Global Warming: Reality vs Republican Theology

Takes a real moronic looney to reject AGW given its acceptance among the actual experts.

And a point that deniers seem to have a real hard time getting a handle on: the problem isn't that AGW is taking the Earth's climate away from some optimum. It's that it's changing it faster than we can cope with. Read that until you get it down, okay. The next time I hear someone talking about optimums I'm gonna spew.
then why the mention of the pause in AR5? you still haven't commented.
Ah yes, we have another 'scientist' like Silly Billy here. No classes in Physics, Chemistry, or Biology, but he is a scientist. AGW is real. Every National Academy of Science in the world states that. Even the National Academy of Science of Saudi Arabia states that. That you constantly flap your yap, yet do not put up a single supporting article is telling. One would think that with that high IQ that you would be capable of finding scientific articles supporting your posts.
During Mao's cultural revolution in China people were allowed to monitor weather stations. hahahah... NOT!

Of course that is obvious to climatologists/historians such as myself, but not to laymen.

That was flat out admitted in the Climategate emails. It was purposeful fraud, not just a sloppy science mistake. Their e-mails prove that beyond any reasonable doubt.

Wikilinks busted them!

And there goes another demented and very pathetic bit of the anti-science Republican-rightwingnut Theology as was discussed in the OP article.....this one is their sacred 'Crackpot Conspiracy Theory' myth, which claims that pretty much all of the world's scientists, in over a hundred countries, are somehow all organized in a HUGE (and amazingly still quite secret) conspiracy to (supposedly) "dupe" the world into (supposedly "falsely") believing that atmospheric and ocean temperatures are rapidly rising and the Earth's ice caps and glaciers are melting and that sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate (which of course, they are).....for nefarious reasons that are never quite explained....and no scientist anywhere has ever cracked and confessed and broken the apparently very fierce 'scientific code of silence'.....that is apparently much, much more powerful than the Mafia's puny generations-old, death-threat enforced code of Omertà.

But it makes great distracting theater for the denier cult cranks to try to get people to ignore the actual unfolding climate change catastrophes happening right in front of them, and disregard the scientific warnings about what is coming soon as the result of still accelerating global warming and its consequent increasingly disruptive climate changes.

all, every, you need a new job. You can't claim something you have no evidence of so please stop using words like all and every when referring to climate science. It's just flat ass wrong you stupid fk.Judith Curry doesn't believe and she is a member of one of those organizations, so you're busted on one scientist. fk off.
[How so? I'll pay attention to AGW cultists when they start living in tents and ride bicycles. And stop posting on the internet. Hypocrites are not to be taken seriously.

If you want to live in a cave and hump trees for mother Gaia, that's your problem, you unshaven stinky hippy.

Just don't try to force us to join you, 'kay? We like modern technology. That's why we liberals are making sure the energy to power modern technology will be there, unlike all of you "we have no plans for what to do when fossil fuels run out, so into the caves we'll go!" denier cultists.
ditto to you. You want to pay more money for your fake energy, go for it, but don't push your stupid fkn ideas on others. comprehend-eh?
Another "peer reviewed" study... This is why Al Capone's jury wasn't made up of 12 Mafioso.

Almost as retarded as ol' JustCrazy and the moronic nonsense he spews, as he just did.
Who do you believe "changed the name"? Was there a pronouncement? Do you not believe that global warming would be part of global climate change? When a major portion of what is going on are secondary effects of that warming: ice melt, glacial shrinkage, increasing weather intensity, sea level rise, timing changes in numerous biological systems - that a broader term might be more accurate?

And when you say that "global warming was... bullshit" are you claiming that it has not warmed? Do you believe global temperatures today are the same as they were at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?

Do you believe global temperatures today are the same as they were at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution

Only cults believe in something.

Do you have data that it was not?

Lets see the day to day temperature records in 1760 in Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Lousville .....
Who do you believe "changed the name"? Was there a pronouncement? Do you not believe that global warming would be part of global climate change? When a major portion of what is going on are secondary effects of that warming: ice melt, glacial shrinkage, increasing weather intensity, sea level rise, timing changes in numerous biological systems - that a broader term might be more accurate?

And when you say that "global warming was... bullshit" are you claiming that it has not warmed? Do you believe global temperatures today are the same as they were at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?
Only cults believe in something.

ROTFLMFAO......that might tie with some of your other bullshit for the title of 'the stupidest thing you've ever said', bearbutt.

So you consider all Christians to be cultists? LOLOLOL. You pathetic loon!

How about people who "believe" the sun will rise in the east tomorrow? Are we cultists too?

And everybody else on the planet (except you) who "believes" that if they drop something, it will fall downwards? Are we all part of 'The Gravity Cult'?

Do you have data that it was not?

What do you think, moron?


Sources: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis, NASA, accessed January 25

Like many people with very low intelligence, bearbutt, you seem to imagine that you can somehow 'reason out' scientific issues better than all of the real scientists based only on your own abject ignorance about not only science itself, but also about all of the factual evidence the scientists are using and the sources that data is based on.....and also with you completely lacking in any apparent reasoning skills whatsoever because you are apparently very, very retarded, as well as completely ignorant.

You are a joke!
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Who do you believe "changed the name"? Was there a pronouncement? Do you not believe that global warming would be part of global climate change? When a major portion of what is going on are secondary effects of that warming: ice melt, glacial shrinkage, increasing weather intensity, sea level rise, timing changes in numerous biological systems - that a broader term might be more accurate?

And when you say that "global warming was... bullshit" are you claiming that it has not warmed? Do you believe global temperatures today are the same as they were at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?
Only cults believe in something.

ROTFLMFAO......that might tie with some of your other bullshit for the title of 'the stupidest thing you've ever said', bearbutt.

So you consider all Christians to be cultists? LOLOLOL. You pathetic loon!

How about people who believe the sun will rise in the east tomorrow? Are we cultists too?

Do you have data that it was not?

What do you think, moron?


Sources: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis, NASA, accessed January 25

Like many people with very low intelligence, bearbutt, you seem to imagine that you can somehow 'reason out' scientific issues better than all of the real scientists based only on your own abject ignorance about not only science itself, but also about all of the factual evidence the scientists are using and the sources that data is based on.....and also with you completely lacking in any apparent reasoning skills whatsoever because you are apparently very, very retarded, as well as completely ignorant.

You are a joke!

Give me raw data of 1760 in Chicago, Detroit and the rest of america, put up or shut up.

Take your proxys and shove them up your ass.....just saying :)
Who do you believe "changed the name"? Was there a pronouncement? Do you not believe that global warming would be part of global climate change? When a major portion of what is going on are secondary effects of that warming: ice melt, glacial shrinkage, increasing weather intensity, sea level rise, timing changes in numerous biological systems - that a broader term might be more accurate?

And when you say that "global warming was... bullshit" are you claiming that it has not warmed? Do you believe global temperatures today are the same as they were at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?
Post the temperatures, not adjusted indexes, from just one location, and let us have a look. Temperature always changes, so your point is not valid.
Who do you believe "changed the name"? Was there a pronouncement? Do you not believe that global warming would be part of global climate change? When a major portion of what is going on are secondary effects of that warming: ice melt, glacial shrinkage, increasing weather intensity, sea level rise, timing changes in numerous biological systems - that a broader term might be more accurate?

And when you say that "global warming was... bullshit" are you claiming that it has not warmed? Do you believe global temperatures today are the same as they were at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?
Only cults believe in something.
ROTFLMFAO......that might tie with some of your other bullshit for the title of 'the stupidest thing you've ever said', bearbutt.

So you consider all Christians to be cultists? LOLOLOL. You pathetic loon!
How about people who believe the sun will rise in the east tomorrow? Are we cultists too?
And everybody else on the planet (except you) who "believes" that if they drop something, it will fall downwards? Are we all part of 'The Gravity Cult'?

Do you have data that it was not?
What do you think, moron?


Sources: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis, NASA, accessed January 25
Like many people with very low intelligence, bearbutt, you seem to imagine that you can somehow 'reason out' scientific issues better than all of the real scientists based only on your own abject ignorance about not only science itself, but also about all of the factual evidence the scientists are using and the sources that data is based on.....and also with you completely lacking in any apparent reasoning skills whatsoever because you are apparently very, very retarded, as well as completely ignorant.

You are a joke!

Give me raw data of 1760, put up or shut up.

Take your proxys and shove them up your ass.....just saying
And there's another great example of the kind of reality denying Republican-rightwingnut denier cult 'Theology' that the OP talked about.

The poor retard can't understand the science or why climate scientists use proxy temperature measurements in their studies of all of the times before thermometers and other instrumental records, but he is sure that he knows more than the actual scientists because his high priests on FauxNews told him so.
Who do you believe "changed the name"? Was there a pronouncement? Do you not believe that global warming would be part of global climate change? When a major portion of what is going on are secondary effects of that warming: ice melt, glacial shrinkage, increasing weather intensity, sea level rise, timing changes in numerous biological systems - that a broader term might be more accurate?

And when you say that "global warming was... bullshit" are you claiming that it has not warmed? Do you believe global temperatures today are the same as they were at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?
Only cults believe in something.

ROTFLMFAO......that might tie with some of your other bullshit for the title of 'the stupidest thing you've ever said', bearbutt.

So you consider all Christians to be cultists? LOLOLOL. You pathetic loon!

How about people who "believe" the sun will rise in the east tomorrow? Are we cultists too?

And everybody else on the planet (except you) who "believes" that if they drop something, it will fall downwards? Are we all part of 'The Gravity Cult'?

Do you have data that it was not?

What do you think, moron?


Sources: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis, NASA, accessed January 25

Like many people with very low intelligence, bearbutt, you seem to imagine that you can somehow 'reason out' scientific issues better than all of the real scientists based only on your own abject ignorance about not only science itself, but also about all of the factual evidence the scientists are using and the sources that data is based on.....and also with you completely lacking in any apparent reasoning skills whatsoever because you are apparently very, very retarded, as well as completely ignorant.

You are a joke!

I forgot to mention to you, like I posted here at least 20 times, I am a God Damn expert on analog and digital temperature controllers do to my job in plastics for the past 33 years. Some plastics are extremely heat sensitive like acteal and can become explosive..

So again what's more accurate


Or this


Or this


Or fucking this



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Who do you believe "changed the name"? Was there a pronouncement? Do you not believe that global warming would be part of global climate change? When a major portion of what is going on are secondary effects of that warming: ice melt, glacial shrinkage, increasing weather intensity, sea level rise, timing changes in numerous biological systems - that a broader term might be more accurate?

And when you say that "global warming was... bullshit" are you claiming that it has not warmed? Do you believe global temperatures today are the same as they were at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?
Only cults believe in something.
ROTFLMFAO......that might tie with some of your other bullshit for the title of 'the stupidest thing you've ever said', bearbutt.

So you consider all Christians to be cultists? LOLOLOL. You pathetic loon!
How about people who believe the sun will rise in the east tomorrow? Are we cultists too?
And everybody else on the planet (except you) who "believes" that if they drop something, it will fall downwards? Are we all part of 'The Gravity Cult'?

Do you have data that it was not?
What do you think, moron?


Sources: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis, NASA, accessed January 25
Like many people with very low intelligence, bearbutt, you seem to imagine that you can somehow 'reason out' scientific issues better than all of the real scientists based only on your own abject ignorance about not only science itself, but also about all of the factual evidence the scientists are using and the sources that data is based on.....and also with you completely lacking in any apparent reasoning skills whatsoever because you are apparently very, very retarded, as well as completely ignorant.

You are a joke!

Give me raw data of 1760, put up or shut up.

Take your proxys and shove them up your ass.....just saying
And there's another great example of the kind of reality denying Republican-rightwingnut denier cult 'Theology' that the OP talked about.

The poor retard can't understand the science or why climate scientists use proxy temperature measurements in their studies of all of the times before thermometers and other instrumental records, but he is sure that he knows more than the actual scientists because his high priests on FauxNews told him so.

Proxys are god Damn estimates, you can't get day to day, month to month temperature data you science illiterate moron.
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Who do you believe "changed the name"? Was there a pronouncement? Do you not believe that global warming would be part of global climate change? When a major portion of what is going on are secondary effects of that warming: ice melt, glacial shrinkage, increasing weather intensity, sea level rise, timing changes in numerous biological systems - that a broader term might be more accurate?

And when you say that "global warming was... bullshit" are you claiming that it has not warmed? Do you believe global temperatures today are the same as they were at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?
Only cults believe in something.

ROTFLMFAO......that might tie with some of your other bullshit for the title of 'the stupidest thing you've ever said', bearbutt.
So you consider all Christians to be cultists? LOLOLOL. You pathetic loon!
How about people who "believe" the sun will rise in the east tomorrow? Are we cultists too?
And everybody else on the planet (except you) who "believes" that if they drop something, it will fall downwards? Are we all part of 'The Gravity Cult'?

Do you have data that it was not?

What do you think, moron?


Sources: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis, NASA, accessed January 25
Like many people with very low intelligence, bearbutt, you seem to imagine that you can somehow 'reason out' scientific issues better than all of the real scientists based only on your own abject ignorance about not only science itself, but also about all of the factual evidence the scientists are using and the sources that data is based on.....and also with you completely lacking in any apparent reasoning skills whatsoever because you are apparently very, very retarded, as well as completely ignorant.

You are a joke!
I forgot to mention to you, like I posted here at least 20 times, I am a God Damn....
".....retarded lunatic with delusions of competence"

Yeah, we know!

expert on analog and digital temperature controllers do to my job in plastics for the past 33 years. Some plastics are extremely heat sensitive like acteal and can become explosive..
So again what's more accurate
View attachment 69333
Or this
View attachment 69335
Or this

Or fucking this
View attachment 69335

So....let us know when you build your time machine and go back with your gadgets and get good instrumental temperature records for the last few thousand years....until then, I'll stick with the scientific evaluation of the combination of all of the various proxie temperature records that scientists can decipher....which includes, but is not limited to, ice cores, tree rings, sub-fossil pollen, boreholes, corals, lake and ocean sediments, and carbonate speleothems.
Who do you believe "changed the name"? Was there a pronouncement? Do you not believe that global warming would be part of global climate change? When a major portion of what is going on are secondary effects of that warming: ice melt, glacial shrinkage, increasing weather intensity, sea level rise, timing changes in numerous biological systems - that a broader term might be more accurate?

And when you say that "global warming was... bullshit" are you claiming that it has not warmed? Do you believe global temperatures today are the same as they were at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?
Only cults believe in something.

ROTFLMFAO......that might tie with some of your other bullshit for the title of 'the stupidest thing you've ever said', bearbutt.
So you consider all Christians to be cultists? LOLOLOL. You pathetic loon!
How about people who "believe" the sun will rise in the east tomorrow? Are we cultists too?
And everybody else on the planet (except you) who "believes" that if they drop something, it will fall downwards? Are we all part of 'The Gravity Cult'?

Do you have data that it was not?

What do you think, moron?


Sources: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis, NASA, accessed January 25
Like many people with very low intelligence, bearbutt, you seem to imagine that you can somehow 'reason out' scientific issues better than all of the real scientists based only on your own abject ignorance about not only science itself, but also about all of the factual evidence the scientists are using and the sources that data is based on.....and also with you completely lacking in any apparent reasoning skills whatsoever because you are apparently very, very retarded, as well as completely ignorant.

You are a joke!
I forgot to mention to you, like I posted here at least 20 times, I am a God Damn....
".....retarded lunatic with delusions of competence"

Yeah, we know!

expert on analog and digital temperature controllers do to my job in plastics for the past 33 years. Some plastics are extremely heat sensitive like acteal and can become explosive..
So again what's more accurate
View attachment 69333
Or this
View attachment 69335
Or this

Or fucking this
View attachment 69335

So....let us know when you build your time machine and go back with your gadgets and get good instrumental temperature records for the last few thousand years....until then, I'll stick with the scientific evaluation of the combination of all of the various proxie temperature records that scientists can decipher....which includes, but is not limited to, ice cores, tree rings, sub-fossil pollen, boreholes, corals, lake and ocean sediments, and carbonate speleothems.

Well since you "believe" in proxys so much (and they all have their limitations like tree rings for example are effected by a host of growing variables including volcanic erruptions)

Why do you ignore as it is suggested by tree ring proxys that the Roman period was warmer then today?

Tree rings suggest Roman world was warmer than thought


1) I don't give two shits if Rome was warmer than today. That's not the point. Rome was not warming as quickly as we are today. You've heard this dozens of times. It's not the absolute temperatures, it's the RATE OF CHANGE.

2) The US Constitution will not have a single period altered by our acceptance of the Paris Climate Accord. That's not how treaties work and you have successfully demonstrated your general ignorance - and your failure to take the simple measure of looking up the correct answer - for all to see.
My wife would like to know how, you believe, the Paris accord will require the contravention of the US Constitution.

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