no "king" but the 8th King globalist system lords. (Rev17:11-18);

Ironic really.
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Hey, this is pretty serious stuff. It is the UN afterall and if, for instance, we told them to stick the treaty up the collective asses of those who voted for it we'd be playing with fire for sure. In fact I can well imagine they'd flex their muscles by passing a Resolution, which is worse than a triple dog dare or even double secret probation! Gosh, we'd be in a heck of a fix then.
On 2 April 2013, the General Assembly adopted the landmark Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), regulating the international trade in conventional arms, from small arms to battle tanks, combat aircraft and warships. The treaty will foster peace and security by thwarting uncontrolled destabilizing arms flows to conflict regions. It will prevent human rights abusers and violators of the law of war from being supplied with arms. And it will help keep warlords, pirates, and gangs from acquiring these deadly tools.
The Arms Trade Treaty - UN Office for Disarmament Affairs

So please show me where it states that the 2nd Amendment is under attack and the weapons of the US citizens will be taken away...
Well in support of that UN charter extension I guess, we can see with a little NATO research, Global NATO intends to be the sole military super-power when they are done.

"[NATO] Alliance is to become a global security forum in addition to being the world’s only permanent military alliance."

So the intent is clear, NATO will be UN-NATO and the next world war will forge that bond. (And Russia and China will cow tow in, by force, finance, or both)

Now once national sovereign implosion outlaws dual sided national war, the massive military weapons system can then go into it's final phase: crowd control by depopulation on a systematic scheduling.

It seems the world mass system, in nationalistic fervor, are actually helping construct it's own gallows and globalist "end all" system for the masses, to ensure a peachy future for the globalist elite's children. (John8:44);

While the world fought for "king" and "country", the globalists were harnessing all the profit and world government expansion to serve their own agenda in the end. The people will end up with no national sovereignty or "country" ownership (Dan11:42-43), and will have no "king" but the 8th King globalist system lords. (Rev17:11-18);

Ironic really.

Moreover, they will use food, and access to clean drinking water as a way to coerce
the poor third world nations, by way of a U.N. food programe, as there will be some
much drought and famine in the future, the poor starved, drought stricken nations
will have to capitulate to the U.N. demands to surrender weapons. Or risk nationwide
starvation, or death from no clean drinking water. The U.N. will then request that
these third world nations surrender their governments and whatever natural resources
that they may, or may not have, to the U.N. One world government council. This has all
been planned out years ago.
Well in support of that UN charter extension I guess, we can see with a little NATO research, Global NATO intends to be the sole military super-power when they are done.

"[NATO] Alliance is to become a global security forum in addition to being the world’s only permanent military alliance."

So the intent is clear, NATO will be UN-NATO and the next world war will forge that bond. (And Russia and China will cow tow in, by force, finance, or both)

Now once national sovereign implosion outlaws dual sided national war, the massive military weapons system can then go into it's final phase: crowd control by depopulation on a systematic scheduling.

It seems the world mass system, in nationalistic fervor, are actually helping construct it's own gallows and globalist "end all" system for the masses, to ensure a peachy future for the globalist elite's children. (John8:44);

While the world fought for "king" and "country", the globalists were harnessing all the profit and world government expansion to serve their own agenda in the end. The people will end up with no national sovereignty or "country" ownership (Dan11:42-43), and will have no "king" but the 8th King globalist system lords. (Rev17:11-18);

Ironic really.

Moreover, they will use food, and access to clean drinking water as a way to coerce
the poor third world nations, by way of a U.N. food programe, as there will be some
much drought and famine in the future, the poor starved, drought stricken nations
will have to capitulate to the U.N. demands to surrender weapons. Or risk nationwide
starvation, or death from no clean drinking water. The U.N. will then request that
these third world nations surrender their governments and whatever natural resources
that they may, or may not have, to the U.N. One world government council. This has all
been planned out years ago.

Can you show us the actual plan or is this another tin hat moment?
Well in support of that UN charter extension I guess, we can see with a little NATO research, Global NATO intends to be the sole military super-power when they are done.

"[NATO] Alliance is to become a global security forum in addition to being the world’s only permanent military alliance."

So the intent is clear, NATO will be UN-NATO and the next world war will forge that bond. (And Russia and China will cow tow in, by force, finance, or both)

Now once national sovereign implosion outlaws dual sided national war, the massive military weapons system can then go into it's final phase: crowd control by depopulation on a systematic scheduling.

It seems the world mass system, in nationalistic fervor, are actually helping construct it's own gallows and globalist "end all" system for the masses, to ensure a peachy future for the globalist elite's children. (John8:44);

While the world fought for "king" and "country", the globalists were harnessing all the profit and world government expansion to serve their own agenda in the end. The people will end up with no national sovereignty or "country" ownership (Dan11:42-43), and will have no "king" but the 8th King globalist system lords. (Rev17:11-18);

Ironic really.

Moreover, they will use food, and access to clean drinking water as a way to coerce
the poor third world nations, by way of a U.N. food programe, as there will be some
much drought and famine in the future, the poor starved, drought stricken nations
will have to capitulate to the U.N. demands to surrender weapons. Or risk nationwide
starvation, or death from no clean drinking water. The U.N. will then request that
these third world nations surrender their governments and whatever natural resources
that they may, or may not have, to the U.N. One world government council. This has all
been planned out years ago.

Can you show us the actual plan or is this another tin hat moment?

No, I can not show you the plans or documents, I am not even supposed to be posting
this highly sensitive plot on this message board forum. Just take my word for it sir.
This has all been planed out.!!.
You have got to accept this as the truth.
No, I can not show you the plans or documents, I am not even supposed to be posting
this highly sensitive plot on this message board forum. Just take my word for it sir.
This has all been planed out.!!.
You have got to accept this as the truth.

Moreover, they will use food, and access to clean drinking water as a way to coerce
the poor third world nations, by way of a U.N. food programe, as there will be some
much drought and famine in the future, the poor starved, drought stricken nations
will have to capitulate to the U.N. demands to surrender weapons. Or risk nationwide
starvation, or death from no clean drinking water. The U.N. will then request that
these third world nations surrender their governments and whatever natural resources
that they may, or may not have, to the U.N. One world government council. This has all
been planned out years ago.

Yeah, the US really has to fear the UN denying us food and water.

Worst case scenario, a massive drought in the west, tornadoes and pests in the midwest, and hurricanes up & down the east coast all at once could do grave damage to crops, but there would still be enough food that with rationing none of us would starve.

Between the big rivers and Great Lakes I'm not super worried about water, either.
Moreover, they will use food, and access to clean drinking water as a way to coerce
the poor third world nations, by way of a U.N. food programe, as there will be some
much drought and famine in the future, the poor starved, drought stricken nations
will have to capitulate to the U.N. demands to surrender weapons. Or risk nationwide
starvation, or death from no clean drinking water. The U.N. will then request that
these third world nations surrender their governments and whatever natural resources
that they may, or may not have, to the U.N. One world government council. This has all
been planned out years ago.

Yeah, the US really has to fear the UN denying us food and water.

Worst case scenario, a massive drought in the west, tornadoes and pests in the midwest, and hurricanes up & down the east coast all at once could do grave damage to crops, but there would still be enough food that with rationing none of us would starve.

Between the big rivers and Great Lakes I'm not super worried about water, either.

I am talking about poor countries in Africa Grand Ma!, not America, or Americans.!:D
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