Global Warming. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

libs always run when faced with the truth about their lying ideology, you proved it.

No, I just tend to disengage when someone starts posting Qanon levels of BS. You triggered the "Moron Alert".

Sorry about that. Don't take it personally. You're just too simple to know when people are feeding you BS so you spout it.
May I ask why you ignored the items I posted? Do you honestly think the earth's climate is homogenous?
No, the earth's climate isn't homogeneous now. But the simple facts are a warmer planet means a wetter overall planet and a wetter overall planet means a greener overall planet and a warmer, wetter, greener planet is more conducive to life than a colder, dryer, less green planet. These are facts you cannot deny. So you try to downplay these facts instead by making a ridiculous argument that the earth's climate is not homogeneous. No shit. It's not homogeneous now. I disagree with your gloom and doom assessment because it is illogical.
I am genuinely curious. Was my post too long? Were the words not comprehensible to you? What is it? Why do you consistently ignore the DETAILS and tell me I'm wrong because I'm not making overgeneralized simplifications which is what YOU are doing?

You are trying to distract from the fact that the planet will be overall wetter, greener and more conducive to life if it becomes warmer. You position of doom and gloom is illogical and ridiculous.
it is when you do what you just did which was to tell me DETAILS are wrong but oversimplifications are the preferred responses.

(And please, drop the whole "dummy" thing. You are presumably better than that. I've been MORE than civil with you this past several days. PLease return the favor.)
Incorrect. You don't know what a leading question is, right? (that was an example of a leading question).
Why do you think the huge number of cases in history where climate change lead to the destruction of societies suddenly don't teach anyone anything?

Ethiopia and Iowa are on the same planet. Which is going to have a more robust agricultural infrastructure? Which is more likely to have lots of water. But how can this disparity exist on your planet? SURELY if they are on the same planet, by your reasoning, they are equal in terms of supporting large populations with plenty of food and water.

(Do you get the point?)
No. I don't get points that go against self evident facts like a planet that is overall warmer will be a wetter overall planet and a greener overall planet and a planet that is overall more conducive to life.
No, the earth's climate isn't homogeneous now. But the simple facts are a warmer planet means a wetter overall planet and a wetter overall planet means a greener overall planet and a warmer, wetter, greener planet is more conducive to life than a colder, dryer, less green planet. These are facts you cannot deny.

Let me know when the earth's climate is homogenous and at that point your post will be meaningful.

So you try to downplay these facts instead by making a ridiculous argument that the earth's climate is not homogeneous. No shit. It's not homogeneous now. I disagree with your gloom and doom assessment because it is illogical.

It is not illogical. It is clear you don't understand climate.
No. I don't get points that go against self evident facts like a planet that is overall warmer will be a wetter overall planet and a greener overall planet and a planet that is overall more conducive to life.

What a silly oversimplification of a complex planet.

Take some geology classes and then take some geography classes.
You are trying to distract from the fact that the planet will be overall wetter, greener and more conducive to life if it becomes warmer. You position of doom and gloom is illogical and ridiculous.

I wish you were familiar with distributions as well as climate. It would make for a more interesting conversation.
Let me know when the earth's climate is homogenous and at that point your post will be meaningful.
The earth's climate doesn't have to be homogeneous for it to be overall wetter and greener in a warmer climate. Warmer temperatures lead to more evaporative cooling, more evaporative cooling leads to more water vapor in the atmosphere. More water vapor in the atmosphere leads to more formation of clouds. More formation of clouds leads to more precipitation. It's just science.
What a silly oversimplification of a complex planet.
You say that but it is a fundamental scientific principle that evaporative cooling, water vapor in the atmosphere, cloud formation and precipitation all increase as temperature increases.

Is it even possible to oversimplify fundamental scientific principles? Because it seems like you are being mendacious by trying to obfuscate the fundamental scientific principles of evaporative cooling, water vapor, cloud formation and precipitation
I wish you were familiar with distributions as well as climate. It would make for a more interesting conversation.
I'm quite familiar with distributions. The question is are you? Because it appears from your position that you believe that even though the world will be an overall wetter and greener climate, the net effect is that the world's weather patterns will somehow be vastly different than today.

Given that the distribution of earth's landmass will be the same. I don't see much of a change relative to today's weather patterns even if the world warms by a couple of degrees.
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That a lot of methane emissions come from leakage and the US has better kit than a lot of other countries.
There remains a high degree of uncertainty in estimates of methane emissions from oil and gas operations globally. The only thing known with any certainty is that the concentration of methane in the atmosphere has risen steadily since the mid-2000s. However, the cause of this increase is the subject of an active debate in the scientific community. Possible explanations include:
  • The natural mechanisms that break down methane in the atmosphere are becoming weaker
  • There has been a rise in biogenic sources of methane (e.g. from agriculture or waste)
  • There has been a rise in natural sources of emissions (e.g. wetlands and other flood zones)
  • There has been a rise in emissions from the extraction of fossil fuels
I'm quite familiar with distributions.

Then why do you wish to discuss climate change based on some bizarre homogenous earth climate you keep proposing?

The question is are you? Because it appears from your position that you believe that even though the world will be an overall wetter and greener climate, the net effect is that the world's weather patterns will somehow be vastly different than today.

You are oversimplifying the system.

Given that the distribution of earth's landmass will be the same. I don't see much of a change relative to today's weather patterns even if the world warms by a couple of degrees.

Like I said, you clearly don't understand the difference between the mode of a distribution and the actual concept of a distribution. You have oversimplified the earth's climate and drawn a conclusion that is not in any way valuable to the conversation.
You say that but it is a fundamental scientific principle that evaporative cooling, water vapor in the atmosphere, cloud formation and precipitation all increase as temperature increases.

The earth is far more complex than that. You really should take a geography class.

Is it even possible to oversimplify fundamental scientific principles? Because it seems like you are being mendacious by trying to obfuscate the fundamental scientific principles of evaporative cooling, water vapor, cloud formation and precipitation

Why does it always come down to people "lying" to you when you fail to understand what is being said?
The earth's climate doesn't have to be homogeneous for it to be overall wetter and greener in a warmer climate.

But that's the point. We are talking about the impact to societies and agricultural infrastructure. That means LOCAL CLIMATE becomes very important. You can have a warm wet climate NOW that will become COOL AND DRY as the overall temperature of the globe increases.

ANd if that area turns out to be where the agricultural infrastructure is located it will cause an immediate bad event for that society.

Which is EXACTLY what this topic is about.

Warmer temperatures lead to more evaporative cooling, more evaporative cooling leads to more water vapor in the atmosphere. More water vapor in the atmosphere leads to more formation of clouds. More formation of clouds leads to more precipitation. It's just science.

Do you realize that humans don't just eat ALL PLANTS? That only some plants are food for us? Do you understand that different food-related plants require DIFFERENT climates to grow in?

Because it seems you think if it's green it goes into you and you live. That isn't how ANY of this works.

You really should know better. You are smarter than this.
Then why do you wish to discuss climate change based on some bizarre homogenous earth climate you keep proposing?
That's an incorrect characterization. I don't believe weather patterns are homogeneous. Weather patterns don't have to be homogeneous for scientific principles to be applicable. The fundamental scientific principles of evaporative cooling, water vapor in the atmosphere, cloud formation and precipitation all increase as temperature increases. Every single one of these scientific principles tells us that an overall warmer earth will be an overall wetter and greener earth. It's just science.
You are oversimplifying the system.
I don't believe I am. I am honoring the fundamental scientific principles of evaporative cooling, cloud formation and precipitation which all increase as temperature increases. Every single one of these scientific principles tells us that an overall warmer earth will be an overall wetter and greener earth. It's just science.

It appears from your position that you believe that even though the world will be an overall wetter and greener climate, the net effect is that the world's weather patterns will somehow be vastly different than today. There's no evidence for that and it is illogical to believe that the distribution of earth's landmass will be the same. There's no basis for changing weather patterns.

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