Global Warming is Shaking the Earth. Increased Ocean Energy Visible in Seismic Background

CO2 affects global temperature which most assuredly affects glaciation.

The questions were "what changes have taken place to the planet's commonplace configuration in the last 150 years and why would increased CO2 have had no effect and why wouldn't increasing temperatures increase the atmosphere's water vapor levels?" and you STILL have answered NONE of them.
No matter how hard you try, you cannot ignore the fact that relative to the ocean, the heat in the atmosphere is miniscule. The top few meters of the ocean store as much heat as Earth's entire atmosphere. It's the Atlantic ocean which triggers glacial periods in the NH. When the AMOC collapses a significant reduction in heat circulated by the Atlantic ocean from the equator to the north pole occurs. Enough so that it triggers a glacial event in the NH because the temperature threshold for extensive NH continental glaciation is only 2C colder than the present temperature.
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Enough of your silly Environmental Wacko denial bullshit that has no scientific basis other than your AGW religious faith.
You mean my silly climate science that has no scientific basis other than the science? Got it.
CO2 at the levels we see now is not a greenhouse gas and there is absolutely no proof that it is.
Fundamental science says it is. What is lacking is ANY evidence backing YOUR clalims.
Are you going to answer the questions or not?
What questions? Someone asked me what I drive and I answered.
I want to see what your real convictions are.
My convictions have no bearing on the science. It's the other way round actually.
I suspect you are like the sanctimonious church goer that sits in church every Sunday but was out whoring around on Saturday night. I think you are a fraud.
I think you're an ignorant asshole.
The energy we receive from the sun has not changed enough or consistently in the proper direction to be responsible for the observed warming. The energy we receive from the galactic centre requires a telescope many feet across to even detect. What DOES produce the right amount of energy to have created the observed warming is the greenhouse effect acting on CO2 and methane we've added to the atmosphere and then cooled slightly by reflective aerosols we've also added. The total global warming since the Industrial Revolution has been about 1.1C. So that's what we're looking for. Look once more at this graph. Look at the set of bars on the upper right. Those are the TEMPERATURE CHANGES that those different atmospheric components have created; some making it warmer and some making it cooler. Look at the bottom of that set and you will see a single marker labled "SUM". That is the algebraic sum of all those effects. Note that it is 1.1C. We are not missing anything. There is no requirement that the sun be exploding or that the Earth be expanding. I attempted to look at your expanding Earth site but my browser told me three times in a row that it was not safe. However, I have to point out that the GPS network, among other systems, would detect any changes in the diameter or shape of the planet down to 5 centimeters or less.

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You have no idea what the sun is doing to our world or universe
No matter how hard you try, you cannot ignore the fact that relative to the ocean, the heat in the atmosphere is miniscule. The top few meters of the ocean store as much heat as Earth's entire atmosphere. It's the Atlantic ocean which triggers glacial periods in the NH. When the AMOC collapses a significant reduction in heat circulated by the Atlantic ocean from the equator to the north pole occurs. Enough so that it triggers a glacial event in the NH because the temperature threshold for extensive NH continental glaciation is only 2C colder than the present temperature.
And the pacific provides el- ninos and polar vortexes
and you STILL have answered NONE of them.
None of that matters. What matters is what is the...

Temperature threshold for extensive NH continental glaciation
Current water temperature at the equator
Current water temperature at the north pole
AMOC collapse projected water temperature at the equator after 1, 5 and 10 years
AMOC collapse projected water temperature at the north pole after 1, 5 and 10 years

If the AMOC collapses it's impact on the climate would be felt very quickly; 3 to 4 decades but you'd know about it in the first decade and no one would doubt it. It's what drove the D-O events during the last glacial period. 5C swings in the NH over a few decades; back and forth; over and over again; a whole shitload of them.

You mean my silly climate science that has no scientific basis other than the science? Got it.

Fundamental science says it is. What is lacking is ANY evidence backing YOUR clalims.

What questions? Someone asked me what I drive and I answered.

My convictions have no bearing on the science. It's the other way round actually.

I think you're an ignorant asshole.
You wouldn't know what "Fundamental Science" was it if bit you in the ass. You are simply confused about everything and afraid of everything.

Are you going to answer the questions I asked you or are you going to chickenshit out?
IDK......he is just running away in panic LOL:biggrin:
He looks as if he is running towards... not away. And his tongue looks like a Valentine heart. I think he is running to his sweetheart.
This is the only question I have seen from you and I answered it. If I have missed something, please give me a pointer.
Answer the questions Moon Bat. We want to find out what are your real convictions.

Are you just a loud mouth confused Environmental Wacko obsessed with your stupid AGW religion or do you practice what you preach?

I think you are a fraud, just like all that AGW bullshit you ignorantly reference.

Honestly answer the questions. Stop being a little chickenshit.
Answer the questions Moon Bat. We want to find out what are your real convictions.

Are you just a loud mouth confused Environmental Wacko obsessed with your stupid AGW religion or do you practice what you preach?

I think you are a fraud, just like all that AGW bullshit you ignorantly reference.

Honestly answer the questions. Stop being a little chickenshit.
Then ask them, asshole. I don't respond to ignorant rhetoric.
Then ask them, asshole. I don't respond to ignorant rhetoric.

Answer the questions. Are you a fraud or do you have real convictions? What vehicle do you drive, do you have a hot water heater, do you have a refrigerator, etc? You know, all the things that you stupid Moon Bats claim to produce a large carbon footprints and are trying to ban for everybody else, including the energy to run them.

You being a little chickenshit to tell us if you have the same things that you want everybody else to give up speaks volumes of you being nothing more than a punk loud mouth Environmental Wacko.

You ain't worth shit. No wonder you quote all this silly ass fraudulent crap that have been debunked and have no scientific basis.
Answer the questions. Are you a fraud or do you have real convictions? What vehicle do you drive, do you have a hot water heater, do you have a refrigerator, etc? You know, all the things that you stupid Moon Bats claim to produce a large carbon footprints and are trying to ban for everybody else, including the energy to run them.

You being a little chickenshit to tell us if you have the same things that you want everybody else to give up speaks volumes of you being nothing more than a punk loud mouth Environmental Wacko.

You ain't worth shit. No wonder you quote all this silly ass fraudulent crap that have been debunked and have no scientific basis.
Let me answer on his behalf. His carbon footprint is not materially different than the average American's carbon footprint but because he cares more about the planet he believes he is a better person than you or I despite his hypocrisy.
Let me answer on his behalf. His carbon footprint is not materially different than the average American's carbon footprint but because he cares more about the planet he believes he is a better person than you or I despite his hypocrisy.
True but, she is just a loud mouth Environmental Wacko punk that doesn't know jackshit about climate science and all she does is parrot the scam talking points.
Answer the questions. Are you a fraud or do you have real convictions?
I just told you I don't respond to ignorant rhetoric. But you don't know what rhetoric is, do you.
What vehicle do you drive
Asked and answered. Repeatedly now.
do you have a hot water heater, do you have a refrigerator, etc? You know, all the things that you stupid Moon Bats claim to produce a large carbon footprints and are trying to ban for everybody else, including the energy to run them.
I've made no attempt to ban any of those things.
You being a little chickenshit to tell us if you have the same things that you want everybody else to give up speaks volumes of you being nothing more than a punk loud mouth Environmental Wacko.
You being as stupid as a fucking rock. Find any post in which I have ever suggested hot water heaters, refrigerators or air conditioners should be banned.
You ain't worth shit.
I'm worth enough that I'm not worried about paying any of my bills between now and my funeral. You?
No wonder you quote all this silly ass fraudulent crap that have been debunked and have no scientific basis.
The IPCC's conclusions are drawn from the peer reviewed studies of the world's climate scientists. No one has shown ANY of it to be fraudulent. No one has debunked ANY of it. It is EXTREMELY well supported by MOUNTAINS of evidence. And since you lack the science education to understand the first sentence on the first page of the first book, your opinion in this debate has a value indistinguishable from a null field.
It must really suck being you.
Don't project. It's not healthy.
So damn scared of climate change that you worry about it all the time.
I react to global warming as I do all real threats. Apparently you do not.
Doesn't your husband tell you to not to worry so much?
My wife believes I am wasting my time here because all you deniers are so incredibly stupid.
I bet you carry around a placard reading "We are all going to die!". Am I right or am I right?
You are wrong. I have a t-shirt that says "There are two kinds of people in this world: those who can extrapolate from incomplete data" and another one that has Pi to 400 decimal places.
This silly ass AGW religion of yours have you proclaiming that the end is near. End times, isn't it?
It's not a religion. Religions use faith. Science relies on evidence. AGW is the product of science and is based on evidence. Besides, I've been an atheist since I was ten. But you believe in some god or other, don't you.
You should be a lot more worried about the damage Mr Potatohead is doing to our country than any man made climate change.
If you ever voted for Donald Trump you should hand in your human race card.
By the way, Moon Bat. Since you are so damn frightened of man made climate change are you doing your part to prevent it? Tell us what you do to be "Green". Like I am sure you don't have AC, or a refrigerator or a heater or a washing machine or dryer, and you don't drive a vehicle and you have solar panels and you don't buy anything made or transported with fossil fuels, right?
Oi! The questions! You should have told me where they were. It's not like I go looking for your posts. Here goes:

I have central air and a gas furnace in our Wisconsin house. I have central air and electric furnaces in our two Florida houses. I have washing machines and dryers in all of them. I have our Sienna Hybrid for a vehicle. I don't have any solar panels but our daughter in Orlando has them on her house.

I can tell you what we do that has the greatest impact: We vote at every level of government available to us. And for some candidates we put signs in our yards and on our car And I bet you can guess just what sort of candidates my whole family and I vote for.
Don't project. It's not healthy.

I react to global warming as I do all real threats. Apparently you do not.

My wife believes I am wasting my time here because all you deniers are so incredibly stupid.

You are wrong. I have a t-shirt that says "There are two kinds of people in this world: those who can extrapolate from incomplete data" and another one that has Pi to 400 decimal places.

It's not a religion. Religions use faith. Science relies on evidence. AGW is the product of science and is based on evidence. Besides, I've been an atheist since I was ten. But you believe in some god or other, don't you.

If you ever voted for Donald Trump you should hand in your human race card.

Oi! The questions! You should have told me where they were. It's not like I go looking for your posts. Here goes:

I have central air and a gas furnace in our Wisconsin house. I have central air and electric furnaces in our two Florida houses. I have washing machines and dryers in all of them. I have our Sienna Hybrid for a vehicle. I don't have any solar panels but our daughter in Orlando has them on her house.

I can tell you what we do that has the greatest impact: We vote at every level of government available to us. And for some candidates we put signs in our yards and on our car And I bet you can guess just what sort of candidates my whole family and I vote for.
You have a carbon footprint greater than 90% of the people on earth but yet you are a pathetic loud mouth confused Environmental Wacko that doesn't practice what she preaches.

You know absolutely nothing about real Climate Science. You believe the lies told to you by people that have admitted they lie and have repeatably been caught lying, creating fraudulent and cherry picked data and you embrace the silly ass AGW religion. You are an acrimonious Science Denier that has created a world of hell for yourself by being scared shithless of the bogeyman your religion has created for you.

Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much. Grow up. If you live in Wisconsin you are going to freeze your titties off this winter. If I were you I would be more concerned about getting your husband to clear the driveway of snow than worrying about man made global warming.

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