Global warming is speeding up.

I saw some climate scientist saying this on the news last night. That the earth is not just getting warmer, but the rate at which it is getting warmer is accelerating. Though this isn't news to me. The only question is how bad will things get before people start doing something about it. I am reminded of a lyric by Janis Joplin. "Freedom's (survival) just another word for nothing left to lose." I wouldn't expect our corporate government to do much. I also saw on the news last night that Biden signed some mandate or something saying that by the year 2050, all cars are going to have to be electric. But the way things are looking, it is doubtful there will be any people around to drive them. And they're supposed to have all electric cars in the U.S. But what about the rest of the increasingly overpopulating and "migrating" world.
So is Obama stupid? A liar? Or a hypocrite?


Nuclear plants are downright diabolical. We shouldn't be creating things that will remain toxic for far longer than humans have even existed. Neither is there anything cheap about them. And when things go bad with them, all of the money in the world can't clean it up. Also, look at the melted core of Chernobyl. It is expected to remain dangerous for about the next 4.5 billion years.
Who is building Chernobyl-style nuclear power plants?
Liberals claim global warming is a problem, yet I still freeze my butt off every winter.

Tell me about it....
These idiots made wild accusations and said Texas wasnt prepared for the massive freeze and in the same sentence claim the world is getting ready to roast us all to death.
Yeah we had record cold last winter,but we havent hit 100 all summer long which is highly unusual for Houston.
Actually, China is also building coal-powered energy plants at a frantic pace. They are also building renewable sources at a frantic pace.

China learned from us that the foremost ingredient of a healthy economy is CHEAP, PLENTIFUL ELECTRICITY. We were energy independent under President Trump, in just a few months, President Harris/Biden reversed that and now gas prices are skyrocketing. Who loves you, baby?


You're right, they aren't reducing CO2, but building a lot of "green power" plants.

Solar panels last around 24 years. The energy it takes to create them, from mining the ore they are made of to the finished product is the amount of energy you get from them in 1 to 4 years. That sounds pretty efficient to me. As for any pollution created from making them, that can be controlled.
You didn't consider the fact that it takes that 24 years you refer to break even on the cost of the solar system.

I have been a Realtor for well over 40 years. In all that time I never listed and sold a residence with solar power for anything close to covering the cost of the solar system. In fact, each one sold for LESS than the property would have sold for WITHOUT the system.
And those poor kids are still wondering why all of New York City has not been underwater for the past decade, Why did daddy lie to us so much, they ask.
Maybe if they are raised by denier idiots, who make up stuff to argue against and whine about.
Maybe if they are raised by denier idiots, who make up stuff to argue against and whine about.
Your idol, Al Gore said that our ocean was going to rise TWENTY FEET. Did you lie to your kids and refuse to tell them what Al Gore and the other Global Warming conspiracy kooks believed was about to happen?

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