Global Warming is over!!!


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
N'Awlins Mid-City
You do realize your chart demonstrates that there isn't any global warming regardless of whether you have the bar there or not, right?
You do realize your chart demonstrates that there isn't any global warming regardless of whether you have the bar there or not, right?

Ya dude! Its just there for visual aid.

I have no idea why they kept studying global warming. It stopped in 1944. The Earth hasn't warmed since.
The progressives are geniuses, theyve always wanted t get us out of cars, stick it to the oil companies and corporations going back into the 70s . Then they come up with the wonderful C02 polution ... so costly to remove from industrial processes they can finally break us all and pass more regulations from what you eat to the type of house you can live in and where you can live. its coming... and theyve alwayys wanted to do it
The progressives are geniuses, theyve always wanted t get us out of cars, stick it to the oil companies and corporations going back into the 70s .

Those fucking assholes took away our leaded gasoline! Car hating pricks!

Then they come up with the wonderful C02 polution ... so costly to remove from industrial processes they can finally break us all and pass more regulations from what you eat to the type of house you can live in and where you can live. its coming... and theyve alwayys wanted to do it
YEAH! Those lefties cooked up AGW in 1896 just to break us all!

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