Global flood

More specifically you mean the Old Testament(Torah) of Jewish "creation". Claim is that after Abram's pact with JHWH/God, when he becomes known as Abraham, about 2000 BC; most of Jewish scripture was an oral tradition.

It was after the time of captivity in Babylon where the Jews acquired a written language and incorporated variations of the SAB cultural written records into the written Old Testament, mostly the book of Genesis.
Yes, the biblical creation and flood myths are distorted versions of the same Annunaki myth, there is no doubt about it.
Yes, the biblical creation and flood myths are distorted versions of the same Annunaki myth, there is no doubt about it.
And most scholars will place the SAB "myth" as a couple to few centuries prior to those of the origins of the Indus/India ones and the Egyptian ones. All are inter-connected and related to each other as a post Deluge narrative.
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Yes, the biblical creation and flood myths are distorted versions of the same Annunaki myth, there is no doubt about it.
Major issue is;
"How much are the Sumerian(SAB) accounts of the Annunaki a myth, or distorted accounts of actual events. ??? "

Consider that the SAB cultures present these as what they were told by their "Gawds" about whom they were and how they came to be.

Also, how much of "what they were told" is "truth" versus "red herring" distractions, ~ mis-directions ???
Major issue is;
"How much are the Sumerian(SAB) accounts of the Annunaki a myth, or distorted accounts of actual events. ??? "

Consider that the SAB cultures present these as what they were told by their "Gawds" about whom they were and how they came to be.

Also, how much of "what they were told" is "truth" versus "red herring" distractions, ~ mis-directions ???
The coincidence of the flood with the Vedic Aryan mythology proves the reality of the event in exactly the sense of which I said: war and destruction of dams. Of cause, they came up with the punishment of the gods later in order to "explain to the people."
The coincidence of the flood with the Vedic Aryan mythology proves the reality of the event in exactly the sense of which I said: war and destruction of dams. Of cause, they came up with the punishment of the gods later in order to "explain to the people."
Sorry lad, the scale is far greater than you present.
Global, not regional.
Sorry lad, the scale is far greater than you present.
Global, not regional.
For the people of the interfluve, the whole world was an interfluve, they did not know the real picture of the world.
And the global event was only in myths that were duplicated and retold in different places. In the real sense, it was not global.
All this is obvious from the context of the history of that time. Agricultural expansion forced livestock breeders to retreat and give up fertile lands of the steppe, irrigation stopped rivers and deprived livestock of a watering place. There were inevitable conflicts between farmers and pastoralists. All history is the unfolding of this conflict, up to the present day.
Among the Aryans, the villainy of the Serpent mainly boiled down to the fact that he blocked the water and stole the cows. The main feat of Indra, which was sung in hymns for more than a thousand years, was precisely that he defeated the Serpent, thereby freeing the waters and the cows.
Most likely, these events took place around 2000 BC or later, because the Vedas mention war chariots everywhere, and they appeared only after 2000.
The Vedas themselves were composed around the period 1500-500
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This, by the way, coincides in time with the Epic of Gilgamesh. It began to be compiled in the 17-18th century BC. The dating of the Vedas is not precise; they may have begun to be compiled at exactly the same time.
Yes, the Rig Veda was composed at exactly the same time. 1700-1100. This is an absolutely perfect match.
It is also possible that these events did not take place in the Interfluve, but in the Vedic Rivers(Aryavarta), or in both places at the same time.
The Assyrians could move east.
All this is obvious from the context of the history of that time. Agricultural expansion forced livestock breeders to retreat and give up fertile lands of the steppe, irrigation stopped rivers and deprived livestock of a watering place. There were inevitable conflicts between farmers and pastoralists. All history is the unfolding of this conflict, up to the present day.
Would seem you neither know nor understand the geography and nature of the land of Mesopotamia~ modern Iraq. This is a mostly arid plain with two rivers flowing through which were used to provide irrigation to farm lands of the plains.

No irrigation, no farming/crops/food to feed the peoples of the cities.
Herding/"pastoralists" are on the edges/fringe of such.

"All history" is not locked into the events of the Iraq plains.
For the people of the interfluve, the whole world was an interfluve, they did not know the real picture of the world.
And the global event was only in myths that were duplicated and retold in different places. In the real sense, it was not global.
For those around the planet whom were affected, it was "global".
Most likely, these events took place around 2000 BC or later, because the Vedas mention war chariots everywhere, and they appeared only after 2000.
The Vedas themselves were composed around the period 1500-500
And Sumer traces back to about 3750 BC. About 2,000 plus years prior to Indus/Vedas per your timeline.
This, by the way, coincides in time with the Epic of Gilgamesh. It began to be compiled in the 17-18th century BC. The dating of the Vedas is not precise; they may have begun to be compiled at exactly the same time.
Not what you said in timeline in your post #30 just before this.
Try to get your fables/stories straight and in alignment.
IF there was a "global flood" event, a few other related questions;

1) When might such have happened?
"Myths/legends" around the Global may mention such, but the timeline of "When" has huge variance, when/if detailed out.

2) How did such happen?
What was the mechanism?
There are a few hypothesis on mechanisms for such an event, but they remain a bit sketchy and inconclusive on such worked to make "IT" happen.

3) Where did such happen?
We have a mix of accounts from cultures across the globe, but all are a bit vague as to when, how far back in time such happened. Also a bit varied on the extent and scale~scope of where, along with when.
How much is regional events of different time periods and/or something "small", versus something more uniform and larger in scope as to when in "time when it happened" as well as placements. ???

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