Global Warming: Reality vs Republican Theology

Most of the data you're worshipping has been faked. Who's the cultists?
If you believe that crackpot conspiracy theory, then you are, by definition, the cultist, WildBullKrap!

A link (that is as dead as your brain) to a bullshit filled rightwingnut propaganda outlet.

How do you explain the faked data?
Explaining the Rebublican-rightwingnut myths about "faked data" is very easy......a combination of the demented 'Republican Theology' discussed in the OP, and the very fraudulent crackpot conspiracy theories that are a big part of the cultic dogmas and myths you deniers moronically embrace as part of that 'Theology'.

In other words, you denier cult wackos are completely insane!

So, you have no excuse for the faked data.
There was no "faked data".....that is one of the crackpot myths of your kooky cult of reality denial.

You really have no excuse for your ideology-driven insanity, WildBullKrap! Unless possibly you are a meth addict. More likely, it stems from your almost complete lack of any perceptible intelligence.

I knew it. The name calling proved that.
You clearly demonstrate your ignorant idiocy and your raging insanity and then you are surprised when normal people call you a crazy retard.....that is hilarious!

Why isn't it, "global warming", anymore?

The currently happening warming of the entire planet is still called 'global warming', you confused idiot. The terms 'global warming' and 'climate change' mean somewhat different things and they have both been in use in the scientific literature since the 1960s and they are both still in use.

As usual, your fraudulent denier cult myths have your sad excuse for a mind all fucked up.
They still claim consensus after ALL the doom and gloom predictions failed, after being caught fudging data and excluding critical scientists for the peer review after plotting against critical authors.. They claim credibility when there is no reason to trust their "science".

Classic Republican-rightwingnut Theology, as mentioned in the OP.
Forgive me if I lend no credibility to people who admit to fudging data, exclude critics from the peer review process and conspire to claim dire consequences in order to sway public opinion.

Your "experts" admit to falsifying data.
(they found errors in the computer model)
Your "experts" admit that they have conspired to silence critics.
( those guys couldn't be taken seriously because they question the "consensus")
Your "experts"admit exaggerating predictions.
(the public won't renew our research grants if it doesn't sound REAL serious)

and I am guilty of "classic Republican-rightwingnut Theology"???? Ironic as shit young fellow. Of course you believe that bill clinton didn't have sex with that woman..... FOOL!
You believed that health care costs would come down too right? and that you could keep your plan and your doctor too, I suppose.
You will get no facts from them. It is a wasted venture to try and reason with them. Already the NH temps are dropping like a rock back to median zero and the cold pools in the Atlantic are about to surface. When they do, their man made mantra will be that of cooling rapidly.

All that Old fraud, Rolling blunder and Crap will come up with are old papers from their cult leaders. They want adjusted data and manipulated everything to keep their cult alive.

Funny how Socialists and Communists lie to keep their agenda hidden form those they want to rule. The ends justify the means... Even if their stupidity will kill millions..

They rant about Republicans stopping their destruction and they are to stupid to realize that they will be directly affected and as useful idiots, ones who will be expended first by their own cult leaders..
Which Median Zero? The IPCC median zero, The NASA median zero, NOAA's, the un-adjusted historical median zero? Or do we average all the median zeros to get a average of the median zero being used?
Yes! That's it! We'll call it the Median Median Zero.
You will get no facts from them. It is a wasted venture to try and reason with them. Already the NH temps are dropping like a rock back to median zero and the cold pools in the Atlantic are about to surface. When they do, their man made mantra will be that of cooling rapidly.

All that Old fraud, Rolling blunder and Crap will come up with are old papers from their cult leaders. They want adjusted data and manipulated everything to keep their cult alive.

Funny how Socialists and Communists lie to keep their agenda hidden form those they want to rule. The ends justify the means... Even if their stupidity will kill millions..

They rant about Republicans stopping their destruction and they are to stupid to realize that they will be directly affected and as useful idiots, ones who will be expended first by their own cult leaders..
Which Median Zero? The IPCC median zero, The NASA median zero, NOAA's, the un-adjusted historical median zero? Or do we average all the median zeros to get a average of the median zero being used?
Yes! That's it! We'll call it the Median Median Zero.
Median Zero is also known as "anomaly base line" (average temperature for the described period). this contrived data point can change as the data set is lengthened, shortened, or the set values are manipulated or adjusted. It is arbitrary and why he asked me to clarify.

At the rate that NOAA and others are manipulating data sets it has very little meaning as the statistical significance of that point is lost to widening error bars.
They still claim consensus after ALL the doom and gloom predictions failed, after being caught fudging data and excluding critical scientists for the peer review after plotting against critical authors.. They claim credibility when there is no reason to trust their "science".

Classic Republican-rightwingnut Theology, as mentioned in the OP.

Forgive me if I lend no credibility to people who admit to fudging data

A stupid denier cult lie and one of your favorite myth - but it never happened.

exclude critics from the peer review process
Another lie - the "critics"/deniers you think should be reviewing scientific papers are 'scientific peers' only with retarded chipmunks, not real scientists.

and conspire to claim dire consequences in order to sway public opinion.
The world IS INDEED facing very dire consequences, as the world scientific community strongly affirms - no matter what deranged denier cult myths to the contrary you have swallowed whole, you poor ignorant bamboozled retard.

Your "experts" admit to falsifying data.
A remarkably stupid and frankly pretty insane lie.

(they found errors in the computer model)
Deniers have errors in their brains if they believe that twaddle means anything

Your "experts" admit that they have conspired to silence critics.
Nope! A couple of scientists talked about (at most) trying to keep fraudulent bad science from getting published - no critics were silenced.

( those guys couldn't be taken seriously because they question the "consensus")
And still more evidence that you have no knowledge of science or how it works. A scientist who could manage to successfully challenge the scientific consensus on human caused global warming would be instantly world famous and acclaimed.

Your "experts"admit exaggerating predictions.
Another lie - the actual predictions are far too scary to need exaggeration.

(the public won't renew our research grants if it doesn't sound REAL serious)
One of the most idiotic and ignorant of your demented denier cult myths. That is not how scientific funding operates, moron.

and I am guilty of "classic Republican-rightwingnut Theology"????
ABSOLUTELY!!! You just demonstrated that fact very clearly and confirmed the truth of the OP by moronically trying once again to push the denier cult 'crackpot conspiracy myth' explanation for the fact that the entire world scientific community thinks you deranged rightwingnut reality deniers are totally nuts.....and all the evidence pretty much says that too.

As I said earlier on this thread.....

And there goes another demented and very pathetic bit of the anti-science Republican-rightwingnut Theology as was discussed in the OP article.....this one is their sacred 'Crackpot Conspiracy Theory' myth, which claims that pretty much all of the world's scientists, in over a hundred countries, are somehow all organized in a HUGE (and amazingly still quite secret) conspiracy to (supposedly) "dupe" the world into (supposedly "falsely") believing that atmospheric and ocean temperatures are rapidly rising and the Earth's ice caps and glaciers are melting and that sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate (which of course, they are).....for nefarious reasons that are never quite explained....and no scientist anywhere has ever cracked and confessed and broken the apparently very fierce 'scientific code of silence'.....that is apparently much, much more powerful than the Mafia's puny generations-old, death-threat enforced code of Omertà.

But it makes great distracting theater for the denier cult cranks to try to get people to ignore the actual unfolding climate change catastrophes happening right in front of them, and disregard the scientific warnings about what is coming soon as the result of still accelerating global warming and its consequent increasingly disruptive climate changes.

Your "experts" admit to falsifying data.


I have been searching for this for some time now. In a conspiracy of thousands of scientists it seems EXTREMELY unlikely that no one would feel guilty enough not to spill the beans. But where is that confession? What experts admitted falsifying data?

I have been searching for this for some time now. In a conspiracy of thousands of scientists it seems EXTREMELY unlikely that no one would feel guilty enough not to spill the beans. But where is that confession? What experts admitted falsifying data?
Thousands of Scientists, can you produce thousands of names?
If I wanted to put in the effort, I'm sure I could. But I'm not as stupid as you seem to be.
I'm asking you for ONE name because it is reasonable to expect that one or more of the thousands of scientists you deniers claim are conspiring to defraud the people of Earth would have confessed to this massive conspiracy. And such a confession could have some validity. It would be a specific case that could be physically investigated. We might find actual proof that temperatures were unjustifiably altered simply to improve the case for global warming.

You are asking me for the names of all the world's climate scientists. You have no valid reason to need them. There is nothing you could do with them were they handed to you. It is quite obviously a delaying tactic and an attempt to detour the argument. And when I say obvious I mean really, really obvious. You look like a complete fool doing so. Ask your friends here. In PM. Westwall, SSDD, FlaCalTenn, IanC or anyone here you trust - what value they see in your demand for the names of all climate scientists.
They still claim consensus after ALL the doom and gloom predictions failed, after being caught fudging data and excluding critical scientists for the peer review after plotting against critical authors.. They claim credibility when there is no reason to trust their "science".

Classic Republican-rightwingnut Theology, as mentioned in the OP.

Forgive me if I lend no credibility to people who admit to fudging data
A stupid denier cult lie and one of your favorite myth - but it never happened.

exclude critics from the peer review process
Another lie - the "critics"/deniers you think should be reviewing scientific papers are 'scientific peers' only with retarded chipmunks, not real scientists.

and conspire to claim dire consequences in order to sway public opinion.
The world IS INDEED facing very dire consequences, as the world scientific community strongly affirms - no matter what deranged denier cult myths to the contrary you have swallowed whole, you poor ignorant bamboozled retard.

Your "experts" admit to falsifying data.
A remarkably stupid and frankly pretty insane lie.

(they found errors in the computer model)
Deniers have errors in their brains if they believe that twaddle means anything

Your "experts" admit that they have conspired to silence critics.
Nope! A couple of scientists talked about (at most) trying to keep fraudulent bad science from getting published - no critics were silenced.

( those guys couldn't be taken seriously because they question the "consensus")
And still more evidence that you have no knowledge of science or how it works. A scientist who could manage to successfully challenge the scientific consensus on human caused global warming would be instantly world famous and acclaimed.

Your "experts"admit exaggerating predictions.
Another lie - the actual predictions are far too scary to need exaggeration.

(the public won't renew our research grants if it doesn't sound REAL serious)
One of the most idiotic and ignorant of your demented denier cult myths. That is not how scientific funding operates, moron.

and I am guilty of "classic Republican-rightwingnut Theology"????
ABSOLUTELY!!! You just demonstrated that fact very clearly and confirmed the truth of the OP by moronically trying once again to push the denier cult 'crackpot conspiracy myth' explanation for the fact that the entire world scientific community thinks you deranged rightwingnut reality deniers are totally nuts.....and all the evidence pretty much says that too.

As I said earlier on this thread.....

And there goes another demented and very pathetic bit of the anti-science Republican-rightwingnut Theology as was discussed in the OP article.....this one is their sacred 'Crackpot Conspiracy Theory' myth, which claims that pretty much all of the world's scientists, in over a hundred countries, are somehow all organized in a HUGE (and amazingly still quite secret) conspiracy to (supposedly) "dupe" the world into (supposedly "falsely") believing that atmospheric and ocean temperatures are rapidly rising and the Earth's ice caps and glaciers are melting and that sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate (which of course, they are).....for nefarious reasons that are never quite explained....and no scientist anywhere has ever cracked and confessed and broken the apparently very fierce 'scientific code of silence'.....that is apparently much, much more powerful than the Mafia's puny generations-old, death-threat enforced code of Omertà.

But it makes great distracting theater for the denier cult cranks to try to get people to ignore the actual unfolding climate change catastrophes happening right in front of them, and disregard the scientific warnings about what is coming soon as the result of still accelerating global warming and its consequent increasingly disruptive climate changes.



Who cares s0n?


Pew and Rasmussen show the exact same thing!!

The AGW Climate Crusaders have connect the dots issues ( always have ). In their little science world they are OCD to dabble in, it is indeed a bubble. No different than that nutty-ass Christian group of haters that shows up at funerals with hate signs. In their world, absolute truth is where they pronounce it to be. Same with the AGW religion.

Consensus or no consensus. Rising sea levels or falling. More ice or less ice. Fewer hurricanes or more hurricanes........outside the realm of internet banter ( essentially a hobby ) none of the published journals/data is having any impact in the real world of public policy. In other words, the science stands on its own.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Imagine this........imagine the science existed to create an MRI machine and for decades, people just sat around with their fingers up their ass and said, "THIS TECHNOLOGY IS PROVEN SCIENCE!!". But nobody cared and the technology sat around as nothing but a concept in theory!!! THATS what you have in climate science..........a theory that is impressing nobody in the real world except those interested in taxing the people to death with carbon schemes. ( = political power of course :coffee: )

If "the consensus science" mattered........Cap and Trade would have passed by a mile back 7 years ago. Instead the bill got kicked in the balls and has been in rupture mode ever since. All over Europe in 2016, green public policy is getting kicked in the balls. Why? The people started getting their electric bills and weren't too happy!!! THATS the real world s0ns :bye1::bye1: about one of those links s0ns??? :funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::fu:
none of the published journals/data is having any impact in the real world of public policy.

Are you really this stupid?

Last time I checked, the US signed the Paris 2015 conference climate agreement. How do you conclude that is no "impact in the real world of public policy"?

2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Because nobody has to comply with the "agreement", it is not binding, and they still need 55 countries to sign on and make the agreement part of laws that govern their countries.

Welcome New World Order, where the United Nations decides who the winners and losers are.

Last I checked we have not written the Paris Agreement into our Constitution.
Most of the data you're worshipping has been faked. Who's the cultists?
If you believe that crackpot conspiracy theory, then you are, by definition, the cultist, WildBullKrap!

A link (that is as dead as your brain) to a bullshit filled rightwingnut propaganda outlet.

How do you explain the faked data?
Explaining the Rebublican-rightwingnut myths about "faked data" is very easy......a combination of the demented 'Republican Theology' discussed in the OP, and the very fraudulent crackpot conspiracy theories that are a big part of the cultic dogmas and myths you deniers moronically embrace as part of that 'Theology'.

In other words, you denier cult wackos are completely insane!

So, you have no excuse for the faked data.
There was no "faked data".....that is one of the crackpot myths of your kooky cult of reality denial.

You really have no excuse for your ideology-driven insanity, WildBullKrap! Unless possibly you are a meth addict. More likely, it stems from your almost complete lack of any perceptible intelligence.

I knew it. The name calling proved that.
You clearly demonstrate your ignorant idiocy and your raging insanity and then you are surprised when normal people call you a crazy retard.....that is hilarious!

Why isn't it, "global warming", anymore?

The currently happening warming of the entire planet is still called 'global warming', you confused idiot. The terms 'global warming' and 'climate change' mean somewhat different things and they have both been in use in the scientific literature since the 1960s and they are both still in use.

As usual, your fraudulent denier cult myths have your sad excuse for a mind all fucked up.

The name had to be changed, because, "global warming", was 9bviously
Who do you believe "changed the name"? Was there a pronouncement? Do you not believe that global warming would be part of global climate change? When a major portion of what is going on are secondary effects of that warming: ice melt, glacial shrinkage, increasing weather intensity, sea level rise, timing changes in numerous biological systems - that a broader term might be more accurate?

And when you say that "global warming was... bullshit" are you claiming that it has not warmed? Do you believe global temperatures today are the same as they were at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?
You're serious right? Last I heard Miami, New Orleans and New York city are not under water. There is still ice at our poles And palm trees are not growing in Oslo.

Ruh-roh. We got a live one here. Ernie here thinks Miami should be underwater!

Why do so many denier cultists believe such crazy things? Oh, that's right. Their cult has fed them the stories, hence they BELIEVE.

What have your climate "scientists" gotten right except their names on grant applications?

Pretty much every single thing concerning temperature, climate, sea level rise, glacial melt, sea ice retreat ... you know, everything.

You deniers need to understand how your attempts to push your faked, fudged and fraudulent stories have only made you look bad.The rest of the world knows you're a pack of frauds. Your scam has failed. You're not being ignored and laughed at because of a socialist conspiracy. You're being ignored and laughed at because you're brainless cult dupes who babbling reality-defying nonsense.

But don't worry. Screaming conspiracy rants on a message board will make it all better. The whole planet will still be laughing at you for being such losers, but at least your fellow cultists will pat you on the back. You'll gain status within the cult, and for good cultists, that's all that matters.
They still claim consensus after ALL the doom and gloom predictions failed, after being caught fudging data and excluding critical scientists for the peer review after plotting against critical authors.. They claim credibility when there is no reason to trust their "science".

Classic Republican-rightwingnut Theology, as mentioned in the OP.

Forgive me if I lend no credibility to people who admit to fudging data
A stupid denier cult lie and one of your favorite myth - but it never happened.

exclude critics from the peer review process
Another lie - the "critics"/deniers you think should be reviewing scientific papers are 'scientific peers' only with retarded chipmunks, not real scientists.

and conspire to claim dire consequences in order to sway public opinion.
The world IS INDEED facing very dire consequences, as the world scientific community strongly affirms - no matter what deranged denier cult myths to the contrary you have swallowed whole, you poor ignorant bamboozled retard.

Your "experts" admit to falsifying data.
A remarkably stupid and frankly pretty insane lie.

(they found errors in the computer model)
Deniers have errors in their brains if they believe that twaddle means anything

Your "experts" admit that they have conspired to silence critics.
Nope! A couple of scientists talked about (at most) trying to keep fraudulent bad science from getting published - no critics were silenced.

( those guys couldn't be taken seriously because they question the "consensus")
And still more evidence that you have no knowledge of science or how it works. A scientist who could manage to successfully challenge the scientific consensus on human caused global warming would be instantly world famous and acclaimed.

Your "experts"admit exaggerating predictions.
Another lie - the actual predictions are far too scary to need exaggeration.

(the public won't renew our research grants if it doesn't sound REAL serious)
One of the most idiotic and ignorant of your demented denier cult myths. That is not how scientific funding operates, moron.

and I am guilty of "classic Republican-rightwingnut Theology"????
ABSOLUTELY!!! You just demonstrated that fact very clearly and confirmed the truth of the OP by moronically trying once again to push the denier cult 'crackpot conspiracy myth' explanation for the fact that the entire world scientific community thinks you deranged rightwingnut reality deniers are totally nuts.....and all the evidence pretty much says that too.

As I said earlier on this thread.....

And there goes another demented and very pathetic bit of the anti-science Republican-rightwingnut Theology as was discussed in the OP article.....this one is their sacred 'Crackpot Conspiracy Theory' myth, which claims that pretty much all of the world's scientists, in over a hundred countries, are somehow all organized in a HUGE (and amazingly still quite secret) conspiracy to (supposedly) "dupe" the world into (supposedly "falsely") believing that atmospheric and ocean temperatures are rapidly rising and the Earth's ice caps and glaciers are melting and that sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate (which of course, they are).....for nefarious reasons that are never quite explained....and no scientist anywhere has ever cracked and confessed and broken the apparently very fierce 'scientific code of silence'.....that is apparently much, much more powerful than the Mafia's puny generations-old, death-threat enforced code of Omertà.

But it makes great distracting theater for the denier cult cranks to try to get people to ignore the actual unfolding climate change catastrophes happening right in front of them, and disregard the scientific warnings about what is coming soon as the result of still accelerating global warming and its consequent increasingly disruptive climate changes.

All culled from those scandalous emails that you want us to ignore, idiot. Thanks for playing.
Who do you believe "changed the name"? Was there a pronouncement? Do you not believe that global warming would be part of global climate change? When a major portion of what is going on are secondary effects of that warming: ice melt, glacial shrinkage, increasing weather intensity, sea level rise, timing changes in numerous biological systems - that a broader term might be more accurate?

And when you say that "global warming was... bullshit" are you claiming that it has not warmed? Do you believe global temperatures today are the same as they were at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?

It was:

Global Cooling, then changed to Global Warming, then after the 2 decade pause it became

Climate Change
You're serious right? Last I heard Miami, New Orleans and New York city are not under water. There is still ice at our poles And palm trees are not growing in Oslo.

Ruh-roh. We got a live one here. Ernie here thinks Miami should be underwater!

Why do so many denier cultists believe such crazy things? Oh, that's right. Their cult has fed them the stories, hence they BELIEVE.

What have your climate "scientists" gotten right except their names on grant applications?

Pretty much every single thing concerning temperature, climate, sea level rise, glacial melt, sea ice retreat ... you know, everything.

You deniers need to understand how your attempts to push your faked, fudged and fraudulent stories have only made you look bad.The rest of the world knows you're a pack of frauds. Your scam has failed. You're not being ignored and laughed at because of a socialist conspiracy. You're being ignored and laughed at because you're brainless cult dupes who babbling reality-defying nonsense.

But don't worry. Screaming conspiracy rants on a message board will make it all better. The whole planet will still be laughing at you for being such losers, but at least your fellow cultists will pat you on the back. You'll gain status within the cult, and for good cultists, that's all that matters.
Gore predicted a 20 rise in sea level in his movie "An Inconvenient Lie".

You're not being ignored and laughed at because of a Conservative conspiracy. You're being ignored and laughed at because you're brainless cult dupes who are babbling reality-defying nonsense.
They still claim consensus after ALL the doom and gloom predictions failed, after being caught fudging data and excluding critical scientists for the peer review after plotting against critical authors.. They claim credibility when there is no reason to trust their "science".

Classic Republican-rightwingnut Theology, as mentioned in the OP.

Forgive me if I lend no credibility to people who admit to fudging data
A stupid denier cult lie and one of your favorite myth - but it never happened.

exclude critics from the peer review process
Another lie - the "critics"/deniers you think should be reviewing scientific papers are 'scientific peers' only with retarded chipmunks, not real scientists.

and conspire to claim dire consequences in order to sway public opinion.
The world IS INDEED facing very dire consequences, as the world scientific community strongly affirms - no matter what deranged denier cult myths to the contrary you have swallowed whole, you poor ignorant bamboozled retard.

Your "experts" admit to falsifying data.
A remarkably stupid and frankly pretty insane lie.

(they found errors in the computer model)
Deniers have errors in their brains if they believe that twaddle means anything

Your "experts" admit that they have conspired to silence critics.
Nope! A couple of scientists talked about (at most) trying to keep fraudulent bad science from getting published - no critics were silenced.

( those guys couldn't be taken seriously because they question the "consensus")
And still more evidence that you have no knowledge of science or how it works. A scientist who could manage to successfully challenge the scientific consensus on human caused global warming would be instantly world famous and acclaimed.

Your "experts"admit exaggerating predictions.
Another lie - the actual predictions are far too scary to need exaggeration.

(the public won't renew our research grants if it doesn't sound REAL serious)
One of the most idiotic and ignorant of your demented denier cult myths. That is not how scientific funding operates, moron.

and I am guilty of "classic Republican-rightwingnut Theology"????
ABSOLUTELY!!! You just demonstrated that fact very clearly and confirmed the truth of the OP by moronically trying once again to push the denier cult 'crackpot conspiracy myth' explanation for the fact that the entire world scientific community thinks you deranged rightwingnut reality deniers are totally nuts.....and all the evidence pretty much says that too.

As I said earlier on this thread.....

And there goes another demented and very pathetic bit of the anti-science Republican-rightwingnut Theology as was discussed in the OP article.....this one is their sacred 'Crackpot Conspiracy Theory' myth, which claims that pretty much all of the world's scientists, in over a hundred countries, are somehow all organized in a HUGE (and amazingly still quite secret) conspiracy to (supposedly) "dupe" the world into (supposedly "falsely") believing that atmospheric and ocean temperatures are rapidly rising and the Earth's ice caps and glaciers are melting and that sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate (which of course, they are).....for nefarious reasons that are never quite explained....and no scientist anywhere has ever cracked and confessed and broken the apparently very fierce 'scientific code of silence'.....that is apparently much, much more powerful than the Mafia's puny generations-old, death-threat enforced code of Omertà.

But it makes great distracting theater for the denier cult cranks to try to get people to ignore the actual unfolding climate change catastrophes happening right in front of them, and disregard the scientific warnings about what is coming soon as the result of still accelerating global warming and its consequent increasingly disruptive climate changes.

All culled from those scandalous emails that you want us to ignore, idiot. Thanks for playing.
The contrived and thoroughly debunked "climategate" email "scandal" is a big part of your Republican-rightwingnut 'Theology' of reality denial, EarnsNoBrains. Thanks for confirming the OP.

In the real world...

Debunking Misinformation About Stolen Climate Emails in the "Climategate" Manufactured Controversy
Union of Concerned Scientists

Climategate Debunked

Climategate" exposed: Conservative media distort stolen emails in latest attack on global warming consensus


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