Global Warming. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

Western Europe is currently warmer than it should be for it's latitude. The reason they are as warm as they are is because the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic is pumping heat from the tropics into the higher latitudes.

If you warm the planet enough and melt the Greenland Ice sheet it will dump cold, fresh water into the upper reaches of the Gulf Stream. The Gulf Stream is part of a larger THERMOHALINE CIRCULATION. That means it relies on temperature and salinity to control density and flow of the current.

If the Gulf Stream shuts down (which geologic history shows it has done in the past) because it's flow has been disrupted by a bunch of cold fresh water it will cause western Europe to get cooler and possibly drier.
And probably happens every interglacial cycle because they were 2C warmer than today with less atmospheric CO2.

Englander 420kyr CO2-T-SL rev.jpg
But you don't seem to understand basic climate. It is VERY hard to discuss this technical topic with someone who doesn't even seem to understand what the Gulf Stream does.

I hope you will understand that it is frustrating to answer your one-liners because you NEVER discuss ANY topic in ANY technical detail.

Literally 99% of your posts are one-line questions and cartoon oversimplifications.

Help me out a bit. Talk to me like you have a technical background.
I believe it's more likely you object to my style because I am discussing things you don't have good answers for.
And probably happens every interglacial cycle because they were 2C warmer than today with less atmospheric CO2.

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Actually what I was describing isn't really related to glaciation. It's called "thermohaline circulation". It's part of what drives ocean currents in general. You can learn more about it here:

I believe it's more likely you object to my style because I am discussing things you don't have good answers for.

You don't actually seem to discuss anything per se. You post one-liners and occasionally you find a graphic which you post without any technical commentary.

As such you are not actually discussing anything.

Perhaps you could spend more time on your posts and actually say something technical.
You want to make it sound like the entire earth will get warmer and wetter as if it will do so on every point on the earth. That's simply wrong. IT has NOTHING to do with how climate actually works.

So I'm not going to follow you down your cartoon rabbit hole.

If you have a technical point, make it.
Why are you avoiding admitting that an earth which is overall more warm will have more water vapor? You don't seem to have a problem arguing that when you are arguing for positive feedback of CO2. But the moment you make the argument that warmer temperatures will create famine you ignore the reality that a warmer climate is a wetter climate and is more conducive to plant life thriving than colder climates.
Actually what I was describing isn't really related to glaciation. It's called "thermohaline circulation". It's part of what drives ocean currents in general. You can learn more about it here:

I didn't say it was related to glaciation. I said if warmer temperatures cause gulf stream switch off it has happened in the past when temperatures were warmer. As far as gulf stream switch off goes it is Europe that will be most affected which probably leads to increased albedo and colder temperatures.
You don't actually seem to discuss anything per se. You post one-liners and occasionally you find a graphic which you post without any technical commentary.

As such you are not actually discussing anything.

Perhaps you could spend more time on your posts and actually say something technical.
Everything I have discussed is technical. Warmer climate means wetter climate because warmer climate leads to increased evaporation. Even you have admitted this in the past. You won't do it now because it destroys your global warming leads to famine argument.
Everything I have discussed is technical.

One sentence posts don't really rise to the level of a discussion.

Warmer climate means wetter climate because warmer climate leads to increased evaporation. Even you have admitted this in the past. You won't do it now because it destroys your global warming leads to famine argument.

You have an oversimplified and unrealistic view of the topic. Please learn more then maybe you can discuss it with me.
The altitude at which the IR photons RE-RADIATE OUT BACK INTO SPACE.

With increased CO2 molecules in the atmosphere it provides more chances for a given IR photon to be absorbed, re-emitted and then absorbed AGAIN. The IR photon is ultimately going to re-radiate back out into space. With more CO2 in the atmosphere the level at which that happens gets higher and higher.

That's the Greenhouse Effect.

With increased CO2 molecules in the atmosphere it provides more chances for a given IR photon to be absorbed, re-emitted and then absorbed AGAIN.


The IR photon is ultimately going to re-radiate back out into space.


With more CO2 in the atmosphere the level at which that happens gets higher and higher.

So instead of escaping to space at 450,000 feet they escape at 460,000 feet?
You have an oversimplified and unrealistic view of the topic. Please learn more then maybe you can discuss it with me.
Again... Warmer climate means wetter climate because warmer climate leads to increased evaporation. Warmer wetter climates are more conducive to plant life than colder dryer conditions. That you believe that warmer temperatures will lead to famine is illogical.
I couldn't disagree more. It's your evasiveness that hampers discussions.

Does a warmer planet increase water vapor in the atmosphere?

Please let me know when YOU are going to provide an actual point for discussion instead of just asking me leading questions. I am getting tired of teaching you climate science.

This isn't a discussion.

You have said absolutely nothing of technical value or merit.
Again... Warmer climate means wetter climate because warmer climate leads to increased evaporation. Warmer wetter climates are more conducive to plant life than colder dryer conditions. That you believe that warmer temperatures will lead to famine is illogical.

You should take a look at the globe right now. You will note that there are a wide variety of climate conditions all over the globe.

It is far more complex than your oversimplification.
I started a thread about a climate hero who actually set himself on fire to bring attention to human caused global warming. But I think we need to get directly to the point. Human caused global warming is a reality. And you are all doomed. For the most part, the media won't tell you about it. Which is run by the wealthy. They dictate your lives in every way. And they have decided not only that you will die, but how you will die. That being with as much ignorance as possible. Not only have they decided that you must die, but no doubt for many they view it as a necessary thing. The only thing any of you will get out of the issue is lip service. Not real action.

Even on a couple different television shows they showed on PBS on the issue, they brought up often enough a feedback loop in global warming. They spoke fairly often how one thing will reinforce another thing. But I don't remember them ever saying what a a feedback loop would actually mean. It means that the warmer things get, the FASTER it will get even warmer. They also seem to like to speak often on TV about what the ocean levels will be in the year 2100. But it is unlikely any of you will see the year 2050.

Your time is short. How short exactly is hard to say. I would give it 20 to 30 years. The reason why is mainly methane. It is around 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Bill Nye did a show about it called Global meltdown. Regardless of how you may feel about Bill Nye, in part of the show he talked to an actual scientist who had been studying the problem for about 15 years. Though he was a tenured professor at some university, he decided to give up his tenured professorship and start preparing for doomsday. And he said the worst culprit is methane. Like CO2, it is ever increasing. I will show you a graph of it. Astonishingly, despite things like thawing tundra, it is said that human activities are responsible for around 60% of it.

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Or if you don't like that one, I have another.
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One of the things that makes this so bad is that not in the history of the Earth have we ever been in this position. It the past of course it has been far warmer. But in more recent history it has been getting cooler. When things are cooler, of course more methane will have a chance to accumulate. Much gets buried underground of course. But not all of it. And when things start getting warmer faster as it is, that methane will have the ability to escape quickly. I will show you a graph of the Earths temperature to show what I am talking about.

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Now for all those deniers out there, I will unload on you all of the human caused glob all warming graphs that I have. Feel free to deny away.

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nice charts but anyone can make charts. chartmakers lie just like politicians lie. Is florida under water yet as gore predicted? is all the polar ice gone as gore predicted? lies. Earth's climate is controlled by the sun, slight wobbles on its axis, and ocean current variations, not acts of humans. you can post all the lying charts you care to, but the facts will not change. Man is NOT changing the climate of earth.
the only way humans could change earth's climate would be an all out nuclear war, and even then the changes would be temporary compared to the life of the planet. this AGW bullshit has been a hoax from the beginning and its amazing that so many people remain gullible to the lies.

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