Global Warming. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

Natural forcings. Solar, ocean currents, location of landmasses, even greenhouse gas levels.

The key is that none of the "natural" forcings (which are EXTENSIVELY discussed in all the literature) line up with the current warming. The sun is not in a proper part of its cycle to cause warming, the ocean currents are not changing independent of the warming (so not driving the warming) etc.

Human activity, however CAN account for the warming we've seen.

THis set of graphs shows that:


The data doesn't make any sense until you invoke "anthropogenic" factors (human activity).
where do they stick the thermometer to measure earth's temp? the weather data collection cites were in forests in the 1950s those forests are parking lots today, think they might be warmer? you are posting junk science, and you are too dumb to realize it.
I am hoping to have a technical conversation with an engineer. So far you have not provided anything of technical detail.

Look at any one of my posts. There is a statement and supporting discussion. I go into technical details and often provide citations.
How much more technical do I need to be than to say... a warmer world will be a wetter world. A warmer and wetter world will be a greener world. A warmer, wetter, greener world is conducive for life. Life will thrive.

It's self evident. Not to mention supported by the geologic record.
How much more technical do I need to be than to say... a warmer world will be a wetter world. A warmer and wetter world will be a greener world. A warmer, wetter, greener world is conducive for life. Life will thrive.

It's self evident. Not to mention supported by the geologic record.
peach orchards in greenland, orange orchards in MIchigan. what a great world.
If the earth was one single homogenous climate and it was completely controlled by the greenhouse gases you would have a point.

Given that the current earth is nothing even remotely like that makes your point meaningless.

Perhaps you can outline your "model planet" where there are no other factors that impact climate and cause variability across the globe to hypothesize your ideas. But for the time being I'll stick with the actual EARTH.

Let me put it this way:

If I say the AVERAGE height of a kindergarten kid is 40" and children grow over time. The average height of a high school kid is 68". Do you HONESTLY think that all the children grew at EXACTLY THE SAME RATE? Of course you don't. That would be the most ignorant thing anyone could think. In fact there may even be someone in that class who didn't grow more than a few inches!

That's what we are talking about here. The global average temperature is what is increasing but LOCALLY some places will get warmer and wetter and some places will get cooler and drier.

That's how climate works.

I have already outlined one example which you do not wish to address, but it is quite real and explains everything I'm trying to say to you.

So may I ask why you are acting as if the earth is a super-simple system with a coherent global climate that is the same everywhere?
But OVERALL the planet will be wetter and greener. A warmer, wetter, greener world is conducive for life. Life will thrive. It's self evident and supported by the geologic record.
Is that going to make up for all the dead crops around the equator? You're going to lose more than you'll gain. Simple geometry. And they'll be no increase in the sunlight at those northern latitudes.
How much more technical do I need to be than to say... a warmer world will be a wetter world. A warmer and wetter world will be a greener world. A warmer, wetter, greener world is conducive for life. Life will thrive.

It's self evident. Not to mention supported by the geologic record.

That isn't even REMOTELY how the earth operates.
where do they stick the thermometer to measure earth's temp? the weather data collection cites were in forests in the 1950s those forests are parking lots today, think they might be warmer? you are posting junk science, and you are too dumb to realize it.

Yeah, whatever. You don't know anything about this topic. Not your area.
I honestly wish I could make the point more simply so you could understand. That oversimplification is so erroneous as to be useless.
Apparently you can't see the forest for the trees. But please do tell me how you know that there will be drought and famine.
Apparently you can't see the forest for the trees. But please do tell me how you know that there will be drought and famine.

I have already explained an example to you in gory detail.

Please read before asking for more.

Perhaps you can discuss the topic in even a FRACTION of the detail that I usually post in. Include some citations as well.

At what point will it hit you that you have already admitted to more water vapor being in the atmosphere due to warming?

Why do you think that will alter my overall point?

I honestly wish I could make this simpler for you, but apparently I cannot. You simply ignore the details.
Why do you think that will alter my overall point?

I honestly wish I could make this simpler for you, but apparently I cannot. You simply ignore the details.
That you agree there will be more water vapor in the atmosphere. I can't move past that until you do.
That you agree there will be more water vapor in the atmosphere. I can't move past that until you do.

I wish you understood what an average is vs individual datapoints. Obviously there will be more water vapor OVERALL, but not everywhere. SOME PLACES MAY GET QUITE DRY.

Would you like to simply ignore this post as well?

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