Global warming slowdown linked to cooler Pacific waters


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Matt McGrath By Matt McGrath Environment correspondent, BBC News


Scientists say the slow down in global warming since 1998 can be explained by a natural cooling in part of the Pacific ocean.

Although they cover just 8% of the Earth, these colder waters counteracted some of the effect of increased carbon dioxide say the researchers.

But temperatures will rise again when the Pacific swings back to a warmer state, they argue.

The research is published in the journal Nature.

Read more w/links @ BBC News - Global warming slowdown linked to cooler Pacific waters

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That is not possible. The scientists did a thorough investigation and have told us that only CO2 has an effect. Oh, and aerosols to make their models work. Sarc off
Something there is phrased a bit wrongly, as there is no warming slowdown. There's just heat warming the oceans instead of the air. Warming is still warming, whether it be water or air.

Now, if one denies the oceans exist, once could then proceed to declare warming had stopped. But if one is rational enough to admit oceans exist, one is then basically forced to admit warming is ongoing. It's only by pretending that there are no oceans can someone try to convince themselves that there's no warming.
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Oceans exist. Warming as described by Trenberth does not.

That's your denier cult delusion, but since you're a scientifically ignorant pissant posting clueless drivel on a two-bit political forum and Dr. Trenberth is a world renowned climate scientist who has published many peer reviewed scientific papers in major international scientific journals, who cares about your idiotic uninformed opinions?
That is not possible. The scientists did a thorough investigation and have told us that only CO2 has an effect. Oh, and aerosols to make their models work. Sarc off

You know very well that no one has said any such thing.
All we know for certain is CO2 is warming the planet, even if the planet refuses to cooperate with the AGW Cult Theory
Oceans exist. Warming as described by Trenberth does not.

That's your denier cult delusion, but since you're a scientifically ignorant pissant posting clueless drivel on a two-bit political forum and Dr. Trenberth is a world renowned climate scientist who has published many peer reviewed scientific papers in major international scientific journals, who cares about your idiotic uninformed opinions?

The ocean ate my global warming! Wahhhh! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Oceans exist. Warming as described by Trenberth does not.

That's your denier cult delusion, but since you're a scientifically ignorant pissant posting clueless drivel on a two-bit political forum and Dr. Trenberth is a world renowned climate scientist who has published many peer reviewed scientific papers in major international scientific journals, who cares about your idiotic uninformed opinions?

The ocean ate my global warming! Wahhhh! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The usual infantile response from ol' CrazyFruitcake.

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