Global Warming: The BIGGEST LIE Exposed

“The data doesn't matter. We're not basing our recommendations
on the data. We're basing them on the climate models.”

- Prof. Chris Folland,

Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research
Now that you've addressed your conspiracy theories, where's some science behind what you want to be true?
The Earth doesn't give a fuck about your stupid theory

two hottest years in recorded history are 2010 and 2005.

Yeah, when you falsify data like Hansen you can make people believe almost anything. Of course the fact that there were more over 100 degree days in the 1930's....and by a lot is immaterial to your little fiction.

And FYI even Hansen amended his little tall tale and 2010 was demoted to number 9. I don't recall what he demoted 2005 to but it was even lower than that so you might want to get a little more current.
The Earth doesn't give a fuck about your stupid theory

two hottest years in recorded history are 2010 and 2005.

Yeah, when you falsify data like Hansen you can make people believe almost anything. Of course the fact that there were more over 100 degree days in the 1930's....and by a lot is immaterial to your little fiction.

And FYI even Hansen amended his little tall tale and 2010 was demoted to number 9. I don't recall what he demoted 2005 to but it was even lower than that so you might want to get a little more current.

I believe you're talking America alone...Not world wide. ;) 1930's were hot during the 30s for America.
two hottest years in recorded history are 2010 and 2005.

Yeah, when you falsify data like Hansen you can make people believe almost anything. Of course the fact that there were more over 100 degree days in the 1930's....and by a lot is immaterial to your little fiction.

And FYI even Hansen amended his little tall tale and 2010 was demoted to number 9. I don't recall what he demoted 2005 to but it was even lower than that so you might want to get a little more current.

I believe you're talking America alone...Not world wide. ;) 1930's were hot during the 30s for America.

America had, and could again, the most extensive weather station coverage on the planet, so yes that was for America... but as has been shown with the MWP, the odds are that it was a global phenomena...
Yeah, when you falsify data like Hansen you can make people believe almost anything. Of course the fact that there were more over 100 degree days in the 1930's....and by a lot is immaterial to your little fiction.

And FYI even Hansen amended his little tall tale and 2010 was demoted to number 9. I don't recall what he demoted 2005 to but it was even lower than that so you might want to get a little more current.

I believe you're talking America alone...Not world wide. ;) 1930's were hot during the 30s for America.

America had, and could again, the most extensive weather station coverage on the planet, so yes that was for America... but as has been shown with the MWP, the odds are that it was a global phenomena...

The odds are NOT that it was a global phenomenon because the data quite clearly say otherwise.

I love the way you and yours demand that every jot and tittle for data/studies/info that contradicts your opinion but play Loosey-Goosey, the Master's Version, when you think it supports your twisted ideas.

And you the Man of Science hereabouts...
"No matter if the science of global warming is all phony...
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world."

- Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister of the Environment
"We need to get some broad based support,
to capture the public's imagination...
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts...
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest."

- Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports
Denialists have no compelling story to feed the cult, just conspiracy theories. Unfortunately for humanity, there are many conservatives without critical thinking skills that will follow any conspiracy theory no matter how contrived.
Why do I even bother to start these threads?

The same posters are going to drag out the same propaganda and nobody is going to ever change their minds. :eusa_whistle:
I believe you're talking America alone...Not world wide. ;) 1930's were hot during the 30s for America.

America had, and could again, the most extensive weather station coverage on the planet, so yes that was for America... but as has been shown with the MWP, the odds are that it was a global phenomena...

The odds are NOT that it was a global phenomenon because the data quite clearly say otherwise.

Actually, the data say exactly the opposite: it was a global phenomenon. Where did you get the idea the data said if was limited to Europe, from that fraud Michael Mann?

I love the way you and yours demand that every jot and tittle for data/studies/info that contradicts your opinion but play Loosey-Goosey, the Master's Version, when you think it supports your twisted ideas.

And you the Man of Science hereabouts...

ROFL! The warmist cult has been caught red-handed playing "Loosey-Goosey" with the data. You just got caught.
I believe you're talking America alone...Not world wide. ;) 1930's were hot during the 30s for America.

America had, and could again, the most extensive weather station coverage on the planet, so yes that was for America... but as has been shown with the MWP, the odds are that it was a global phenomena...

The odds are NOT that it was a global phenomenon because the data quite clearly say otherwise.

I love the way you and yours demand that every jot and tittle for data/studies/info that contradicts your opinion but play Loosey-Goosey, the Master's Version, when you think it supports your twisted ideas.

And you the Man of Science hereabouts...

You guys have claimed all along that the MWP was a "localized event" and now, after more than 100 peer review papers have shown that no, it was very clearly a global event you guys are still ignoring that data.

Who are the science deniers here? Oh's YOU!
Denialists have no compelling story to feed the cult, just conspiracy theories. Unfortunately for humanity, there are many conservatives without critical thinking skills that will follow any conspiracy theory no matter how contrived.

AGW fraudsters are the ones with no science and a lot of propaganda as the quotes provided by Skooks amply demonstrate.
Why do I even bother to start these threads?

The same posters are going to drag out the same propaganda and nobody is going to ever change their minds. :eusa_whistle:

You can't change their minds Longknife......they are either religious fanatics or monetarily dependent on the fraud continuing. The fence sitters though...they are the ones who are reading these threads and coming over to our side.

Go on any MSM site with a AGW story and the comments are OVERWHELMINGLY on the skeptical side now. Five years ago that was not true. We are winning, and these drones are helping us to win. Regular folks come on and see them spewing the same old crap and they see how we present new, current studies and they are coming over to our side.

Keep up the good work!

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