

Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
IS gonna build cadillacs in CHINA. NOT AMERICA CHINA. THEY still owe us 20 Billion BUCKS too.. way to go obamiecare!
I guess you're okay with outsourcing jobs and avoiding taxes now.
Remember when it was just an ugly smear that conservatives said that GM was going to move to China. Well, they are moving to China.

They shed 76,000 jobs here because they don't need to build cars for export. They hired 6,000 Chinese.

GM got 50 billion in a bailout, and invested only 8.5 billion of it here. You could say American taxpayers paid to build that Chinese plant.

GM turned out to be unwise investment | The Columbus Dispatch
Remember when it was just an ugly smear that conservatives said that GM was going to move to China. Well, they are moving to China.

They shed 76,000 jobs here because they don't need to build cars for export. They hired 6,000 Chinese.

GM got 50 billion in a bailout, and invested only 8.5 billion of it here. You could say American taxpayers paid to build that Chinese plant.

GM turned out to be unwise investment | The Columbus Dispatch

GM built an 800 million dollar plant in NEXICO too AFTER the bailout. Liberals say "fuck AMERICAN jobs"
Jobs is a four letter word to liberals. They are convinced that the last three people left working in the ntion can afford to support everyone else.
Jobs is a four letter word to liberals. They are convinced that the last three people left working in the ntion can afford to support everyone else.

Sorry, Katz, but I beg to differ. And my source happens to be the Vice President of the United States of America whom I heard with my own ears say j-o-b-s was a 3-letter word.
The Chinese can't buy Cadillacs?

Sure they can, Cadillacs made in AMerica by AMERICANS.. That's why I buy Toyota, they're made in America.

Not the way international car commerce works, o naive one.

>> First of all, with the U.S. auto industry on the rebound, American factories are already running full-tilt to keep up with demand in North America. They couldn’t produce more cars if they wanted to. Even if they could, it does not make good business sense to export large numbers of vehicles from the U.S. to China because of the costly logistics involved. Shipping hundreds of thousands of vehicles weighing three or four tons each is not cheap or easy....

General Motors makes a boatload of money in China, where it has a dominant presence. Last year, GM netted $1.5 billion in profit from its joint venture operations with SAIC, China’s largest carmaker. Ford Motor would love to emulate that success, so it is investing billions to expand its China operations, including the introduction of 15 new vehicles by 2015. In August, Ford Chief Executive Alan Mulally traveled to China to mark the groundbreaking of a new $600 million factory, its third in Chongqing, which is Ford’s largest global manufacturing location outside the Detroit area.

But when vehicles spend months crossing the ocean or stored at ports, it&#8217;s harder for manufacturers to respond to changing market conditions. Indeed, ask any global manufacturer and they will tell you they prefer to build cars in the markets where they sell them. That&#8217;s why foreign manufacturers like Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Hyundai, Kia, BMW, Mercedes and Volkswagen have spent billions of dollars to open factories in the United States, close to their customers.<< (Forbes)

We went over this last year in the whole Romney "Jeep moving to China" bullshit.

In fact Chrysler's resurrection of Jeep manufacturing in China (where such manufacture has been established since 1984) is a direct result of its rebound success here. You know, the success that brought over two thousand new jobs in Detroit and Toledo.... building Jeeps?
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So now the wingnuts hate the free market.


Dood. Cronyism is not The Free Market.

Get a grip.

So, the gov't should step in and tell them what to do?

You need to get a grip, princess. Or loosen your grip on that crack pipe.

You're the one who is high on Unicorn Crap.

I just want GM to pay back taxpayers. Also, the exemption from tax laws which allowed them to keep NOLs (not allowed in bankruptcy) to avoid paying income taxes should be taken away. GM got a big government cronyist deal. I don't care what they do with their business as long as I am not paying for it.

I'd never buy one of their crappy cars, so they are completely irrelevant to me except for the taxpayer bailouts.

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