Global Warming is such Wooly Mammoth Crap.

Where is the bitter cold(18 deg) coming from if the Arctic Polar Regions are melting(above 32 deg)

  • I am a liberal, and it is Global Warming, err i mean Global Climate Change, you racist...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am a Conservative who understands the global warming scam and it is to take away our money..

    Votes: 7 100.0%

  • Total voters
Apparently we didn't know how to read a thermometer in any of the decades of the last century. They all had to be 'adjusted'.

Then we found out that we didn't know how to read thermometers in the 00's. And everything had to be 'readjusted'.

In three years we will find out that we didn't know how to read a thermometer in the 10's either. And all the readings will have to be re-readjusted.
In actual fact, the numbers are being constantly changed. The readings for pre-1960 typically go down, and after 1960 they typically go up.


The abrupt change at 1940 is the result of two things. Necessary but still discretionary adjustments to ocean temperatures. And a need to smooth out warming/cooling bump that wrecked the temperature to CO2 correlation.

Here is part of an email chain released in Climategate-

From: Tom Wigley <[email protected]>
To: Phil Jones <>
Subject: 1940s
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 23:25:38 -0600
Cc: Ben Santer <[email protected]>

It would be good to remove at least part of the 1940s blip, but we are still left with "why the blip"

Edit- remember these are just changes from 2008. No one knew that the adjustments were going to be made and the old data tossed out, or at least made unavailable. All the most reasonable and necessary adjustments had already been made by the turn of the millennium.

Yup reading that PDF on how they tried to explain the ice age of the 1970s was a myth the more I get file gate the more I get they really did change the temperature records.

Yup. It is the way they manufactured adjustments that changed the SHAPE of the temperature record. Adding or subtracting half a degree across the whole range doesn't make much of a difference. Cooling the start and warming the end makes a big difference in the trend.

Knocking the tops off hills and valleys makes the whole record look like a steady climb, rather than a series of cycles with an upwards trend. This is what homogenization does, although the massive corrections around the 40's were specifically targeted.

I used to be cynical...but after reading this PDF I totally see what they did...and they say Trump is a Barnum Bailey con artist this is pure B.S.

This is worth repeating

A COOLING TREND. Efforts to accumulate and organize global temperature records began in
the 1870s (Somerville et al. 2007). The first analysis to show long-term warming trends was published
in 1938. However, such analyses were not updated very often. Indeed, the Earth appeared to have been
cooling for more than 2 decade
s when scientists first took note of the change in trend in the 1960s. The
seminal work was done by J. Murray Mitchell, who, in 1963, presented the first up-to-date temperature
reconstruction showing that a global cooling trend had begun in the 1940s. Mitchell used data from
nearly 200 weather stations, collected by the World Weather Records project under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization, to calculate latitudinal average temperature. His analysis showed
that global temperatures had increased fairly steadily from the 1880s, the start of his record, until about 1940, before the start of a steady multidecade cooling (Mitchell 1963).By the early 1970s, when Mitchell updated his work
(Mitchell 1972), the notion of a global cooling trend was widely accepted, albeit poorly understood. The first satellite records showed increasing snow and ice cover across the Northern Hemisphere from the late
1960s to the early 1970s. This trend was capped by unusually severe winters in Asia and parts of North
America in 1972 and 1973 (Kukla andKukla 1974
By the early 1970s, when Mitchell updated his work (Mitchell 1972), the notion of a global cooling trend was widely accepted, albeit poorly understood.

And at the same time, the majority of scientists were already predicting how the cooling trend would reverse into warming. And they were right. It went against the obvious trend, but scientists went with the physics and the data, and were proven to be correct.

A few scientists, of course, predicted cooling. Those scientists generally remained hardcore global warming deniers for the rest of their lives.

The real science has been correct since the 1970s, and the deniers have been wrong since the 1970s. Heck, most deniers are _still_ predicting an ice age RealSoonNow. That's why the real science has credibility, and why denialism is considered to be a kind of Ice Age Cult.
By the early 1970s, when Mitchell updated his work (Mitchell 1972), the notion of a global cooling trend was widely accepted, albeit poorly understood.

And at the same time, the majority of scientists were already predicting how the cooling trend would reverse into warming. And they were right. It went against the obvious trend, but scientists went with the physics and the data, and were proven to be correct.

A few scientists, of course, predicted cooling. Those scientists generally remained hardcore global warming deniers for the rest of their lives.

The real science has been correct since the 1970s, and the deniers have been wrong since the 1970s. Heck, most deniers are _still_ predicting an ice age RealSoonNow. That's why the real science has credibility, and why denialism is considered to be a kind of Ice Age Cult.

You became an arm chair QBs your cult went back in time to change it ..

It's like some asshole Q.C. person when they had a shit load of defects .. change the S.P.C. records..

You guys changed it mamooth quit denying it..
By the early 1970s, when Mitchell updated his work (Mitchell 1972), the notion of a global cooling trend was widely accepted, albeit poorly understood.

And at the same time, the majority of scientists were already predicting how the cooling trend would reverse into warming. And they were right. It went against the obvious trend, but scientists went with the physics and the data, and were proven to be correct.

A few scientists, of course, predicted cooling. Those scientists generally remained hardcore global warming deniers for the rest of their lives.

The real science has been correct since the 1970s, and the deniers have been wrong since the 1970s. Heck, most deniers are _still_ predicting an ice age RealSoonNow. That's why the real science has credibility, and why denialism is considered to be a kind of Ice Age Cult.

And who are you trying to fool the term 'denier" was made up by your cult around 2004 ..
You changed it and we all know you did now mamooth

A COOLING TREND. Efforts to accumulate and organize global temperature records began in
the 1870s (Somerville et al. 2007). The first analysis to show long-term warming trends was published
in 1938. However, such analyses were not updated very often. Indeed, the Earth appeared to have been
cooling for more than 2 decade
s when scientists first took note of the change in trend in the 1960s. The
seminal work was done by J. Murray Mitchell, who, in 1963, presented the first up-to-date temperature
reconstruction showing that a global cooling trend had begun in the 1940s. Mitchell used data from
nearly 200 weather stations, collected by the World Weather Records project under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization, to calculate latitudinal average temperature. His analysis showed
that global temperatures had increased fairly steadily from the 1880s, the start of his record, until about 1940, before the start of a steady multidecade cooling (Mitchell 1963).By the early 1970s, when Mitchell updated his work
(Mitchell 1972), the notion of a global cooling trend was widely accepted, albeit poorly understood. The first satellite records showed increasing snow and ice cover across the Northern Hemisphere from the late
1960s to the early 1970s. This trend was capped by unusually severe winters in Asia and parts of North
America in 1972 and 1973 (KuklaandKukla 1974
You had to change it to promote fear mongering..

You had to change it to promote propaganda..

You had to change it because you wanted climate social justice..

You had to change it because you wanted the rich nation's to pay

You had to change it , because you hate the rich..

You guys are such liars , Hillary and Trump is not bigger liars then Jim Hansen, Cook Michael Mann and Naomi Klein combined..
You changed it and we all know you did now mamooth

Changed what?

If you're talking about the term "climate change", the Bush admin created that, specifically Republican strategist Frank Luntz in 2002. They thought "global warming" sounded too scary, and wanted to downplay it, so that they could excuse not acting. That's not debatable, at least not by any non-cultist. I can show you the video of Frank Luntz saying it.

Now, when did "denier" become common? When Republicanism began turning into a cult of wide-eyed kooks, which really took off after the Bush election. So yes, after 2000. Before denialism became one of the many mandated insane beliefs of a bedwetting political cult, there was no reason to label it.

Don't cry at me for pointing out the obvious. You shit your own bed, fraud, so now you have to sleep in it.
You changed it and we all know you did now mamooth

Changed what?

If you're talking about the term "climate change", the Bush admin created that, specifically Republican strategist Frank Luntz in 2002. They thought "global warming" sounded too scary, and wanted to downplay it, so that they could excuse not acting. That's not debatable, at least not by any non-cultist. I can show you the video of Frank Luntz saying it.

Now, when did "denier" become common? When Republicanism began turning into a cult of wide-eyed kooks, which really took off after the Bush election. So yes, after 2000. Before denialism became one of the many mandated insane beliefs of a bedwetting political cult, there was no reason to label it.

Don't cry at me for pointing out the obvious. You shit your own bed, fraud, so now you have to sleep in it.

Bullshit your cult changed it to climate change and you even go back in time (like you always do) to claim there was deniers in the 1970s...

Fruit loops they are called " scientist" trying to figure shit out..

But your cult already had your mind made up .

Anti science ...that's all you are
You changed it and we all know you did now mamooth

Changed what?

If you're talking about the term "climate change", the Bush admin created that, specifically Republican strategist Frank Luntz in 2002. They thought "global warming" sounded too scary, and wanted to downplay it, so that they could excuse not acting. That's not debatable, at least not by any non-cultist. I can show you the video of Frank Luntz saying it.

Now, when did "denier" become common? When Republicanism began turning into a cult of wide-eyed kooks, which really took off after the Bush election. So yes, after 2000. Before denialism became one of the many mandated insane beliefs of a bedwetting political cult, there was no reason to label it.

Don't cry at me for pointing out the obvious. You shit your own bed, fraud, so now you have to sleep in it.

You changed the records don't lie mamooth...
You changed it and we all know you did now mamooth

Changed what?

If you're talking about the term "climate change", the Bush admin created that, specifically Republican strategist Frank Luntz in 2002. They thought "global warming" sounded too scary, and wanted to downplay it, so that they could excuse not acting. That's not debatable, at least not by any non-cultist. I can show you the video of Frank Luntz saying it.

Now, when did "denier" become common? When Republicanism began turning into a cult of wide-eyed kooks, which really took off after the Bush election. So yes, after 2000. Before denialism became one of the many mandated insane beliefs of a bedwetting political cult, there was no reason to label it.

Don't cry at me for pointing out the obvious. You shit your own bed, fraud, so now you have to sleep in it.

Read the PDF

You changed the temperature records to suite your narrative... your cult lied ..

I hate the AGW cult even more now mamooth, you guys are the biggest liars on the planet...

Just because your drama queens..
Just because you want social economic Justice..

You confuse the public.. you want pollution and climate to be the same.

You can't stand freedom, you can't stand people wanting to drive pick up trucks while you drive a clown car.

You can't stand fossil fuel for providing cheap heat to poor people..while you live in $2,000 dollars apparments paying out the ying yang for higher energy bills

Yea mamooth, you want to scrafice .go ahead...I am not with you ..
Yup reading that PDF on how they tried to explain the ice age of the 1970s was a myth the more I get file gate the more I get they really did change the temperature records.

Except there wasn't an "ice age" in the 1970's. We did have some particularly brutal winters, especially at the end. But whenever someone tries to claim "Scientists were predicting an Ice Age in the 70's", they point to one article in Time Magazine.

Yup reading that PDF on how they tried to explain the ice age of the 1970s was a myth the more I get file gate the more I get they really did change the temperature records.

Except there wasn't an "ice age" in the 1970's. We did have some particularly brutal winters, especially at the end. But whenever someone tries to claim "Scientists were predicting an Ice Age in the 70's", they point to one article in Time Magazine.

No we don't, I remember watching this the day it was in television, 8 pm Chicago , Thursday...I don't know why I remember it but I do.

Btw I also remember Bewitched being on Thursday's at 7 pm when I was around 4 years old in the late 60's
No we don't, I remember watching this the day it was in television, 8 pm Chicago , Thursday...I don't know why I remember it but I do.

This was the same show that talked about UFO's, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster and the Bermuda Triangle like those were real things. .

In Search of... (TV series) - Wikipedia

The only mystery is why Leonard Nimoy sold out his credibility.
You changed the temperature records to suite your narrative...

No, that's just more open fraud on the part of you and your cult. Not all deniers possess low intelligence, but the great majority of them are like that. Denier cultists self-select for stupidity, because people of normal intelligence just laugh at denier propaganda.

Even you understand that on some level, which is why you've gotten so hysterical here. All the evidence contradicts you, your cult is dying, and you don't know what to do. Don't worry. Your masters won't let the efforts of a Useful Idiot like you go to waste. They'll instruct you on how to devote yourself to a different cult, and then give you some new deranged conspiracy theories to parrot.
You changed the temperature records to suite your narrative...

No, that's just more open fraud on the part of you and your cult. Not all deniers possess low intelligence, but the great majority of them are like that. Denier cultists self-select for stupidity, because people of normal intelligence just laugh at denier propaganda.

Even you understand that on some level, which is why you've gotten so hysterical here. All the evidence contradicts you, your cult is dying, and you don't know what to do. Don't worry. Your masters won't let the efforts of a Useful Idiot like you go to waste. They'll instruct you on how to devote yourself to a different cult, and then give you some new deranged conspiracy theories to parrot.

No one tells me anything, unlike you I research the hell out of it, all you do is parrot blogs

It's so damn obvious now when I connect all the dots especially after I read that 2008 study want to remain stupid go ahead but I know you're not your cult is after a huge bluff.
Bitter cold windchills and snow stick around… « FOX News Weather Blog
December 13, 2017 | 7:02 AM ET
Bitter cold windchills and snow stick around...
Good morning everyone. Happy Wednesday!

It’s a bitter cold midweek with windchills in the single digits and teens for millions this morning across the Great Lakes, Northeast, and Mid-Atlantic over the next few days.
So lets try this again.

Back in 2000 Al Gore said that the Earth was going to burn up in 10 years if the United States didn't do something about it. The Earth is still here.
Back in 2006 Al Gore produced an Inconvenient Truth predicting increased in Cat 5 hurricanes each year, massive tornado's, very little snow events, and warming to the point the Earth would burn up in 10 years. Guess what, less hurricanes each year, little tornado activities, lots of snow through polar vortexes, and the Earth is still here.
So with Global Warming year after year, because of the increase of CO2 each year, (liberal's words not mine) if last 2 years the temperature around Manassas has been in the high 30s and low 40s, WITH THE INCREASE OF TEMPERATURE YEAR AFTER YEAR....Where did the 20 degree temperature come from. What you morons don't understand is that your science says "each year with CO2 on the increase, the temperature will increase", yet is is 15 degrees lower...And don't give me shit that it is only weather... Yeah and when the summer is HOT , it is only weather.

LOL For sure you brand yourself as an idiot. Stating things that were never said, lying about reality, when even those that do not like that reality have to acknowledge it.

You changed the temperature records to suite your narrative...

No, that's just more open fraud on the part of you and your cult. Not all deniers possess low intelligence, but the great majority of them are like that. Denier cultists self-select for stupidity, because people of normal intelligence just laugh at denier propaganda.

Even you understand that on some level, which is why you've gotten so hysterical here. All the evidence contradicts you, your cult is dying, and you don't know what to do. Don't worry. Your masters won't let the efforts of a Useful Idiot like you go to waste. They'll instruct you on how to devote yourself to a different cult, and then give you some new deranged conspiracy theories to parrot.

No one tells me anything, unlike you I research the hell out of it, all you do is parrot blogs

It's so damn obvious now when I connect all the dots especially after I read that 2008 study want to remain stupid go ahead but I know you're not your cult is after a huge bluff.
LOL Reading Briebart and other right wing nut blogs can hardly be considered research. Reading articles from Science, Nature, Geology, and other peer reviewed scientific journals is research. Something you have never done. Or you can even go to Youtube like this;

So when the temperature is 100 degrees that comes from "summer" right?

Yes. It's the global average and the trend that matters, not any single temperature in winter or summer.

That's why you don't see us pointing to one hot or cold day as evidence of anthing. We leave such bad logic to you deniers.
Even when the evidence there was extreme cooling like what is going on this week, is left out of the data?
You know, you are one sad liar. No, it is not left out of the data. It is simply because you are just too stupid to understand that we are talking about the whole of the planet, not the sad little spot you inhabit.
Back in 2000 Al Gore said that the Earth was going to burn up in 10 years


BTW Gore is not a scientist and should not be treated as one.

Here's an example of what scientist predicted 10 years ago.

Projections of Future Changes in Climate - AR4 WGI Summary for Policymakers
I noticed that you avoided the question Where did the 20 degree temperature come from. as typical of the left when they have no answer. Just more bullshit from the IPCC who wants to take our money from US and give it to the liberal elites in the biggest Ponzi Scheme ever derived..

That's not really a question is it? I mean you do understand that the tilt of the earth is what causes earth to have seasons as we travel around the sun? When the northern hemisphere tilts away from the sun it gets colder and we have winter......... happens every year.

Now then, do you or don't you have a link to where Al said the earth was going to burn up in 10 years or not. If not I'll just presume that you made it up, which of course is most likely.
Al Gore’s 10-year warning – only 2 years left, still no warming « Roy Spencer, PhD
Maybe if you liberals would pull your head out of Uranus, you might know what was said.

View attachment 165789
How predictable. A silly fuck like you chose a chart that ended in 2014, and began in 2006. Both Spencer and you are asshole liars. Spencer does not dare alter his charts, as he once did, and got caught changing signs in the data to contradict reality. One more trick like that, and he becomes persona non grata within the scientific community. He is damned near there at the present. Here is his graph, as you can see, 2015, 2016, and 2017 have seen major warming.


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