Global Warming: Reality vs Republican Theology

Kind of amusing that the denier cult dingbats are apparently afraid of this thread.

I think the article nails their cultic nature and their idiotic anti-science dogmas, and it hits too close to home for them to handle it.
Or the denier cult blah blah hate shit exists in your head and people realize you're just another retard that only has insults to feel better about themselves.

No one with half a brain is going to take an article like that seriously.
....we have about 4 or 5 board members in here who are interested in this shit!! 4 or 5!!!:ack-1: Yet they act like it is this massively popular subject having a major impact in the real world. It isn't......
It is very interesting when you are pouring concrete.

If the weatherman or "climatologist" on TV gets it wrong, it doesn't mean jack shit to them. No skin off of their back.

If a cement mason gets it wrong...totally different story. He will have a very hard and brutal day.

What used to be logged at Stevenson screen weather stations as 30 degrees is now logged as 30.24 degrees. Or 30.8 degrees. Does that mean it is getting warmer? DUUURRRR!!!

Global warming fuckwads are ignorant fools.

Nice post.....

Yea little AGW cult ignorant of human nature and history of technology...

Why do you have so much Faith in some old guy a 125 years ago wearing bifocals and recording the temperature off a FUCKING thermometer?
Anyone refuted WG-1 yet? Should be child's play. Look at all the experts you've got out there: SSDD, Billy Bob, Muhammed. Impressive brain trust. Just ask them.

AR-5 is the report that claims, all of a sudden, the oceans absorbed 93% of the "excess heat" I checked AR-1 to 4 and nowhere is that stunning "factoid" even mentioned.

Is that the AR-5 you mean?

If Bernie Madoff had AR-5 as his accountant he'd still be in the fund business
During Mao's cultural revolution in China people were allowed to monitor weather stations. hahahah... NOT!

Of course that is obvious to climatologists/historians such as myself, but not to laymen.

That was flat out admitted in the Climategate emails. It was purposeful fraud, not just a sloppy science mistake. Their e-mails prove that beyond any reasonable doubt.

Wikilinks busted them!
Ah yes, we have another 'scientist' like Silly Billy here. No classes in Physics, Chemistry, or Biology, but he is a scientist. AGW is real. Every National Academy of Science in the world states that. Even the National Academy of Science of Saudi Arabia states that. That you constantly flap your yap, yet do not put up a single supporting article is telling. One would think that with that high IQ that you would be capable of finding scientific articles supporting your posts.
During Mao's cultural revolution in China people were allowed to monitor weather stations. hahahah... NOT!

Of course that is obvious to climatologists/historians such as myself, but not to laymen.

That was flat out admitted in the Climategate emails. It was purposeful fraud, not just a sloppy science mistake. Their e-mails prove that beyond any reasonable doubt.

Wikilinks busted them!

And there goes another demented and very pathetic bit of the anti-science Republican-rightwingnut Theology as was discussed in the OP article.....this one is their sacred 'Crackpot Conspiracy Theory' myth, which claims that pretty much all of the world's scientists, in over a hundred countries, are somehow all organized in a HUGE (and amazingly still quite secret) conspiracy to (supposedly) "dupe" the world into (supposedly "falsely") believing that atmospheric and ocean temperatures are rapidly rising and the Earth's ice caps and glaciers are melting and that sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate (which of course, they are).....for nefarious reasons that are never quite explained....and no scientist anywhere has ever cracked and confessed and broken the apparently very fierce 'scientific code of silence'.....that is apparently much, much more powerful than the Mafia's puny generations-old, death-threat enforced code of Omertà.

But it makes great distracting theater for the denier cult cranks to try to get people to ignore the actual unfolding climate change catastrophes happening right in front of them, and disregard the scientific warnings about what is coming soon as the result of still accelerating global warming and its consequent increasingly disruptive climate changes.

Let's assume that AGW exists and something can be done to reverse its effects, Why the hell would you vote for Hillary Clinton if you believe that to be true? The average new home built in the US in 2015 was over 2700 sq. feet and family sizes are getting smaller, which means all the savings we realize from funky new light bulbs is lost by people building bigger houses that need more heat, more ac, more lights. A $15 minimum wage would just increase consumption on top of all that. If you really thought that AGW was a problem and it could be addressed, why wouldn't your support Trump. He would at least make us too poor to spend money at Walmart.
Let's assume that AGW exists and something can be done to reverse its effects, Why the hell would you vote for Hillary Clinton if you believe that to be true? The average new home built in the US in 2015 was over 2700 sq. feet and family sizes are getting smaller, which means all the savings we realize from funky new light bulbs is lost by people building bigger houses that need more heat, more ac, more lights. A $15 minimum wage would just increase consumption on top of all that. If you really thought that AGW was a problem and it could be addressed, why wouldn't your support Trump. He would at least make us too poor to spend money at Walmart.

Want to hear something even funnier?

Not a single AGW climate crusader k00k believes in a growth economy!!! Yet they wonder why renewable energy is growing at a snails pace with paltry 1.4% and 1.8% GDP in recent years and they couldn't be happier.:coffee: Stoopid fuckers.......walking contradictions. Print away and drive up the debt.......they think that they will pay for their carbon schemes with the $$ of the wealthy. Like that's ever going to happen!!:bye1: Trickle up poverty economics...........and they wonder why they cant find a single link anywhere which can display for us where the science is mattering in the real world!!!

duh :itsok: about those links s0ns??!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Let's assume that AGW exists and something can be done to reverse its effects, Why the hell would you vote for Hillary Clinton if you believe that to be true? The average new home built in the US in 2015 was over 2700 sq. feet and family sizes are getting smaller, which means all the savings we realize from funky new light bulbs is lost by people building bigger houses that need more heat, more ac, more lights. A $15 minimum wage would just increase consumption on top of all that. If you really thought that AGW was a problem and it could be addressed, why wouldn't your support Trump. He would at least make us too poor to spend money at Walmart.
How so? I'll pay attention to AGW cultists when they start living in tents and ride bicycles. And stop posting on the internet. Hypocrites are not to be taken seriously.
During Mao's cultural revolution in China people were allowed to monitor weather stations. hahahah... NOT!

Of course that is obvious to climatologists/historians such as myself, but not to laymen.

That was flat out admitted in the Climategate emails. It was purposeful fraud, not just a sloppy science mistake. Their e-mails prove that beyond any reasonable doubt.

Wikilinks busted them!

And there goes another demented and very pathetic bit of the anti-science Republican-rightwingnut Theology as was discussed in the OP article.....this one is their sacred 'Crackpot Conspiracy Theory' myth, which claims that pretty much all of the world's scientists, in over a hundred countries, are somehow all organized in a HUGE (and amazingly still quite secret) conspiracy to (supposedly) "dupe" the world into (supposedly "falsely") believing that atmospheric and ocean temperatures are rapidly rising and the Earth's ice caps and glaciers are melting and that sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate (which of course, they are).....for nefarious reasons that are never quite explained....and no scientist anywhere has ever cracked and confessed and broken the apparently very fierce 'scientific code of silence'.....that is apparently much, much more powerful than the Mafia's puny generations-old, death-threat enforced code of Omertà.

But it makes great distracting theater for the denier cult cranks to try to get people to ignore the actual unfolding climate change catastrophes happening right in front of them, and disregard the scientific warnings about what is coming soon as the result of still accelerating global warming and its consequent increasingly disruptive climate changes.


“That is to me the central mystery of climate science. It is not a scientific mystery but a human mystery. How does it happen that a whole generation of scientific experts is blind to obvious facts?"-Freeman Dyson

Top physicist bolts from global warming consensus...

[How so? I'll pay attention to AGW cultists when they start living in tents and ride bicycles. And stop posting on the internet. Hypocrites are not to be taken seriously.

If you want to live in a cave and hump trees for mother Gaia, that's your problem, you unshaven stinky hippy.

Just don't try to force us to join you, 'kay? We like modern technology. That's why we liberals are making sure the energy to power modern technology will be there, unlike all of you "we have no plans for what to do when fossil fuels run out, so into the caves we'll go!" denier cultists.
[How so? I'll pay attention to AGW cultists when they start living in tents and ride bicycles. And stop posting on the internet. Hypocrites are not to be taken seriously.

If you want to live in a cave and hump trees for mother Gaia, that's your problem, you unshaven stinky hippy.

Just don't try to force us to join you, 'kay? We like modern technology. That's why we liberals are making sure the energy to power modern technology will be there, unlike all of you "we have no plans for what to do when fossil fuels run out, so into the caves we'll go!" denier cultists.
In other words, you're a hypocrite. Just what I said. You aren't accomplishing anything here so save the Earth by not wasting power.

We now have fracking, libs did that, seriously? Technology drives energy, not some idiot on a keyboard bitching about people that refuse to goose step behind their monochromatic drum beat in the cult of warming parade, complete with court jesters that jeer the onlookers to the high priests that speak from on high about hellfire and brimstone.
Takes a real moronic looney to reject AGW given its acceptance among the actual experts.

And a point that deniers seem to have a real hard time getting a handle on: the problem isn't that AGW is taking the Earth's climate away from some optimum. It's that it's changing it faster than we can cope with. Read that until you get it down, okay. The next time I hear someone talking about optimums I'm gonna spew.

If the climate is changing faster than we can cope with, regardless of the cause, then why are we thriving?
The Thread Title is Inaccurate. Here is the correct version:

Global Climate Variability: Reality vs. Organized Criminal Gangs/Witch Doctors Promising to Protect People From The Angry Climate Gods.
In other words, you're a hypocrite. Just what I said. You aren't accomplishing anything here so save the Earth by not wasting power

Since I haven't told you to give up electricity, I'm not a hypocrite. You're just being dishonest.

We now have fracking, libs did that, seriously? Technology drives energy, not some idiot on a keyboard bitching about people that refuse to goose step behind their monochromatic drum beat in the cult of warming parade, complete with court jesters that jeer the onlookers to the high priests that speak from on high about hellfire and brimstone.

Back! Back in your cave, you stinky hippy, or we'll turn a firehose on you and force you to bathe.
During Mao's cultural revolution in China people were allowed to monitor weather stations. hahahah... NOT!

Of course that is obvious to climatologists/historians such as myself, but not to laymen.

That was flat out admitted in the Climategate emails. It was purposeful fraud, not just a sloppy science mistake. Their e-mails prove that beyond any reasonable doubt.

Wikilinks busted them!

And there goes another demented and very pathetic bit of the anti-science Republican-rightwingnut Theology as was discussed in the OP article.....this one is their sacred 'Crackpot Conspiracy Theory' myth, which claims that pretty much all of the world's scientists, in over a hundred countries, are somehow all organized in a HUGE (and amazingly still quite secret) conspiracy to (supposedly) "dupe" the world into (supposedly "falsely") believing that atmospheric and ocean temperatures are rapidly rising and the Earth's ice caps and glaciers are melting and that sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate (which of course, they are).....for nefarious reasons that are never quite explained....and no scientist anywhere has ever cracked and confessed and broken the apparently very fierce 'scientific code of silence'.....that is apparently much, much more powerful than the Mafia's puny generations-old, death-threat enforced code of Omertà.

But it makes great distracting theater for the denier cult cranks to try to get people to ignore the actual unfolding climate change catastrophes happening right in front of them, and disregard the scientific warnings about what is coming soon as the result of still accelerating global warming and its consequent increasingly disruptive climate changes.


“That is to me the central mystery of climate science. It is not a scientific mystery but a human mystery. How does it happen that a whole generation of scientific experts is blind to obvious facts?"-Freeman Dyson

Top physicist bolts from global warming consensus... of the central mysteries of the deranged denial of climate science is a human mystery: how can nominally rational adults reject and deny the testimony of tens of thousands of scientists who are the top experts in the fields of science that study various aspects of the Earth's climate and atmospheric physics, who are in a remarkable state of scientific consensus on the reality and extreme dangers of human caused global warming and its consequent climate disruptions and changes......and instead accept only the musings of one very elderly genius with no education or experience in any of the fields of science associated with the Earth's climate?

The answer lies in their crazy and basically anti-science rightwingnut political/economic ideologies and prejudices, AND in the propaganda campaign mounted by the fossil fuel billionaires and corporate executives that has bamboozled the rightwingnuts into rejecting well established scientific facts in favor of their crackpot, hyper-capitalistic, 'free-market' political/economical ideological fantasies and myths.

And, BTW, little retard, your idiotic thread about Dyson got very well debunked in post #11 of that thread.......The Danger of Cosmic Genius

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