Global Warming. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

the only way humans could change earth's climate would be an all out nuclear war, and even then the changes would be temporary compared to the life of the planet. this AGW bullshit has been a hoax from the beginning and its amazing that so many people remain gullible to the lies.

You are incorrect. But given that you have no science to support your position that shouldn't be a surprise.
Please let me know when YOU are going to provide an actual point for discussion instead of just asking me leading questions. I am getting tired of teaching you climate science.

This isn't a discussion.

You have said absolutely nothing of technical value or merit.
The point I have been consistently making is that your belief that warmer temperature will lead to famine is illogical because a warmer planet means more evaporation and more water vapor in the atmosphere. More water vapor in the atmosphere means a wetter planet. Warmer, wetter planets are more conducive to plants and life than a colder dryer planet.
You should take a look at the globe right now. You will note that there are a wide variety of climate conditions all over the globe.

It is far more complex than your oversimplification.
Agreed. And that won't change because the planet warms. Overall the planet will be greener and wetter at warmer temperatures.
The point I have been consistently making is that your belief that warmer temperature will lead to famine is illogical because a warmer planet means more evaporation and more water vapor in the atmosphere. More water vapor in the atmosphere means a wetter planet. Warmer, wetter planets are more conducive to plants and life than a colder dryer planet.

You are treating the earth as one homogenous climate. You are very much mistaken.
Agreed. And that won't change because the planet warms. Overall the planet will be greener and wetter at warmer temperatures.

If you insist on not treating climate in a realistic way you are free to carry on making meaningless posts. Please enjoy the process.

If you should like to discuss ANYTHING in technical detail more befitting your degree then please let me know.
You are treating the earth as one homogenous climate. You are very much mistaken.
No. I acknowledge that it is a complex interconnected system which is exactly the same for each case. But the warmer world case will result in a world that overall is wetter and more conducive to life exactly because it is warmer and wetter. It will be a greener world. It won't be drought and famine.
If you insist on not treating climate in a realistic way you are free to carry on making meaningless posts. Please enjoy the process.

If you should like to discuss ANYTHING in technical detail more befitting your degree then please let me know.
This is hilarious.
If you are unwilling to act as if you have read ANYTHING on this topic then I am unable to discuss anything with you.

Do not waste people's time learning stuff you should already know before trying to "debate" it.

If you can't explain why emitting some photons from a slightly higher altitude matters a tiny
bit for human civilization, or for anything else, just say so.
No. I acknowledge that it is a complex interconnected system which is exactly the same for each case. But the warmer world case will result in a world that overall is wetter and more conducive to life exactly because it is warmer and wetter. It will be a greener world. It won't be drought and famine.

You are oversimplifying things. Honestly your view is completely unrealistic. Why anyone with a college degree in the sciences would think that climate means everywhere will have the exact same experience as the overall average temperature increases is beyond me.

You really need to think through your view of how climate operates on earth.

You are, simply put, completely out in left field on this topic.
If you can't explain why emitting some photons from a slightly higher altitude matters a tiny
bit for human civilization, or for anything else, just say so.

I have explained it to you. You are not prepared to understand the science because you have apparently read almost NOTHING about the greenhouse effect.
This is hilarious.


It's more pitiful that someone with your education doesn't know how climate operates.

I understand this isn't your area but you really seem ill prepared to understand it to the point that you are asking really uninformed questions that don't really have any bearing on reality.

I wish you understood more about the earth and earth science. It would really help you make your points (or at least eliminate most of your "points" which so far are pretty far off.)
You are oversimplifying things. Honestly your view is completely unrealistic. Why anyone with a college degree in the sciences would think that climate means everywhere will have the exact same experience as the overall average temperature increases is beyond me.

You really need to think through your view of how climate operates on earth.

You are, simply put, completely out in left field on this topic.
Actually I'm not. You are denying reality. A warmer wetter earth will be a greener earth. That's a fact. That's reality.
Why? It's more pitiful that someone with your education doesn't know how climate operates. I understand this isn't your area but you really seem ill prepared to understand it to the point that you are asking really uninformed questions that don't really have any bearing on reality. I wish you understood more about the earth and earth science. It would really help you make your points (or at least eliminate most of your "points" which so far are pretty far off.)
There you go again making it personal. :laugh:
Actually I'm not. You are denying reality. A warmer wetter earth will be a greener earth. That's a fact. That's reality.

You are so wrong it's not even funny. Do you honestly not know how climate operates? Do you think the ONLY thing that drives climate is CO2 concentration?

I'm sorry to hear that.

You don't appear to know much of anything in technical detail. After talking to you for this long I'm relatively certain you couldn't post a scientifically robust, technically detailed response to anything if you were forced to by law.

I've certainly never seen you discuss ANYTHING in technical detail. Not once yet. I look forward to the day it happens. But right now you are just out of your depth.

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