Global warming is a bitch as Millions in US hunker down from frigid, deadly monster storm


Settled science, not so settled
The solution to global warming, is to manufacture trillions of solar panels using heavy industry and then cover thousands of square miles of wilderness with them.

Heavy Industry Manufacturing forever is the solution to global warming?
Nearly 4 years ago (January 2019), Ocasio Cortez, the Democrat poster girl and representative, stated we had 12 years before the world would end. Now we only have 8 years .. clearly not enough time to mitigate the problem. Why would one foolishly attempt to stop such a thing if the claim is inevitable in 8 years?

The solution to global warming, is to manufacture trillions of solar panels using heavy industry and then cover thousands of square miles of wilderness with them.

Heavy Industry Manufacturing forever is the solution to global warming?
I believe the solution to global warming must be multi-faceted. Super critical geothermal energy from deep drilling can easily provide us all the electrical power we need. Not confident that we can continue to ramp up production of electric cars until we find a more sustainable source for the batteries. Carbon capture, electrolysis, and synthetic fuels can replace gasoline once the technology is sufficiently advanced, and with greater efficiency than electric powered vehicles.
Super critical geothermal energy from deep drilling can easily provide us all the electrical power we need.
Geothermal is actually terrible. Many threads and posts on geothermal here. There a couple of huge problems with geothermal.

One, each geothermal site is unique in it's physical and chemical properties hence each is a unique engineering solution making for expensive power plants.

Two, like a teapot, you take the lid off and the pressure escapes and drops. The Geysers in California fracks to replenish the steam. The Salton Sea geothermal sites must constantly drill new wells, no different than drilling for oil.

And, good sites are far away from population centers resulting in huge losses of electricity in transport, which our grid already suffers.

And let us not forget that geothermal is extremely toxic
It's winter, what's to understand? A few years back there was a far worse storm. Due to the fact most of the country now has the attention span of a gnat, every storm or irregularity is tauted as 'historic' or the 'worst' or whatnot. Only ridiculous propaganda and media drama queens boosting ratings make these occurrences larger than life. Nothing new here and certainly nothing to do with the climate cult hoax.
Progs have changed the terms for winter storms. The Vortex name is worth another five hundred-billion-dollar legislative piece alone.
Geothermal is actually terrible. Many threads and posts on geothermal here. There a couple of huge problems with geothermal.

One, each geothermal site is unique in it's physical and chemical properties hence each is a unique engineering solution making for expensive power plants.

Two, like a teapot, you take the lid off and the pressure escapes and drops. The Geysers in California fracks to replenish the steam. The Salton Sea geothermal sites must constantly drill new wells, no different than drilling for oil.

And, good sites are far away from population centers resulting in huge losses of electricity in transport, which our grid already suffers.

And let us not forget that geothermal is extremely toxic
I don't think you fully understand. I am talking about supercritical geothermal energy using a millimeter wave drilling system that theoretically, can reach depths of 10 to 20 kilometers below the surface. At those depths any location can be used to generate geothermal energy, including our current infrastructure. Furthermore, at those depths temperatures and pressure are at the "supercritical" level, which produces ten times more energy per drop of water than current non-supercritical plants.

I don't think you fully understand. I am talking about supercritical geothermal energy using a millimeter wave drilling system that theoretically, can reach depths of 10 to 20 kilometers below the surface. At those depths any location can be used to generate geothermal energy, including our current infrastructure. Furthermore, at those depths temperatures and pressure are at the "supercritical" level, which produces ten times more energy per drop of water than current non-supercritical plants.

No, I do understand. For I have worked at geothermal plants. They are dirty toxic expensive one of a kind money pits.

What elements will you find, what radioactivity? The current geothermal plants are all failures, thee most expensive electricity on earth. You are going to drill deeper? And come up with what? A new challenge.

You have no idea of the physics of geothermal. At that depth, ten times the pressure? The current geothermal plants, shake and move at a rate that is unbelievable, the violence is incredible. Accidents happen weekly. Now you want to increase that force by 10xs? 100xs?

It will never work.
No, I do understand. For I have worked at geothermal plants. They are dirty toxic expensive one of a kind money pits.

What elements will you find, what radioactivity? The current geothermal plants are all failures, thee most expensive electricity on earth. You are going to drill deeper? And come up with what? A new challenge.

You have no idea of the physics of geothermal. At that depth, ten times the pressure? The current geothermal plants, shake and move at a rate that is unbelievable, the violence is incredible. Accidents happen weekly. Now you want to increase that force by 10xs? 100xs?

It will never work.
when I was a kid we had wood heat and did great.....tennessee has enough trees to keep us warm forever....if global warming gets so hot we freeze I will miss this old planet

That 1.5 degree rise is a real bitch,clowns.

Here's a video on the Milankovitch Cycles, I suggest you watch it so you don't continue to make silly comments about the climate.

January 3rd we'll be the closest to the Sun and in July we'll be the furthest from the Sun. Why? Because the Earth doesn't go neatly around the Sun in a nice circle. We not only have the Sun pulling at us, we have planets too, like Jupiter and others. This means over a 100,000 cycle we warm up and we cool down. Right now we're in a really hot phase.

However right now our winters are when we're closest to the Sun, and our summers when we're furthest away. In the southern hemisphere, their summers are when we're closest to the Sun, which means the south will get HOT. It'll also mean we'll get more crazy weather which includes extreme cold when we're facing away from the Sun in the winter.

But don't let science get in the way of a shit story.

Here's a video on the Milankovitch Cycles, I suggest you watch it so you don't continue to make silly comments about the climate.

January 3rd we'll be the closest to the Sun and in July we'll be the furthest from the Sun. Why? Because the Earth doesn't go neatly around the Sun in a nice circle. We not only have the Sun pulling at us, we have planets too, like Jupiter and others. This means over a 100,000 cycle we warm up and we cool down. Right now we're in a really hot phase.

However right now our winters are when we're closest to the Sun, and our summers when we're furthest away. In the southern hemisphere, their summers are when we're closest to the Sun, which means the south will get HOT. It'll also mean we'll get more crazy weather which includes extreme cold when we're facing away from the Sun in the winter.

Right now we're in a really hot phase. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

May-be you should be walking around in shorts and sandals with your tin foil hat.

It seems perfectly simple to me: Global warming is one of the numerous effects of climate change.

Our understanding of any kind of science grows as scientists learn more, that's the nature of science, so at first the message was about global warming (especially when it dropped into the hands of sensationalist media). Now, we know much more about it, and in twenty or fifty or a thousand years we'll know even more. Outside of a few misguided or glory-hungry outliers, though, almost every knowledgeable climate scientist agrees that climate change exists due to the actions of mankind, and it's going to get a lot worse, especially if we keep denying its existence.

Also, weather and climate are two different things and the fact that it is seven degrees outside now does not mean that global warming is a vicious hoax.

I don't understand the difficulty.
It seems perfectly simple to me: Global warming is one of the numerous effects of climate change.

Our understanding of any kind of science grows as scientists learn more, that's the nature of science, so at first the message was about global warming (especially when it dropped into the hands of sensationalist media). Now, we know much more about it, and in twenty or fifty or a thousand years we'll know even more. Outside of a few misguided or glory-hungry outliers, though, almost every knowledgeable climate scientist agrees that climate change exists due to the actions of mankind, and it's going to get a lot worse, especially if we keep denying its existence.

Also, weather and climate are two different things and the fact that it is seven degrees outside now does not mean that global warming is a vicious hoax.

I don't understand the difficulty.

All we have to do is that the USA spend $78 Trillion to fix a problem mostly caused by China, right?
, almost every knowledgeable climate scientist agrees that climate change exists due to the actions of mankind, and it's going to get a lot worse, especially if we keep denying its existence.
global warming is a vicious hoax.
The first highlighted part is a result of the second highlighted part.

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