Global Warming. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

Is that going to make up for all the dead crops around the equator? You're going to lose more than you'll gain. Simple geometry. And they'll be no increase in the sunlight at those northern latitudes.
It's like you don't know anything at all about this. Warming does not occur uniformly over the planet. The warming occurs disproportionately in the polar regions. It's warming in the higher latitudes which drives the rise in average temperature.



Actually you didn't explain anything. Tell me what this hotter wetter planet will look like.

Why is it so hard for you guys to be honest about other people's posts? I have labored quite a bit more than you on any one of these comments in this thread.

Why is it important for you to treat other people's posts so dishonestly? Perhaps we COULD move forward with the discussion if you wouldn't be so dishonest about the posts you are responding to.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could try to discuss this like an actual science professional.

Why do you know so little about climate?
Thank you. I never said everywhere, I said overall.

What are the OVERALL effects of more water vapor in the atmosphere?

Unknown. It will lead to climate CHANGE. Some places will get warmer and wetter and some places will get colder and drier.

That's how climate works.
Why is it so hard for you guys to be honest about other people's posts? I have labored quite a bit more than you on any one of these comments in this thread.

Why is it important for you to treat other people's posts so dishonestly? Perhaps we COULD move forward with the discussion if you wouldn't be so dishonest about the posts you are responding to.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could try to discuss this like an actual science professional.

Why do you know so little about climate?
I couldn't be more honest. You are the one playing games. It took you 2 pages to finally acknowledge a warmer planet means more water vapor in the atmosphere.
Unknown. It will lead to climate CHANGE. Some places will get warmer and wetter and some places will get colder and drier.

That's how climate works.
Please list the physical responses to more water vapor. We're just having a discussion. There are some pretty obvious consequences to more water vapor in the atmosphere. What are those consequences?
I couldn't be more honest. You are the one playing games. It took you 2 pages to finally acknowledge a warmer planet means more water vapor in the atmosphere.

I am not playing games. Please, DO TRY to be honest about my posts. You know I"ve not been playing a game. I'm trying to deal with the topic in technical detail.
Please list the physical responses to more water vapor. We're just having a discussion. There are some pretty obvious consequences to more water vapor in the atmosphere. What are those consequences?

You clearly do not understand climate. I'm sorry to expend so much time with you. Please learn more about the earth and climate.
You started a thread and you're unwilling to talk about the thing you started a thread about?

Why don't you at least have a try?

Let's start from the beginning. What would the world temperature be now if humans hadn't have industrialized? A simple one.

Where have you been. I have been replying all over the place. As for your question, look at all the graphs I posted below my thread. They tell what the climate was like and when.

Inconvenient truth for globalists: Arctic ice at 30-year high

But this week, as WEF convenes is annual conference in Davos, Switzerland, the Arctic sea ice expanse so far this month is at a 30-year high, according to data from intergovernmental European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites, points out climate-change skeptic Tony Heller.

BS. Check out the link in post #144.
I am 62 and the scientific world was in a Frozen Tundra Age frenzy in the 60s and the 70s, so I call bullshit on every university and business entity that forces scientists on a payroll to change their research results to push an agenda.
I’m also 100% sure that the scientists would rather tell the truth but they have to eat and pay other bills.

I see that you don't know how science actually works. Much scientific research is funded either directly or indirectly by big business. Universities that many scientists work at also get grants from big business. It is when scientists come up with the answers that big business doesn't like that they tend to find themselves unemployed. And big business doesn't like the concept of human caused global warming. Any "scientist" who calls human caused global warming a fraud is more likely to stay employed rather than the other way around.
I see that you don't know how science actually works. Much scientific research is funded either directly or indirectly by big business. Universities that many scientists work at also get grants from big business. It is when scientists come up with the answers that big business doesn't like that they tend to find themselves unemployed. And big business doesn't like the concept of human caused global warming. Any "scientist" who calls human caused global warming a fraud is more likely to stay employed rather than the other way around.
I hate to tell you this but that's almost exactly what I have been posting.
LED lights came about through the global warming scare.
I'm sure MNCs enjoy the influx of tax money and write-offs for coming up with more energy efficient machines where they don't have to pay any money back to the government.
The EPA only posted AMERICAN CH4 emissions, YOU post a GLOBAL CH4 emissions next time try to think as you read.

CH4 warm forcing number is BELOW 1 W/m2 that is a negligible number your ignorance is painfully clear here.

Why in the hell would anybody be interested in just U.S. methane release. It is a global issue.
I’m so glad you keep forgetting that I had 2 Ecological Engineers do research.

From what you have been saying, it would seem that they are two "ecological engineers" who are full of crap. Which energy company do they work for. Or maybe they work for the plastics industry. They're pretty bad too.

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