GMOs will make your grand-kids stupid...?

It really is. Bill Gates doesn't eat the food we do. Nor does any of the elites like Obama.
How many people can grow their own food much less each the things you eat when there is no food source? Most seeds don't produce seeds that are not modified to not reproduce. My dad always uses the domesticating of horses as an analogy. First you just put some food out. Then you build a fence with no gate. After that, you add the gate. By the time you get the gate on, the horse don't care because they are being fed.

They are fixing to close the gate on us.
Im lucky. I can walk outside and shoot a deer from my porch and they wont even scatter. I don't live near the best water source, however, I am right at 7000 feet above sea level and have access to snow most of the year.
What troubles me is most are totally dependent on mass produced foods.

Really, how are they dependent upon it? Please explain.

Most people can't grow their own food, the deer population is not enough to fee 300 million people,most people don't have the skill to slaughter animals even if they could get by government regulations.
I eat becasue I'm and I'm hungry because I eat. It's toxic rat poison and it taste so good.
Fun Fact: Monsanto made Agent Orange used in the Vietnam War. Now imagine that crap going into your food. Yeah...that's what I thought.
What troubles me is most are totally dependent on mass produced foods.

Really, how are they dependent upon it? Please explain.

Mass produced foods are the most bountiful. They're sold in every supermarket, and the fact they're mass produced makes them very affordable. You can go to a Farmer's Market or try and buy produce and meats from there, but it's a longer drive depending the distance between you and the farmer's market, they're more scarce, and the products are probably more expensive. So we're dependent because of budget and scarcity of fresh produce.
Anybody with a yard can use it to improve their diet. If they are willing to do the work.

I'm going to this year! I've never really tried before..I've had plants here and there that did well...almost always completely independent of me.

This year, in fact this coming month, I'm putting together a little raised bed. I've picked my spot in the yard...I live on the coast so wind is a problem...also we have lots and lots of crows, snails, slugs, ants...But I'm going to try very hard to get at least a couple of little harvests.

I think easy things that my family zucchini, and maybe green beans. And pumpkins cuz they're fun. And then tomatoes. I can can those things myself, and the kids like them, and they're pretty easy, all things considered.

I'm going to have to put netting up to keep the birds off...there's a gang of crows that hangs out here, watching the back yards for stuff to eat, lol. They torment the hell out of my dogs, who watch them (mostly) from inside.
Anybody with a yard can use it to improve their diet. If they are willing to do the work.

I'm going to this year! I've never really tried before..I've had plants here and there that did well...almost always completely independent of me.

This year, in fact this coming month, I'm putting together a little raised bed. I've picked my spot in the yard...I live on the coast so wind is a problem...also we have lots and lots of crows, snails, slugs, ants...But I'm going to try very hard to get at least a couple of little harvests.

I think easy things that my family zucchini, and maybe green beans. And pumpkins cuz they're fun. And then tomatoes. I can can those things myself, and the kids like them, and they're pretty easy, all things considered.

I'm going to have to put netting up to keep the birds off...there's a gang of crows that hangs out here, watching the back yards for stuff to eat, lol. They torment the hell out of my dogs, who watch them (mostly) from inside.

Just make sure you don't buy Monsanto seeds or plants.

I'm not 100% positive, but I think Burpee seeds are okay.
What troubles me is most are totally dependent on mass produced foods.

Really, how are they dependent upon it? Please explain.

Most people can't grow their own food, the deer population is not enough to fee 300 million people,most people don't have the skill to slaughter animals even if they could get by government regulations.

Good point, government regulations.
So it's not the peoples dependence, it's the government restriction of the people.

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