Glorifying God?

If there is a god why would it need or want human approval or "gloryfication" ? If I was god I would just fuck with Christians by making thier football teams lose for having the hubris of assuming what I wanted.

Of course that's what you would do if you were God. You are a wicked and cruel man.

Our Heavenly Father, on the other hand, loves us. He created a plan designed to make us happy. His plan involves making us better and refining us through education and trials.

And that's His invitation to all of us. We don't have to be wicked or cruel. Though Him, though we are wicked, we can become Good. Though we are cruel, we can become kind.

He makes bad men good and good men better.

And as we become godly people through the Atonement, we obtain power over the difficulties this life has.

Cockeyed optimist ^^^^^^

You give Mary Poppins a run for her money... :lol:

[ame=]My Favorite Things - Julie Andrews - YouTube[/ame]

Your clip's from the wrong movie.

And actually, I tend to be quite cynical. It's a habit I've been trying to break. Because I do have all the reason in the world to hope because of Christ.

You really should give Him a try. You could be so much more than you let yourself be.
Is it glorifying God discussing/debating God in these forums and doing nothing more in the service of God outside of these forums?

If there is a god why would it need or want human approval or "gloryfication" ? If I was god I would just fuck with Christians by making thier football teams lose for having the hubris of assuming what I wanted.

Dear Huggy: The equivalent of putting God first, is putting the "greater good for all humanity" above our own individual self interests or beliefs which should be harmony not in conflict.

Not all people believe in "personifying" good will in terms of a "God" figure.
but whatever you call the collective good, truth, love or lifeforce that benefits all humanity,
the POINT is to put THAT universal goodness above all, so everything else falls into place.

Does this help to explain it better?
And I agree, the point gets lost and makes no sense if you explain it the way you did.
I would agree that sounds selfish and is NOT about putting the good of all humanity first.
So that cannot be the true meaning of putting God first if you only push for your interests.

One person's pie is another's poison. Ya sure I underget the theoretical concept of "good".

Thing is that it's just not that simple. What makes you cry might make others laugh.

We could go on and on about "good". So... is there a universal human "good"? I suggest that the ultimate "good" is that we should go on and on. Many religions claim there is no human good here on our earth and only upon death can we realize the bounty of faith. That is the definition of stupidity. The boldness of that fraud is breath taking.

For whatever the "lessons" we must muck up they are for nothing if we are not around to have learned from them.

Then we must define who "we" are. Can "we" be honest enough even to do that?

If we cannot strip away the Emporer's Clothes we wear and stand naked for this examination we are lost. You have reduced the study of the human condition to that of a runway fashion show.

Religion is much about defining the "other". "We" have god and you don't etc...

"We" have chosen... nay ..been ordained the correct path and you of course are in error and certainly doomed.

I've narrowed the search for the correct path down to one. Mine.

My "religion" is more true than any of you all's. I have none of that "he said...she said" polluting my guidance.

Whether any of you is correct or even close to correct makes no nevermind. My theology only needs one member.

My "religion" is by definition more perfect than any of yours because I exclude ALL of you and your pretend gods.

If in fact there is any kind of a god I will avail myself to that real and true revelation.

I accept no reflection.. no second hand account.

Since the dawn of recorded time every currency ever concieved had been counterfeited and the fakes faked.

Human beings are if anything liars and fools. So...I will be as true to myself as I can and not even attempt to be true to what others have been told and rarely believe in whole themselves.

I don't believe in forever. I used to but then Paul Allen and Bill Gates and Warren Buffet passed on creating a way for us to live forever and in stead they helped a handfull of REALLY stupid people live a little bit longer. Some, you, may say what they did was "good". Nonsense. What they chose to do with thier wealth may have been the only opportunity apart from government intervention, to discover some form of a "fountain of youth". Thier efforts were in the long run barely more healing to humanity than the pebbles starving African families feed thier children to offset thier hunger.

There may be a god out there somewhere. It does not matter because it may take forever to find it. We will most likely not last forever..certainly not individually.. and it doesn't look good as a collective. go ahead on and amuse yourselves with your gods and I with you.
Is it glorifying God discussing/debating God in these forums and doing nothing more in the service of God outside of these forums?

If there is a god why would it need or want human approval or "gloryfication" ? If I was god I would just fuck with Christians by making thier football teams lose for having the hubris of assuming what I wanted.

So you're saying God is a Steelers fan?
Is it glorifying God discussing/debating God in these forums and doing nothing more in the service of God outside of these forums?

If there is a god why would it need or want human approval or "gloryfication" ? If I was god I would just fuck with Christians by making thier football teams lose for having the hubris of assuming what I wanted.

So you're saying God is a Steelers fan?
no ! huggy's description makes god an angels FAN...THE ONES IN ANAHEIM CA NOT HEAVEN...just to be clear.

One person's pie is another's poison. Ya sure I underget the theoretical concept of "good".

Thing is that it's just not that simple. What makes you cry might make others laugh.

We could go on and on about "good". So... is there a universal human "good"? I suggest that the ultimate "good" is that we should go on and on. Many religions claim there is no human good here on our earth and only upon death can we realize the bounty of faith. That is the definition of stupidity. The boldness of that fraud is breath taking.

For whatever the "lessons" we must muck up they are for nothing if we are not around to have learned from them.

Then we must define who "we" are. Can "we" be honest enough even to do that?

If we cannot strip away the Emporer's Clothes we wear and stand naked for this examination we are lost. You have reduced the study of the human condition to that of a runway fashion show.

Religion is much about defining the "other". "We" have god and you don't etc...

"We" have chosen... nay ..been ordained the correct path and you of course are in error and certainly doomed.

I've narrowed the search for the correct path down to one. Mine.

My "religion" is more true than any of you all's. I have none of that "he said...she said" polluting my guidance.

Whether any of you is correct or even close to correct makes no nevermind. My theology only needs one member.

My "religion" is by definition more perfect than any of yours because I exclude ALL of you and your pretend gods.

If in fact there is any kind of a god I will avail myself to that real and true revelation.

I accept no reflection.. no second hand account.

Since the dawn of recorded time every currency ever concieved had been counterfeited and the fakes faked.

Human beings are if anything liars and fools. So...I will be as true to myself as I can and not even attempt to be true to what others have been told and rarely believe in whole themselves.

I don't believe in forever. I used to but then Paul Allen and Bill Gates and Warren Buffet passed on creating a way for us to live forever and in stead they helped a handfull of REALLY stupid people live a little bit longer. Some, you, may say what they did was "good". Nonsense. What they chose to do with thier wealth may have been the only opportunity apart from government intervention, to discover some form of a "fountain of youth". Thier efforts were in the long run barely more healing to humanity than the pebbles starving African families feed thier children to offset thier hunger.

There may be a god out there somewhere. It does not matter because it may take forever to find it. We will most likely not last forever..certainly not individually.. and it doesn't look good as a collective. go ahead on and amuse yourselves with your gods and I with you.

Do you want to know how many religions there are on earth at any given moment in time?
Count the living life-forms who understand that death is coming.​
:thup: True Story!​

One person's pie is another's poison. Ya sure I underget the theoretical concept of "good".

Thing is that it's just not that simple. What makes you cry might make others laugh.

We could go on and on about "good". So... is there a universal human "good"? I suggest that the ultimate "good" is that we should go on and on. Many religions claim there is no human good here on our earth and only upon death can we realize the bounty of faith. That is the definition of stupidity. The boldness of that fraud is breath taking.

For whatever the "lessons" we must muck up they are for nothing if we are not around to have learned from them.

Then we must define who "we" are. Can "we" be honest enough even to do that?

If we cannot strip away the Emporer's Clothes we wear and stand naked for this examination we are lost. You have reduced the study of the human condition to that of a runway fashion show.

Religion is much about defining the "other". "We" have god and you don't etc...

"We" have chosen... nay ..been ordained the correct path and you of course are in error and certainly doomed.

I've narrowed the search for the correct path down to one. Mine.

My "religion" is more true than any of you all's. I have none of that "he said...she said" polluting my guidance.

Whether any of you is correct or even close to correct makes no nevermind. My theology only needs one member.

My "religion" is by definition more perfect than any of yours because I exclude ALL of you and your pretend gods.

If in fact there is any kind of a god I will avail myself to that real and true revelation.

I accept no reflection.. no second hand account.

Since the dawn of recorded time every currency ever concieved had been counterfeited and the fakes faked.

Human beings are if anything liars and fools. So...I will be as true to myself as I can and not even attempt to be true to what others have been told and rarely believe in whole themselves.

I don't believe in forever. I used to but then Paul Allen and Bill Gates and Warren Buffet passed on creating a way for us to live forever and in stead they helped a handfull of REALLY stupid people live a little bit longer. Some, you, may say what they did was "good". Nonsense. What they chose to do with thier wealth may have been the only opportunity apart from government intervention, to discover some form of a "fountain of youth". Thier efforts were in the long run barely more healing to humanity than the pebbles starving African families feed thier children to offset thier hunger.

There may be a god out there somewhere. It does not matter because it may take forever to find it. We will most likely not last forever..certainly not individually.. and it doesn't look good as a collective. go ahead on and amuse yourselves with your gods and I with you.

Do you want to know how many religions there are on earth at any given moment in time?
Count the living life-forms who understand that death is coming.​
:thup: True Story!​

That's a lot of blame to go around !!! :lol:

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