Global Warming: Reality vs Republican Theology


And there goes another demented and very pathetic bit of the anti-science Republican-rightwingnut Theology as was discussed in the OP article.....this one is their sacred 'Crackpot Conspiracy Theory' myth, which claims that pretty much all of the world's scientists, in over a hundred countries, are somehow all organized in a HUGE (and amazingly still quite secret) conspiracy to (supposedly) "dupe" the world into (supposedly "falsely") believing that atmospheric and ocean temperatures are rapidly rising and the Earth's ice caps and glaciers are melting and that sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate (which of course, they are).....for nefarious reasons that are never quite explained....and no scientist anywhere has ever cracked and confessed and broken the apparently very fierce 'scientific code of silence'.....that is apparently much, much more powerful than the Mafia's puny generations-old, death-threat enforced code of Omertà.

But it makes great distracting theater for the denier cult cranks to try to get people to ignore the actual unfolding climate change catastrophes happening right in front of them, and disregard the scientific warnings about what is coming soon as the result of still accelerating global warming and its consequent increasingly disruptive climate changes.


“That is to me the central mystery of climate science. It is not a scientific mystery but a human mystery. How does it happen that a whole generation of scientific experts is blind to obvious facts?"-Freeman Dyson

Top physicist bolts from global warming consensus... of the central mysteries of the deranged denial of climate science is a human mystery: how can nominally rational adults reject and deny the testimony of tens of thousands of scientists who are the top experts in the fields of science that study various aspects of the Earth's climate and atmospheric physics, who are in a remarkable state of scientific consensus on the reality and extreme dangers of human caused global warming and its consequent climate disruptions and changes......and instead accept only the musings of one very elderly genius with no education or experience in any of the fields of science associated with the Earth's climate?

The answer lies in their crazy and basically anti-science rightwingnut political/economic ideologies and prejudices, AND in the propaganda campaign mounted by the fossil fuel billionaires and corporate executives that has bamboozled the rightwingnuts into rejecting well established scientific facts in favor of their crackpot, hyper-capitalistic, 'free-market' political/economical ideological fantasies and myths.

And, BTW, little retard, your idiotic thread about Dyson got very well debunked in post #11 of that thread.......The Danger of Cosmic Genius
Post the evidence and quit polishing your knob.
In your insane little denier cult fantasy world and in your demented denial of the scientifically confirmed reality of AGW/CC, what "evidence" for human caused global warming do you imagine has not been already widely published in the world's top science journals after extensive peer-review?.....what "evidence" do you ignorantly imagine is still lacking?.....what do you imagine are your own qualifications to judge and reject the scientific research done by thousands of actual PhD scientists who are vastly more educated (and intelligent) than you are?
When said scientists publish evidence it becomes widely available and we don't need to rely on a consensus of opinion. Which is why I'm suspicious of the whole thing. And throw in the monster power grab at stake for good measure. But I'll be kind and wait for your evidence while you waste energy telling people to save energy.
Crap, Ice, are you 95 years old? I am 72, and know how to use Google Scholar, even if I am not that skookum on all the other things that the computer can do.

Just go to Google Scholar, and put on global warming. You will get abstracts on the subject from major scientific journals, and, for some of them, the full texts are available.

Now I know you will not do that, for you 'Conservatives' are far to lazy to actually research a topic, prefer just to repeat the endless lies and misinformation from people like Limpbaugh and Senator Imhofe.
I'd like to thank all of the rightwingnut denier cult retards who have posted such excellent supporting material for the truth of the OP.

You whacked out reality deniers are REALLY hilarious.....and you make it even funnier by being literally too stupid to realize how insane your crackpot conspiracy theories and incoherent spaz-attacks actually sound.
....still waiting ......
....."to grow some brains" sure are, weaselshit, you sure are!
You will get no facts from them. It is a wasted venture to try and reason with them. Already the NH temps are dropping like a rock back to median zero and the cold pools in the Atlantic are about to surface. When they do, their man made mantra will be that of cooling rapidly.

All that Old fraud, Rolling blunder and Crap will come up with are old papers from their cult leaders. They want adjusted data and manipulated everything to keep their cult alive.

Funny how Socialists and Communists lie to keep their agenda hidden form those they want to rule. The ends justify the means... Even if their stupidity will kill millions..

They rant about Republicans stopping their destruction and they are to stupid to realize that they will be directly affected and as useful idiots, ones who will be expended first by their own cult leaders..
Which Median Zero? The IPCC median zero, The NASA median zero, NOAA's, the un-adjusted historical median zero? Or do we average all the median zeros to get a average of the median zero being used?

Excellent point.. Which one indeed... I was referring to the 1980-2010 average of UAH-RSS. My bad for not indicating that. Data sets that cover from 82.5 N Lat to 82.5 S Lat and circumferential of the earth 360 degrees. The data sets that every alarmists wishes would go away..
Back to topic...............

How about a link s0ns? :2up:

These bozo's were asked days ago to display a single link showing the readers of this thread where the science is mattering in the real world ( outside academia and the internet ?)

Still got zilch..........
I see. Science doesn't matter concerning weather and climate? I suppose we are getting the predictions of upcoming severe storm fronts from witch doctors, and that the doppler radar that gives us a few minutes warning on tornadoes was invented by holy roller preachers.
I'd like to thank all of the rightwingnut denier cult retards who have posted such excellent supporting material for the truth of the OP.

You whacked out reality deniers are REALLY hilarious.....and you make it even funnier by being literally too stupid to realize how insane your crackpot conspiracy theories and incoherent spaz-attacks actually sound.

That post screams of lack of any credibility... 2 year old rant style..
You will get no facts from them. It is a wasted venture to try and reason with them. Already the NH temps are dropping like a rock back to median zero and the cold pools in the Atlantic are about to surface. When they do, their man made mantra will be that of cooling rapidly.

All that Old fraud, Rolling blunder and Crap will come up with are old papers from their cult leaders. They want adjusted data and manipulated everything to keep their cult alive.

Funny how Socialists and Communists lie to keep their agenda hidden form those they want to rule. The ends justify the means... Even if their stupidity will kill millions..

They rant about Republicans stopping their destruction and they are to stupid to realize that they will be directly affected and as useful idiots, ones who will be expended first by their own cult leaders..
Which Median Zero? The IPCC median zero, The NASA median zero, NOAA's, the un-adjusted historical median zero? Or do we average all the median zeros to get a average of the median zero being used?

Excellent point.. Which one indeed... I was referring to the 1980-2010 average of UAH-RSS. My bad for not indicating that. Data sets that cover from 82.5 N Lat to 82.5 S Lat and circumferential of the earth 360 degrees. The data sets that every alarmists wishes would go away..
Anti-science retards trying to dispute science that they are very obviously mentally incapable of comprehending.....utterly hilarious!
Anti-science retards trying to dispute science that they are very obviously mentally incapable of comprehending.....utterly hilarious!

Retards? Really, you can do better than that, retards are handicapped individuals, now those with a true imagination or scientific mind could come up with a better insult than using an epitaph that used to be hurled at those with Down Syndrome. But those who lack the intelligence to think, to think scientifically, certainly like the others in history, have no regard as to the less fortunate of the World, hence they always have derogatory names in their arsenal.

Science? "wind mill not working", "I make bigger, more, duh"! Now that is great science at work, to solve the problem in their imagination it requires an increase in heavy industry manufacturing the biggest monstrosities in the World, spewing millions of tons more, of CO2 into the air, exasperating the problem they imagine exists.

Science, that is the best you have, building bigger and more, the government confiscating and spending multi-trillions, forever, on more and more and more wind turbines? Now that is science, creative, solutions, to the earths changing temperature.

Morons are you.
Back to topic...............

How about a link s0ns? :2up:

These bozo's were asked days ago to display a single link showing the readers of this thread where the science is mattering in the real world ( outside academia and the internet ?)

Still got zilch..........
I see. Science doesn't matter concerning weather and climate? I suppose we are getting the predictions of upcoming severe storm fronts from witch doctors, and that the doppler radar that gives us a few minutes warning on tornadoes was invented by holy roller preachers.
Don't look to NASA for science, they only report DATA, right?
Anti-science retards trying to dispute science that they are very obviously mentally incapable of comprehending.....utterly hilarious!

Yup! Retards is what I called you denier cult nitwits, and retards is what you obviously are!

Dictionary definition....

Retard, noun...
  1. a contemptuous term used to refer to a personwho is cognitively impaired.
  2. a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way:

So.....completely accurate term for you morons.

retards are handicapped individuals,
You anti-science denier cultists are definitely mentally "handicapped", all right. It is a wonder that you even know how to tie your shoes.
You will get no facts from them. It is a wasted venture to try and reason with them. Already the NH temps are dropping like a rock back to median zero and the cold pools in the Atlantic are about to surface. When they do, their man made mantra will be that of cooling rapidly.

All that Old fraud, Rolling blunder and Crap will come up with are old papers from their cult leaders. They want adjusted data and manipulated everything to keep their cult alive.

Funny how Socialists and Communists lie to keep their agenda hidden form those they want to rule. The ends justify the means... Even if their stupidity will kill millions..

They rant about Republicans stopping their destruction and they are to stupid to realize that they will be directly affected and as useful idiots, ones who will be expended first by their own cult leaders..
Which Median Zero? The IPCC median zero, The NASA median zero, NOAA's, the un-adjusted historical median zero? Or do we average all the median zeros to get a average of the median zero being used?

Excellent point.. Which one indeed... I was referring to the 1980-2010 average of UAH-RSS. My bad for not indicating that. Data sets that cover from 82.5 N Lat to 82.5 S Lat and circumferential of the earth 360 degrees. The data sets that every alarmists wishes would go away..
Anti-science retards trying to dispute science that they are very obviously mentally incapable of comprehending.....utterly hilarious!

"Anti-Science retards".............

Here is the utterly hilarious shit.........nobody gives a flying fuck about the science >>>


Global warming/Climate Science........ NOT EVEN ON THE LIST s0ns!!!!:spinner:


The AGW k00ks cant produce a link because there is no link to produce!!!:rock::rock::rofl:
You will get no facts from them. It is a wasted venture to try and reason with them. Already the NH temps are dropping like a rock back to median zero and the cold pools in the Atlantic are about to surface. When they do, their man made mantra will be that of cooling rapidly.

All that Old fraud, Rolling blunder and Crap will come up with are old papers from their cult leaders. They want adjusted data and manipulated everything to keep their cult alive.

Funny how Socialists and Communists lie to keep their agenda hidden form those they want to rule. The ends justify the means... Even if their stupidity will kill millions..

They rant about Republicans stopping their destruction and they are to stupid to realize that they will be directly affected and as useful idiots, ones who will be expended first by their own cult leaders..
Which Median Zero? The IPCC median zero, The NASA median zero, NOAA's, the un-adjusted historical median zero? Or do we average all the median zeros to get a average of the median zero being used?

Excellent point.. Which one indeed... I was referring to the 1980-2010 average of UAH-RSS. My bad for not indicating that. Data sets that cover from 82.5 N Lat to 82.5 S Lat and circumferential of the earth 360 degrees. The data sets that every alarmists wishes would go away..
Anti-science retards trying to dispute science that they are very obviously mentally incapable of comprehending.....utterly hilarious!
"Anti-Science retards".............

Here is the utterly hilarious shit.........nobody gives a flying fuck about the science

LOLOLOL......I'm sure that in the little circle of clueless retards that surround you, indeed "nobody gives a flying fuck about the science".....but then, nobody sane gives a flying fuck about you and your fellow retards either. You are completely irrelevant to everything but the depressing statistics on mental illnesses.
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Most of the data you're worshipping has been faked. Who's the cultists?

If you believe that crackpot conspiracy theory, then you are, by definition, the cultist, WildBullKrap!

A link (that is as dead as your brain) to a bullshit filled rightwingnut propaganda outlet.

How do you explain the faked data?

Hell! Bush didn't even fake the data for the Iraq

What's that make you?
You will get no facts from them. It is a wasted venture to try and reason with them. Already the NH temps are dropping like a rock back to median zero and the cold pools in the Atlantic are about to surface. When they do, their man made mantra will be that of cooling rapidly.

All that Old fraud, Rolling blunder and Crap will come up with are old papers from their cult leaders. They want adjusted data and manipulated everything to keep their cult alive.

Funny how Socialists and Communists lie to keep their agenda hidden form those they want to rule. The ends justify the means... Even if their stupidity will kill millions..

They rant about Republicans stopping their destruction and they are to stupid to realize that they will be directly affectecomputteful idiots, ones who will be expended first by their own cult leaders..
Which Median Zero? The IPCC median zero, The NASA median zero, NOAA's, the un-adjusted historical median zero? Or do we average all the median zeros to get a average of the median zero being used?

Excellent point.. Which one indeed... I was referring to the 1980-2010 average of UAH-RSS. My bad for not indicating that. Data sets that cover from 82.5 N Lat to 82.5 S Lat and circumferential of the earth 360 degrees. The data sets that every alarmists wishes would go away..
Anti-science retards trying to dispute science that they are very obviously mentally incapable of comprehending.....utterly hilarious!
"Anti-Science retards".............

Here is the utterly hilarious shit.........nobody gives a flying fuck about the science

LOLOLOL......I'm sure that in the little circle of clueless retards that surround you, indeed "nobody gives a flying fuck about the science".....but then, nobody sane gives a flying fuck about you and your fellow retards either. You are completely irrelevant to everything but the depressing statistics on mental illnesses.[/QUOTE]

Your name calling proves the point, but how is a computer model, "science"?
Most of the data you're worshipping has been faked. Who's the cultists?

If you believe that crackpot conspiracy theory, then you are, by definition, the cultist, WildBullKrap!

A link (that is as dead as your brain) to a bullshit filled rightwingnut propaganda outlet.

How do you explain the faked data?

Explaining the Rebublican-rightwingnut myths about "faked data" is very easy......a combination of the demented 'Republican Theology' discussed in the OP, and the very fraudulent crackpot conspiracy theories that are a big part of the cultic dogmas and myths you deniers moronically embrace as part of that 'Theology'.

In other words, you denier cult wackos are completely insane!
Most of the data you're worshipping has been faked. Who's the cultists?

If you believe that crackpot conspiracy theory, then you are, by definition, the cultist, WildBullKrap!

A link (that is as dead as your brain) to a bullshit filled rightwingnut propaganda outlet.

How do you explain the faked data?

Explaining the Rebublican-rightwingnut myths about "faked data" is very easy......a combination of the demented 'Republican Theology' discussed in the OP, and the very fraudulent crackpot conspiracy theories that are a big part of the cultic dogmas and myths you deniers moronically embrace as part of that 'Theology'.

In other words, you denier cult wackos are completely insane!

Says the loon who prays to the hockey stick graph every night

Most of the data you're worshipping has been faked. Who's the cultists?

If you believe that crackpot conspiracy theory, then you are, by definition, the cultist, WildBullKrap!

A link (that is as dead as your brain) to a bullshit filled rightwingnut propaganda outlet.

How do you explain the faked data?

Explaining the Rebublican-rightwingnut myths about "faked data" is very easy......a combination of the demented 'Republican Theology' discussed in the OP, and the very fraudulent crackpot conspiracy theories that are a big part of the cultic dogmas and myths you deniers moronically embrace as part of that 'Theology'.

In other words, you denier cult wackos are completely insane!

So, you have no excuse for the faked data. I knew it. The name calling proved that.

Why isn't it, "global warming", anymore?
God are you stupid. These days we all call it "gooseberry cheddar". Try to keep up

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