Global Warming: The BIGGEST LIE Exposed

The "NIPCC"? A handful of fossil-fuel funded shills? Yes, that will surely convince everyone.

The founder of that group, Fred Singer, previously worked for the tobacco companies denying that second-hand smoke is linked to lung cancer. He's also denied that UV exposure is linked to skin cancer, as part of his ozone-depletion-theory denial. That's the level a scientific quality we're looking at.
actually, the Earth is slowly warming.

Actually, the Earth is rapidly warming at an accelerating rate, as greenhouse gases levels continue to rise at an increasing rate. The current warming will only seem "slow" in comparison to future warming rates in this century and beyond. BTW, the 'global warming' of the Earth includes not just surface air temperature increases but also ocean and land temperature increases, and melting ice.
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AL CARUBA?!?! Are you kidding me? Jeez, man. You need to have a look at the viewpoints that flaming idiot has expressed over the years.

He's been sufficiently stupid as to have earned a Wikipedia article:


In the late 1970s Caruba founded the PR firm The Caruba Organization, and in 1990, the National Anxiety Center, which identifies itself as "a clearinghouse for information about 'scare campaigns' designed to influence public policy and opinion" on such subjects as global warming, ozone depletion and DDT.[1][2][3] From 1984 until 2004, he ran The Boring Institute, a "spoof" satirizing the media by releasing annual lists of the year's "boring" celebrities.[4] From 1994 until 2004, he was director of communications for the American Policy Center.[3] He is an adjunct scholar at the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, a wise use think tank in Bellevue, Washington.[3][5]

Caruba's clients have included corporations, publishers, think tanks, trade associations, chemical and pharmaceutical companies and other organizations.[3][6] In the 1970s he "helped introduce" the insecticide Ficam.[7] Since the late 1980s, he has been the PR counselor for the New Jersey Pest Management Association.[3] Former clients include Hyatt Hotels and chemical companies Van Waters & Rogers and BFC Chemicals.[8]

He identifies himself as a "founding member" and "charter member" of the National Book Critics Circle, that is, a member since its founding in 1974.[2][9] Caruba is also a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, American Society of Journalists and Authors and the National Association of Science Writers.[3][10]


Caruba states that global warming is a "fraud" and that "universities across America have entire departments and units devoted to keeping the global warming fraud alive."[11]
Caruba is also critical of the United Nations. He calls the UN the "epicenter of modern antisemitism" and says "the UN has no right to exist."[12]

In an interview on The Daily Show, Caruba said that the US might have to invade the entire continent of Africa, because of its high Muslim population.[13]


In the 1970s Caruba published a book of poetry (Pocket Books) and a novel (Dell Publishing), along with two book collections of his commentaries -- Warning Signs (2003) and Right Answers (2006), both published by Morrill Press. He also maintains, a website devoted to new fiction and non-fiction.

Under the auspices of the National Anxiety Center, Caruba writes a weekly column called "Warning Signs", which his company says is widely excerpted on such conservative news and opinion websites as, the Free Market News Network, and Axcess News.[2] Caruba also contributes opinion pieces to consumer and trade magazines and newspapers such as The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Providence Journal, and The Washington Times.[3]

Published works

Caruba, Alan (2003). Warning Signs. Bellevue, Washington: Merril Press. ISBN 0-936783-35-4.
Caruba, Alan (2006). Right Answers. Bellevue, Washington: Merril Press. ISBN 978-0-936783-48-2.
You might go back in there and find where the man earned the qualifications that anyone should be inclined to listen to the man. It's more than a little thin.
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actually, the Earth is slowly warming.

Actually, the Earth is rapidly warming at an accelerating rate, as greenhouse gases levels continue to rise at an increasing rate. The current warming will only seem "slow" in comparison to future warming rates in this century and beyond. BTW, the 'global warming' of the Earth includes not just surface air temperature increases but also ocean and land temperature increases, and melting ice.

a lifetime of epic fAiL.............



Hey West.....Frank......check out how rigged this shit is........

The U.N. has charged the IPCC with weighing the evidence on climate change in an objective manner. The problem is that numerous IPCC personnel have ties to environmental groups, many of which raise funds by hyping the alleged dangers of climate change. This relationship raises a legitimate question about their objectivity.

The examples are legion. Donald Wuebbles, one of the two leaders of the introductory first chapter of the Working Group 1 report (a draft of which may be released next Monday), has been writing awareness-raising climate change reports for the activist Union of Concerned Scientists for a decade. Another chapter of the full IPCC report, "Open Oceans," is led by Australian marine biologist Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, who has written a string of reports with titles such as "Pacific in Peril" for Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Astrophysicist Michael Oppenheimer, in charge of another chapter of the IPCC report, "Emergent Risks and Key Vulnerabilities," advises the Environmental Defense Fund (after having spent more than two decades on its payroll).

University of Maryland scientist Richard Moss is a former fulltime WWF vice president, while Jennifer Morgan used to be the WWF's chief climate change spokesperson. Both are currently IPCC review editors—a position that's supposed to ensure that feedback from IPCC external reviewers is addressed in an even-handed manner.

Donna Laframboise: Warming Up for Another Climate-Change Report -

A closed society of hoaxsters. You have to be born last Monday to buy this kind of fraud..........hard to find anything more phoney. Yet the k00ks continue to buy it hook, line and stinker.
The "NIPCC"? A handful of fossil-fuel funded shills? Yes, that will surely convince everyone.

The founder of that group, Fred Singer, previously worked for the tobacco companies denying that second-hand smoke is linked to lung cancer. He's also denied that UV exposure is linked to skin cancer, as part of his ozone-depletion-theory denial. That's the level a scientific quality we're looking at.

right, becasue being beholden to wwf et al is so much up, a return to the future, ice age coming, watch in another 10 years we'll be back on that crap......well, wait, I should be starving by now, the population bomb and all that....well, I am hungry, think I'll go make a steak :rolleyes:

oh and dare say, what does the hallowed IPCC say about the stand still in temps? :eusa_whistle:
Hey West.....Frank......check out how rigged this shit is........

The U.N. has charged the IPCC with weighing the evidence on climate change in an objective manner. The problem is that numerous IPCC personnel have ties to environmental groups, many of which raise funds by hyping the alleged dangers of climate change. This relationship raises a legitimate question about their objectivity.

The examples are legion. Donald Wuebbles, one of the two leaders of the introductory first chapter of the Working Group 1 report (a draft of which may be released next Monday), has been writing awareness-raising climate change reports for the activist Union of Concerned Scientists for a decade. Another chapter of the full IPCC report, "Open Oceans," is led by Australian marine biologist Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, who has written a string of reports with titles such as "Pacific in Peril" for Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Astrophysicist Michael Oppenheimer, in charge of another chapter of the IPCC report, "Emergent Risks and Key Vulnerabilities," advises the Environmental Defense Fund (after having spent more than two decades on its payroll).

University of Maryland scientist Richard Moss is a former fulltime WWF vice president, while Jennifer Morgan used to be the WWF's chief climate change spokesperson. Both are currently IPCC review editors—a position that's supposed to ensure that feedback from IPCC external reviewers is addressed in an even-handed manner.

Would you care to compare that sort of thing to the associations, the funding and the activities of your sources?
More on the fraud from the upcoming IPCC Report >>>

Global warming believers are feeling the heat ? Telegraph Blogs

As Ive been saying for the heart of the matter? The computer models are totally bogus!!

Compared to your computer models?

What you are denying is the obvious. Your opinions are merely what you want to be true. They are 100 percent unsupported by evidence. Pure politics.

The IPCC effectively invented climate science and has all of it, all of the data, all of the resources and research on their side.

Only a fool would believe that what he wants to be true with no evidence that it is, stands up as more likely than all of the climate science known to mankind.
"The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself."
- Club of Rome,
premier environmental think-tank,
consultants to the United Nations
"We need to get some broad based support,
to capture the public's imagination...
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts...
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest."

- Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports
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"We've got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy."

- Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation

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