Global Warming: Reality vs Republican Theology

The big question here is...

Why do idiots who have practically no scientific knowledge use pop-sci art of cartoonish images for their avatar?
What is it for you? Virtually the entire board has you on ignore. Even were you to make a pertinent comment, no one would see it. You look to be spouting the same worthless message you were three years ago. "No one cares so why should you?". Did you get that from your parents? Your church? Your school? WTF is wrong with you? Your number one goal in life seems to be that no one care about anything. Are you trying to make yourself feel better about your own lack of compassion? Interest? Intelligence?

Jesus, go get a real life dude cause this one ain't worth diddly.
Virtually? Apparently not even you have them on ignore and you claim some sort of credibility? Comical, really.
We didn't run around for forty years making shit up telling people failed predictions after failed predictions, changing terms when it didn't go our way.

No, that exactly what your cult did do.

It's impressive, how your cult has failed so completely at everything for so long. Is that ice age you've been predicting nonstop for the past 40 years here yet? Any day now, you still say? Good luck with that.

In contrast, the climate scientists have gotten everything correct for the past 40 years. You denying that reality doesn't change it. Those decades of success are why climate scientists have so much credibility, and your decades of failure are why your cult has no credibility.

Trying to tell educated people it is a new phenomen ....

No, conspiracy cults like yours have been around a long time. Will you soon be moving to the jungle with yours?

That is your cult, fear mongering , greedy thiefs....

Jim Jones said that too. All cult leaders eventually reach that state, when their cult starts dying. The whole world is engaged in a conspiracy against them, being the cultists are a special group of elite thinkers and moral people who know the RealTruth and fight the evildoers of the outside world.

Remember deniers, slip away into the jungle before they roll out the koolaid vat.
During Mao's cultural revolution in China people were allowed to monitor weather stations. hahahah... NOT!

Of course that is obvious to climatologists/historians such as myself, but not to laymen.

That was flat out admitted in the Climategate emails. It was purposeful fraud, not just a sloppy science mistake. Their e-mails prove that beyond any reasonable doubt.

Wikilinks busted them!

And there goes another demented and very pathetic bit of the anti-science Republican-rightwingnut Theology as was discussed in the OP article.....this one is their sacred 'Crackpot Conspiracy Theory' myth, which claims that pretty much all of the world's scientists, in over a hundred countries, are somehow all organized in a HUGE (and amazingly still quite secret) conspiracy to (supposedly) "dupe" the world into (supposedly "falsely") believing that atmospheric and ocean temperatures are rapidly rising and the Earth's ice caps and glaciers are melting and that sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate (which of course, they are).....for nefarious reasons that are never quite explained....and no scientist anywhere has ever cracked and confessed and broken the apparently very fierce 'scientific code of silence'.....that is apparently much, much more powerful than the Mafia's puny generations-old, death-threat enforced code of Omertà.

But it makes great distracting theater for the denier cult cranks to try to get people to ignore the actual unfolding climate change catastrophes happening right in front of them, and disregard the scientific warnings about what is coming soon as the result of still accelerating global warming and its consequent increasingly disruptive climate changes.


“That is to me the central mystery of climate science. It is not a scientific mystery but a human mystery. How does it happen that a whole generation of scientific experts is blind to obvious facts?"-Freeman Dyson

Top physicist bolts from global warming consensus... of the central mysteries of the deranged denial of climate science is a human mystery: how can nominally rational adults reject and deny the testimony of tens of thousands of scientists who are the top experts in the fields of science that study various aspects of the Earth's climate and atmospheric physics, who are in a remarkable state of scientific consensus on the reality and extreme dangers of human caused global warming and its consequent climate disruptions and changes......and instead accept only the musings of one very elderly genius with no education or experience in any of the fields of science associated with the Earth's climate?

The answer lies in their crazy and basically anti-science rightwingnut political/economic ideologies and prejudices, AND in the propaganda campaign mounted by the fossil fuel billionaires and corporate executives that has bamboozled the rightwingnuts into rejecting well established scientific facts in favor of their crackpot, hyper-capitalistic, 'free-market' political/economical ideological fantasies and myths.

And, BTW, little retard, your idiotic thread about Dyson got very well debunked in post #11 of that thread.......The Danger of Cosmic Genius
I would take a 91 year old contemporary of einstein knowledge and WISDOM any day over children who grew up with pong and Atari.
Well, the reason you "would take" the maunderings of an apparently semi-senile, 91 year old, very out-of-touch, formerly famous character in science, who, no matter how brilliant he once was, has no education, training or experience in actual climate science, and who now makes ridiculously wrong, utterly clueless comments on it......over the professional analyses of thousands of highly competent PhD scientists who all say something completely reversed from what Freeman Dyson 1). because you a brainwashed anti-science retard, even more clueless and confused than Dyson, and massively afflicted by the Dunning-Kruger Effect into imagining that you know more and are smarter than the entire world scientific community.....and 2). he tells you AGW denier cult dingbats the only message you are programmed to hear and agree with.....even though, in truth, you have no knowledge or understanding of the science or the evidence, and are spewing your deranged denial of reality based only on your crackpot rightwingnut political and economic ideologies.

All that to try to bash an elder?

I bet in your idea world the movie "Logan's run" was real

If you don't know the movie everyone on earth was required to die before the age of 30 years old.
We didn't run around for forty years making shit up telling people failed predictions after failed predictions, changing terms when it didn't go our way.

No, that exactly what your cult did do.

It's impressive, how your cult has failed so completely at everything for so long. Is that ice age you've been predicting nonstop for the past 40 years here yet? Any day now, you still say? Good luck with that.

In contrast, the climate scientists have gotten everything correct for the past 40 years. You denying that reality doesn't change it. Those decades of success are why climate scientists have so much credibility, and your decades of failure are why your cult has no credibility.

Trying to tell educated people it is a new phenomen ....

No, conspiracy cults like yours have been around a long time. Will you soon be moving to the jungle with yours?

That is your cult, fear mongering , greedy thiefs....

Jim Jones said that too. All cult leaders eventually reach that state, when their cult starts dying. The whole world is engaged in a conspiracy against them, being the cultists are a special group of elite thinkers and moral people who know the RealTruth and fight the evildoers of the outside world.

Remember deniers, slip away into the jungle before they roll out the koolaid vat.

We predicted the ice age now?????


Talk about trying to spin it.
God Damn mammoth you are really losing it today as much as bones

FUCKING hilarious pass the bong over here. :)
We didn't run around for forty years making shit up telling people failed predictions after failed predictions, changing terms when it didn't go our way.

No, that exactly what your cult did do.

It's impressive, how your cult has failed so completely at everything for so long. Is that ice age you've been predicting nonstop for the past 40 years here yet? Any day now, you still say? Good luck with that.

In contrast, the climate scientists have gotten everything correct for the past 40 years. You denying that reality doesn't change it. Those decades of success are why climate scientists have so much credibility, and your decades of failure are why your cult has no credibility.

Trying to tell educated people it is a new phenomen ....

No, conspiracy cults like yours have been around a long time. Will you soon be moving to the jungle with yours?

That is your cult, fear mongering , greedy thiefs....

Jim Jones said that too. All cult leaders eventually reach that state, when their cult starts dying. The whole world is engaged in a conspiracy against them, being the cultists are a special group of elite thinkers and moral people who know the RealTruth and fight the evildoers of the outside world.

Remember deniers, slip away into the jungle before they roll out the koolaid vat.

Lmao, sooooo let me get this straight in your world all those magazines all those newspaper articles across The world in the 70s about the coming ice age was manufactured by the "denier cult"????

Lmao and t.v. shows like this?

In Search Of... The Coming Ice Age:
In contrast, the climate scientists have gotten everything correct for the past 40 years. You denying that reality doesn't change it. Those decades of success are why climate scientists have so much credibility, and your decades of failure are why your cult has no credibility.

You're serious right? Last I heard Miami, New Orleans and New York city are not under water. There is still ice at our poles And palm trees are not growing in Oslo.
What have your climate "scientists" gotten right except their names on grant applications?
In contrast, the climate scientists have gotten everything correct for the past 40 years. You denying that reality doesn't change it. Those decades of success are why climate scientists have so much credibility, and your decades of failure are why your cult has no credibility.

You're serious right? Last I heard Miami, New Orleans and New York city are not under water. There is still ice at our poles And palm trees are not growing in Oslo.
What have your climate "scientists" gotten right except their names on grant applications?

She jumped the shark with old rocks.
Look at the posts submitted by the AGW contingent...............

Incoherent mental case angry rants ( see above ) that skeptics are a cult!!! Yet a huge majority of the people in this country don't give a wit about global warming in 2016!!! Every poll shows it with clarity.:oops-28:

But skeptics are the "cultists".:eusa_dance:

Ummm............when reality is your own reality and doesn't conform with the overwhelming consensus of the people, it means that you are a mental case by any reasonable standard.

Links please???? :poke:
Look at the posts submitted by the AGW contingent...............

Incoherent mental case angry rants ( see above ) that skeptics are a cult!!! Yet a huge majority of the people in this country don't give a wit about global warming in 2016!!! Every poll shows it with clarity.:oops-28:

But skeptics are the "cultists".:eusa_dance:

Ummm............when reality is your own reality and doesn't conform with the overwhelming consensus of the people, it means that you are a mental case by any reasonable standard.

Links please???? :poke:
They still claim consensus after ALL the doom and gloom predictions failed, after being caught fudging data and excluding critical scientists for the peer review after plotting against critical authors.. They claim credibility when there is no reason to trust their "science".
Just like Democrats must scream they are not racists, because they were the Klu Klux Klan, they must also scream they are not anti-science because they killed one of the greatest science projects mankind has ever conceived. Democrats are literal Neanderthals. The solution to global warming? To, "build big, more, big, wind turbine, mega big, put everywhere."

Seriously, the Democrats will destroy the World to save it, that is how stupid they are.
Most of the data has been faked. Global warming isn't based on fact. It's based on a guess from faked climate data.
And up pops ol' WildBullKrap further demonstrating the truth of the OP by moronically trying once again to push the denier cult 'crackpot conspiracy myth' explanation for the fact that the entire world scientific community thinks these deranged rightwingnut reality deniers are totally nuts.....and all the evidence pretty much says that too.

As I said earlier on this thread.....

And there goes another demented and very pathetic bit of the anti-science Republican-rightwingnut Theology as was discussed in the OP article.....this one is their sacred 'Crackpot Conspiracy Theory' myth, which claims that pretty much all of the world's scientists, in over a hundred countries, are somehow all organized in a HUGE (and amazingly still quite secret) conspiracy to (supposedly) "dupe" the world into (supposedly "falsely") believing that atmospheric and ocean temperatures are rapidly rising and the Earth's ice caps and glaciers are melting and that sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate (which of course, they are).....for nefarious reasons that are never quite explained....and no scientist anywhere has ever cracked and confessed and broken the apparently very fierce 'scientific code of silence'.....that is apparently much, much more powerful than the Mafia's puny generations-old, death-threat enforced code of Omertà.

But it makes great distracting theater for the denier cult cranks to try to get people to ignore the actual unfolding climate change catastrophes happening right in front of them, and disregard the scientific warnings about what is coming soon as the result of still accelerating global warming and its consequent increasingly disruptive climate changes.

They still claim consensus after ALL the doom and gloom predictions failed, after being caught fudging data and excluding critical scientists for the peer review after plotting against critical authors.. They claim credibility when there is no reason to trust their "science".

Classic Republican-rightwingnut Theology, as mentioned in the OP.
... you have no knowledge or understanding of the science or the evidence, and are spewing your deranged denial of reality based only on your crackpot rightwingnut political and economic ideologies.
How did they keep accurate ocean and atmospheric temperatures in the 1880s. And why did they? I haven't seen it but since you are a fountain of scientific knowledge you're the guy to ask.
I might believe the Government paid Scientists if everything the government did, but as it is the government is pretty much wrong all the time. At that the government's solution is to destroy the Earth. First the solution is to build the World's largest in physical size "Green" energy. They even have to give it a phony baloney name. Building the World's Largest in physical size "Green" energy power plants also requires burning the most hydrocarbons for "power" plants in our World's history. Building the World's biggest "Green" energy power plants also use the most natural resources. The great thinkers, the democrats, when they find out the "Green" energy power plants are weak, do not produce enough electricity to provide power, you know what they do, they simply apply "Science" and make more of them, and make them bigger.

Sure, there really is global warming, and the solution is to build the World's Largest Wind Mill and to cover the Earth with them and as many Solar Panels as you can fit on all the open space.
Most of the data has been faked. Global warming isn't based on fact. It's based on a guess from faked climate data.
And up pops ol' WildBullKrap further demonstrating the truth of the OP by moronically trying once again to push the denier cult 'crackpot conspiracy myth' explanation for the fact that the entire world scientific community thinks these deranged rightwingnut reality deniers are totally nuts.....and all the evidence pretty much says that too.

As I said earlier on this thread.....

And there goes another demented and very pathetic bit of the anti-science Republican-rightwingnut Theology as was discussed in the OP article.....this one is their sacred 'Crackpot Conspiracy Theory' myth, which claims that pretty much all of the world's scientists, in over a hundred countries, are somehow all organized in a HUGE (and amazingly still quite secret) conspiracy to (supposedly) "dupe" the world into (supposedly "falsely") believing that atmospheric and ocean temperatures are rapidly rising and the Earth's ice caps and glaciers are melting and that sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate (which of course, they are).....for nefarious reasons that are never quite explained....and no scientist anywhere has ever cracked and confessed and broken the apparently very fierce 'scientific code of silence'.....that is apparently much, much more powerful than the Mafia's puny generations-old, death-threat enforced code of Omertà.

But it makes great distracting theater for the denier cult cranks to try to get people to ignore the actual unfolding climate change catastrophes happening right in front of them, and disregard the scientific warnings about what is coming soon as the result of still accelerating global warming and its consequent increasingly disruptive climate changes.


Again no one thinks it is a grand conspiracy myth

Like I posted

That is to me the central mystery of climate science. It is not a scientific mystery but a human mystery. How does it happen that a whole generation of scientific experts is blind to obvious facts?"-Freeman Dyson

They still claim consensus after ALL the doom and gloom predictions failed, after being caught fudging data and excluding critical scientists for the peer review after plotting against critical authors.. They claim credibility when there is no reason to trust their "science".

Classic Republican-rightwingnut Theology, as mentioned in the OP.

A classic retort from the AGW cult who lost on facts and can't debate anymore.

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