Global.warming isna scam

great but very short video explains how it is one.

The first thing he does is not let her finish her question. He wants to take control of the whole thing. He doesn't want to answer her question, he wants to get his own points across without finding out what he should be answering. Then says she's "full of shit".

Well, seems to follow the sort of pattern of people who aren't that bright on a site like this.

He says "Antarctica is on a mountain top", er... he went to Antarctica and thinks he's see the whole place because he's seen one place.

Then he talks about the world being warmer in the past. Sure, it's been warmer in the past. That doesn't change the argument that humans are increasing the temperatures and we don't know the impact this will have on the Earth.

that's one point of his was warmer in the that means it gets hotter and colder without any cars or cow admitting that is the first step to not be a moron

first he said the best case scenario is the water levels rise 10 feet in 40 years according to the climate change people (worst case is 100 feet)
and he explains a change of 10 feet what would be under water, like Florida.
Second......the banks lending money to people for property in Florida that will be under water in 40 years makes no sense......and many of those bankers say they back global warming......uh.........then why are you building in those places.....<cough>scam<cough>

The problem is, no one is saying that the Earth has stayed the same temperature all the time. So, he's basically throwing facts around to argue against something no one has said.

Why would someone do that? I don't know, but it happens a lot on forums like this. Like I said, I thought he was trying to find his comfort zone in the debate and it seems he's arguing against ghosts because that's where he feels strongest.

So he said the sea level might rise. Wow. So what?

Florida isn't underwater now. People have the choice to live there or not, knowing thar global warming might increase sea levels. The banks don't make more money if Florida goes under, because they can't repossess houses under water.

great but very short video explains how it is one.

You can’t even write an OP title without fucking it up and you expect us to listen to you talk science?
Every climate scientist in the world states GW is still happening and man is the cause but this idiot has a video. One video. And he doesn’t even realize how stupid he looks.

List them the scientist or organizations I will wait..

Is Dan Pena a scientist?

Didn't think so.

So, I know lots of scientists that think it's bullshit

hey how about you predict another disaster that doesn't happen......
people are tired of your bullshit.....
uh oh, it's icy outside, must be climate guys are a joke

and look at that.....half the arctic ice is gone and we didn't flood our coasts.......hmmmmmmmmmmm
something isn't adding up

That is floating ice, dummie. Quite a different matter from landlocked ice, like Greenland and Antarctica.

wait, you guys use photos to show it's melting because of global warming, but now it's floating ice,
so where did it go? and make up your fucking mind....holy shit, you guys change the story more often than Hillary Clinton

great but very short video explains how it is one.

The first thing he does is not let her finish her question. He wants to take control of the whole thing. He doesn't want to answer her question, he wants to get his own points across without finding out what he should be answering. Then says she's "full of shit".

Well, seems to follow the sort of pattern of people who aren't that bright on a site like this.

He says "Antarctica is on a mountain top", er... he went to Antarctica and thinks he's see the whole place because he's seen one place.

Then he talks about the world being warmer in the past. Sure, it's been warmer in the past. That doesn't change the argument that humans are increasing the temperatures and we don't know the impact this will have on the Earth.

that's one point of his was warmer in the that means it gets hotter and colder without any cars or cow admitting that is the first step to not be a moron

first he said the best case scenario is the water levels rise 10 feet in 40 years according to the climate change people (worst case is 100 feet)
and he explains a change of 10 feet what would be under water, like Florida.
Second......the banks lending money to people for property in Florida that will be under water in 40 years makes no sense......and many of those bankers say they back global warming......uh.........then why are you building in those places.....<cough>scam<cough>

The problem is, no one is saying that the Earth has stayed the same temperature all the time. So, he's basically throwing facts around to argue against something no one has said.

Why would someone do that? I don't know, but it happens a lot on forums like this. Like I said, I thought he was trying to find his comfort zone in the debate and it seems he's arguing against ghosts because that's where he feels strongest.

So he said the sea level might rise. Wow. So what?

Florida isn't underwater now. People have the choice to live there or not, knowing thar global warming might increase sea levels. The banks don't make more money if Florida goes under, because they can't repossess houses under water.

easy, they do that, because anytime there is a temperature change or a gust of wind, you guys blame climate change......

and when you guys talk about it, you do not give a disclaimer.......hey the Earth changes on it's own.....sometimes rapidly

Florida isn't underwater now. People have the choice to live there or not, knowing thar global warming might increase sea levels. The banks don't make more money if Florida goes under, because they can't repossess houses under water.

BINGO!!!!!!!!.......that's the people who publicly back climate change (climate changers use NAZI tactics) still invest in Florida when it's said will be under water, the banks will lose a it doesn't make sense...thank you for pointing that out.

great but very short video explains how it is one.

The first thing he does is not let her finish her question. He wants to take control of the whole thing. He doesn't want to answer her question, he wants to get his own points across without finding out what he should be answering. Then says she's "full of shit".

Well, seems to follow the sort of pattern of people who aren't that bright on a site like this.

He says "Antarctica is on a mountain top", er... he went to Antarctica and thinks he's see the whole place because he's seen one place.

Then he talks about the world being warmer in the past. Sure, it's been warmer in the past. That doesn't change the argument that humans are increasing the temperatures and we don't know the impact this will have on the Earth.

that's one point of his was warmer in the that means it gets hotter and colder without any cars or cow admitting that is the first step to not be a moron

first he said the best case scenario is the water levels rise 10 feet in 40 years according to the climate change people (worst case is 100 feet)
and he explains a change of 10 feet what would be under water, like Florida.
Second......the banks lending money to people for property in Florida that will be under water in 40 years makes no sense......and many of those bankers say they back global warming......uh.........then why are you building in those places.....<cough>scam<cough>

The problem is, no one is saying that the Earth has stayed the same temperature all the time. So, he's basically throwing facts around to argue against something no one has said.

Why would someone do that? I don't know, but it happens a lot on forums like this. Like I said, I thought he was trying to find his comfort zone in the debate and it seems he's arguing against ghosts because that's where he feels strongest.

So he said the sea level might rise. Wow. So what?

Florida isn't underwater now. People have the choice to live there or not, knowing thar global warming might increase sea levels. The banks don't make more money if Florida goes under, because they can't repossess houses under water.

easy, they do that, because anytime there is a temperature change or a gust of wind, you guys blame climate change......

and when you guys talk about it, you do not give a disclaimer.......hey the Earth changes on it's own.....sometimes rapidly

Florida isn't underwater now. People have the choice to live there or not, knowing thar global warming might increase sea levels. The banks don't make more money if Florida goes under, because they can't repossess houses under water.

BINGO!!!!!!!!.......that's the people who publicly back climate change (climate changers use NAZI tactics) still invest in Florida when it's said will be under water, the banks will lose a it doesn't make sense...thank you for pointing that out.

"you guys", who is "you guys"????

Can you show one example of a "gust of wind" or "temperature change" that has been to blame for climate change?

Ah, when "you guys", whoever they may be, talk about climate change, they don't mention that climate changes of its own accord every post. Nor do they post the Superbowl score from 1872.

Your argument here is that "you guys" don't post every single detail in every post. Yet, if "you guys" write detailed posts then they don't get read and everyone complains that they're not reading all of that. Basically if it's more than a few sentences, you've lost half the damn board.

As for your Florida argument, what? So... which prominent man made global warming people are investing heavily in Florida, exactly?

great but very short video explains how it is one.

The first thing he does is not let her finish her question. He wants to take control of the whole thing. He doesn't want to answer her question, he wants to get his own points across without finding out what he should be answering. Then says she's "full of shit".

Well, seems to follow the sort of pattern of people who aren't that bright on a site like this.

He says "Antarctica is on a mountain top", er... he went to Antarctica and thinks he's see the whole place because he's seen one place.

Then he talks about the world being warmer in the past. Sure, it's been warmer in the past. That doesn't change the argument that humans are increasing the temperatures and we don't know the impact this will have on the Earth.

that's one point of his was warmer in the that means it gets hotter and colder without any cars or cow admitting that is the first step to not be a moron

first he said the best case scenario is the water levels rise 10 feet in 40 years according to the climate change people (worst case is 100 feet)
and he explains a change of 10 feet what would be under water, like Florida.
Second......the banks lending money to people for property in Florida that will be under water in 40 years makes no sense......and many of those bankers say they back global warming......uh.........then why are you building in those places.....<cough>scam<cough>

The problem is, no one is saying that the Earth has stayed the same temperature all the time. So, he's basically throwing facts around to argue against something no one has said.

Why would someone do that? I don't know, but it happens a lot on forums like this. Like I said, I thought he was trying to find his comfort zone in the debate and it seems he's arguing against ghosts because that's where he feels strongest.

So he said the sea level might rise. Wow. So what?

Florida isn't underwater now. People have the choice to live there or not, knowing thar global warming might increase sea levels. The banks don't make more money if Florida goes under, because they can't repossess houses under water.

easy, they do that, because anytime there is a temperature change or a gust of wind, you guys blame climate change......

and when you guys talk about it, you do not give a disclaimer.......hey the Earth changes on it's own.....sometimes rapidly

Florida isn't underwater now. People have the choice to live there or not, knowing thar global warming might increase sea levels. The banks don't make more money if Florida goes under, because they can't repossess houses under water.

BINGO!!!!!!!!.......that's the people who publicly back climate change (climate changers use NAZI tactics) still invest in Florida when it's said will be under water, the banks will lose a it doesn't make sense...thank you for pointing that out.

"you guys", who is "you guys"????

Can you show one example of a "gust of wind" or "temperature change" that has been to blame for climate change?

Ah, when "you guys", whoever they may be, talk about climate change, they don't mention that climate changes of its own accord every post. Nor do they post the Superbowl score from 1872.

Your argument here is that "you guys" don't post every single detail in every post. Yet, if "you guys" write detailed posts then they don't get read and everyone complains that they're not reading all of that. Basically if it's more than a few sentences, you've lost half the damn board.

As for your Florida argument, what? So... which prominent man made global warming people are investing heavily in Florida, exactly?

Hey dipshit....I'm talking about when you teach the subject or go on tv to say, OMG at cat 3 hurricane...this is climate change......

and yes you guys (climate change pumpers) make everything out to be about climate change......

you scare people, people commit suicide their so distraught over it.....all for a hoax

and then you post photos showing the ice lower, when I call you on say it's's quite funny....just read the thread....

and again, when I say you.....I mean all you fags that promote climate change as real and manmade....
The first thing he does is not let her finish her question. He wants to take control of the whole thing. He doesn't want to answer her question, he wants to get his own points across without finding out what he should be answering. Then says she's "full of shit".

Well, seems to follow the sort of pattern of people who aren't that bright on a site like this.

He says "Antarctica is on a mountain top", er... he went to Antarctica and thinks he's see the whole place because he's seen one place.

Then he talks about the world being warmer in the past. Sure, it's been warmer in the past. That doesn't change the argument that humans are increasing the temperatures and we don't know the impact this will have on the Earth.

that's one point of his was warmer in the that means it gets hotter and colder without any cars or cow admitting that is the first step to not be a moron

first he said the best case scenario is the water levels rise 10 feet in 40 years according to the climate change people (worst case is 100 feet)
and he explains a change of 10 feet what would be under water, like Florida.
Second......the banks lending money to people for property in Florida that will be under water in 40 years makes no sense......and many of those bankers say they back global warming......uh.........then why are you building in those places.....<cough>scam<cough>

The problem is, no one is saying that the Earth has stayed the same temperature all the time. So, he's basically throwing facts around to argue against something no one has said.

Why would someone do that? I don't know, but it happens a lot on forums like this. Like I said, I thought he was trying to find his comfort zone in the debate and it seems he's arguing against ghosts because that's where he feels strongest.

So he said the sea level might rise. Wow. So what?

Florida isn't underwater now. People have the choice to live there or not, knowing thar global warming might increase sea levels. The banks don't make more money if Florida goes under, because they can't repossess houses under water.

easy, they do that, because anytime there is a temperature change or a gust of wind, you guys blame climate change......

and when you guys talk about it, you do not give a disclaimer.......hey the Earth changes on it's own.....sometimes rapidly

Florida isn't underwater now. People have the choice to live there or not, knowing thar global warming might increase sea levels. The banks don't make more money if Florida goes under, because they can't repossess houses under water.

BINGO!!!!!!!!.......that's the people who publicly back climate change (climate changers use NAZI tactics) still invest in Florida when it's said will be under water, the banks will lose a it doesn't make sense...thank you for pointing that out.

"you guys", who is "you guys"????

Can you show one example of a "gust of wind" or "temperature change" that has been to blame for climate change?

Ah, when "you guys", whoever they may be, talk about climate change, they don't mention that climate changes of its own accord every post. Nor do they post the Superbowl score from 1872.

Your argument here is that "you guys" don't post every single detail in every post. Yet, if "you guys" write detailed posts then they don't get read and everyone complains that they're not reading all of that. Basically if it's more than a few sentences, you've lost half the damn board.

As for your Florida argument, what? So... which prominent man made global warming people are investing heavily in Florida, exactly?

Hey dipshit....I'm talking about when you teach the subject or go on tv to say, OMG at cat 3 hurricane...this is climate change......

and yes you guys (climate change pumpers) make everything out to be about climate change......

you scare people, people commit suicide their so distraught over it.....all for a hoax

and then you post photos showing the ice lower, when I call you on say it's's quite funny....just read the thread....

and again, when I say you.....I mean all you fags that promote climate change as real and manmade....

Ah, insults. I don't do insults. Try again without them.
that's one point of his was warmer in the that means it gets hotter and colder without any cars or cow admitting that is the first step to not be a moron

first he said the best case scenario is the water levels rise 10 feet in 40 years according to the climate change people (worst case is 100 feet)
and he explains a change of 10 feet what would be under water, like Florida.
Second......the banks lending money to people for property in Florida that will be under water in 40 years makes no sense......and many of those bankers say they back global warming......uh.........then why are you building in those places.....<cough>scam<cough>

The problem is, no one is saying that the Earth has stayed the same temperature all the time. So, he's basically throwing facts around to argue against something no one has said.

Why would someone do that? I don't know, but it happens a lot on forums like this. Like I said, I thought he was trying to find his comfort zone in the debate and it seems he's arguing against ghosts because that's where he feels strongest.

So he said the sea level might rise. Wow. So what?

Florida isn't underwater now. People have the choice to live there or not, knowing thar global warming might increase sea levels. The banks don't make more money if Florida goes under, because they can't repossess houses under water.

easy, they do that, because anytime there is a temperature change or a gust of wind, you guys blame climate change......

and when you guys talk about it, you do not give a disclaimer.......hey the Earth changes on it's own.....sometimes rapidly

Florida isn't underwater now. People have the choice to live there or not, knowing thar global warming might increase sea levels. The banks don't make more money if Florida goes under, because they can't repossess houses under water.

BINGO!!!!!!!!.......that's the people who publicly back climate change (climate changers use NAZI tactics) still invest in Florida when it's said will be under water, the banks will lose a it doesn't make sense...thank you for pointing that out.

"you guys", who is "you guys"????

Can you show one example of a "gust of wind" or "temperature change" that has been to blame for climate change?

Ah, when "you guys", whoever they may be, talk about climate change, they don't mention that climate changes of its own accord every post. Nor do they post the Superbowl score from 1872.

Your argument here is that "you guys" don't post every single detail in every post. Yet, if "you guys" write detailed posts then they don't get read and everyone complains that they're not reading all of that. Basically if it's more than a few sentences, you've lost half the damn board.

As for your Florida argument, what? So... which prominent man made global warming people are investing heavily in Florida, exactly?

Hey dipshit....I'm talking about when you teach the subject or go on tv to say, OMG at cat 3 hurricane...this is climate change......

and yes you guys (climate change pumpers) make everything out to be about climate change......

you scare people, people commit suicide their so distraught over it.....all for a hoax

and then you post photos showing the ice lower, when I call you on say it's's quite funny....just read the thread....

and again, when I say you.....I mean all you fags that promote climate change as real and manmade....

Ah, insults. I don't do insults. Try again without them.

snowflake, it's you should do this everyday.....just don't rape people....

The problem is, no one is saying that the Earth has stayed the same temperature all the time. So, he's basically throwing facts around to argue against something no one has said.

Why would someone do that? I don't know, but it happens a lot on forums like this. Like I said, I thought he was trying to find his comfort zone in the debate and it seems he's arguing against ghosts because that's where he feels strongest.

So he said the sea level might rise. Wow. So what?

Florida isn't underwater now. People have the choice to live there or not, knowing thar global warming might increase sea levels. The banks don't make more money if Florida goes under, because they can't repossess houses under water.

easy, they do that, because anytime there is a temperature change or a gust of wind, you guys blame climate change......

and when you guys talk about it, you do not give a disclaimer.......hey the Earth changes on it's own.....sometimes rapidly

Florida isn't underwater now. People have the choice to live there or not, knowing thar global warming might increase sea levels. The banks don't make more money if Florida goes under, because they can't repossess houses under water.

BINGO!!!!!!!!.......that's the people who publicly back climate change (climate changers use NAZI tactics) still invest in Florida when it's said will be under water, the banks will lose a it doesn't make sense...thank you for pointing that out.

"you guys", who is "you guys"????

Can you show one example of a "gust of wind" or "temperature change" that has been to blame for climate change?

Ah, when "you guys", whoever they may be, talk about climate change, they don't mention that climate changes of its own accord every post. Nor do they post the Superbowl score from 1872.

Your argument here is that "you guys" don't post every single detail in every post. Yet, if "you guys" write detailed posts then they don't get read and everyone complains that they're not reading all of that. Basically if it's more than a few sentences, you've lost half the damn board.

As for your Florida argument, what? So... which prominent man made global warming people are investing heavily in Florida, exactly?

Hey dipshit....I'm talking about when you teach the subject or go on tv to say, OMG at cat 3 hurricane...this is climate change......

and yes you guys (climate change pumpers) make everything out to be about climate change......

you scare people, people commit suicide their so distraught over it.....all for a hoax

and then you post photos showing the ice lower, when I call you on say it's's quite funny....just read the thread....

and again, when I say you.....I mean all you fags that promote climate change as real and manmade....

Ah, insults. I don't do insults. Try again without them.

snowflake, it's you should do this everyday.....just don't rape people....

I was being serious. You insulted again. So now I'm putting you on ignore. I really don't need to talk to people like you. You go off and find other people who come on here for such things and you'll be happy. Bye.
Liberals in my state just proposed a $2 billion dollar tax increase on the poor and middle combat climate change. Why is the left's solution to every problem a tax increase something fishy about that don't you think. :eusa_think:
So how did the rich get left out of your scenario? Oh right. You’re lying again.
For the 1st time in 37 years, snow coated the desert sand near Ain Sefra, #Algeria, known as the getaway to the Sahara Desert & 1 of the hottest places in the world. The snow began falling Sunday morning & didn’t begin melting on the iconic dunes until around 5pm

I read that today. It’s quite alarming to anyone who cares about planet earth.
There’s no question the earth is out of balance and getting worse.

A Major New U.S. Report Affirms: Climate Change Is Getting Worse
easy, they do that, because anytime there is a temperature change or a gust of wind, you guys blame climate change......

and when you guys talk about it, you do not give a disclaimer.......hey the Earth changes on it's own.....sometimes rapidly

Florida isn't underwater now. People have the choice to live there or not, knowing thar global warming might increase sea levels. The banks don't make more money if Florida goes under, because they can't repossess houses under water.

BINGO!!!!!!!!.......that's the people who publicly back climate change (climate changers use NAZI tactics) still invest in Florida when it's said will be under water, the banks will lose a it doesn't make sense...thank you for pointing that out.

"you guys", who is "you guys"????

Can you show one example of a "gust of wind" or "temperature change" that has been to blame for climate change?

Ah, when "you guys", whoever they may be, talk about climate change, they don't mention that climate changes of its own accord every post. Nor do they post the Superbowl score from 1872.

Your argument here is that "you guys" don't post every single detail in every post. Yet, if "you guys" write detailed posts then they don't get read and everyone complains that they're not reading all of that. Basically if it's more than a few sentences, you've lost half the damn board.

As for your Florida argument, what? So... which prominent man made global warming people are investing heavily in Florida, exactly?

Hey dipshit....I'm talking about when you teach the subject or go on tv to say, OMG at cat 3 hurricane...this is climate change......

and yes you guys (climate change pumpers) make everything out to be about climate change......

you scare people, people commit suicide their so distraught over it.....all for a hoax

and then you post photos showing the ice lower, when I call you on say it's's quite funny....just read the thread....

and again, when I say you.....I mean all you fags that promote climate change as real and manmade....

Ah, insults. I don't do insults. Try again without them.

snowflake, it's you should do this everyday.....just don't rape people....

I was being serious. You insulted again. So now I'm putting you on ignore. I really don't need to talk to people like you. You go off and find other people who come on here for such things and you'll be happy. Bye.

wow, dude has zero sense of humor........must have been a hall monitor in high school

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