Global flood

Not what you said in timeline in your post #30 just before this.
Try to get your fables/stories straight and in alignment.
In that post, I rounded up. Everything fits together so well that it couldn't be more.
IF there was a "global flood" event, a few other related questions;

1) When might such have happened?
"Myths/legends" around the Global may mention such, but the timeline of "When" has huge variance, when/if detailed out.

2) How did such happen?
What was the mechanism?
There are a few hypothesis on mechanisms for such an event, but they remain a bit sketchy and inconclusive on such worked to make "IT" happen.

3) Where did such happen?
We have a mix of accounts from cultures across the globe, but all are a bit vague as to when, how far back in time such happened. Also a bit varied on the extent and scale~scope of where, along with when.
How much is regional events of different time periods and/or something "small", versus something more uniform and larger in scope as to when in "time when it happened" as well as placements. ???
1) I already said.

2) There is a plot about Tavashtar who made a thunder club for Indra. It was some kind of

3) I already said.

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