Global Warming. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

From what you have been saying, it would seem that they are two "ecological engineers" who are full of crap. Which energy company do they work for. Or maybe they work for the plastics industry. They're pretty bad too.
Engineers will tell you the truth when they are retired.
They both were involved in factory construction.
It been a while since the early 70s and I;m still waiting for the Freeze or Meltdown.
Time proves that people who go to extremes with this topic are full of shit.
I replied to your CO2 charts with my replies on science research over CO2 changes which you have yet to reply about them then my latest reply made you look ignorant which is now 100% confirmed.

You have no idea what happened here, but many people seeing your idiotic deflecting replies are :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: at you.

I replied to your replies. Unless they were too stupid to reply to. The fact of the matter is that the graphs I showed aren't wrong. You can believe what you want.
The website I gave a link to is better than your graphs. Yours say they come from "" Could that be an abbreviation for "imbecile" .org?

Imbie is in Collaboration with.... he he .... ha ha..... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


University of Leeds England.


You are comically ignorant
nice charts but anyone can make charts. chartmakers lie just like politicians lie. Is florida under water yet as gore predicted? is all the polar ice gone as gore predicted? lies. Earth's climate is controlled by the sun, slight wobbles on its axis, and ocean current variations, not acts of humans. you can post all the lying charts you care to, but the facts will not change. Man is NOT changing the climate of earth.

Scientists know that human caused global warming is a reality. At least the vast majority of them. Any others are more than likely being paid by those responsible for human caused global warming. Tell me, when you take out the trash, do you think it just disappears? Or how about when you flush the toilet. Does it just disappear too? Well it all actually goes somewhere. Each year all the volcanoes on Earth release around 200 million tons of CO2. Each year the activities of humans are responsible for the release of 32.3 billion tons of CO2. It doesn't just disappear. It has an effect on the environment. Human caused global warming.
You still haven't noticed LOL

USA CH4 Methane emissions DROPPED for many years while it is rising globally.

What does that tell you?
Not related to methane but the world spends about $500 billion a year on pollution control. The US accounts for half of it. We spend as much on pollution abatement as the rest of the world combined.

The real global polluters are China, Russia, India, Brazil and all of Africa and the Middle East.
Scientists know that human caused global warming is a reality.

Those Scientists emailed each other and bragged about producing false and cherry picked data to scam everybody. Go read the Climategate revelations and when you get through with them go read Climategate II. Then you can read the articles about how NASA, NOAA and the UN Climate Commission created fraudulent data.

Big scam. Post Glacial era global climate change is real but AGW is bullshit.
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Climate alarmist lied their asses off.........they have no more cred.
Where have you been. I have been replying all over the place. As for your question, look at all the graphs I posted below my thread. They tell what the climate was like and when.

I'm not looking at other replies. All I see is what you've replied to me. And it's NOTHING.

However, if you want a "They tell what the climate was like and when", I'll post my own.


Look at where we are. Look at 120,000 years ago. WARMER. Look at 240,000 years ago, about the same. Look at 340,000 years ago WARMER. Look at 420,000 years ago. WARMER.

So, based on what you've been saying, humans MUST industrialize every 120,000 years or so in order to make temperatures rise so much.
I'm not looking at other replies. All I see is what you've replied to me. And it's NOTHING.

However, if you want a "They tell what the climate was like and when", I'll post my own.

View attachment 652501

Look at where we are. Look at 120,000 years ago. WARMER. Look at 240,000 years ago, about the same. Look at 340,000 years ago WARMER. Look at 420,000 years ago. WARMER.

So, based on what you've been saying, humans MUST industrialize every 120,000 years or so in order to make temperatures rise so much.
These stupid uneducated Moon Bats always ignore that graph.
I wish you understood what an average is vs individual datapoints. Obviously there will be more water vapor OVERALL, but not everywhere. SOME PLACES MAY GET QUITE DRY.

Would you like to simply ignore this post as well?
I got that. But overall there's more water vapor in the atmosphere. So what are some of the consequences of more water vapor in the atmosphere? You believe it means more heat, right? That's the essence of climate sensitivity, right? Can't be a positive feedback unless there's more water vapor in the atmosphere, right? So what are some of the other consequences to more water vapor in the atmosphere? We're just having a discussion, right?
I am not playing games. Please, DO TRY to be honest about my posts. You know I"ve not been playing a game. I'm trying to deal with the topic in technical detail.
You most certainly are playing games. You should be able to rattle off all of the consequences of increased water vapor in the atmosphere but you won't because you are playing games. You want to eat your cake and have it too. You want to blame CO2 for causing an increase in water vapor without listing all of the other effects that occur from increased water vapor. In fact, you seem to be arguing there won't be increased water vapor in the atmosphere. That's playing games.
None of us will learn what we should till we can bring ourselves to fully realize what it is we do not know.
Says the guy telling everyone he knows burning fossil fuels is a life or death situation.
Nice narrative but it's obvious I am schooling you.

How could you be "Schooling" anyone given you never provide real citations (other than cut-and-paste graphics which you NEVER discuss in technical detail).

To be quite fair I've only seen TWO POSTS of yours that talked about ANYTHING in technical detail and both of those were about oil well drilling in an attempt to make it sound like I didn't have any geology background.

So I'm uncertain how YOU are schooling anyone.

So far I'm the ONLY one of the two of us who has spoken at lengths, with proper citations on anything technical.

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