Global Warming in State of Union speech!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
OK......I almost choked on my sandwich today when I saw this at lunch >>>>

How dumb are the Dums ( and idiot GOP ) going to look when they stand up and applaud Obama's announcement that he intends to fight global warming in the coming year!!!

Here is his bullet list of disasterous outcomes from global warming >>>

All Caused By Global Warming

Posted on January 24, 2014 by stevengoddard

1.Record global sea ice area
2.Record Great Lakes ice cover
3.Record low tornado count
4.Record low hurricane count
5.Fewest US fires in 30 years
6.Coldest winter in 35 years
7.50% growth in the summer sea ice minimum.
8.Fewest 100 degree readings in decades

All of these things are caused by an overheated Mann-made atmosphere.

wont the president look like a
And that is what happened in a area that encompasses less then 2% of the area of the Earth. In the meanwhile, in the other 98%, it was the fourth warmest year on record.
And that is what happened in a area that encompasses less then 2% of the area of the Earth. In the meanwhile, in the other 98%, it was the fourth warmest year on record.

Yeppers, thankfully there were only a few thermometers available to make that happen!:eusa_whistle:
Morons ... I just don't get why people fight tooth and nail to try to hold on to the "global warming" argument as ridiculous as it makes them look. Time to grow up and move on to actual important things.
There's a reason that the right-wing-fringe nutball cult and the global warming denialists are exactly the same people. Global warming denialism is and has always been a political cult, one that has zilch to do with science. The cause of people getting sucked into the right-wing-fringe cult and the denialist cult is the same, a non-functioning BS detector.

In contrast, global warming science crosses all political boundaries all around the world. 'Cuz, you know, it's science and not politics. Naturally, that causes the kooks to proclaim the entire planet is engaged in a vast socialist plot. No, no, there's nothing crazy at all about that conspiracy theory. Makes total sense.

And now ... I predict ... nah, I'll wait until someone does it.
And that is what happened in a area that encompasses less then 2% of the area of the Earth. In the meanwhile, in the other 98%, it was the fourth warmest year on record.

Yeppers, thankfully there were only a few thermometers available to make that happen!:eusa_whistle:

For Additional Information:
Dr. John Christy, (256) 961-7763
[email protected]
Dr. Roy Spencer, (256) 961-7960
[email protected]

Global Temperature Report: December 2013
2013 was 4th warmest
year in the satellite era

Global climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978: +0.14 C per
OK......I almost choked on my sandwich today when I saw this at lunch >>>>

How dumb are the Dums ( and idiot GOP ) going to look when they stand up and applaud Obama's announcement that he intends to fight global warming in the coming year!!!

Here is his bullet list of disasterous outcomes from global warming >>>

All Caused By Global Warming

Posted on January 24, 2014 by stevengoddard

1.Record global sea ice area
2.Record Great Lakes ice cover
3.Record low tornado count
4.Record low hurricane count
5.Fewest US fires in 30 years
6.Coldest winter in 35 years
7.50% growth in the summer sea ice minimum.
8.Fewest 100 degree readings in decades

All of these things are caused by an overheated Mann-made atmosphere.

wont the president look like a

If Stephen Goddard ever had any kind of reputation as a scientist, this kind of thing pretty much destroys that reputation.
And that is what happened in a area that encompasses less then 2% of the area of the Earth. In the meanwhile, in the other 98%, it was the fourth warmest year on record.

Yeppers, thankfully there were only a few thermometers available to make that happen!:eusa_whistle:

For Additional Information:
Dr. John Christy, (256) 961-7763
[email protected]
Dr. Roy Spencer, (256) 961-7960
[email protected]

Global Temperature Report: December 2013
2013 was 4th warmest
year in the satellite era

Global climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978: +0.14 C per

Then why did East Angelia (Remember them?) have to use "Mann's Nature trick" to "hide the decline"?
Then why did East Angelia (Remember them?) have to use "Mann's Nature trick" to "hide the decline"?

Because the correlation factor between tree ring widths and temperature altered in the twentieth century.

Which, of course, has nothing to do with the topic under discussion here.
There's a reason that the right-wing-fringe nutball cult and the global warming denialists are exactly the same people. Global warming denialism is and has always been a political cult, one that has zilch to do with science. The cause of people getting sucked into the right-wing-fringe cult and the denialist cult is the same, a non-functioning BS detector.

In contrast, global warming science crosses all political boundaries all around the world. 'Cuz, you know, it's science and not politics. Naturally, that causes the kooks to proclaim the entire planet is engaged in a vast socialist plot. No, no, there's nothing crazy at all about that conspiracy theory. Makes total sense.

And now ... I predict ... nah, I'll wait until someone does it.

Wait no longer! You are being very silly and should not interrupt when the grown-ups are trying to have a conversation.
Then why did East Angelia (Remember them?) have to use "Mann's Nature trick" to "hide the decline"?

Because the correlation factor between tree ring widths and temperature altered in the twentieth century.

Which, of course, has nothing to do with the topic under discussion here.

So, the major AGW "Science" University was fudging the data

Can you read? Tree ring widths had been correlated with temperatures through comparisons with instrumented records and other proxies. The correlation factor - the actual relationship between tree ring widths and temperature CHANGED during the 20th century, likely due to the increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. This issue was widely known and widely discussed among dendrochronologists. You've been told this before. Do you believe I am lying or have you just decide to ignore the facts in favor of your unsupportable preconceptions?
The state of HIS Union...


Politically, how much can happen with global warming legislation in 2014?

ZERO. Its a radioactive term in congress right now. But every jackass in that chamber is going to stand up and applaud. What a bunch of phonies......on both sides of the aisle. The only thing this cheesedick can do is use his EPA via executive fiat. And what will that do? Kill jobs......lots of them. Drive up electricity prices, particularly in the northeast. Make the poor poorer ( how ironic....the left is expert at it?). Prick.....nobody wants this stuff except a very small minority of the population. Supposed to be government for the people by the people......but this president doesn't believe in that.......radical asshole. Bush wasn't much better either and did all sorts of regulatory things related to "global warming" that hurt people all across the country. Most Americans think the EPA is an agency that protests the environment.........stoopid mofu's are so fucking naï 2014, it is nothing but a vehicle to grow government and DECIMATES opportunity for regular Americans. It is deep corruption cloaked in sheeps clothing.

Yesterday, it was announced that military blimps will soon start roaming the skies in America. We have government going 120 mph down the highway to hell drunk out of their minds and most Americans are too buy texting on their jackass iPhones to notice........which is why Soetero can pull all this shit off right under our noses.
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